Hello again! It's been quite a long while since the last update, and we are so sorry for that! Honestly, it was a mix between writers block and sheer laziness on my (ani's) part. And now that schools started, we might have less time. However, I tend to find that I write the most during the school year in order to avoid homework, so maybe there'll be more frequent updates after all!
But enough of that. Let's get to the story! I hope you like it!
Chapter 4
After a short car ride lasting about 20 minutes, they had finally pulled up at Alphys' house. Compared to the lab, it was rather small, but it was still a reasonable size.
Monster Kid bounced excitedly in their seat when Toriel told them and Frisk that they had finally arrived. Frisk beamed and unbuckled their seatbelt before leaning over to help unbuckle Monster Kid's. Flowey, strapped into a seat belt between them for no apparent reason, glared at the arm in front of him. If he felt like it, he could bite it. It was so close. In the end, he decided not to. He wasn't in the mood for it. Plus, it would probably taste weird.
Once Frisk was finished assisting Monster Kid, they shifted over to unbuckle Flowey.
"You do realize you don't have to buckle me up, right?" The golden flower questioned. Frisk just shrugged with a giggle. Flowey sighed. "Then why do you buckle me every time?"
"Because you look cute!"
"Wh-what?! I am not cute! I am your worst nightmare! Fear me!"
"Didn't you have Frisk make you a tiny teddy bear?" Toriel asked with a smile.
"Mister Sniffles is second in command in my army of darkness!"
"Let's go inside!" Frisk hugged the pot to their body as they ran up to the doorstep and rang the doorbell.
It took a few minutes, but Alphys eventually answered. She was wearing a black tank top and jean shorts. As soon as she saw the visitors, her glasses fogged up.
"O-oh! M-Miss Toriel! I completely forgot you were coming, I-I'm so sorry!" She stammered, taking her glasses off to clean them on her shirt.
"Oh, no worries, dear!" The Boss Monster smiled in return. Monster Kid hopped around a bit.
"Hi, 'coz!"
"Oh! Hi, Kid!" She gave the smaller monster a hug before looking back up at everyone. "Let's head on inside!"
Frisk giggled and ran in the house. Monster Kid follower them in, while Toriel stayed at the door with Alphys.
Undyne was asleep on the couch, also in a tank top and shorts. The frills on her head twitched as she dreamed. Frisk giggled before a sudden mischievous grin graced their features.
"I have an idea!" Frisk whispered. Flowey groaned.
"You're going to die…"
Frisk, however, didn't seem to care. They shrugged it off with a simple 'Undyne knows who I am' before backing out of the front door all the way to where Toriel had parked her car…
"What are you doing, child?" Toriel asked curiously, looking up from her conversation with Alphys.
"Undyne!" The child screamed, charging back inside before tackle-hugging the sleeping fish-lady. Alphys paled noticeably.
Undyne shot awake, an energy spear forming in her hand as if she was prepared to kill her opponent. Frisk managed to impressively dodge every attack. They knew Undyne was still half-asleep. She probably didn't realize it was them.
And indeed, the battle only lasted about twenty seconds before the spears all disappeared as Undyne rubbed her eyes. When she realized what she had done, she seemed… ticked off.
"Frisk! Get over here, punk!" She shouted, grabbing the little kid and giving them a few noogies. "Don't do that ever again, I might hurt you on accident!"
Frisk managed to get out an 'okay' through a fit of giggles. Undyne wasn't angry, just worried.
"Hi, Undyne!" Monster Kid greeted. Undyne looked over with a broad smile.
"Heya, Kid!"
"Is everyone okay?" Toriel said, finally coming in to see all of the broken… everything.
"It's all a-okay, Your Majesty!" Undyne said with a nervous chuckle. With a sheepish scratch of her head, she added, "Frisk kinda surprised me for a second there. I promise it won't happen again."
"Alright. Frisk, you need to be more careful. I know you're glad to see your friends, but…"
"Yes, Mom! I'll be careful!" The human child said with an obedient nod. They then turned to Undyne. "Let's go outside!"
"Yeah, sure! I'll take you kiddos on a walk, since you seem to have so much energy-that is, if you don't mind, Your Majes-"
"Oh, Undyne, you can just call me Toriel. I'm no longer the Queen of the Underground, and I haven't been for quite a while. I don't mind at all if you take the children out for a walk! Alphys and I just have to finish up with a few papers so she can start teaching at my school."
"Ooh! I wanna be a teacher! Teaching kids… Kiddo stuff! I'd be the best teacher! Ngaaaah!" Undyne declared passionately. The thought of instilling her own fighting spirit into so many students made her feel so pumped.
"Maybe she could be a gym teacher?" Alphys whispered with a slight blush.
"Perhaps! Undyne, would you like to be the-"
"... I'll take that as a 'yes'?" Toriel confirmed, shaking her head.
Alphys giggled as her girlfriend picked up the two children up and ran out the door with them.
Eventually, a few blocks down, Undyne stopped running. Running got a lot more tiring when carrying people. Plus, this was supposed to be a walk. She set the two kids down, and they walked a bit.
"You're so strong, Undyne!" Monster Kid breathed.
"You know it, kid!" She laughed, flexing a few muscles. Then, her smiling face changed to a small frown. "But, really, what are you dorks doing out of school so early? Doesn't it end at 2:30?"
"2:45! But we got out early!" Frisk said.
"Because we had a really mean teacher and she didn't like monsters and so she quit and-" Monster Kid began to explain.
"Where is she?! I'll pummel her to the ground!" Undyne held a fist up in front of her and shook her head.
"We don't know. But please, don't beat her up! Just because she was mean to us doesn't mean she deserves to get beat up…" Frisk implored quietly.
"Yeah! Don't beat her up! Kill her instead!" Flowey added from inside Frisk's backpack. The back zipper was open this time, since the golden flower had complained of it being stuffy in there.
"Flowey, no!" Frisk objected.
"Flowey, yes!" Flowey replied, grinning at the sheer thought of getting revenge on Miss Annie.
Undyne heaved a heavy sigh. "Nah, I won't kill her or beat her up. Still, I just don't understand why every other human up on the Surface is such a huge dickwad-whether it's accusations or bullying or just… staring… It's so aggravating!"
"Maybe they're still getting used to us?" Monster Kid asked.
"Maybe. But they need to stop being such jerks about it! Stupid humans-well, I mean, not all humans, you little mite!" Undyne ruffled Frisk's hair before lifting them up onto her shoulders. Frisk couldn't help but let out a little giggle.
"I'm sure that once everyone realizes you're all very nice, they'll be nice too! I was scared when I first fell into the Underground too, and they're kind of feeling the same thing… I'm sure they'll warm up eventually!"
"They'd better. I don't want to see what would happen if there was another Monster-Human War."
Monster Kid seemed to tense at the mention of the War. Every monster knew about the war, had heard testimonies from veterans of the war, had read the tales and legends passed down about it… Even if they hadn't actually been alive to experience it, they could all feel the pain. It was almost unexplainable.
"I won't let that happen!" Frisk declared, jumping up and down. As the ambassador for Monsters to the human race, it was kind of their responsibility. Knowing they were the only hope for humans and monsters… "I'll defend you guys!"
"Awesome, Frisk! Right on! Hey, you guys wanna head back? Alphys might be finishing up. Then, we could watch anime or something," Undyne suggested.
"Okay! Cool!" Frisk and Monster Kid exclaimed. Flowey let out a drawn-out groan.
"Sweet! Let's go!" With a loud 'Ngaaaaaah', Undyne picked the two kids up on her shoulders and carried them back towards the house, deciding to walk this time. Frisk took this time to hold Flowey's pot with one hand and observe Undyne's head frills with the other. After a bit of petting, Undyne turned to look at them.
"Are you touching my frills, kiddo?"
"That tickles."
"Okay, I'll stop." Frisk shifted their focus to staying balanced on Undyne's shoulder.
When they got back to Alphys' house, Undyne set them down before opening the door. Alphys and Toriel were sitting at a table, discussing the curriculum for the class. They turned and smiled as the group of kids, flower, and fish warrior walked in.
"You all have finished your walk?" Toriel asked.
"Yeah! I carried them all the way back, too! I bet I could've carried six kids!" Undyne boasted, flexing her muscles. Flowey scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"You're so strong, Undyne!" Monster Kid said as they hopped up and down.
"Yes, very," Toriel added. "If you were still interested in being a gym teacher, Alphys and I are almost done with her papers. We can start filling some out for y-"
"Oh, yeah, sure! Let's get started!" Undyne agreed, her eyebrows pressed in on her eyes in anticipation.
"Alright! Here, have a seat."
Undyne pulled up a chair and sat as Toriel started setting out papers for her, quietly discussing what each one was for. Alphys finished signing a few papers before going over to the couch, with Monster Kid and Frisk following close behind. Once they were all sitting, Alphys sifted through the pile of anime DVDs before popping Mew Mew Kissy Cutie into her DVD player.
After the anime was done, Toriel was finally done with the paperwork, and it was time to drop off Monster Kid. From there, she, Frisk, and Flowey drove home.
While they were in the car, Frisk began reading one of the books packed into their backpack. They couldn't help but overhear Toriel make a call-especially when they recognized who she was talking to on the car's speaker.
"Hello, Sans!" Toriel greeted with a smile. "This is Toriel! I was just thinking, and I realized that you might want a job at the school! I remember you talking about how you knew physics material pretty well…"
"What are you trying to suggest?"
"Well… Maybe you could be a teacher? I have a few science teachers already employed, but a teacher for a higher level physics course needs to know what they're doing."
Frisk's head shot up from their book in interest. Sans? A teacher at their school? They didn't know what 'physics' were, but it would be fun to have him at the school!
Flowey scoffed. "Ew, that smiley trash bag is on the phone?"
"Flowey…" Frisk scolded, not too loudly so they could still hear the conversation.
"Me? A teacher? Nah, Tori, I have experience on the field, not for dealing with kids. I mean, sure-I raised Papyrus, but that's different. I'd probably be better as a janitor than a teacher. Thanks for the offer, but-"
Toriel seemed crestfallen for a moment until she suddenly came up with an idea. "Oh? Well, actually, we do need a few more janitors. If you don't mind…"
"Hm… What's the pay?"
"We'd have to start you off at a decent amount above the minimum wage, but after a few months, we might be able to raise it to-"
"Sold! I'll do it. I've just gotta clean up messes and change lights, right?"
"Well… Yes, essentially."
Frisk beamed, looking to Flowey in excitement. The golden flower seemed… less than thrilled.
"Sounds good. When do I start?"
"How about Friday?"
"Works for me. See you Friday."
"Perfect! Goodbye for now!" Toriel pressed a button on the side of the steering wheel and the call ended.
"Hey, Mom?" Frisk asked.
"Yes, dear?"
"When are you going to marry Sans?"
Toriel's face erupted into a blush.
"F-Frisk, I don't think we're going to get married! All I've done is hire him to work at the school, not ask him on a date!"
"You shouldask him on a date!"
Toriel chuckled. "Sweetheart, I appreciate this, but honestly? I'm just a little old lady who worries too much. He could find much better than me,"
"But he totally digs you!" Frisk exclaimed, excited about the thought of having Sans as a father and Papyrus as an uncle. Couldn't their mother see how much Sans appreciated her and cared about her?
"Well… Maybe one day," Toriel smiled slightly, but tried not to let Frisk see it as she drove. Frisk waggled their eyebrows at Flowey, who just groaned.
When they finally got home, Frisk didn't have any homework. They read their books for a little while until that got boring, then they found some cartoons on TV. Somehow, they ended up watching a series of shows on MTT Networks until Toriel found them and said it was about time to head to bed. They hadn't even realized it was nighttime-they were so absorbed into the show!
"Wait, Mom! I have to say goodnight to Sans and Papyrus. I promised them I would every night!" Frisk said, jumping up from the couch and running to the table where the house phone was kept. It took a moment to remember the correct number, but once Frisk did, they excitedly dialed it in.
After a few rings, the receiver was picked up by Papyrus. "Hello?"
"Hi, Papyrus!" Frisk greeted.
"Good day, Frisk!"
Frisk couldn't help but giggle. "But, Papyrus! It's night!"
"Oh? Why, yes, it is actually nighttime! You are correct! This means I cannot greet you with a 'Good day', but rather with a 'Good evening'. I have made an error. Could you ever forgive me, Frisk? Even someone as great as I makes mistakes sometimes!"
Another giggle escaped them. "Of course I can!"
"Thank you, thank you! Truly, your genuine mercy makes these cheeks of mine blush!"
"Hey, Pap? Can I talk to Sans?"
"What's that? You want to talk to Sans? Why, of course! I shall give him the receiver."
Frisk beamed and tottered excitedly in place for a while as they heard footsteps over the phone. A moment later, there was a new voice coming through the speaker. "Hey there, kiddo. How are you?"
"I'm really happy! Thank you for asking!"
"That's great. I'm happy to hear that you're happy."
Frisk couldn't help but giggle again.
"Why are you laughing? What's so funny?"
"You used 'happy' twice in the same sentence, Sans! Mom told me you shouldn't use words twice in a sentence."
"Well, then, let's keep this conversation a secret between you and me."
"Okay," Frisk whispered.
"Frisk?" Sans whispered back.
"Why are we whispering?"
"Because, you want this to be a secret conversation! We don't want anyone to hear us."
"That's pretty smart of you to think about that, Frisk."
"Thank you, Sans! You're pretty smart too for realizing what I wanted you to do without me telling you."
"What can I say? I'm a wise guy."
"Uh-huh! And since you're wise, you can guess what I'm going to do next, right?" Frisk shifted excitedly, phone still in their hands. Toriel was sitting at the table behind them, smiling. Flowey was on the table as well, being fed a slice of pie bit by bit.
"I actually don't know, Frisk. What are you going to do?"
"This!" Frisk pressed their lips to the receiver. "Mwah!"
They could almost feel Flowey rolling his eyes, but they ignored it.
"What was that, Frisk?"
Something in Sans' voice told them that he already knew what it was, but Frisk decided to explain anyway.
"It was your goodnight kiss! Didn't you hear me say 'mwah'?"
"I know, I know. I'm messing with you. Do you want to give Papyrus his goodnight kiss?"
"Oh, yeah! Can you give the phone to him?"
There was a rustling on the other end as the phone switched hands before Papyrus gave Frisk a goodnight kiss with a 'Mwah!'
"Frisk! I have given you a goodnight kiss through the phone! Did you hear it?"
"Uh-huh! Get ready for yours, Pap!"
"Of course, without further delay!"
Flowey groaned, but he was ignored again.
"There! Hey, Pap? Put the phone on speaker for a second!"
"As you wish!"
A split second later, Frisk could hear the background noise of the house and could tell that they were on speaker mode.
"Goodnight, Papyrus! Goodnight, Sans! I love you both."
"We love you too, Frisk!" Papyrus and Sans both responded.
"Hee hee hee! I have to go now, so I'll see you later! Bye!" Frisk placed the phone back on its little way station before going to give Toriel a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Goodnight, Mom! I love you!"
Toriel returned the favor. "I love you too, Frisk."
Flowey was still munching on some pie in silent annoyance. Frisk quickly leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He recoiled once he realized what was happening, but it was too late. Frisk picked up Flowey's pot and hugged it to their chest.
"I love you, Flowey!"
"Frisk, stop it!" Flowey whined. Frisk just carried them off to their room before setting them on the nightstand.
Frisk placed Flowey's little teddy bear beside his stem before flopping on the bed, flipping the covers over them. They turned the lamp on their nightstand off and lay down.
"Goodnight, Flowey,"
"Goodnight, Frisk…"
There's the latest chapter!
I'd like to point out in the story that when they say 2:30 and 2:45 PM, this means 14:30 and 14:45 international time.
My tumblr username is anipwrites
My friend's tumblr username is 105ttt
Feel free to favorite, follow, or leave a review as always! I hope you all have a wonderful day! Thanks for reading!