AN: Hi everyone! This is my first story, and is a Hogwarts-reads-the-books story. I'm sure you have all read a version (or 10) of these before, but I have read as many like this as I could possibly find, and have never found one that got further than the second book, so I decided to write my own. I'm posting this prologue as a sort of taster, and would like your opinions on whether you want the rest of the story once I have finished Philosopher's Stone or the entire story. Even if it takes me the next 10 years, I will not abandon this story. Also, I'm British, so please don't try to correct my spellings or grammar according to American rules (obviously if there are any other mistakes, I'm always ready to accept constructive criticism).

Disclaimer: I will only do this once. I am not, and will never be, Joanne Rowling. Anything that is bold is a description of the events in her works, and any recognisable characters and plot situations are of course hers. I will not generate any income from this story. Thank you.

Now. Enough of me. Read on, my friends.

UPDATE – 22/11/15: Hi Everyone! I'm really sorry for the ridiculously long hiatus, and the removal of the chapters, but I feel that if I hadn't, there would be no story left at all. I have decided that the previously posted chapters (1-12) will REMAIN AS THEY WERE, but merely with the COPYRIGHT MATERIAL REMOVED. This may be confusing for anyone who did not read the story the first time around, and quite possible for anyone who did. I'm sorry for that. I will leave gaps where the material was, and would suggest having a copy of the book open next to you when you are reading the beginning of the story if you think you will get confused. The situation will not be ideal, I agree, but in my head, what with time constraints etc., I feel like this is the best solution. If you stop reading because of this, that is your choice. Once we reach unwritten chapters, the style will change and all confusion hopefully cleared up. The storyline will hopefully not be changed too much by the new techniques used, and I hope that I can keep the humour and general feel of the chapters. Character development should also be easier in this format, which is always good. I hope you enjoy it just as much, and I'm really sorry if this wait has put anyone off. Thank you all so much for putting up with me. I will post the pre-written chapters one a day, then updates will, of course, slow. I will try to me much more regular than previously, and obviously avoid any year-long hiatus.

Lala x

Disclaimer: I will only do this once. I am not, and will never be, Joanne Rowling. Anything that is bold is a description of the events in her works, and any recognisable characters and plot situations are of course hers. I will not generate any income from this story. Thank you.

Professor Dolores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary of the Minister for Magic and High Inquisitor of Hogwarts School, was riled. Her first few lessons with the Gryffindor fifth-years had not gone to plan. The worst of them all, she mused as she paced down the corridor, was that insolent Potter brat – still spreading his horrific lies. What she needed was a way to expose him. She needed a sure fast way to make certain the whole school knows the truth. She needed a way to damage friendships and set the houses against each other. As she turned, Umbridge saw a door in the wall that she was positive had not been there just a second ago. Intrigued, she turned the handle to reveal a small room, no bigger than a cupboard, with a stool sat in the centre. On top of it sat a pile of seven books. Picking one up, she read the title: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Taped to the cover was a note. It read:

My Dear Professor D. Umbridge,

I can ensure that everything you read in these books is the truth of what has been, is, and will be. They tell the story of one Harry James Potter, and his journey through the wizarding world. If it pleases you, read them aloud to the school. It may prove a point.

Yours sincerely,


This, Umbridge thought, was perfect. She picked up the rest of the books, smiled evilly to herself, and headed for her office.

Harry Potter was sat in the Gryffindor common room, finishing up his gruelling foot-and-a-half-long History of Magic homework. His two best friends, Hermione Granger and Ronald Wealsey, were sat next to him. Hermione, who (of course) was up to date on all her homework, was re-reading Hogwarts: A History, whilst Ron struggled on, only halfway through the notes he had borrowed from Hermione. 'Come on, 'Mione! Just one little peak at what you've done?'

Harry sighed. 'Here, Ron' he said, passing his parchment across the table. 'I've got to go now anyway.'

'Thanks, mate, and don't worry – it's only a detention. We've had worse!'

Harry clenched his left hand in silent disagreement.

At that moment, the magically magnified voice of 'the toad' as the students had quickly dubbed her, rang out across Hogwarts. "Hem hem. All pupils, staff members and ghosts are to assemble in the Great Hall immediately. The numbers will be checked, so do not try to 'disappear' or there will be consequences."

The trio looked at each other and shrugged. Harry was suspicious – Umbridge had sounded happy, and that was never a good sign. Even so, they walked to the Great hall and took their seats, slightly worried that even Professor Dumbledore looked confused.

When everyone had arrived, Professor Umbridge stood up to address the school.

"I have received a package of seven books. They follow the events of the life of one particular student during Hogwarts,"

Umbridge paused to smile at her fellow teachers and the students – all of which were glaring at her.

"His name is Harry Potter."

The hall gaped as she continued.

"Everything we will hear is true –"


"Why, Mr. Potter? Something you have to hide?" Umbridge replied sweetly.

Harry turned away from her and tried to keep his emotions under control.

Minerva had gone pale, as had Poppy Pomfrey. What had happened to the boy that he didn't want everybody knowing? He was even keeping the secret from his friends, she could tell by the way he avoided their gaze, and they were as close as they come. Why did he always bottle himself up?

Umbridge had started talking again.

"– And so all his vicious lies will come out. Also," She stated, turning now to Dumbledore, "I have invited a few colleagues of mine."

At that moment, Percy Weasley and Minister Cornelius Fudge strode through the doors. The Weasley clan growled. As did Harry – Fudge wasn't his favourite person right now.

To everyone's surprise, Dumbledore merely smiled and clapped his hands. "If you will excuse me," He said, "I will return very shortly. Meanwhile – eat!"

The tables filled with food, and as Dumbledore left, excited chatter broke out across the hall. Harry and his friends sat in stunned silence. Hermione was making use of girls' ability to talk using their eyes, and was having a silent conversation with Ginny. Neville was too shocked to talk. Harry was so angry he stayed silent to avoid biting anyone's head off. Ron, well, Ron was oblivious. He had a plate full of food and was steadily making his way through it, even though they had only eaten dinner about an hour ago. The teachers, too, were shocked. It was an obvious invasion of Potter's privacy, yet with the Minister on Umbridge's side, there was not much they could do. Snape was sneering. He would finally find out just what a pampered prince Potter had been, and the whole school would have to accept it!

Dumbledore had returned, and he had a crowd of people with him. Harry looked up, and as he did so he was bowled over by a large, black dog.

"Hey, Snuffles! Hiya, Remus." He greeted the man who followed.

"Wotcher, Harry. Any idea what this is about?" This third newcomer had short, bubble-gum pink hair, and wore black auror robes.

"That –"

"Harry! Language!"

"Hello to you too Hermione!

"Sorry Tonks, how are you both?"

Snuffles barked.

"You too, pup. You okay?"

Dumbledore smiled; glad to see the trio acting more like normal teens. The last guest, Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody, limped over to the enlarged staff table without a word and sat down. Umbridge was outraged at the intrusion of extra people, but didn't have a chance to say anything as the Headmaster stepped forwards.

"I apologise to you all for the delay, but I thought that we might as well have our own guests. I am sure many of you remember Remus Lupin,"

Cheers for the ex-professor echoed around the room from three of the four tables.

"He is here with his dog, Snuffles,"

"Is he new, sir?" A third-year hufflepuff asked.

"Paddy? Nah, he's been my best mate for years."

Snuffles barked.

Smiling at Sirius' antics, Dumbledore continued, "Also here we have Alastor Moody and Nymphadora Tonks"

"Please, Professor. Just Tonks."

"Hem Hem." Umbridge was back on her feet. "If we want to make it through these books before Christmas, we had best get started."

"Yes, of course, Dolores. Just a couple more things we need to address. Time spent reading will be made up for over the remaining school year, so there is no reason to worry about exams, and every few chapters or so a few more people will join us. Ready? Would you read first, my dear professor?

Umbridge cleared her throat, opened the book, and began.

"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Chapter One – The-Boy-Who-Lived"

AN: The story starts on Harry's fourth day of lessons, just before he leaves for his third detention with Umbridge. Just in case you can't be bothered to find this point in the story - this would've been the day that Ron discovers what really happens in the detentions and he tells Harry about his ambition to be keeper. As Harry never reaches the detention, and as Ron doesn't have the chance to go for his training session, neither knows about the others secret. The third detention is the one where the message finally starts to 'sink in', so Harry's hand is slightly red and painful, but there no obvious signs of the blood quill. Sorry if that was a bit long winded, but I'm one of those readers/authors who like to know everything possible about the time and setting so I can get it straight in my mind. It should also help get the rest of the story into perspective. Lala x