Chapter XXXIII


Now you're my whole life

Now you're my whole world

I just can't believe

The way I feel about you girl

Like a river meets the sea

Stronger than it's ever been

We've come so far since that day

And I thought I loved you then


6 Years Later...

"Mama," a little voice said from the edge of the bed. Meredith felt a tug on the sheets. She looked over to see a toddler standing happily just in his diaper. His dark brown curls a mess on his head and his bright blue eyes shined up at her.

"Come on baby boy," she said groggily as she lifted him on to the bed. He climbed directly between her and Derek and laid down.

"This is why I told you he is too little for the toddler bed," Derek groaned as he sat up and reached for pajama pants.

"Big boy!" He repeated as he sat up.

"Yes Bray, you are," he smiled weakly at his youngest son.

"Go make the special breakfast pancakes for Ali and Evie," Meredith mumbled.

"I am," he said as he started to leave the room.

"Wait! Throw me a shirt," she said as she held the sheet tightly against her bare skin. In the past 10 years, she still hadn't learned she needed to put clothes on after sex with Derek before bed.

He rolled his eyes, looking around and grabbing one of his blue t-shirts and throwing it at her. He went upstairs and into his son's room, turning on the light and opening the curtains.

"Grayson, wake up and get a shower before your sisters get up and use all the hot water," Derek said before going back down and getting the ingredients out for pancakes. He grabbed chocolate chips to add into the pancakes and began to cook them. He started coffee and made eggs in a separate pan. Meredith came out of their bedroom with Braiden on her hip. She sat him in the high chair and poured a sippy cup of milk.

"Is Grayson in the shower?" She asked as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Yes, they are almost done if you want to get the whip cream out," he said as he checked the other side of the pancake. Meredith went over to the fridge and grabbed the spray bottle of whip cream and frowned when she shook it and it was empty.

"Shit, I forgot we used it all the other night," Meredith blushed slightly at the memory. She remembered everyone saying marriage and kids caused sex to be quick and rare but as time passed they just got more creative.

"Oh well," he shrugged.

"No! Pancakes are a birthday tradition in this house and we are going to keep it that way, I think we have some vanilla icing if that will work," Meredith searched the cupboards until she found a can of unopened icing.

"Is that even still good?" He frowned as he looked at her.

"Yes, now let me do this," she said as she went to the stacks of pancakes, putting two on two different plates as she grabbed a knife and spread the number 10 over both pancakes and put them on the kitchen table. She grabbed the candles and stuck one in each stack. Just as she was finishing, Grayson came down the stairs with his dark brown hair hair still wet and uncombed as he opened the fridge to get something to drink.

"It's time to go wake up your sisters," Meredith said happily as she picked up Bray and started up the stairs. Derek followed along with Grayson slowly tracking along. He was still half asleep, much like his mother normally is but on birthday's she always woke up in a good mood and always adamant about the birthday traditions they had created.

They opened the door and turned on the light to the girl's bedroom. They were both still asleep, Alison was snoring like her mother while Everleigh was curled up in a small ball on her bed.

"Happy birthday girls," Meredith said as she turned on the light.

"Birthday pancakes are waiting on you two," Derek smiled as he stood next to Meredith.

"Sissy, wake up!" Braiden said as he went over to Evie and pulled at her blanket. Alison was the first one to really start to wake up. Her eyes squinted as she grabbed her hair tie and put her messy, dirty blonde hair in a bun.

"I'm awake," Evie groaned from under the blanket.

"Come on, we can't eat until you get up," Alison grumbled as she walked over to her sister and shook her until Evie sat up angerly.

"Run," she said as she threw her blankets off her and chased Alison downstairs as they bypassed Meredith and Derek.

"Girls!" Meredith said chasing after them.

"Your sisters are crazy," Derek shook his head, talking to Braiden as he came downstairs to find Ali and Evie sitting down in front of their plates, Meredith was looking for something in one of the drawers in the kitchen.

"Are you guys going to be in a good mood for your party?" Derek asked as he put Braiden back into his high chair.

"Yes," they both said at the same time.

"Daddy, I wanna stay with aunt Amy tonight," Grayson asked as he sat down in the chair.

"We can ask Amy later. Mer did you find the lighter or matches?" He asked as he looked up at her.

"No, where did we last put it?" She continued to look through all the drawers. Derek looked outside and it was sitting next to the grill.

"Found it," he said as he went outside and grabbed it. He came back and lit both of the candles.

"Never trust me to find that stupid thing," she laughed lightly as she went to stand behind the girls.

"Blow out the candles and make a wish my sweet girls," Meredith smiled as she kissed both of their heads.

"Momm," Ali groaned as she moved away from Meredith.

"You girls will always be my babies," she frowned slightly.

"We are almost preteen's mom," Evie rolled her eyes.

"Doesn't mean you aren't my babies," Meredith replied as she was tearing up a pancake for Braiden.

"Bray is the baby, he's two," Alison said.

"I big boy," Braiden said with a mouth full of pancake.

"You are all my babies," Meredith shrugged.

"Stop arguing," Grayson said with a glare that was exactly like Meredith's.

"I agree," Derek shrugged.

"Fine," Meredith said as she raised her eyebrow at Derek and went to eat herself. They finished their pancakes and both girls raced upstairs to see who would get the bathroom first. Derek went into their bedroom to get a shower. Grayson went upstairs to play in his room. Alison came down the stairs with a look of defeat as she ploped on the sofa.

"Go use your brother's bathroom shower Ali," Meredith told her as she was cleaning up the kitchen.

"My shampoo is in our bathroom," she rolled her eyes.

"Fine," Meredith shrugged as she picked Braiden up and took him upstairs. She looked through his clothes and found a cute green and gray shirt along with light-wash jeans. She put them on him along with green socks. He was babbling away about something as she ran her fingers through his thick curls to allow them to come untangled.

"My sweet boy is growing up," she frowned as she picked him up again and hugged him tightly, kissing his forehead. She put him down and let him walk downstairs with her.

"Now, let's get set up for the party," Meredith said to Bray but she was really talking to herself. She started to set up the drinks and cups along with some snack foods. She had barely over an hour to get it set up because Derek wanted it earlier in the day. Meredith set up streamers on the island and put balloons in a few places including outside on the porch.

Derek came out of their room dressed in a blue button up and casual jeans. His hair was fixed just the way Meredith liked it and he had shaved also which caused him to smell like aftershave when Meredith stopped him and kissed him.

"I love you but you get to finish decorating, I'm going to shower," she said before hurrying into the bedroom. Derek shook his head as he looked around and noticed it was almost fully decorated. Alison was still sitting in her pajama's, playing on the iPad as Evie came downstairs dressed in black jeans and a floral shirt that had red sleeves. Her dirty blonde hair was still wet but brushed. Alison rushed upstairs to get herself a shower before guest started to arrive.

"Daddy, braid my hair please," Evie looked up at him with the sparkle in her eye. He just smiled and nodded his head. He French braided her hair, just like he did Amelia's when he was younger and how he had did their hair a lot since Meredith was still clueless when it came to hair.

"There sweetie," he said as he tied the bottom with a rubber band.

"Thank you," she smiled at him. She looked identical to Meredith other than her blue eyes. He was glad that Alison was also equally as beautiful.

There was a knock on the door before it opened with a little boy come flying in the door past Amelia. Amelia was yelling at him as he almost knocked the huge box from her hand.

"Cooper, I told you to wait on me," she grumbled as she came in after him.

"Sorry, Uncle Derek where is Grayson?" The little brown headed boy asked him.

"Upstairs," Derek pointed as he grabbed the box from his sister.

"Is that our cake!" Evie said excited as she was trying to peek into the box.

"Yes, no looking," he said as he sat it on the counter.

"How's one of my birthday girls," Amelia smiled as she hugged Everleigh.

"Good, where's Uncle Owen and Alyssa?" She asked.

"They should be coming in any minute, Alyssa fell asleep on the way over here," Amelia said as she ran her hand across the braid.

"Ok, I'll go see," she said happily as she ran out the front door.

"I see you are still the master of the French braid," Amelia joked.

"I had enough practice," he rolled his eyes and she laughed as she hit his arm. Owen came in with Evie holding a toddler with bright red hair and freckles all over her face.

"Hi Alyssa," Derek said as Evie brought her over to him.

"Unca Derek!" She squealed as she reached for him.

"Aw I missed you," he said as he took her from Evie.

"I missed you too," she said as she kissed his cheek.

"Go play with Evie and Bray, ok?" He said as he put her down. She nodded and followed Evie who went to get her little brother.

"Hey Owen," Derek smiled as he shook his hand.

"Hey, place looks nice," he looked around.

"Thanks, Mer did most of the decorating," he said as he shoved his hands into the jean pockets. Meredith must have sensed her name because she came out of the bedroom fully clothed in a lavender sweater and black jeans, her hair blow dried and left natural.

"Cristina just texted me and said she's on her way," Meredith said as she went over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

"Is she bringing Zola? I haven't seen her since she was seen at the hospital a few weeks ago," Amelia said, she was the one in charge of her surgery. Alex started an surgery program that brought kids from the rural parts of Africa that normally wouldn't get help with their medical conditions and flew them to get surgery. Zola had spina bifida which Amelia fixed and then Cristina got attached to her very quickly because they thought she had some heart problems but turned out she just had a slight murmur that was harmless and would go away once she was older and her heart had developed more.

"Mhm, and we have to make her feel welcomed because she still doesn't know a whole lot of English but she's learning," Meredith said.

"How old is she again?" Owen asked.

"Nine, she misses home but she is super happy with Preston and Cristina," Meredith smiled.

"Do her and the twins get along good?" Amelia asked.

"Yeah, mostly. She's more close with Alison for some reason but I guess it's because they each have their own set of friends so," Meredith just shrugged.

"Derek, have you checked on the girls present and made sure it hasn't torn anything apart?" Meredith asked as she thought about it.

"What did you get them?" Amelia questioned.

"An Australian Shepherd puppy, it's a few months old and it's adorable," Meredith smiled.

"I'll go check on it," Derek said as he walked outside and Owen followed him.

"I wish I had gotten a puppy for one of my birthday's," Amelia frowned.

"They have been wanting one for years so I finally broke down and agreed to it, she's the sweetest and cutest thing ever," Meredith gushed.

"I can't wait to see their reaction. Is Lexie and Mark coming?" Amelia asked.

"Honestly I depends on how Sawyer is feeling, he's been having a lot of fits when he is around too many people he doesn't know," Meredith explained.

"Well, hopefully he will grow out of it, he has a huge family that he will have to get use to," Amelia frowned.

"I told Lexie that but she's so overprotective which I understand because I was the same way with the girls until Derek really pushed me to get them to socialize and be around people."

"Yes, though Cooper has always been an outgoing baby and child like me, sometimes it's scary how he can just talk to anyone and everyone but he is the light of my life," Amelia smiled.

"That's what happens when you become a mother," Meredith giggled as she covered her mouth.

"A love that could never be broken," Amelia nodded. Derek and Owen came in along with Cristina and Preston and Zola.

"Hi Zola, it's nice to see you again," Meredith smiled as she hugged the girl.

"You too Meredith, where Alison at?" She asked in her Malawi accent.

"She's upstairs I think," Meredith said and Zola made her way up.

"How has it been?" Meredith asked Cristina as she hugged her.

"Good, this being a mom thing isn't that hard," Cristina said.

"Just wait, you didn't have to change dirty diapers and deal with three am feedings but now you get the hormones coming soon," Meredith winked at her. All the men went outside as they all grabbed a beer.

"I can handle that, she's such a sweet girl and I'm happy that Preston talked me into agreeing to adopt her," Cristina smiled at her.

"You guys are officially going to adopt her?" Meredith said shocked and Cristina nodded.

"Congratulations Cristina!" Amelia smiled.

"Thanks. We haven't told her yet but I think she'll be happy," Cristina said confidently.

"I'm happy for you, I honestly never thought you would have kids nor adopt one," Meredith said.

"Well she needed us as much as we need her right now. We are in a good place and I can focus on work and still be a good mother," Cristina said.

"Never thought I would live to see the day where Cristina Yang is a mother," Meredith smiled as she hugged her person. There was a knock on the door and Meredith went to open it. Alex and his very pregnant wife Jo was at the door.

"Hi guys, come in," Meredith stepped aside and let them come inside.

"Wow Wilson, you're about to pop," Cristina commented as Jo stepped inside.

"I'm aware, I have three more weeks to go," Jo groaned as she grabbed one of the waters on the counter.

"Yes, and don't make her angry please," Alex whispered to Meredith and Cristina.

"What did you say?" Jo glared at him.

"Nothing honey," he smiled at her.

"You might want to go find the men," Meredith suggested and Alex left before Jo could explode.

"Have you talked to George?" Cristina asked.

"Not in a few weeks. He's in a disclosed location so he can't talk really," Meredith explained.

"I couldn't imagine Owen being gone again, I feel bad for Izzie," Amelia frowned.

"Yeah, well it is what it is. She seems fine with it but really I think it's killing her not to talk to him much like when he first went in," Meredith said. They were talking more and snacking as Ali and Evie's friends were arriving also.

"Are you going to have all eight of these girls spending the night?" Cristina said with wide eyes.

"Sadly. They begged to have a sleepover and Derek agreed to it," Meredith rolled her eyes.

"I would offer to let you come to our house but I think Derek would kill me," Amelia joked.

"We can leave Owen and I'll come with you, balance it out," Meredith laughed. There was one last knock on the door and Meredith went to open it before Lexie opened the door herself with a brown haired baby in her arms. Mark followed behind her.

"Hey Lex, Mark," Meredith smiled hugging both of them.

"Hey, sorry we are late. Sawyer had a late nap so now he's super happy," Lexie smiled as she bounced him on her hip. His face lit up at Meredith and he let out a giggle.

"My precious little nephew, come here to your favorite aunt," Meredith smiled as she took him away from Lexie. He was happily giggling in her arms.

"I think he's growing out of the shy phase now, he hasn't had a fit the last few days," Lexie said as she brushed his hair with her fingers.

"Told you," Meredith joked and Lexie hit her arm.

"Shut up," Lexie laughed.

"Is dad and Susan coming? I know with what happened with Susan's sister is really hitting Susan hard so I understand," Meredith asked.

"Dad said he was, I don't know about mom," Lexie replied. A herd of footsteps came tumbling down the stairs as Evie and Alison's friends all followed them.

"Mommy, is it cake time yet?" Alison asked.

"Not yet, let's wait for papa ok?" Meredith said and they all frowned at the same time.

"Why don't you guys go play in the back yard and I'll yell when it's time," Meredith said and they all hurried outside.

"Where are the guys?" Jo asked.

"Who knows, probably talking about fishing and outdoors," Meredith shrugged.

"Men are weird," Cristina rolled her eyes.

"Hey I'm not that bad," an older mans voice said as he came through the front door.

"Of course not dad," Meredith smiled slightly as she went over and took the present from him, hugging him also.

"How's mom?" Lexie asked him as she hugged him.

"She's doing as best as she can, you know how close she and Mary were. She sends her love to you guys and all the kids," Thatcher smiled lightly then a whole herd of kids came barreling through the house along with all the men. Alison and Everleigh both ran and hugged Thatcher.

"Papa!" They both said as they hugged him.

"Happy birthday girls," he smiled, patting their backs as he held them a second longer than normal.

"Thanks, now can we do cake?" Alison asked.

"Pleasee!" Evie begged.

"Alright, Derek can you get the cake?" She asked him and he nodded as he went to grab it. The kids were at the table, the girls sat next to each other and their friends gathered around them. Derek sat the huge tie-dye cake in front of them and they both lit up as they saw it. Derek lit all ten of the candles and everyone started singing happy birthday as Derek went to stand next to Meredith, putting his arm around her.

"Our girls are growing up," she whispered as she looked up at him.

"All of our kids are growing up," he said back to her.

"Bray isn't allowed to grow up yet," she giggled as she looked at the toddler who just looked up at his sister's.

"Agreed," he chuckled as he kissed the side of her head. Never would he imagine his life being the way it was now. Married to the love of his life with four beautiful children who are all very intelligent and much like their mother. He never thought he would fallen in love with his intern and had an adulteress love child but it was the best thing that had every happened to him.

Author's Note: This is it, the very last chapter of this story. I can't believe that we finally made it to Meredith and Derek's happily ever after. I am so grateful for all of you and how great you have been with the reviews and the favorites. I loved reading all the kind words from you all. It has been a rollercoaster writing this but I'm so glad with how it turned out, I wouldn't change a thing. Again, a huge thanks to everyone and a special thanks to Patsy, who never failed to review on every chapter and kept me wanting to write more. Much love to all of you, it's been a wild ride.

P.S. I am currently trying to brainstorm and come up with a good plot for my next story and I'm not sure when I will start writing it, but when I do I will post it as soon as possible.