This takes place in season 1, episode 13 'Jedi Crash.' While (re)watching it, some of the interactions caught my attention and sparked an idea and, well, now there's this.
Through the Eyes of Commander Bly
"Okay. You and Bly go south, Rex and I will stay here with Anakin."
Commander Bly stood behind General Secura, listening to her conversation with the young commander. As he did, he studied her, the commander, the youngling. That's what she was: a youngling, a child, barely old enough to be taken seriously as an officer, not nearly old enough to be fighting in a war.
A thought pricked the back of his mind that she—the Padawan—was older than him. But I've been trained for this. She hasn't. A fact that was evidenced by her response to her master's injuries; it was purely emotive, and not at all logical, as it would've been if she were trained for war.
"No, Ahsoka." The General's voice, with her lilting accent, was gentle, but firm. "In order to get help quickly, we must work together."
The commander's big, blue eyes turned towards the general, wide and pleading, begging the older Jedi to allow her to remain with her master. Bly watched the interaction curiously. Jedi were such strange creatures, a mix between tangible and untouchable; fallible, but possessing skills that could make them immortal; aloof, yet affected so deeply by little things that seemed to hold no importance.
The Padawan was arguing, trying to convince General Secura to let her remain with her master. The general, ever patient, explained to the commander why it was not a good idea. Bly, as usual, agreed with his general's sound logic. The Jedi might not be trained for war, but at least his general had common sense.
Something seemed to pass between the two. Commander Tano stared up at the general, blue eyes searching for something. Whatever she found, it wasn't what she wanted, and she sighed silently, shoulders slumping. In the span of a minute, Bly had witnessed his general being a military officer, a Jedi Master, and then something entirely different—something softer, something that was willing to comfort the young girl, willing to offer physical contact as a small measure of support. It was all—it was odd. Jedi are odd.
Understanding her argument was lost, Commander Tano turned away from them, shoulders heaving in another sigh, before she raised her hand to her brow, shielding her eyes from the light of the setting sun, searching along the horizon. Sensing the shift of focus in the two Jedi, Bly put his helmet back on, quickly scouting the small clearing they'd crashed in, looking for anything that could give them any sort of information about the planet.
Something caught his eye, small and rectangular, a tablet of some sort, with a drawing engraved into it. After making sure it wasn't dangerous in any way, he picked it up, approaching the Jedi again. "General Secura, look." She turned towards him, the Padawan trailing behind her. He handed her the tablet, speaking as she studied it. "We're not the only one's here on this planet. There has to be some kind of something here."
As the words left his mouth, something sounded in the distance, a mix between a screech and a snarl, and entirely unfriendly. The clones—all five of them—raised their rifles slightly, those wearing helmets switching on the headlamps. There was a few seconds where no one spoke, searching for any sign of danger. When nothing jumped out to attack them, Bly flicked off his headlamps, the others following suit, and turned to face his general.
"If you don't mind me asking, General Secura, where exactly are we going?"
She glanced around one more time before turning entirely towards him. "To go find the people who live on this planet."
He felt a brief flash of frustration. Yes, General, I figured that much. He tamped it down, though, making sure his voice was even and calm as he asked a more direct question, one he hoped would get him an actual answer. "Where are we going to find them? We have no idea where they are."
Wordlessly, the Padawan took the tablet from the general, fingers gently brushing over the image. "It seems to me that the people we're looking for live near giant trees." She tossed the tablet into the backpack she had slung over her shoulders, turning to face the general, searching for—approval, Bly realized. She feels guilty for her master's injuries. She's trying to make up for it.
Again he was struck with how young she really was, and just how much her actions proved it. Everyone knew General Skywalker's injuries weren't her fault. They weren't anyone's fault. And perhaps, if she were older, she would understand that.
The general offered a hint of a smile, offered that approval the Padawan so desperately needed. "Very perceptive, Padawan." And Bly suddenly realized what his general had done. General Secura was a skilled Jedi; she would have been able to deduce the location of the planet's inhabitants on her own. He felt his respect for her rise another few notches, even as he watched Commander Tano approach her master's prone form and kneel at his feet.
His amber eyes tracked her, wondering why she was so worried. General Skywalker was a powerful Jedi, an astounding warrior; everyone knew it. He could take care of himself just fine, even while injured. The Padawan's worry was irrational.
He thought briefly that these types of actions stemmed from her age or maybe from the unorthodox style of teaching Skywalker had. A mixture of both? Though perhaps more of it came from her age. Something akin to relief trickled through his veins, relief his Jedi was older, with better reign over her impulses. Old enough he knew she could take care of herself, because the little Padawan was just that: little and young, and anger mixed with his relief that the Republic, the Jedi, would send a child out to lead troops.
Captain Rex moved quickly from where he was standing on the other side of the clearing, moving into a position where he could offer the Padawan silent support. His helmet was tucked under one arm, and Bly recognized it as another tactic of comfort. Sentient beings found comfort in other faces, rather than black T-visors.
"Be strong, master." Her voice, so young, sounded as if she were pleading. "Just a little bit longer. Rex will watch over you."
General Secura spoke, again firm but gentle. "It is time to go."
The commander's head sank slightly, and Rex spoke up. "Don't worry, kid. I'll take good care of him."
The words were halting, coming out of his mouth at an odd cadence, and Bly could tell the captain really had no idea how to deal with an emotionally distraught child-Jedi. He hefted his gun, though, in a gesture of reassurance. I'll cover him, commander, he seemed to be telling her. Her head turned slightly in response to his words, and she gave a sharp nod, standing up, movements heavy with reluctance.
Finally ready to move out, the general twisted to face Rex. "Captain Rex, keep your locater on. We should be back by daybreak with whoever or whatever lives on this planet."
Rex nodded once. "Got it, General Secura."
The general approached Bly's position, but the Padawan remained where she was. Rex spoke again, another effort to reassure her. "Hey, kid." She looked at him over her shoulder. His entire demeanor softened into something Bly had never seen from the captain. It was almost as if Rex was no longer the commander's subordinate, but something like a close friend to the Padawan, giving her the extra oomph she needed, and Bly wondered why. "Good luck," the captain said, the words almost as if they were meant only for the Padawan.
One edge of his lips curved upwards in a half-smile, and the Padawan returned it, nodding once. Something passed between them, Bly saw, much as something had passed between the general and the commander. Except this one seemed different, more important. It was more than support and comfort and reassurance, he could see that much, but he couldn't quite tell what exactly it was. And, another look at the captain and the commander showed neither one appeared to have noticed it.
General Secura approached the Padawan again, a hint of urgency in her steps. "Come on, guys. Let's move out."
The Padawan turned, finally moving without any reluctance or disagreement. Whatever the captain had said—or not said—seemed to have worked, and she darted in front of the group of clones, footsteps light and rapid, not appearing to realize that the captain was tracking her with his gaze.
Bly kept an eye on the Padawan as they left the clearing, though he couldn't come up with an exact reason why. She's young, he decided finally. Young and uncertain. He felt another swell of relief, and maybe gratitude, that the Jedi he'd been assigned to work under was neither young nor uncertain. Rex would do it, he realized suddenly. Even if he hadn't worked long with the captain, Bly felt a somewhat-brotherly connection with him. I'll cover her, captain.
They picked up speed, moving at an easy lope. The commander was a few steps behind the general, and Bly moved slightly so he was beside her. Her eyes darted in his direction and she offered a small twitch of her lips in acknowledgement. She really is just a kid. Bly felt another drop of anger, accompanied by a new sense of protectiveness he'd never felt towards his general. Just a kid. I'll cover her.
Maybe the little commander sensed his thoughts, or his intentions. Whatever it was, she glanced at him again, lips curling into a full smile. Even if she couldn't see his face because of the helmet, Bly smiled back.
This story will be more like a collection of little (and probably short) scenes, both in the show and not, all centering on Ahsoka. I wanted to play on this question I've had for a while of 'what do the clones think of Ahsoka? How do they view her?'
Updates will be sporadic. Suggestions are welcome.
Read, review. Enjoy.