Okay guys. This is an AU. Also,extremely OOC. Re-uploaded.

It was a nice day in the life of Percy Jackson. He was lounging on the couch with his mom's blue cookies. No one but him was home. His Mom and stepdad were out in the city and he doesn't have any chores or jobs that needed to be done. Yup,it was definitely a nice day. That moment was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Percy grumbled and stood up to see who could possibly interrupt such a wonderful and rare time. He opened the door to see his girlfriend standing there arms crossed,foot-tapping against the floor xwaiting impatiently.

"Annabeth,hey. What're you doing here? Is something wrong?"he asked. She was in a different style than she normally was. She was wearing some rather tight clothes(not that there was anything wrong with that). She rolled her eyes and let herself in.

"We need to talk."she said in all seriousness. Uh oh. That is not a good tone. Mad and serious Annabeth is a scary Annabeth.

"Oh? What about?"he asked. He couldn't show her he was nervous. So he sucked it up,put on a brave face and tried not to let his voice crack in front of the blonde.

"Mom doesn't want me to see you. So she grounded me. She was pretty mad that I missed curfew again last night."

Percy grinned. He wasn't bothered by the news at all. He knew Athena Chase wanted to rip his head off of his shoulders for dating her precious daughter. After all,Athena and his dad Poseidon,have a long standing bad blood between them.

"So why are you here? Is the Annabeth Chase breaking the rules?"he asked teasingly.

"Oh,please. Like I would even think of doing that."she rolled her eyes.

Percy raised an eyebrow "What are you doing here,then?"

"Well,there are other exceptions for going out. Like say,a private archery lesson. I'm sure Thalia wouldn't mind covering for me."she said as she moved closer to him. He grinned,knowing what this Annabeth was about to do.

"Ah,Thalia. Remind me to thank her later."

His cousin might kill him for indirectly causing Annabeth to do this but it was so worth it. Besides,it wasn't like Thalia was as innocent as them. He has quite a few dirt that he could use on her for blackmail.

"No one's home,right?"she asked,meeting Percy's eyes. Green on Gray. Their lips were only centimeters apart.

"Not for an hour or two,no."

"Then why are we standing around here for?"

His lips were met with Annabeth's very roughly. Not that he didn't like it. In fact he loved this side of Annabeth. It was a whole new side of her. They clumsily made it to Percy's room,bumping into everything at the process. And just like that,the plate of blue cookies were forgotten when Annabeth pushed him down his bed.

Okay,I know that was short but at least I updated! I'm a very busy boy ya know!