Disclaimer: I do not own naruto nor the characters kishimoto-sensei does


"Itachi no niichan!"

Everyone are all looked surprised as they've heard the seventh's voice calling the man In front of them wearing anbu clothes as each and everyone from the hospital we're all looked In horror hearing the man's word(niichan) knowing that the seventh said It In his childish way.

"N-niichan? Since when did you start calling me niichan?"

Sasuke looks at him blankly that no words can express his feelings towards to his beloved best friend whom now Is scratching at the back of his head as the shame started to come up with him that he'd almost forgotten his position as the seventh hokage of the village. Sasuke sigh and face the man In front of him.

"Did someone reincarnates you again?

"You mean another villain who had wanted to start another war?"

Followed question coming from naruto. Sasuke was all looked gloomy seeing the most Important person of his life reminiscing the feelings of how he will lose his brother again the feeling of losing the one he loved the most.

"I'm going to lose him again. I'm going to see him again one more time disappeared right In front of my eyes. The feeling of losing him again even If It already happened I just can't get used to It"

"No... I think the question Is who did revive me?"


The both fathers are all looking at him confusingly as Itachi decided not to say another word but Instead he pulled one of his kunai and cut his Index fingers as the bloods starts drifting down to his wound that leads to the both man standing In front of him wide In shock.


"Y-you mean your a human again? Itachi no niichan?"

"N-niichan again? Ah! Nevermind... well I guess you could say that?"

Sasuke Is so happy just like how his chest swelling and mind blown as his two eyes stare at the percentage just like how his heart Is jumping up and down like a frog. Squeal him and enjoy the moment as he reached the point of wanting to hug his brother cheerfully hearing those words(human again). The greatest thing that had ever happened to his entire life except when sarada was born that was no unexceptional. For him sarada Is his life. Sasuke broke the excitement as he put himself together to think for a conclusion such as reviving human.

"W-where Is sarada?"

Sakura Is laying on the bed trying to get up as sasuke helps his wife. Sakura was sleeping whole night not knowing anything about her daughter. She smiles gently at her husband and asks him about sarada In where sasuke clear his throat as he gave his wife a gloomy look on his face that cause of her smile disappears. The only sound that left behind the door Is a loud cry with full of sadness. Sakura cried all night leaving her husband worried too much until she passed out. Sasuke left his wife Inside her room as he met his best friend.

"Where's niisan?"

"He said He wanted to visit sarada for a while"

"I don't know naruto. I don't know anymore. I don't know If I'm going to feel happy or not. I never felt so happy when I've heard that niisan Is alive I'm so happy as I reached the point of wanting to hug him and not wanting to lose him again but all those happiness Is pointless knowing that my daughter Is- Is..."


Naruto pat his best friend from his shoulder trying his best to cheer him up specially when he's at the bottom of his sanity blaming himself for putting his beloved daughter In her state. He feel like his drowning himself In peroxide but that won't clean what's Inside In his battered soul. Naruto smiles at him a smile that everything Is just fine.

"Thanks naruto you've always been there for me even In my worst case scenario your still there"

"Of course. That's what brothers are for. I told you didn't I? We're brothers"

"Tch. You've always been a brother to me. Baka"

While the both of them are having their conversation the man not too far from them heard everything as he forms a smile seeing his brother whom completely changed as the complacent came over him.

"Thank you naruto. You fulfilled your promise"

It's late In the evening In where the three of them are In the middle of a dark forest In where they took a rest before they headed to their destination at orochimaru's hideout In which they can find some Information about his brother's case and to find a cure for sarada's condition. They make a fire as the three of them sat on the ground. Naruto Is all look grumpy looking at Itachi In annoyance as sasuke ask him.

"What's wrong naruto?"

"Nothing. It's just that Itachi no niichan looks younger than us. That's why I can't help It calling him niichan In where I decided to used chan even more openly"

"Ah! Yeah! Now that you mentioned It. How come you look younger than us niisan?"

"I don't know either. This Is my last form after I died"

"Last form? When was that Itachi no niichan?"

"When sasuke and I fought"

Sasuke becomes speechless after he heard his brother's words while looking down on the ground remembering that battle. A battle In where It all started. A battle with full of Illusions and deceitful. Itachi and naruto saw his expressions of him In where Itachi bit his tongue for being so Insensitive brother while naruto hit his head for being so stupid to come up with It. Itachi Immediately come up with another topic to erase this Intensify atmosphere.

"So sasuke your hair had gotten longer?"

"Ah! This! I decided not to cut this to hide my left eye"

"Your left eye? What happened?"

"I'm hiding my rinnegan"


"Ah! Yeah! Sasuke and I become the reincarnation of Indra and ashura"

"Both of you become the reincarnation of the God?"


They both answered him one at a time as the man In front of them Is all looking surprise knowing how proud he becomes that his brother had gotten stronger and so as his brother's rival and now they're protecting the village using their marvellous strength. After he found out everything about their last battle with madara obito and kaguya. Itachi was amazed hearing those fascinating stories of how they manage to save the world from Infinite tsukoyomi. He was like a child listening to a child's story telling. After that they fall asleep from a long chat.

It's early In the morning as they proceed to their destination at orochimaru's hideout. They have finally arrived from their destination as sasuke leads them In where orochimaru Is. From their long way at the entrance they met karin whom runs at him and hug him like a maniac.


"Ah! It's her again!"

"What do you mean It's me again huh? I don't care If your a hokage of your village your still-"

"What ya say? Huh?"

"Quit It you two!"

Sasuke shouts at them to make them stop as the sweat drop came over from Itachi seeing them like a total troublesome children. Karin faces the man of her dreams In where she moves her glasses upside down and narrow her eyes as she noticed someone's missing and starts grinning evilly.

"Your not with sakura?"

"I can't brought her with us"

"Why? You wanted to spend sometime alone with me?"

"What? Is she out of her mind? If she tries to steal sasuke from sakura-chan even If It's too Impossible for that to happen I swear- I swear to kamisama they're will be another war"

"What? I thought my brother Is already married with his childhood classmates and teammates? Did I misunderstood something?"

Thoughts that are running through their brains that are killing them and so as their annoyance while karin Is flirting with sasuke. Naruto's patience was decreasing even more while looking at them as Itachi was getting Irritatingly pissed but he doesn't know why or what's the reason for It all he did knows Is that he's annoyed.

"No. She's pregnant. Even If she'd wanted to come I can't allowed her"


Naruto dropped his jaw while Itachi was all In shocked and happy. Itachi Is happy knowing that there Is another uchiha will be born. He never been this proud of his brother. Itachi and naruto are all look surprised and felt so lively however karin was annoyed as she turns her face at the back of her In where he notices someone that there's another one beside from naruto and sasuke as she starts running and screaming as they follow her.

"Orochimaru-sama! Look!"

Karin was screaming and panting while she's panicking pointing her finger to the man who Is wearing anbu clothes- orochimaru's eye wide In shock and the thunderstruck came over him. After the shocking moments he grinned demonically as the tears of joy starts pouring down to his facel

"At last! He's alive!"

"Oy! Why are you talking like the evil scientists from frankenstein?"

"Yeah! Why are you acting that Itachi no niichan Is one of your experiment?"

"Do you know anything about this huh? orochimaru?"

"Oy! Oy! Can you ask me ask me a question one a time? First of all I'm not an evil scientists. I may be an evil but I'm not a scientist and lastly yes he's one of my experiment and It has to do with me"

"Then explain to us"

"Okay! I decided to do some experiment of reviving human by using their specimen and combining It all to the other Ingredients In building a human. My experiment of reviving human Is different from reanimated jutsu. This human has It's own flesh and organ even a bloods and chakra that flowing through their veins."

"So It means niisan turned Into a completely human?"

"Yes! Yes Indeed!"

"Oy! Isn't that dangerous? What If someone used It for revenge?

"Don't worry they can't. It will cause of a life who Is responsible for It. The thing that I've been successful In my experiment because of the help of suigetsu karin and jugo. It needs 4 or more people's chakra to complete the substances but still It depends whether If It's gonna work or not. The half of our chakra Is with Itachi and It can never be recovered the chakra that has been lost with us so It means If we all gonna do It again the four of us will die."

"How about his chakra? The four of you had a different kind of elements? So does that mean his chakra elements change?"

"It's still the same because of his specimen. Our chakra only represent as the Ingredients. He's specimen from his body are all connected to his old chakra element"

"Now that you explains everything. Do you know anything about sarada's condition"

"Hmmm. I knew you've come and ask about your daughter's conditions. Don't worry I did some research about your daughter secretly when I heard karin was the one who delivered sarada and she was looking for some Information about her."

After orochimaru explains everything about Itachi's case they headed to the other side of the room In where all the scrolls that can help sasuke's daughter are In there. Everyone are aware from orochimaru's plan- he's the kind of creature who will help a certain someone with an equivalent exchange as a payment for his gratitude so they prepared themselves In what could It possibly be because for now this Is the best choice they can have.

"Base on the scroll your daughter Is In the prophecy. She will represent as kaguya's container. Sarada will be the one carrying the other side of her ability and appearances such as the rinnesharingan. The rinnesharingan will be transfer to your daughter and seal It together with her and the other side of kaguya also represents as other side of her strength and agility such as the byakugan In which your daughter will be the one carrying It."


"Yes. If their bodies didn't make It the both of them die."


That's all they can say. The both fathers become speechless after they've heard everything. They can't speak or think clearly. They all froze knowing that the most precious to them are In danger. They all look miserable. Itachi Is starting to lose hope too as the fears Is eating him but when Itachi saw the both fathers already lose their hope he decided to pull himself together and pluck up.

"Is there any other option?"

"No. There's no other option. All we have to do Is have faith with them as soon as their bodies learn how to endure the pain."

"No I wouldn't allowed you! What kind of father are you putting your own child In danger?"

Boruto disapproves his father's decisions after he heard everything specially when he heard his mother's cry but hinata don't have any choice but to agree with It when naruto explains everything to her as she tries to understand the situation In where boruto bust In from their door and starts complaining as he wanted to protect his sister.

"Boruto! If we don't do anything sarada will die"


"And besides even If I wouldn't allowed It. The time will come as the prophecy predicts It"

"If It's that the case. I will help"

"S-sarada? How are you feeling?"

Sarada was looking at the window staring at the dusk wearing those deplorable eyes as the sorrow was carrying her soul. Angry blue flashes mark the extent of pain that blurs her vision with black holes that suck In any positive resolution. Inside the whirlwind of emotion there Is this one thing. One thing that can only exist Inside of her was her pain. Itachi looks upon her eyes an eyes with full of loneliness and emptiness that only Itachi can do Is to hug her. He hugged her the whole night saving his niece from her cold and dark world.

Please read & review

To be continue...