It had been a couple of days since he had met Evelyn, but she still hadn't texted or called him yet. Spencer was worried that maybe they hadn't made as strong of a connection has he had thought. He also realized that she could very well be busy trying to find a job and all. She did mention visiting family that night, so she could very well be spending time with them. The waiting was destroying him though. This was a real shot at a relationship with him, and he really didn't want to lose out on it. He decided he should probably try and sleep considering he had to get up and work the next day. The only problem was he couldn't stop staring at his phone trying to decide if he should text her first or not. Just as he placed his phone on his bedside table, however, it began to vibrate. He quickly picked it up to see that Evelyn was calling him. He waited for the phone to ring before he answered so it wouldn't seem like he was watching his phone waiting on a call.

"Hello?" he said when he decided he had waited long enough to answer.

"Hey, Spencer," Evelyn replied, "Sorry it took me so long to contact you. My family stole me away for two days of what they call adventures."

He laughed, "Well, family is important. So what do they consider adventures?"

She groaned in response, "They like hiking and fishing. Nature is great and all, but it's just not for me. I'd rather be reading or writing."

"I'm a fan of reading myself, though I don't read much in English. I also like chess. I used to play with a colleague every time we traveled. He no longer works with the FBI, so I don't get to play as often," Spencer told her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I've tried playing in the past, but I never really got the hang of it all," Evelyn explained to him.

"Maybe I could try and teach you sometime," he offered.

She smiled and said, "I'd like that."

There were so many thoughts running through her head at this point in the conversation. She had never really grasped the concept of chess, but she had no doubt that he could teach her. He'd still win though. She didn't doubt that. She wouldn't be able to focus with such an amazing man sitting across from her.

"It's become such an under-appreciated form of art," he told her, "But, then again, not too many people appreciate any form of art these days.

He couldn't help but smile while talking to her. He was anxious to see her again. It wasn't often you come across someone as amazing as her, and he knew he couldn't miss out on the opportunity.

"Definitely," she agreed, "I have a cousin who doesn't even know Bach or Van Gogh. It's heartbreaking. I showed him some of my favorite pieces by Van Gogh, since he is my favorite artist, but he wasn't even impressed."

"What's your favorite Van Gogh piece?" he asked as he began searching for something on the internet.

"Hmmm..," she said thinking, "My favorite piece is probably 'Flowers in a Blue Vase'"

As she was talking, a plan was already forming in Spencer's mind as he found the website he had been looking for.

"Did you know that there's a traveling tour of Van Gogh's work in D.C. this weekend? Would you… Um.. Would you want to go with me? We could get dinner afterwards," Spencer asked her.

She couldn't control the smile that spread across her face as she said, "That sounds great, Spencer. It's a date."

"Perfect," he answered, "Text me your address, and I'll pick you up on Saturday. Does 2:30 sound good?"

"It sounds perfect," she said with a smile, "It's getting late, Spencer. I hate to keep you up if you have work tomorrow. I need sleep myself. I have a midterm exam in a couple of my education classes."

"Honestly, I'd talk to you all night," he said blushing realizing how forward he was being, "You have a point though. Which classes are your midterms in?"

"Child Psychology and Theories of Education," Evelyn said with a groan, "Those are my two most difficult classes."

"I'm sure you'll do great. Good luck tomorrow though. I'm sure the midterms will be fine. Goodnight, Evelyn Seabrooke. Sweet dreams," he responded.

"Thanks, and goodnight, Spencer Reid. Sleep well," she said.

As she hung up the phone, she curled up in her bed with a huge smile on her face. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have been carrying her books with her that day. She was even luckier to have collided with him in the crosswalk that day. She could only hope her midterms the following day would go just as well. She laid down and fell asleep with a smile spread wide across her face. However, what she didn't realize was that across town, Spencer was lying wide awake with a smile just as wide spread across his face.

Spencer lay in bed thinking about her. He had just met Evelyn two days ago, but the forces of the universe were working in his favor. He had a date with the most amazing woman he had ever met. Van Gogh wasn't exactly his favorite artist, but his work wasn't terrible. He would have gone anywhere just to spend some time with her though, and he had a feeling she would change his opinion or at least give him a different outlook on Van Gogh's work. His mind swam with so many thoughts of how that Saturday with her would be. The thought of just getting to maybe hold her hand and look into those beautiful green eyes again was intoxicating. As his mind swam in thought, he fell asleep with a smile on his face.