Hey fanatics!

So this is a new fic that I am writing, and I'm really excited! I will be updating this fic and my other one "Resurgent" as regularly as possible. Please check out my oneshots "Say Hello" and "Little Angel" and leave a review telling me what you thought! :) I hope you guys enjoy this fic!


Disclaimer: This will be my only disclaimer so take heed. I do NOT own the rights to the Divergent Trilogy in any way. All characters mentioned are takes on the original characters created by Veronica Roth. :)


I stood there at my window, looking down at the scene below me; tears pouring down my face. I never thought this would happen. I never even got to say goodbye.

Tobias and I have been best friends ever since I can remember. We took our first steps together, said our first words together, laughed for the first time together.

And now, all I can see is that man - Marcus - shoving his son into a car that I know will never return. I have no idea where it will take them. I doubt that I will ever see my best friend again.

Marcus is cruel man. He beats Tobias. No one knows that I have figured that out; not even Toby. Everyone else was under Marcus' spell. Everyone else thought he was a perfect man, a model father. I know better.

Tobias would very commonly come to my house every morning looking stiff and rigid; and I could see the pain in his eyes when my mother and father welcomed him with a hug. He never said anything though, and so neither did I.

Toby's mum died when we were four years old. I remember her funeral so clearly. I didn't see Tobias for days. And neither did I see Marcus.

I think Marcus started beating Toby 2 years after that. We were only 6 years old.

And that was 6 years ago.

Now, at 12 years old; I stand watching my friend leave me without him even knowing.

"Goodbye." I whisper to no one, and then I collapse onto my bed and cry.

How did you like it? Chapter 1 should be up by the end of today - and please please please PLEASE leave a review letting me know what you think! :)
