Note: Here's the first chapter.

Chapter 1

In the vast expanse of space floated a single space station, surrounded by multiple ships. It resembled a spherical fortress with multiple gun emplacements visible on many places. The gun emplacements numbered in a little over a hundred, built to destroy targets at long range with the smaller ones built to repel smaller targets. Its hull is mainly silver with 6 additional color linings of red, blue, yellow, purple, brown, and green to represent something common to one galactic government. The six attributes of the bakugan species, the very species that connected humans, vestals, neathians, and gundalians.

Humans are regarded as the most contradictory species with the vestals resembling them. Humans have the capacity to do much evil as well as good. This is proven by the number of criminals that continued to pop out over the years despite lowering the number of circumstances that would force many to turn to the life of a criminal for necessities. Despite this flaw and so many others, humanity continued to strive on for a better future.

Vestals, regarded as the most technologically advanced species out of the Systems Alliance, resembled humans much more closely than neathians and gundalians. Humans and vestals shared a basic appearance with minor differences which allowed the two species to interact easily with each other. Majority of the vestals resided in the Vestal Empire whose monarchy sought to wipe out the stain on their name that made by King Zenoheld.

The name Zenoheld garnered disgusts from many who spoken it. The dead king was regarded as a worst ruler than Barodius and as horrible as Naga. Zenoheld was worse than the former due to his attempts at genocide of possibly three species, one which included his own. He is regarded to be the same as Naga as both would destroy worlds to rule the universe. Luckily, their plans were foiled by the Battle Brawlers.

Neathians, a natural pacifistic race, regarded by the other species as the best mediators to settle conflicts before violence would become a course of action to be taken. Many wondered why, including Neathians themselves, why they tend to be so peaceful. Many speculated it was either genetics or due to their strong monarchy that always adhered to the path of peace. Despite being a pacifistic species, Neathians have been known to be quite proficient as self-defense as evident in their stand against Barodius's invasion.

Gundalians resembled a more aggressive version of humans. Despite this, they are shown to be able to embrace peace as proven during the Gundalian Republic taking place of the former gundalian government. The new government under Nurzak's watch sought to remove the war-like ways that Barodius put into place in order to invade Naethia.

There is also the bakugans. Ginormous beings of immense power, they reside in peace with the other four species. They are categorized in mainly their attributes.

The Strong Pyrus (Fire)

The Tough Subterra (Earth)

The Wise Haos (Light)

The Powerful Darkus (Darkness)

The Tricky Aquos (Water)

The Fast Ventus (Wind)

These are the six attributes in which a bakugan take on.

While the space station has its own defense fleet, it is mainly there to force attacking enemy forces closer to the space station and box them in. While the defense fleet would force them closer to the station, the station would be able to tank damages due to its advanced shielding and dish out damage in return with its own guns and hidden armaments. The space station is given the name Core for it is the center of military power for the Systems Alliance and a meeting place for their political counterpart, the Senate.

Inside the council chamber of Core, a meeting is taking place between the Senate and SA officials.

"This is outrageous, we cannot simply "play nice" with them, Sena. Have you not read the reports? This Turian Hierarchy came to invade one of our colonies thinking they were going to conquer another species and force human to be a client species. They also intended to steal our technology for their own. The fact that they shot first without their Council's knowledge showed how much danger they are to our own people. We got off lucky because they were not prepared for our own brand of warfare." One SA official ranted off, his face showing signs of being in his late fifties.

The man in questioned is human, has black hair showing gray, brown eyes full of sternness, and a small vertical scar crossing his lips. Just like the other SA leaders, he wore the dark blue Systems Alliance dress uniform with the purple emblem on his right breast to signify his affiliation to the Exedra fleet.

"I'm aware of that Fleet Admiral Kang. I'm saying we do not have to associate ourselves any further than we need to." A neathian woman replied.

The female is a senator as her appearance signifies by the formal dress of white and yellow in contrast to the military uniforms.

"What do you mean by that Sena?" The human senator of the group questioned.

In terms of age, the human senator is the youngest out of the entire meeting. The woman is pushing past her late thirties. She wore a pair of glasses that gave her an analytical gleam in her eyes. Her brown hair was kept in a ponytail. All in all, the woman looked quite well for her age and would have attracted eyes to her if not for the serious aura she exuded giving them second thoughts.

"I'm saying Sarah Payton is that my people are wary of another war like the last one over a century ago. An unprovoked attack on our joint colony of Shanxi does very little to spark confidence of peace with the turians. I spoke with many beforehand about moving the recently found mass relay and the one that hinted to be in Earth's solar system. We can use the dimensional technology to move the mass relay into a space nearer to these Citadel races. This is a preferable last resort as I would prefer not having to fight at all." Sena explained.

A gundalian SA officer with the emblem of the Clayf fleet, nodded in approval. "Better to avoid fighting when we aren't fully aware of the Citadel's capability. Their codex can only provide so much information. If their ftl capability solely relies on those mass effect relays then moving them out of our space will surely prevent them from finding our planets possibly centuries if their incapable of finding alternate ways of ftl travel."

"Well said, Zendo. It is best to avoid a war as most wars would end up with bad blood between the differing sides at the end. We are lucky that the original Battle Brawlers put in the effort to pave the way for the bridge of peace between neathians and gundalians over a century ago." A neathian male senator commented.

"I couldn't agree more Senator Jenton." An aged but strong voice commented.

Every head turned to the newest arrival. A red humanoid dragon came into view showing slight signs of aging. Most common features are his forward yellow horn and the blue-green diamond on his chest signifying his unique genetic makeup.

"Ah Drago, it is nice to see you again. We rarely see each other nowadays." Sena said good naturedly with a smile.

Drago smiled back. "True, things have been busy for me keeping peace between all species as the chosen leader of all bakugans. You remind me much of your great-great grandmother Serena Sheen, following her footsteps."

Then Drago's eyes hardened as he peered over the Senate and SA officials. "What is the current verdict on the situation?"

"We're still discussing on how to approach this Citadel Council. Right now, we're leaning over to sending two ambassadors, one bakugan and the other a non-bakugan. This is to explain to them of our relationship between our species." Sarah stated. "We're also discussing whether to use dimension transporters or not to move the mass relays away from Terran's League space."

Drago nodded as he took in the information. "I see wisdom in that. If what I heard about these relays is true then moving these relays will surely disrupt whatever military strategies they have in mind. I'd rather avoid bloodshed if it can be helped."

"There are also concerns with the makeup with the Citadel government and their policies along with the Batarian Hegemony." Kang brought up.

"What of them?" Drago asked.

A look of disgust came over the officers and senators as their mind bring up the information they learned from the Citadel's codex though none was more disgusted than Sena. Neathian culture drilled into Sena and all though interested to favor peace and equality as well as allowing self-defense. Learning the practices of the Hegemony shocked the neathian senator.

What the Hegemony do is trample everything the neathians believed in.

It was unforgiveable.

"The Hegemony hides behind a law of the Citadel to practice slavery to such a degree that you will see it everywhere in their territory. The atrocities done already need not be spoken. The Citadel Council cowers to the pressure of their own laws and hopes to ease slavery out of their culture even though this has gone on for decades and has shown no signs of stopping. Their Council has no backbone unless it is something that they desired for their own agenda and that is already dangerous enough considering unequal representation." Kang explained.

"Hmm?" Drago hinted to continue further.

"There are many member races in their government but only three races each have a seat on the Council. The turian is the military arms of the Citadel, the salarians specialize in science and espionage, and the asari is the oldest race of all member species which makes them the senior member. It also doesn't help that their Treaty of Farixen basically leaves the lower races without their own military though I can see valid reasons for certain species." Sarah added.

"So what you're saying is that if we are coerced into joining, then we will lose much of our military?"

A nod from the SA officers affirmed this.

Drago sighed. "This is troublesome; our people will no doubt protest against this as military is always a necessity in case major fighting breaks out. I move that we send two ambassadors to establish a formal relationship between our alliance and their government. We will remain as a sovereign power respecting their laws to the best of our ability while vice versa."

A round of ayes was given though some were reluctant.

"What of our proposition to move the relays?" Zendo asked curiously.

"I'd say that we hold off on that until we see how our interaction with the Citadel Council turns out. Best to have patience before acting." Jenton suggested.

Everyone agreed to that right away.

"Who will be our ambassadors?" Sarah asked curiously.

"I volunteer myself since I am part of the Bakugan Special Force as that is no secret amongst you all. It would do to ensure our ambassadors have some manner of authority." Drago declared.

"Who will be the other?" Sena wondered.

"I have a suggestion." Kang stated.

The Exedra Fleet Admiral brought up a file with one name.

Jack Harper.

Many eyebrows rose up at that.

"Mr. Harper is a friend of mine whose skills at manipulation can be quite troublesome to face in politics though he preferred espionage work. I give you my word that he can be quite manipulative without his opponent realizing it. This edge of his is held back by his dear wife who is quite a loving neathian. How he and her ended up together still baffled me." The admiral added.

Zendo nodded. "We'll review his profile as you suggested. Now, let's go over the other terms that we must prepare for the ambassadors to bring up with this council."

With that, the Systems Alliance and Senate set out to work out favorable terms that would allow peaceful time to continue to the best degree.

However, one thing is certain; war never changes. Just the faces of those who fight in it.

Note: Drago's form is his Helix Dragonoid form because I found his other evolutions completely unnecessary and excessive. This will go to be an AU since not playing the games would make it hard for me write canon storyline and I've always like writing different things.