I push the shades up and rub my face. "I-I'm fine." I stammer out trying to get back on my feet. The sun is seriously against me today. It's just so damn hot. Gravity gets the best of me and I'm helpless as my body turns to led and begins to fall back to the ground

Natsu quickly grabs me and holds me up. Or at least I think it's Natsu, everything's getting fuzzy around me and it's getting hard to focus.

"Woah, you okay?!" He shakes me, but I can barely register his touch as things grow more out of focus until everything turns completely black.

I jolted out of my sleep and someone screamed then something crashed beside me.

"Jesus christ Lucy! What the hell?!" Natsu stood up and picked the chair that was knocked over. "You scared the hell out of me!"

"S-sorry... I didn't mean to scare you, I just haven't been feeling that well today." I feel like absolute shit. "I thought it as a hangover but I wasn't even that drunk. If I'm being completely honest."

Natsu sat back down in the chair and felt my forehead. It was odd how gentle his touch was, it made my heart race. "Hm, you don't feel hot. Maybe you are just hung over?" He brushed the hair out of my face and stared into my eyes.

"M-maybe you're right." Oh god I have to get out of here before bad things happen. I broke our eye contact and swung my legs off his insanely comfortable bed with reluctance. "Sorry again for the trouble I've caused you."

"See ya later Luce."

Luce? Such an odd nickname.

An strange enough when he says it; I like it.

After I left Natsu's house, I went straight home and showered. I just want to relax after this hectic day. So much happened that I went straight to sleep as soon as I laid my head on the pillow.


A few weeks had passed since the whole ...incident between Natsu and I. He hadn't really said anything to me since then, just a couple of sly remarks and smirks thrown at me.

"What the hell are you eating? Are you high?" Juvia watched me in disgust as I sprayed another mini-pickle with cheese whiz and popped it into my mouth.

"That's not normal Lu-chan." Levy said twirling on one of my bar stools.

"Don't knock it until you try it guys it's actually amazing." I stretched out further onto my couch, I've literally been here all weekend because I haven't found the motivation to move. I guess all this constant partying is starting to catch up to me.

"Yeah, no thanks." Juvia said, continuing to stare at me in silence.


She shook her head and placed her hand on her chin in confusion. "Is it just me... or are you boobs getting a little bigger?"

I sat up and pushed my boobs up but regretted it soon after, it hurt like hell! "Ow! What the heck?!" Maybe my time of the month is coming because they're seriously tender.

"Is it your period?"

I nodded my head and laid back down. "I think I'm getting sick too. I haven't been up for partying for 2 weeks straight now. The only other parties I went to after Natsu's was Sting's party and Cana's. Maybe it's staring to wear down my energy."

"Wait a minute... Lu-chan; isn't your period a bit late? I usually start a day or two after you." Levy said, walking over to the couch across from me.

"And?" I wasn't really getting where she was going with this.

"I had my period almost a week and a half ago. You're late." She slouched back on the couch staring at me.

I sat up when the realization hit me. I did indeed miss my period. I haven't thought too much of it because I've been too exhausted to care, but I have been cramping... "No."

Are you kidding me?!

"Lucy?" Juvia called out to me, standing as soon as I sat up.

"No, no, no, no, no..." I grabbed my hair in frustration as I wracked my brain to recall when the last time I had sex was.

It wasn't Sting's party because I took Juvia home.

It wasn't Cana's because I simply wasn't interested in having sex.

And then it hit me all at once...


"I can't remember." I whined leaning back into my plush couch.

"Remember what Lu-chan?" Levy now had a certain edge to her voice, like she knew what I was going to say but too scared for it to be true.

"I can't remember if me and Natsu used protection or not." I said biting my lip.

Juvia stood up in her chair suddenly. "LUCY! Are you serious?!"

I wish I wasn't. "Do you see me laughing?"

Levy let out a sigh and ran a hand through her hair. "Lu-chan are you sure? If you are then you need to talk to Natsu about this. Asap."

Juvia tossed me my phone and bit her fingernails as I dialed Natsu's number.

I rung for a while and I held my breath, hoping he wouldn't answer. When I finally decided to hang up a groggy voice picked up.

"... Hello?"

"Um Natsu?"

"Luce do you know what time it is?"

Actually I don't. I look at my clock and it says 2:14 a.m. When did it get this late?

"S-sorry to call you this late but we really need to talk." I take a deep breath to calm my nerves.

"Can't it wait until tomorrow? Or like when the sun is actually up?"

"It kind of can't... We need to talk about it... like right now."

He groans and it sounds like he's sitting up. "What is it Luce?" I bit my lip as I listen to his silky voice, slightly deeper and groggy from sleep.

"You remember the first night we met right?"

"You mean the night you told me to never speak of to anyone?"


"Well? What about it?"

"Um... Do you remember us using protection? Because I sure as hell don't."

The line went silent for a long time and I looked over to Levy and Juvia nervously.


Yep. I'm so totally screwed. I didn't know what else to say so I held the phone to my ear.

"Send me your address. I'll be there in 10 minutes." Natsu said and hung up the phone.

I dropped the phone on the couch after I sent him my address.

"So?" Juvia says sitting next to me.

"So... he's coming over I guess." I still don't know what else to do so I just sit there.

Levy-chan stands up and grabs her things. "Well you guys need some time alone to... figure some things out. Let's go Juvia."

Juvia stands up and pats my shoulder. "Call us as soon as he leaves."

Levy-chan nodded in agreement. "Even if we're sleep. Keep calling."

"Mmhmm." Great, I can't even for coherent responses anymore. It's like my brain is here and working but my thoughts are all muddled up and I don't know what to do.

"We love you Lu-chan."


I barely register the sound of the door closing after they leave. What the hell am I gonna do if I'm really pregnant? How does Natsu feel about all of this? We barely know each other yet we may be having a child together? How could I be so irresponsible?!

Natsu arrived moments later with a bag in one hand and McDonalds in the other.

"Hey." I said as I stared at the floor awkwardly.

"Hey. Mind letting me in? Food's getting cold." He said gesturing to the McDonalds bag.

"S-sorry." I move out of the way and let him inside.

He sets everything down on my table and turns to look at me. "So we definitely didn't use protection."

"How are you so sure?" I take the oreo mcflurry and fries he hands me and mumble my thanks. It's so weird that he got my favorite things. I then realize that he just got me whatever he got himself when he pulls out the same thing.

"Well, I used up a box last week. But I still had one full box left in my drawer." He dipped a few fries in his mcflurry and stared at me.

"Ooookaaayyyy...?" I wasn't really understanding his logic.

"Luce. There were only four condoms left in the box that I used up last week. Me and you went 3 rounds that night, trust me I wouldn't forget about that. 10 come in each box I should have 7 left but instead I have 10."

"So maybe you went more rounds with the girl than you thought you did." I shoved a few fries in my mouth and stared back at him.

He shook his head and put his food down. "It was four girls. I went one round with each. They were quickies."

I rolled my eyes and groaned. Such a man whore. "Well is just great."

Natsu shook his head and rummaged through the other bag he brought. "Only one way to find out now." He tossed me a box and bit his lip.

"A pregnancy test... You seriously went to the store and bought on yourself." The most expensive one at that, geez Natsu.

He shrugged. "We need to know as soon as possible so we know where to go from here."

"And if it's positive?" Which is the question of the day.

He didn't say anything else, just twirled a fry in his ice cream.

I let out a shaky sigh and took the test into the bathroom. I tore open the box and followed the instructions carefully. I placed the stick on the sink and waited for it to beep. When it did beep I hesitantly picked it up as if I would attack me.

...Two lines.

Maybe the batteries are dying or something. I take the other test to make sure.

... Two lines again.



No way.

There's just no way right?

I stare at both of the test again.

... Still two lines, technically four.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no. T-this has to be a lie... You've gotta be shitting me." I braced myself against the edge of the sink. This couldn't be happening, this can't be true. Trying to swallow the lump in my throat, I choked on my tears.

There was no way to change this, no way to take it back. I had a human being developing inside of me...

I was pregnant.




IM SO VERY SORRRRYYYYYYYY. I've been gone for like DECADES I know! I'm deeply sorry.

But I've joined the army guys so I've been MIA for quite some time. Trying to balance the army and college is pretty tricky by itself so I had to put my writing on hold for a very long time. But alas I am free and I've been itching to return.

Please forgive me I can't apologize enough for leaving you hanging.