A/N: It's been a while guys, sorry~

Hope you enjoy!

It had been a week and a half since Midorima moved into their castle, taking up one of the halls near a newly refurbished greenhouse, and two weeks since Aomine had proposed to Kagami. After Kagami had accidentally set Midorima's house on fire Takao somehow managed to talk Midorima into moving into the castle with them. It had surprised everyone when the green haired man actually agreed, and then even more so when he went around the house to pick up extra belongings from a cellar he had dug into the ground. When asked, Midorima merely replied, "I learned after the first time my house burned down it's good to have a back up plan."

A few days after he moved he was completely settled in and was coaxed into helping with the preparations on the castle (Takao convinced him). They were all a little more than baffled how Takao managed this, and even more so that the Healer allowed him to get away with calling him 'Shin-chan'. Kasamatsu was mum on the situation, though he did seem to glare at everything for a week.

Midorima was a great help with the castle, regardless of his less than stellar attitude, as he predicted what they should be doing, and who should be working with whom to have the most luck. His magic didn't just divine from the stars, but it also helped along the various plants and creatures surrounding the castle. He made sure to set up barriers around the forest so that it wouldn't grow any closer than it had, and to keep out undesirables.

They had finished most of the refurbishing and rebuilding of the castle; even the outside rubble had been placed back into its previous places. Wakamatsu was most grateful when all the ceilings had been patched up, because he just swore that it kept raining into his room. Takao had merely snickered at that, and everyone else was quite sure that the ceiling had nothing to do with it.

So when the rebuilding was complete and Izuki made an offhanded comment on how Kagami's hoard of gold was scattered all around the castle, many had shared a look. To Kagami's great displeasure, they designated one room in the basement as the treasury and moved all the gold there. Kiyoshi constructed security measures around the room and personally saw to it that it was practically indestructible and impenetrable, which soothed the Dragon's ire a bit. According to Hyuuga and Izuki, he was one of the best security spell smiths in the world.

They had nothing else to do then, and many were at a loss, until Wakamatsu mentioned that it was annoying that they had to stable their horses in one of the many rooms off the foyer. Aomine had shrugged and said, "then let's make a stable. There's plenty enough room on the island surrounding the castle." Many blinked in surprise at the simple solution, and at how Aomine had willingly agreed to do more manual labor.

It had taken two days with the help of Midorima, whose green magic helped mold the wood into a sturdy building. After completion Takao slyly suggested that Wakamatsu be the stable master for the rest of their stay since he had made it a priority. The blonde had shrugged, a blush on his face and sheepishly agreed, "Sure, I like horses a lot after all." And that was that.

"I want a library," Kuroko stated the day after. None dared to disagree, and they simply went to work gathering all the tomes from various rooms. It was simple work but hard work, but each of them felt rewarded afterwards. Momoi had flashed Kagami a novel she had taken from Kagami's room, making him turn completely red at the title Love On The Water.

These little instances continued up until the third week, when Aomine's parents would be arriving. They had somehow managed to completely refurbish the castle (with the help of a lot of magic), build a stable, library, greenhouse, practice yard, vault, and gain seven companions. Kagami had not only gained a lover, but many friends now surrounded him, easing the loneliness that had come with the job. He didn't think that he could get any happier than this moment.

"What are you thinking about?" Aomine murmured, stroking the red hair back soothingly. They were sprawled out in their bed; relaxing after the hard day they had yesterday. It was still pretty early in the afternoon, so they were fine with being a little lazy. He could still hear the partying going down in the room he had first met Kagami in, the new dining area and general meeting place.

Kagami hummed, "Just thinking on how this all happened. I'm amazed at how this came to be…" Glowing red eyes peered up at Aomine, a small content smile played at his lips.

Aomine's eyes softened at the look, "Ah, me too. Before I left to come here… it feels like a lifetime ago." Running his hand through Kagami's hair again he sighed, "I'm really grateful to you Taiga."

"Eh? For what?"

He looked anywhere but at the man he loved, a darkness coming over his visage. "I was in a dark place before I met you Taiga. My life was pointless, and I had lost all my fire to live or fight. My parents were getting worried, and Kuroko was too, but you brought all my meaning back. You burn so brightly that you lit the fire that had died inside me a long time ago."

Kagami's breath whooshed out of him all at once, not realizing that he had been holding it in at the unnaturally tender words Aomine was saying. "Daiki…"

Their gazes connected finally, and Kagami did notice that his eyes seemed livelier than they had been when they first met three weeks ago. Back then, Aomine was just an interesting knight that he had wanted to speak to, he had no idea what he would come to mean in a couple days after that, or weeks for that matter.

"I had no idea, and have no idea what you went through, but I know you now and that's what counts. I'm not going to leave you, and I hope that you can learn to deal with me forever." Kagami chuckled lightly.

Aomine paused, a thought coming to his mind. "Hey Tai, how long do Dragons live for anyways?"

"Oh centuries of course." The redhead smiled at Aomine's lack of knowledge on dragons. Those blue eyes just about bulged out of his eye sockets at the admission.

"C-Centuries?!" Aomine gaped, then grimaced.

Kagami blinked in confusion at that look, "Gold dragoon for your thoughts?"

The knight rolled his eyes then looked away, mumbling, "Nothing… it's stupid."

He crawled up further so that he was nose to nose against Aomine, staring straight at him, "Come on, tell me!"

Sighing the bluenette gave in, "Well I guess… I'm just worried that once I get all old and gross you wont want me anymore. You're going to be perfect and young for centuries."

Blushing at the thought that Aomine believed him to be perfect, Kagami suddenly noticed that Aomine didn't know all that entailed by mating a dragon. He laughed sheepishly at his own stupidity at forgetting, and Aomine glared at him, thinking he was laughing at his worries. "Ah, no Daiki, I'm not laughing at you. It's just… ugh," he scratched his head, "I'm not sure how to explain this."

Scowling, Aomine urged him on, "Don't take a century or else I'll be dead before you tell me."

Kagami rolled his eyes at Aomine's dramatics, "that's what I'm trying to tell you idiot. You're not going to die in a century."



"EH?! What the hell's that supposed to mean? Of course I'll die!"

"Ahaha, well you see… Dragons are very peculiar about their mates, and can only have one in their lifetime. When we mate, or marry in human terms, we mate for life. That's another reason why we have such long lifespans, well other than not many are born. But Dragons are known for being picky, and so many don't marry another Dragon but a different species. Therefore, a part of our… magic is sealed within their mate when we marry, giving them lifespans equal to our own. If one is killed though, so is the other, which is the only downside. It is notoriously hard to kill a Dragon though. So… ahaha, surprise?"

"So I wont get all old and gross?"

"That's the first thing you ask?" Kagami sighed; of course Aomine wouldn't care about anything else. He smiled, eyes crinkling at how much of a dork Aomine was.

"C'mon, answer." Aomine poked Kagami's cheek, making his eye twitch in response.

"… no you wont get 'all old and gross'."

"Fuck yeah!" Aomine yelled, which made Kagami wince at the loudness. "Anything else I should know? Like will I get scales or grow some freakin' horns or something…?"

Kagami smirked, "Actually…"

Blanching Aomine shot up, "No fucking way, no horns for me." When Kagami laughed, he realized he'd been played. "Oh you little Kagaminx!"

"Kagaminx?!" The red head yelped in fury.

Snickering at his lovers expression, Aomine gave himself mental props for thinking of that, "Pretty smart right?"

"Hell no! Don't you dare start calling me that."

"Kagaminx, Kagaminx, Kagaminx~!" Aomine chanted, very off key.

"You're gonna get it you jerk! Y-you Aomeanie!"

Aomine growled at that and rolled them so that he was on top, "I'll show you—," he stopped when Kagami's hand was placed over his mouth and he shushed him.

"I think I heard something outside." Kagami spoke after a few minutes. The roars and songs from downstairs were still going on though, and it was hard to hear past it.

"Oh, it's probably just them partying. My parents sent me a letter that said they'd get here tomorrow so it can't be them."

"No, it's not them. Be quiet for a sec again." For a moment all Kagami could hear past the partying was a collective buzzing. It steadily got louder and louder until Kagami couldn't bear it. He rolled them again so that he could get from under Aomine and went to get dressed quickly.

"Awe, c'mon babe, don't get out of bed yet." Aomine whined. "We were just getting to the good part. I haven't had sex in weeks," he grumbled the last part.

"You know it's my duty to protect the castle. I cant skirt that because of you, no offense Daiki, although I want to."

Aomine sighed, "Alright, alright. I understand… But I'm not happy about it." He pouted and sat up on the edge of the bed, eyes taking in the sight of sun kissed skin disappearing underneath a tunic, making his pout even more noticeable. Kagami laughed when he took in the disappointment on Aomine's face.

Leaning in, he placed a kiss on Aomine's lips, "Be back in a few minutes. You can gather the guys; they probably want to take bets again. I'm going out the back so I can swoop down and scare the shit out of them since they're still out front of the castle." Kagami winked, "So, if you want to bet on that…"

Aomine snickered, "They'll probably be pissed if I win the betting pool again."

"They can live with it, I'm already paying them for all the work on the castle, even though they're the ones that use most of it." He snorted in amusement, but his happiness could be seen shining through. Kagami went to walk away and jerked when Aomine slapped his ass.

"Go get 'em Tiger—er, Dragon."

Kagami gave him an exasperated look, and left.

When Aomine was dressed, he went down onto the balcony right outside his rooms, above where everyone was partying. He could see Izuki in the corner on the table, dancing to a tune that Kiyoshi, Wakamatsu, and a plastered Kasamatsu were singing. A tipsy looking Midorima was glaring down at his drink, wondering why he was feeling so funny when all he was drinking was water. A sly looking Takao whispered something to Kuroko, whom was looking as equally devious, and gazing over at Midorima.

Momoi was sitting next to Hyuuga, occasionally piping up to talk to him, her face slightly red from all the ale consumption. When Aomine had asked where all the ale and booze had come from Kuroko had merely stated that it had come from the room where they moved all of Kagami's gold. A small smile came to his face as he leaned on the balcony, looking down at the various companions that he had gained. A hardened place in his heart had been wormed into by these people, and he had no idea how they had done it. Although he would never say it to them, he was as grateful to them as he was to Kagami.

"OI!" Aomine shouted, gaining everyone's attention. Izuki stopped dancing on the table as the others' songs had cut off. "Taiga's about to fight some Knights outside! Kiyoshi's in charge of the bets, make 'em before we get out there."

They all cheered and stumbled to get up, all looking excited at the prospect of a fight. "Five gold dragoons that he's gonna roast them again!" Izuki slurred out, a sober Hyuuga dragging him along the hallways.

"Nah, five dragoons on first attacking them with fire and then knocking them into the lava," Kiyoshi stated with a bright smile, making everyone shiver at how evil he could be. "Any other bets?" A few others called their bets and Aomine opened a smaller door to the side of the castle.

When they got outside and walked through the practice yard to the front, where the main doors were, they stared in astonishment. It wasn't a few Knights outside the doors, but a gathering of over thirty people. They were all speaking to each other outside the doors, well… more like arguing. Aomine couldn't help gaping at the procession.

"What the—Mom? Dad?!" His mouth dropped open at the sight of a blue haired royal, his mother, and his darker haired father. They spotted him at the same time that he did and smiled. "Why the hell did you bring so many people?!"

"Oh honey! We just arrived and all these people were here." His mother smiled at him. "Are they not friends of yours?" Then her eyes lightened as she spotted Momoi, "Oh my! She's gorgeous, is this the Princess?" Queen Nao gave a slight curtsey, and patted Aomine's cheek, "You did so well Daiki! I cant wait for the wedding."

"NO they're not friends and wait what?" Aomine's mind was swimming from all that she was throwing at him. "Momoi's not my—er…we're not getting married!" He finally stated, flustered.

She pouted, "You're not? Why is the wedding off?"

"The weddings off?!" A few people in the background yelled at overhearing that. An unsettling grumbling started up.

Aomine gripped his hair, how had it come to this? "What? No! The weddings still on." He looked at Momoi helplessly, pleading her to take over, but she just smirked.

Queen Nao went to say something but his father cut her off with a sigh, "Darling, let Daiki explain himself before you get ahead of yourself."

Before he could open his mouth, a couple with bright pink hair came forward, "Satsuki, we came when we heard the good news!" It was Momoi's turn to pale. "Why didn't you mention that you were getting married, we had to hear it from your cousin Kise who heard it from Queen Nao and King Satoshi!"

Blue and pink eyes shot immediately towards a bundle of yellow in the background named Kise, glaring him down until the smile that had been present melted away. Aomine then glanced in pity at Momoi, "Kise's your cousin?" Momoi nodded. A thought came to him and he growled, "You tried to set my fiancé up with your cousin KISE?" He remembered how Momoi had taunted him with saying Kagami could be hooked up with her cousin the first day they met.

Both sets of parents looked between Aomine and Momoi in confusion, then at each other. Aomine's mother stepped forward, placing a hand on her son's arm, "What exactly is going on? Whose your fiancé if it's not the Princess Satsuki?"

A shadow fell over them suddenly, and a huge roar split the sky. Flashes of fire shot through the sky, spooking everyone in the courtyard. Some screeched in fear and dove behind some extra stone they hadn't cleared. Aomine groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. Kuroko was completely right; this was going to end in disaster. He figured he might as well get it over with and pointed up.

"Momoi's not my fiancé. He is." Kagami must have noticed something was off, since Aomine and the others were with them and was slowly heading down. The bluenette was looking at the shocked expressions of his father and mother before turning toward Kagami in full dragon form. The shadow was slowly shrinking, as it got closer to the ground, and in a blur Kagami landed on the ground. Rubble and dust flew out from his wings as he folded them back in and they morphed into his now clothed back.

Kagami noticed how quiet it had gotten and walked towards Aomine. Everyone except the royals and their companions inched backwards in fear. "Daiki, who are these people?" At Aomine's first name coming from Kagami's, his mother shot Aomine a knowing look with a gleam in her eyes.

"Uh… Taiga, this is my mother Queen Nao, and my father, King Satoshi of the Dorcarei country south of here. And I think you know Satsuki's father and mother from the northern country." Aomine snaked an arm around Kagami's waist, pulling him to his side, then looked at his parents, "Father, mother, this is my fiancé, Kagami Taiga."

Kagami immediately reddened; he had just been about to toast his lover's parents. That was not the first impression that he had wanted. "Ah, uh… hello." He scratched his cheek and looked through his lashes shyly down at them. "It's nice to meet you. Sorry for, ah, scaring you all."

Kagami glanced over at Aomine, who leaned down to whisper to him. "Don't worry about it Taiga, if I don't get their approval it wont change how I feel." A bright smile appeared on his face and melted those around him, without him knowing it.

"Daiki…" His mother started, face blank.

Aomine gulped, "yeah?"

"Why didn't you tell me your fiancé was so cute?!" She scolded, and turned to Kagami, eyes softening. "Kyaa~ you're adorable darling! As expected of Daiki's future spouse, now tell me how did you fall in love? Have you kissed already?" Nao's face got red at the thought, and she fanned herself, "How did my son even get a darling like you to agree to marry him?" Aomine's mother kept shooting out questions like that, making Aomine's and Kagami's faces heat up.

Aomine groaned, "Oh my god. Father, why didn't you tell me that mother was a Fujoshi?"

His father sighed, shoulders slumping, "Like I would tell you such an embarrassing thing. Don't even get me started on how I found out."

Kagami was staring in shock at all of them, their companions behind them all laughing at what was going on. He blinked up at Aomine, "So… she doesn't care that I'm a Dragon?"

Aomine paled, "I don't think that she's going to care as long as you give me beautiful children."

"Children?!" His mother zoned in on him, making his back straighten automatically at her tone. Nao gripped both their hands in hers, eyes gleaming brightly, "Are you having children already? I'm going to be a grandmother!" She sniffed in joy.

Kagami vigorously shook his head no and glared at Aomine for putting the thought in her head. When Aomine's father finally got her to let go, and she was mourning the lack of grandchildren, Kagami shivered and whispered to Aomine, "Your mother scares me."

"Tch. Get in line." He murmured back, dismayed.

"Can we change plans and get married in secret?"

"Like she's going to let you out of her sights now. Have fun planning the wedding with her."

Kagami looked visibly shaken, "P-planning," his voice broke, "the wedding?! That's the woman's job!" He angrily muttered to Aomine.

"That's why you're the one planning it."

"Aomine Daiki…" He growled with eyes narrowed at the smirk that Aomine was sporting.

"Yes darling?" Aomine drawled mockingly.

"You're lucky your parents are here or you would be so dead."

"Please, no one's lucky my parents are here. Just wait, you'll find out where I get my pleasant personality from."

Kagami cursed and Aomine could only snicker.

A/N: Ahh, I loved writing Aomine's mother. I hope you liked her as well!

Please tell me all that you liked or disliked (hopefully not much that you dont like)!

Comments are love :3