
"And what is an adorable girl, such as yourself, doing at a school designed to train warriors?"

Ozpin could still remember the fervor with which Ruby spoke when she told him why she wanted to be a Huntress. He had been amused when she told him that she already knew who he was. He wheeled over to the window. He could see the whole campus from his office. The dorms, the classrooms, the battle arena, the cafeteria...

"Professor Ozpin?" Glynda's voice shook him from his reverie.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Taiyang just called. Qrow is safe at home."

"Good. He'll need some time to get his strength back. Has he filed a report?"

"No. He's been sleeping since he got back last night. Taiyang will tell him when he wakes up."

"I'd like to know what he found out there."

"As would I, Oz."

"Is that all?"


"Then you'd best head to the cafeteria. There seems to be a gigantic food fight in progress."

Ozpin could hear Glynda's heels clatter against the floor as she ran out of his office. The corners of his mouth turned up in a smile.

"Good to know that my brother is alright." A woman said.

"Hello Raven." Ozpin replied. "What news do you have?"

"It's so much worse than we knew."


Heya. Thanks for taking the time to read my RWBY fic. I'm writing this fic because I love the RWBY-verse and I really love writing, and basically those two loves collided. This is obviously a super short first chapter, so I'm publishing it at the same time as the second chapter (and maybe the third? I don't know if I'll get through the third fast enough tonight. It's kinda late and I'm already tired.). The chapters are gonna be short for perhaps the first ten or so chapters, and then I'll try to make sure that they're at least a few thousand words each. Anyways, thanks for reading!
