A/N: So I've been playing with the idea of making a sequel to Betrayal which will involve Grimmjow's past as the Sexta. If this is something you'd like to see let me know by leaving a comment or sending me a message, thanks! :)

This is the final chapter of Betrayal so I wanted to say thanks for reading and favouriting, following or leaving a review as I appreciate every single one :)

Chapter 20:

*Six Months Later*

"Shiro is going to kill us, you know that right?" Ichigo informed Grimmjow, a grin spreading across his face as they reached their home. The past six months had been a breath of fresh of air for Ichigo, it was the escape he'd been dreaming of for years. What he hadn't realised when he left the Visored's the first time was that he couldn't have done it alone, he couldn't have escaped without Grimmjow.

"Don't worry about that, I'll protect you." Grimmjow glanced at him momentarily before exiting the car, walking around to open the door for Ichigo and pulled him to his feet.

"I think you'll be the one who needs protecting, not me." Ichigo laughed as Grimmjow picked him up to hold in his arms. Playing with a strand of his hair, Ichigo smiled softly. "I'm his brother so he won't hurt me. Once he finds out you better start running."

"I'll take my chances." They had reached the front door and Grimmjow paused, shifting Ichigo slightly so he could unlock the door.

"Wouldn't it be easier to put me down?"

"Yes, but isn't it tradition to carry you over the threshold?"

"If I was your bride." Ichigo laughed again, trailing his fingers down to rest against the man's cheek. "Besides, I didn't think you were one for tradition."

"For most things no, but don't you think we should start this off on the right foot?" Grimmjow raised an eyebrow, pushing the door open before carrying him inside. Kicking the door shut behind them he paused, looking down at Ichigo with a soft smile. "I love you, Ichigo Jaeggerjaques."

They had signed the papers that morning, Ichigo didn't have a clue that Grimmjow had planned it until the man had dragged him out that morning and they'd arrived at the town hall in the nearby town. There was no ceremony and his brother wasn't there, but Ichigo hadn't cared, it was perfect all the same. Grimmjow had even bought the rings in secrecy, much to his surprise as he hadn't suspected anything.

He had taken Grimmjow's name, both out of preference and necessity since the name Kurosaki wasn't safe anymore due to the fact the Visored's would be hunting for them for a long time. The name Kurosaki was a dead giveaway. Ichigo hadn't minded giving up his surname, not that they had really discussed it but he had rightly guessed that was going to happen. Besides, he liked the name Jaeggerjaques.

"I love you too." Pulling him down Ichigo kissed Grimmjow deeply. "So what's next, or is this as far as you planned?"

"Well whilst you were busy sleeping, I was busy doing other things." With a wink he set Ichigo down and grabbed his hand, leading him outside. By the edge of the house Grimmjow had set up a blanket and food. Sitting Ichigo down he kissed the top of his head. "I'll be right back."

He returned a few moments later with two glasses and a bottle of champagne. Handing a glass to Ichigo he sat down next to him and uncorked the bottle, pouring them both a glass. "So what are we toasting to?" Ichigo asked, raising an eyebrow.

"To the future, involving no Yakuza."

"The future." Ichigo echoed before taking a sip. Settling down he leant back against Grimmjow and sighed. "You don't miss it do you?"


"Being a Yakuza. I mean, I wanted to leave. I tried to before we met. But in the end I've dragged you with me without really asking. So is this what you wanted?" Ichigo asked, frowning slightly before grabbing something to eat. "Is there anything you regret?"

Grimmjow thought about it for a moment before answering. "Just one."

"Mmm, what's that?" Handing Grimmjow some food, he turned to look at the man questioningly. "Marrying me?" He asked jokingly.

"Of course not." Grimmjow rolled his eyes before smiling. "I was going to say I regret not bringing you with me the first time I came out here. You know, when I… shot you." He smiled a little more guiltily and that, moving slightly to rest a hand over Ichigo's chest. "Even if it wasn't with a bullet that is my biggest regret."

"You know I still haven't forgiven you for that, at least not completely."

"Oh really? I guess I'll have to make it up to you then." Grabbing Ichigo, he pushed him down on the blanked before kneeling over him with a grin. "Obviously you're not that angry at me or you wouldn't be here right?" Before Ichigo could answer he had closed the gap between them and kissed him.

Ichigo's hands found Grimmjow's shirt and had it off within seconds, his trousers soon following as Grimmjow worked on Ichigo's own clothing. Grimmjow paused however and pulled away when he felt something cold drip down his back, frowning at him slightly.

"Is that you?"

Ichigo laughed, shaking his head before looking up at the sky. "No, it's starting to rain."

"Oh." Grimmjow looked up too to see that the sky had darkened considerably in the last hour, they had been too busy to notice. "We should go inside, before we get too wet." He stood, helping Ichigo to his feet before gathering their belongings and they got inside before the rain was too heavy.

Ichigo laughed, turning to face Grimmjow and taking the clothes from him he placed them on the side. "Let's go upstairs." He whispered, grabbing Grimmjow's hands and led the way. "I know something that will keep us warm." Ichigo wasn't wrong, by the time the two were done and too tired to carry on, they had both warmed up considerably.

"I'm hungry now." Grimmjow muttered, uncovering his face as Ichigo shifted to look at him properly. "Want to make me a sandwich?"

"Make your own, you can make me one whilst you're at it." Resting his head on the older man's chest, Ichigo sighed deeply and closed his eyes. "Or you could stay here and keep me company, I think we'll survive a few more hours without food."

Unfortunately at that moment both their phones started ringing.

Ichigo looked at Grimmjow and laughed, slowly getting to his feet to find the source of the sound. He threw the man his phone before answering his own. "Hello?"

"Ichigo, how've ya been?" It was Shiro. His twin made an effort to call once a month now to keep in touch which was more contact then they previously had when Ichigo last went into hiding.

"Good Shiro, you?" As predicted the man went into a long launch about all his new jobs now he had taken over as head of the Visored clan. Ichigo didn't have the heart to tell him to shut up so with a quiet sigh that didn't carry over the phone he saw down on the bed again. He glanced at Grimmjow, frowning slightly when he saw his jaw was set and he looked less than happy about his own caller. "Yo Ichi you still there?"

"Sorry Shiro." He apologised, returning to his conversation. "I got distracted what did you say?"

Shiro sighed. "Are you two at it again? Seriously I'm going to come down there and beat the hell out of Jaeggerjaques if he won't let me have a conversation with you."

"Hey, you interrupted us last time!" Ichigo replied defensively. Their last call was quite memorable, Shiro had rang whilst they were having sex and his twin had quickly realised what was happening. "Besides we're not doing that now."

"Well good, I don't want to hear it. Anyway what I said was where's my invitation? It's been six months!" Ichigo laughed nervously down the phone and there was a sight pause. "You didn't…"

"Well, we might have gone to the town hall today…"

"ICHIGO KUROSAKI I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Ichigo yanked the phone away from his ear quickly as Shiro started one of his yelling fits. Even Grimmjow paused to look at him and Ichigo rolled his eyes.

Once the shouting had stopped he gingerly held the phone back to his ear. "Um, my name's not Kurosaki anymore by the way." He heard his twin draw breath to start again so hurried on. "I'll talk to you soon ok? Once you've had time to call down so bye!" Ending the call, he breathed a sigh of relief and lay back on the bed, dropping his phone onto the floor. Hopefully Shiro would be over it in the next month, if not they should be expecting a visit within the next few days.

Glancing at Grimmjow, he again noticed the man didn't look happy with his caller. Frowning he sat u and crawled closer to the man who stiffened when realising how close Ichigo was. "Don't call me again ok? I have no interest in getting involved, leave me out of this or you will regret it."

"Who was that?" Ichigo asked curiously as Grimmjow ended the call, frowning when he sighed heavily. "Grimmjow, is something wrong?"

"No." He replied roughly before pinching his nose and looking at Ichigo. "No." He said more gently, reaching out to pull Ichigo into his arms. "I'm not interested in getting involved, we made a promise not to. Besides, I have no need to since I have everything I want right here."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." Grimmjow replied firmly and he kissed Ichigo, presumably to distract him but it had the desired effect and Ichigo let it go. He had said after all he wasn't getting involved so there was nothing to worry about. "I take it you told Shiro?"

"Yeah and as I'm sure you heard, he isn't impressed. Don't be surprised if we have an angry guest within the next week." Ichigo smiled, leaning back in Grimmjow's arms and closed his eyes. "You should probably start running."

"Like I said earlier, I'll take my chances."

Ichigo laughed and after a moment, held out his left hand. Grimmjow caught it in his own and in the dying light of the sunset the two matching rings glinted. "I love you." He murmured softly, pulling their hands down to his chest.

"I love you too Ichigo."