The Capitol is buzzing with excitement.

Not that the average onlooker would notice - it's noisy, but then, it often is. Citizens are wearing bright, celebratory clothing, but don't they always?

In the light of the evening sun, two people walk along the streets, both resplendent in the garb typical of Capitol citizens. One, a female, dressed in a short, flared dress, with a large flower pinned to its collar. The other, too, is a female, but she's older. Her skin is light, her wig large and curly.

"I bet someone from District One's going to win!" exclaims the former. "Ooh, I'm so excited! The Games are beginning so soon!"

The other giggles. "I know, Aliena. You've been talking about that for days! Isn't it too early to be betting?"

"Maybe." Aliena gives a halfhearted shrug. "But still! Ma's letting me watch them for the first time!"

"You mean you haven't seen them until now?" Her gaze is incredulous, as if the concept is utterly unthinkable. "Oh, now I understand why you're so excited! You haven't lived until you've watched the Games! They're the best thing ever!"

"I know, right, Faria?" She sighs dramatically, putting a hand to her forehead. "I'll never understand why she insists that I have to be thirteen just to watch some bloodshed."

Faria grins, opening her mouth just as her phone rings, barely audible over the noise around them. She pulls it out of her pocket, giving it only a cursory glance before stuffing it back in its place. "Well, I best be heading home now. See you tomorrow, I hope!"

"Of course."

And the older girl runs into the dusk, more agile than any other member of the Capitol.

Hey, everyone! This chapter's a prelude to the story, and, mostly, filler. I believe it's against the rules to post chapters without actual story inside, so this was the logical conclusion.

As you've probably noticed, this is an SYOT. I'll be focusing mainly on one character, because I find that, when writing in the POV of so many characters, it tends to get cluttered and confusing. I'll try to give all characters their time in the limelight, though. Here's the form:





Token: (optional)


Background: (optional)



Any other requests?: (for example, "Have her die in x way" or "Have him make at least one ally.")

If you'd like, I'll gladly PM you the copy/paste-able version - just ask! Message me all forms, please. I'll take note of all taken spots in my profile. :)