AUTHOR'S NOTE: I do not claim ownership of neither series, just some Oc's and some original plots, Enjoy!

Chapter 3: Fight!


"Remember Emily, focus on your surrounding's. . .And always be on your guard!" Explained a man in his mid forties who'd one would think had experienced many battles to his Pupil, a beautiful teenager with cerulean eyes darker than any ocean and long silky golden blonde hair brighter than any sun who stood in a open field scanning the area.

The man then raised his left hand in the air before lowering it down hard as if he were giving a signal! Soon after, three Well built young men surrounded the young women named Emily in an attempt to subdue her while she kept a Stoic expression on her face.

She then went into her own fighting stance as they began their assault, the first one tried to attack her head first...but was met with a nasty seven hook combination to the face before being hit with a devastating uppercut, rendering himself unconscious!

The second one was determined to fight more efficiently than the first by unleashing a barrage of kicks to her while she effortlessly blocked them all. When he was about to strike her neck, Emily ducked in time as she countered with a screw kick to the gut, knocking her opponents air out of his chest before hitting the ground hard.

The third just circled around Emily in hope of finding an opening he could use to his advantage. Sadly, he wouldn't get the chance as she sped towards him at break neck speed before leaping into the air and with one swift strike, connected her foot with his neck as it snapped...completely paralyzing him from the neck up!

Her teacher began clapping his hands in excitement while she wiped the sweat off her forehead as he started walking towards her.

"That was an excellent display of prowess you've shown Emily! Keep up the good work, and 'he' shall promote you to a higher status in his hierarchy!"

"Tch, as I've said countless times General Eisenfaust...I want nothing to do with the likes of 'HIM'!" Emily Leonhardt Told her superior with hidden malice in her velvet voice.

"Do not speak of the Divine Architect like that Emily!, as your Father i-" General Eisenfaust Leonhardt spoke before being interrupted by his daughters sheer condescending laughter.

"Do you honestly believe that Monster is going to be the saviour of our entire race, if you ask me I think it's a-"

"Big sister!" Called out a seven year old with golden locks just like her with the brightest smile on her little cherub face! "Annie, how many times have I told you to never set foot on our training grounds until you're ready and older just like your older sister?" Eisenfaust scolded his youngest daughter as she grew a downtrodden look upon her facial expression.

"Sorry father, I just wanted to see if Emily could tell me another story before nightfall."

"Annie, your sister does not have any Time for such trivial-"

"As a matter of fact, I would be more than delighted to tell you a story dear sister of mine!" Emily reassured her little sister while glaring intently at her so called father for being too harsh on her precious sister. Ever since her mother died, Annie had become the only light in Emily's dark life whilst her father had become nothing but a blind old fool, following orders from a being too sinister to comprehend!

"Shall we head to our usual spot down by the lake?" Emily politely asked her sister before she nodded her in agreement.

They stayed there for what seemed like hours on end enjoying each others company as Emily told Annie many tails from the olden times as they sat by the calm shores of the lake in blissful peace." she stood from afar silently watching him, it was destined that the cornered princess and the mysterious Knight who saved her from the evil giant...began to fall in love with each other, and together...they freed the entire kingdom from the mad kings tyranny! And thus, they were Wed one summer later and lived happily..ever..after!" Emily finally finished her last story of the evening as Annie gazed at her sister in anticipation.

"Wow, do you think my life could ever become a fairy tale big sister?"

"Hehe,I suppose that could happen. Why, you already searching for your handsome prince charming?"Emily teased her little sister.

"Uh-uh, forget prince's...I want a real man like a Knight who will treat me like princess!"

"Oh, so it's a Knight you seek eh? I've should have known...mother was always attracted to men who could handle themselves in a fight!...why she chose our father I will never know!"

The thought of her mother saddened Emily as she sighed staring into the evening sky.

"Emily, about mom.." Annie started as she was always curious about her late mother."did...did she love us?" The question itself broke her heart as Emily turned to face sister before replying .."Yes, she did Annie...she loved you just as much as she loved me...and no matter what happens, she is always watching in spirit..."she couldn't finish as Emily started to break down sobbing while Annie begun embracing her in a heartfelt hug while tears begin to fall from her eyes.



"Promise you'll never leave me...promise?"

Emily stood silent for a moment before answering."I promise...nothing will ever keep me away from you, even if I die trying!" She finished as they both sat in each others company watching the stars appear in the bright night sky!


"To think I was so optimistic back in those days, what a fool I was!" Annie Leonhardt silently told herself recalling her earliest childhood memories as she stood on the rooftops inside the district of trost along with other Trainee graduates who were too busy grovelling in fear!

"Annie!" The voice of reiner broke her out of her train of thought as he and Bertoldt approached Annie, who was standing a good feet away from her poor excuses for comrades.

"Do you have anything to report?" She demanded in an authoritative tone before giving reiner a chance to speak. "The mission was successful, the walls been breached as you can clearly see and the artillery completely dismantled! Though...we did run into a minor setback on the way!"

"What setback?"

"Well, when I managed to break the walls barrier ...I, happened to become under attack" Bertoldt tried to continue, but the thought of his Excruciating defeat at the hands of the mysterious albino Titan shifter made his blood boil to a degree as he clenched his teeth in anger!

"By what?" Annie Demanded as she held back the urge to knock his ass straight into the ground where his face would meet the bitter taste of dirt!

"By...a Titan shifter!" Reiner finished for him as her eyes blinked in disbelief, the chance of another Titan shifter infiltrating the walls were slim to none! Unless...

"I don't believe it!" She answered, brushing off whatever thoughts plagued here mind at the mention of another Titan shifter in the vicinity.

"It's true Annie, and when I see that son of a bitch again, I'm gonna-"


Before Bertoldt could finish his rant about killing the unknown shifter, another voice called out to her as she landed near the rest of the trainees...the voice of her Academy rival: Mikasa Ackerman!

"Mikasa? Weren't you with the rear guard?" One of the trainees asked as she brushed them before coming face to face with Annie.

"Annie, I know how bad things have gotten around here, it's selfish...but a personal matter in the forefront!...but have you seen Erens squad?" Mikasa asked her as if her very life depended on it.

"Some squads made it back, but I don't know about erens!"

"We found Armin, he's over there!" Reiner pointed out Armin's location before she went straight for his location.

Meanwhile, Armin wallowed himself in self pity at the traumatic deaths of Eren and his entire squadron, how was he suppose to inform Mikasa that the only shred of family she had left on this godforsaken earth...was gone forever?

"Armin!" Mikasa called out to him as he snapped to, this was it...there was no way out of telling her the godawful truth!

"Mikasa?...I can't do I tell her what happened to eren?...what's the point?" Armin told himself while Mikasa began to inch closer towards him. "I'm so Fucking useless!...I wished I ...would have died with him!"

"Armin! Are you ok? You aren't are you?...where's eren...Armin?" Mikasa asked her downtrodden friend before he looked deep into her eyes as hot streaming tears ran down his cheeks.

'No, please Armin...tell me eren is alright?' Mikasa silently thought to herself beforehand while her eyes widened in disbelief.

"They were...Cadets of squad 34...Thomas Wagner, Nac Tius, Mylius Zeramuski, Mina Carolina, and Eren Yeager!...These brave five upheld their duties, and they died valiantly in the field of battle!" Armin finished his eulogy as the entire band of trainees couldn't believe what they've heard!

"His whole squad was wiped out!"

"The same will happen to us if we try to take on those Titan's!"

"I'm sorry Mikasa, it should have been me who died, not eren! I...I couldn't even do anything...I'm so worthless!" Armin exclaimed to her in sadness before she kneeled down to his level.

"Armin, calm yourself...we haven't got Time for you to be emotional right now...on your feet!" Mikasa scolded him softly while keeping her usual Stoic face as she helped him off the ground before facing Marco.

"Marco, if we eliminate or bypass the Titans at HQ, we can then refuel our gear...allowing us to get back over the walls correct?"

"Yeah, but there's just so many of them out there! Even with you on point!" Marco added as everyone agrees about how impossible it would be to overcome such a large obstacle!

"I can do it!" Mikasa said.

"But Mikasa, that's suicide!" Another trainee stated before Mikasa raised her blade in the air.

"I'm strong, real strong! None of you could ever come you hear me! I AM A WARRIOR! ...know this, I have the power to slay all the Titan's that block our path, even if I have to do it alone! As far as I'm concerned...I'm surrounded by a bunch of unskilled cowardly worms! You disappoint me, you can sit here with your dicks in your hands and watch how it's done!" Mikasa wasn't going to be dragged down any longer, if they wanted to sit around and wait for their asses to become Titan Chow...then be her guest!

"But Mikasa, that's crazy!"

"There is no way you could ever hope to beat them...ever!"

The response of her "fellow" cadets almost her laugh...keyword "almost!".

"If I can't beat them, I die!...but if I win, I live!...and the only to win, is to fight!" Mikasa finished her speech before ascending into the dark sky, slaying any single Titan that stood in her way, but deep inside her heart...her inner turmoil has only begun to show it's ugly head!

The lone group of trainees stood there silently as Mikasa's words slowly processed into their minds...were they truly cowards just sitting idly by before waiting for their inevitable demise at the hands of the Titan's? ...or were they soldiers, defenders of the last remaining remnants of Mankind!...the choice was obvious!

'Her oratory skills are what's pathetic! Was the point of that speech to shock us into action?" Jean contemplated while making a decision he knew he would regret later...

"Grr, its all your fault eren!...Hey! Were we trained to let our comrades fight alone? At this rate, we're going to turn out to be spineless cowards!" Jean declared to his fellow cadets before following Mikasa's lead.

"I'm surprised I'd hear him of all people say that!" Reiner imputed before giving both Bertoldt and Annie a look that said 'we'll discuss this later!' Before they began to follow suit!

"Hey cowards! Weaklings! Retards!" Sasaha added before flying off with Connie in tow!

"They're nuts!...fuck it!...LETS DO IT!" The remaining trainees began to rally each other before joining their comrades with Mikasa in the lead!

"Hurry, follow Mikasa! Let's keep this fight short!...we need to eliminate them all before we run out of gas!"

Mikasa kept her composure as she cut through every single Titan in her path, but her sorrow from the loss of her last remaining loved one she considered as family slowly began to take over her emotions!

Armin noticed this quickly and from the way she was using her maneuver gear just now was if she simply just lost the will to live!

"She's using up most of her gas supply! At this rate...she'll run out right away! It doesn't matter how skilled she is...without our agility, we can't do anything!"

He then noticed that Mikasa's emotion's were finally taking a toll on her. "She's not her usual level headed self! She wants to drown out her sorrows through violence!...if this continues any further..."

Suddenly, Mikasa's gas finally runs out as she lands in an abandoned alley before looking up into the gloomy sky above her as the sounds of thundering footsteps approaching her location become evident to her!

"I lived a good life!" Mikasa tells herself before closing her eyes softly, just as a pot bellied Titan lifts his blood stained hands to grab her.

But without a moments haste, Mikasa opens her eyes quickly before slicing off one of the beasts fingers off as she is thrown into the wall next to her roughly.

"Huh?...why? I thought I've given up!" She kept telling herself while straggling to get up from the cold wet concrete floor.

"Why am I standing?...why am I struggling?...why? life has no meaning anymore!...WHAT'S KEEPING ME GOING?"

she didn't have a clue why she kept trying to survive, as if her body functioned on auto-pilot!

'Fight...Fight!' Erens words started to scream within her Psyche. "Eren?"

'Fight! must Fight!...fight!...FIGHT!'

His words stung Mikasa to a realization as her eyes started to well with burning hot tears. He was right, she needed to stand her ground even if the foe before her defied all logic...she must fight...She must win...SHE MUST LIVE!

"I'm sorry eren, I won't give up!...I Will never give up Again! If I died...I wouldn't be able to remember I'll win, No matter what!"

Mikasa let out a battle cry before raising her blade behind her, just as she was about to head straight for the Titan...out of nowhere, a sickly green abnormal Titan with a well toned skeletal but muscular structure appeared behind her and struck the pot bellied Titans head straight off his body before unleashing a deadly cry from his skull shaped face!

"Huh?" What Mikasa could muster to say as she witnessed the abnormal Titan in awe, it was like he was the living embodiment of death himself. The most notable feature on his body that she noticed...was a weird unknown green hourglass symbol on his pectoral area!

The Titan then started to proceed to rip the other Titan to shreds violently.

"A Titan...killing another Titan?"

Meanwhile, Armin finally spottted Mikasa in the abandoned alley before scooping her and landing on the safety of the rooftops nearby.

"Mikasa! Are you hurt?"

"Are you guys alright?" Connie interrupted before landing next to them. "Yes!" Armin responded while Mikasa stood silent.

Before Connie could tell them to leave, the Titan then reappeared as three more 15 meters surrounded the abnormal as he looked unfazed.

"Shit! This is bad, four 15 meter Titans are closing in quickly!"

"No!, that Titan in the middle..." before Mikasa could explain even further...the three 15 meters started hanging up on the abnormal...fatal mistake on their part as he went into a battle stance before grabbing one of the Titans arms and swung them at the other two monsters heads before decapitating them both clean off...while he threw the last one in mid air before kicking his head off just as its face met with his foot upon impact!

The three cadets could only stare in shock as the abnormal death Titan let out an unearthly war cry!

"That finished off the other Titans? knew a Titans weak spot!" Armin deducted as both Connie and Mikasa agreed...Who was this mysterious Titan?

AN: So the death Titan has finally appeared! And before anyone asks...yes, eren will still be a Titan shifter, though there will be many twists and turns in this story that you won't see coming! On another note, who else is hyped about the recent chapters of attack on Titan?, not to mention the season two hype of attack on Titan is upon us people! So until next Time, have a happy new years people! FullmetalDeadman93 out! (: