His words were smooth as silk with a hint of teasing and finally accompanied with a wink ...

His eyes were wide and panicked .

She snorted .

"I'm sure you didn't , Chat but we need to ta... ."

A brisk wind blew across them causing her to shiver . Her hands wrapped around her and rubbed up and down her arms to regain some warmth . Chat's eyes scrunched together in worry finally noticing that she didn't have any layers on her . He moved closer , reaching out for her .

"My lady , purr-haps we can discuss this another ..."

"NO !..."

He flinched at her sharp tone , his hand suspended between them awkwardly as she snapped her eyes to look right into his .

"...NO ...WAY ...AM I ...GONNA ...JUST ..."

"My lady ...Please ..."

She shook her head stubbornly.

"I'm ...fi...fine..."

He sighed and his once extended hand retracted to run its fingers through his hair.

"Well then , at the very least ..."

He turned away from her and a flash of green ripped across his body causing ladybug to squeak and cover her eyes . She stayed in that position on the floor , knees up and hands covering her eyes until she felt something drop on her , suddenly stopping the rain.

"...please accept this ."

It was his smell . She opened her eyes to peak above her knees and saw that ...she couldn't see him . She felt for the cloth covering her and realised it was a rain-hood , similar to the one he had given her as Marienette .

'Seriously !? Again ?Does he just hand these of to everyone he meets or something ?'

She put her arms through the sleeves and snuggled into the clothes before raising her hands to pull her hair free from their pigtails. Her suit quickly dried up , being non-water absorbent , the water just flowed down to her feet , but her hair was soaked .

"Chat ! What about you ?"

"Don't worry about me , my lady ..."

She looked up to see him in yet Another hood ( how many did he Have ? Did he do this every time he left in the rain ? )

"You were wearing Two hoodies "

He winked .

"Of course . I am always pur-pared to meet my lady's needs . "

Ladybug raised an eyebrow.

"Really ?...you didn't just transform with your hood on my accident ?"

"What ! No ! I mean ...It's a funny story... I mean..."

Chat rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish grin , his eyes taking in the image of her in his clothes . She stood up and gave him a 'go on ' wave off her hand and Chat eager for any topic other than the impending one began his frantic narration.

'Dang ! Why did she have to look so cute in his clothes ? WHY?!...'


He coughed.

"Okay ! I once, Once ! Not this time !...may have transformed with my hood on by accident and put another one over me before I left cause it looked like it might rain and then I ran into a friend of mine who was freaking out in the rain. Let's just say that having two hoods was useful and I thought 'why not ?' and did the same thing again . Lucky , heh ? Still ! Today's was purr-ly intentional ."

Ladybug shook her head . They were getting off topic . Spend five minutes with this guy and you feel like slapping yourself for freaking out about him . She stood up and put her hands on her hips .

"Okay , Chat ! Now ..."

"So , where is it ?..."

She blinked . Chat , of course , stood there with his hands in his pockets , the picture of innocent anticipation .

"Where is ...what ?!..."

He grinned . She frowned . What was he playing at this time ?

"I'm waiting..."

He sang , moving back and forth on his heels , his eyes sparkling with mischief. She had to force herself to Stay . On . Topic ...aka. Him almost ...okay , just calm down and...

"Waiting for wha...oh ! Forget it ! Chat , I ..."

Chat gave a dramatic gasp . Ladybug gave a exasperated groan .

"You ...you ...Forgot ? My lady ...how could you ?..."

He practically whimpered .


In a second , his mouth parted to give a sweet smile .

"My 'thank you ' of course ! It's common courtesy . To think that a lady such as yourself ..."

She threw her arms up and spoke as sarcastically as possible .


He blinked .

"It's not a gift . I kinda need it back later . I can get you another one if you'd like . That one's ...um...accounted for ."



Chat froze , standing perfectly still as Ladybug began her rant .


'and whose fault is that ?' He wanted to add but he kept his mouth shut . Now was Not the time .


Chat couldn't stop the smile that came upon his lips at that . She was worried !...about him ! Granted , she's so kindhearted , she probably worries about everyone but to hear that brought him a sense of joy he should probably mask before Ladybug punches him in the face .


And now the attention was back on him .

Okay !

He can do this !

She was looking right into his eyes . Two bluebell gems shining up at him with anxiousness and concern and relief and ...

He can't do this !

"Chat ..I just ..."

Work , brain ! Work ! Come on , mouth , don't fail me now !

"I was thinking that the kid doesn't deserve to die ' ."

Ladybug blinked before stalking towards him and grabbing him by the bell , pulling him down to look him in the eye.

"And what if you die , huh? Then what ? Have you ever thought of that ?"

Chat's eyes softened at the desperation in her voice . A gentle smile tugged at his lips as he saw the fear in her eyes . Fear for Him ! Fear of losing Him !

In the back of his mind , he acknowledged that being happy about that probably meant that he was kinda sick ,...and not in a good way .

"Yes ..."

The fear was replaced with confusion . He should pull away now . Make a joke . Make her laugh . Just ...Stop this ! But as he looked in her eyes , he knew that she was hurting because of him and he Couldn't handle that .

He just couldn't think around her .

"...and it was worth the risk."

One of his hands reached up and gently cupped her cheek as she tried desperately to say something ,...Anything !

"I ...how could ...how could you Say that ? "

He was still trapped in her gaze as his other hand lowered down to her waist and settled there . Her hands were on his chest , fingers scrapping the cloth. He pressed his forehead against hers and spoke with complete sincerity the only reassurance he could give her.

"My lady , ...I have No intention of dying even one minute before I have to .( But if I have to , then I will ) So don't worry about me , okay ? ( Please smile ) I'm a tough kitty and am way too selfish to let another guy be your partner ( unless he's better for you ) ."

Ladybug let her eyes close shut , almost as if she heard the words he made sure not to say out loud .

"I don't want another partner ..."

She lowered her head to his chest and he wondered if she could hear his heart as well as he could. His hand lowered and rested lightly on her hip . His mind was...something . She took a deep breath and he rested his head above hers , relaxing at the end of the discussion.

"...I want you ."

His clouded mind kept him from stopping the dark , self-depreciating chuckle that escaped his lips .

"No , you don't ."

She froze , before abruptly pulling away and looking up at him with wide eyes . He gaped , his words finally registering in his head 'sh*t , sh*t , sh*t , this ! ...this is why he Hates these stupid Talks !'

"What !?"

"No !...no, no, no , no, no, ...I didn't , ...I mean ...not Now ! Like you didn't want me Before ! , ...like before you found out how good I was at fighting and stuff ..."

Her eyes narrowed .

"You think I only care about your fighting skills ."

He stuttered , backing away from her , his eyes looking right and left for an escape , because well ! ...Yes ! He was just the guy who was chosen as her partner , not like she or anybody else actually wanted him around or something.


He looked forward to see her standing right in front of him , her mouth open , her eyes wide open with horror and disbelief .

Oh no !

"Please tell me I didn't say that out loud ."

"I...chat , I don't ..."

He groaned . This was Not going according to plan . He needs to leave before he makes it worse .

"Just forget it , okay ! I didn't mean ..."

Two gloved hands caught his face and pulled him down , his eyes widened as they caught sight to hers , bright and fierce with determination and resolve .

He blushed .

"Chat ..."

"...uh... huh..."

"...you know I care about you ,...right ?"

He blinked .

"...yeah ."

"...not just as my partner , ...but also as a Friend ?"

He hesitated.

"I ... um ...I do ...I just ...you're ...you...I ...um... "

She noticed his hesitation and closed her eyes before stepping back . His eyes never left her face . She looked up to see him standing there with a confusion written all over his face and made her decision .

"Tikki ..."

She gave him a gentle smile . His eyes widened in understanding .

"...spots off ."

She closed her eyes as she felt the drenched fabric of her pyjamas cover her skin under the large hoodie she had borrowed from her partner , her friend. She couldn't be there for him as a partner because he was already a good partner , and she needs to show him , he's a friend too , ...but this .

This was a risk .

She was putting her family in danger but she couldn't think of that right then , when she looked in his eyes she saw the desperate plea in them , the fear that she didn't want him as part of her life . He was part of her life but to think he believes she just puts up with him out of necessity and she just ...

She can't lose him for real .

She took a deep breathe and opened her eyes expecting to see a surprised superhero gaping at her .

Instead , Marinette Dupain-Cheng stood on a platform of the Eiffel Tower covered by a quality rain-hood and soaked pyjamas protecting her from the last drops of rain looking at her kwami giving her a concerned look ...completely alone .

Her mouth dropped open .

"Wha ? Where did ..."

"Chat just send a message saying he had to go and that it was nice chatting with you "

Marinette turned to her kwami with a flabbergasted expression .

Tikki shrugged .

How dare he ? How Dare He ?!


A couple of miles away , a feline superhero flinched .





I can't believe I managed to finish this . Hope you like it .

Please review .