A/N: So, I just realized that this chapter has been done since November of 2016 and I have no idea why I didn't post it sooner.

I'm not sure how many of my readers are still out there, or if posting this will be a waste of my time but I've had a few messages asking about this story and when it's going to be updated so here you go!

One last note, to the person that reviewed as a guest, please keep in mind that this is just a story! It's not real, or based on real events and it's being told from Bella's POV. She wouldn't have known what was going on behind the scenes and if had to switch POVs or get into all that detail then this would be a long and boring story!

As for Bella calmly going back with Edward, I'm not sure what you meant by that? It took her awhile to understand everything and it was James' arrest that helped her make the final decision. If I was in Bella's situation I wouldn't want everyone freaking out over small things, I would want my normal life back. But it's up to you if you want to read it. I accept criticism but it would be helpful if you didn't make it as a guest so I could PM you instead of dealing with it this way!

Okay, rant over :) Enjoy the chapter!

'Cause all I know is we said hello

And your eyes look like coming home

All I know is a simple name, everything has changed

All I know is you held the door

You'll be mine and I'll be yours

All I know since yesterday is everything has changed

"Who is this?" I demanded. The voice was unfamiliar and it caused shivers to run through my body.

"Ah, even after all those hours we spent together you don't remember my voice?" I had a feeling who it was.

"Alec, why are you calling me?"

"Dearest Isabella, I am your friend. I'm just a friend checking in on a friend. I'm hurt to you think so horribly of me."

"What do you want? I'm in the middle of something." I demanded; I was tired of his mind games.

"Are you enjoying your spaghetti? Don't lie to me Isabella, I know you are finished eating. In fact, your plate is completely bare."

I couldn't stop the gasp that escaped my lips and was too slow to catch the phone as it slipped out of my grasp. I quickly turned around to look through each window, expecting to see Alec's piercing gaze, but each window was the same as the last; empty.

Edward was no longer in my line of sight as he set about cleaning off the table which I was about to do moments before. Just as I was about to reach for my phone which surprisingly was in perfect condition, even after the fall, I felt as though someone was watching me and I could feel a presence behind me. Standing straight once the phone was in my hand, I slowly turned around so my back was facing the dining room again.

"Good-bye Alec," I whispered into the phone, having trouble finding my voice.

"I wouldn't hang up just yet. I have some exciting news for you, but you should really receive this news alone. Go tell your precious Edward you are unwell and need to lie down, then walk to the guest bedroom at the end of the hallway; the last door on your left. Don't let him or your children follow you." His words sent an uneasy feeling through my body. "What are you waiting for Isabella? The clock is ticking."

I briskly walked towards the kitchen where I knew Edward would be, pocketing my phone so it was out of sight.

"Edward honey, I don't feel so good. I'm not sure if the baby agrees with spaghetti even though I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you for a wonderful dinner, I'm going to lie down for a few minutes to see if it will settle my stomach." I didn't sound one bit convincing, and Edward's brow furrowed as if he knew I was lying directly to his face.

Looking over his shower at the girls still eating quietly, I beckoned him towards me with the bottom of his shirt. He quickly got the hint and closed the gap. With one hand between our stomachs, I attempted to write the words, 'help', 'Alec' and 'phone' on his perfectly chiseled stomach. Looking directly into my eyes, I sent a silent prayer that he would understand what I meant.

As I begin to pull away he didn't release his hold on my body, now trapped between his strong arms. I connected my eyes to his and I knew he understood there was something wrong. I shook my head slightly to let him know not to follow me but from the past few days, I knew that he would find a way to do just that.

Once I had reached the room Alec had described and entered, closing the door behind me, I held the phone to my ear again, "I'm here Alec, what do you want?"

I waited for a few seconds but was met with silence on the other end, "I'm done playing your games Alec. James is out of my life for good, he's in jail where he belongs and I'm back with my family. You should be in there beside him for withholding this information from the police and going along with a criminal. You are just as bad as-"

"As who? Finish it, I dare you." My breathing skipped when I heard a voice behind me and a hot breath fanning over my neck.

"Leave me alone," I whispered, although it was meant to sound fiercer. One arm snaked around my stomach while the other was placed on my neck.

"You see, I would love to adhere to your request Mrs. Cullen, but I work for James and he is very pissed right now. Don't worry though, once the judge finds him 'not guilty' of any of the charges against him, he will be free and you will be his again along with his precious baby."

"Over my dead body. James will never lay a hand on my baby." I hissed, struggling in the slightest and wondering briefly if I screamed, would Edward be able to hear me without alerting the girls.

Alec laughed in my ear, "It's a shame really, I offered to take you from this hell-hole you're living in, but he wouldn't hear of it. He said something about wanting to take you himself when he was released." He ran his nose along the side of my neck, "I must say, it's very tempting though."

Footsteps echoed down the hallway along with childlike giggles, "Come back here you, you're dripping wet!" I heard Edward say in a teasing tone. Just as I was about to scream for help, a hand slapped over my mouth.

"Ah, ah, I wouldn't do that if I were you. You see there are people watching your precious children and the second I give the command, they are going to take them straight out from under Edward's nose. He won't know what hit him." Slowly he removed his disgusting hand from my mouth. It took all my energy not to bite it.

"Please just let me go, you got your point across and I won't tell Edward anything," I begged, desperately wanting him to leave my children and husband out of this. "This is between me and James, not the girls or Edward." I paused, choosing my words carefully, "When…when he's released I'll…I'll go home with him, without a fight." I quickly swallowed back the bile that threatened to escape upon saying those words but if it keeps my girls and Edward safe, I'll risk my life.

Alec paused, pondering over my offer before finally releasing me and pushing me towards the bed. Just narrowing missing falling face first onto the bed, I quickly moved so I was sitting against the headboard, furthest away from him at the moment.

"I'll think about your offer, of course, I'll have to pass it by James, but I can't see him rejecting it." He laughed menacingly. He moved to walk towards me when the doorknob began to jiggle slightly. He quickly moved towards the closet with one last glare towards me before the door burst open revealing Edward and the girls, him balancing one in each arm.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you sweetheart, but the girls were getting ready for bed and requested you come tuck them in," Edward said as he put them both down, only for them to run towards me and attempt to climb on the bed.

"I couldn't sleep anyways, in fact, I was just about to come find you and get ready for bed myself." I prayed my voice didn't show any sign of fear knowing Alec was only feet away from Edward in the closet.

Addison was the first to crack a smile when she finally managed to get on the bed, Avery, on the other hand, started clapping when she felt Edward's strong hands lift her up and place her next to her sister.

"Ready for bed, my precious little girls?" I asked, placing a lingering kiss on each of their foreheads. They nodded sleepily as each one yawned.

Edward took that as his cue to lift them both into his strong arms again and while balancing both on one side, he offered a hand to help me off the bed.

As we exited the room, I felt a pair of eyes burning a hole in the back of my head. I knew for a fact the Alec would return at some point and that it wouldn't be that last threat I received from James, especially after that deal I made with Alec.

After one final kiss on Avery and Addison's head, Edward joined me in my place by the door as I stood watching our girls fall into a deep slumber. My thoughts were running a mile a minute and I know Edward could tell there was something bothering me. As he wrapped an arm around my waist to lead me to our bedroom, I couldn't will my feet to move due to the fact that Alec may still be lurking about the house without my knowledge.

With one last look towards their sleeping forms, I leaned on Edward's shoulder and let him guide me to our bedroom just down the hall. Even feet away from their bedroom, I knew that tonight would be a restless one for me.

Once inside our room and in bed, I turned to face Edward, despite my ever growing stomach between us and just stared at his bright green eyes.

Edward must've sensed my worry as he ran a hand down my face, then interlocking our fingers, "What's got you so worried, beautiful?"

"Just…everything that has happened the past few weeks have caught up with me I guess. I'll sleep a little better at night knowing James is locked away for a long time after the trial takes place."

"Speaking of the trial, Garrett is returning home tomorrow morning and he said he would be ready to speak to you about everything that has happened, including any charges you wanted to press against James, within the next few days. The trial is set for next month; when I was talking to the officer, he had informed me about the date." Edward gave me a sad smile, knowing how stressed I was over this whole thing.

"I just want all of this to be over, and for us to go back to our normal lives." The tears threaten to spill over and despite my efforts, I couldn't keep them at bay. Edward noticed my soft cries and pulled my tighter to his body, wrapping protective arms around my waist as he kissed my forehead in a gentle manner.

"Don't worry sweetheart, with Garrett on your side, you have no worries about James seeing the light of day for a long, long time. I have faith in him that he will pull all of the cards and lock James away for many, many years, if not, for a lifetime. While I'm still walking this earth, you'll have no worries about anything happening to you, our girls or our unborn child."

I tilted my head towards him to make sure I heard him correctly, "Our unborn child?" I couldn't hold back the smile when I felt him nodding his head.

"Of course, I may not have made him or her, but DNA doesn't stop the love I have for this child that will be every part mind as it will be yours."

As the tears of sadness turned into tears of joy, I somehow managed to form the three most important words to my loving, amazing husband, "I love you."

"I love you too, goodnight baby."



Days flew by in a blur of excitement as I got our little family's routine down path. Between dance and swimming lesson to play dates and daycare, I felt exhausted by the end of each day as Edward and I climbed into bed together once we kissed our children goodnight for the tenth time in a row.

Even though Edward had warned me not to overdo it and exert myself, I didn't want to sit back and watch our children's lives go by and I not be a part of the hustle and bustle of their busy days. Ignoring my protests, Edward had also taken a few days off to spend with me while I got used to the busyness of their lives and to give me a break after the trauma I had experienced over the past few months, or so he told me.

It was a Wednesday morning when I got the call from Garrett. We had just said goodbye to both the girls after dropping them off at daycare and was about to go shopping for some birthday gifts for them. Seeing I missed both of their birthdays, after discussing it over with Edward we've decided to throw them a mini joint party with just some family and friends to celebrate their big day.

"Hi Bella, how are you?" Garrett started, which made me slightly nervous.

"Good, and you?"

"Good, good, listen I've been meaning to get in touch with you about the details of the trail and just now getting around to it after being off for a week. When would be a good time to drop by and see me?" I looked towards Edward who had heard Garrett's words and mouthed 'now?' with a shrug.

"We just dropped the girls off at daycare for a few hours, we can pop by now to see you."

"Sounds good with me, I'll clear my schedule for the next few hours and I'll see you both shortly. Bye Bella."

"See you then, bye."

As I hung up the phone I could feel Edward's hand interlock with mine between the seats. I looked at our intertwined fingers to his worried gaze questioningly but not minding the support one bit.

"You were shaking," he explained. "Did you want me to come with you while you are explaining everything to Garrett?"

Without hesitating, I quickly nodded, "If you don't mind, I don't think I'm strong enough to go through the past seven months alone again."

Edward lifted my hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss on the back of it and smiling at me, "You are the strongest person I know, but I'll go with you so you won't have to go alone. I'm always here for you Bella."

Tears pooled in my eyes again, although this time I blamed it on the hormones, as we made our way to Garrett's office.

Once parked outside in his designated parking spot, I rolled my eyes at that one, we made our way inside the building and through the lobby. I couldn't help but stare in amazement at the success this building had seen compared to my memory of when we had finished decorating it and wrapped the key in a tiny box. If Edward noticed, he didn't comment as he led me towards the elevator.

When we reached Garrett's part of the building, his assistant, Bree, quickly informed him we were here, and that we could go on in. His office was exactly how I remembered it, minus the growing pile of documents on his shelf behind his desk and a few pictures frames decorating the room.

"Edward, Bella, take a seat." He motioned towards the matching chairs in front of his desk and we wasted no time in sitting down. "I don't know the whole story so there are bits and pieces you'll need to fill in for me, but I'm so glad you are both reunited again. Kate never lost hope that one day you will return and when Edward called to tell me the good news, although we were mourning the loss of my grandmother, we were both so happy to hear you were away from James and safe with Edward again."

"You don't understand how hard it was for me to watch him that first night Bella, as soon as I recognized you, I wanted to take you away from that house and kill him on the spot. If it wasn't for Garrett, Emmett, and Jasper, I would probably be the ones rotting away in a jail cell right now." Edward said with a strained voice, and Garrett confirmed it with a nod.

"Hearing the story from other people, I still can't believe he convinced me I was engaged to him and that our wedding was only a week away." I shook my head in disbelief.

"He certainly has a way with words," Garrett said with a sigh. "Did you want to start from the beginning and work your way through the past seven months? I know it's going to be difficult for you but just remember that we can take this in pieces and however long you need. You are one hundred percent safe with us and especially in this building, it's tightly secured."

I nodded my head slowly and began to retell the story I had told Dr. Uley. Right from the moment James walked in my hospital room to our wedding and finding out my 'parents' were in a horrible car accident with no survivors. Both Garrett and Edward listened intently the entire time, with Garrett taking notes along the way. Once I reached the last day of our honeymoon, I stopped and took a deep breath before continuing.

"He changed that night, did a complete 180, he went from being a loving, devoted husband, to being an abusive one. Week after week it would be the same routine over and over. He would leave for work, then end up at a local bar with his friends for a 'few' drinks. A 'few' drinks would always turn into him being very drunk. Once when arrived home, it was me that got the blunt of his anger for whatever he could find to blame me for. It could've been something as simple as a spoon placed in the wrong spot, to the curtains not completely shut. It was always the little things that aggravated him and would cause me pain."

Edward was gently rubbing the back of my hand again by this point as I continued to speak. I must've been shaking and not realize I was doing so as I retold the horrors I've experienced over the past seven months.

This continued for the next hour with me telling everything that had happened during my time with James. It was difficult to continue as some points throughout the story but I knew that if I wanted Garrett to put James behind bars, I needed to tell them everything.

When I was finished telling the last part, leading up to his arrest after he has pushed me in the closet, I looked towards Garrett who was writing profusely on the paper in front of him, then to Edward who was staring at me with red-rimmed eyes and wet cheeks. On instinct, I reached towards him and wiped away his lingering tears before standing from my seat and giving him a much-needed hug. Although I'm not entirely sure which one of us needed it more, him or me?

Once Garrett was done writing, he looked towards me with a sad smile, "I'm so sorry you had to go through all that Bella, you deserve way better than that. Don't worry, I'll do everything in my power to keep him behind bars for a long, long time."

I nodded, returning his smile as he shuffled some papers on his desk then looked towards me again.

"For the trail in a few weeks, I need to know which charges I am presenting to the judge and the evidence behind them. So far, from your story, I have gathered quite a list, not including the large list already against him. I'll give you a few minutes to look down through the list, then we'll go over each one see if you would like to make any changes or add anything, sound good?"

I nodded and mentally prepared myself for the long road ahead, praying that I will come out of it alive and still with my family.

A/N: For those who made it this far, was it worth the wait? If you don't want to review, at least send me a PM or something so I will know that at least 1 person is still enjoying this story?

As always, those that review will get a preview of the next chapter!

And for those that read Because of You, I'm currently 1/2 done the next chapter so expect it within the next few days!

Much love,
Mady xo