YOSO struggles to get away from the huge crowd on the stage. She trips and falls out of the group, pushing herself onto her elbow to look around. Millie appears with a soap box. She sets it down and pulls YOSO up.

YOSO puts two fingers in her mouth and whistles. The sharp sound fails to garner the attention of the group, consisting of all the characters and guest stars living in the studio. Bill flickers to visibility, fading out every few moments so that the scarf is the only marker of his existence.

"Can we get off the stage now?" Pacifica calls out. Only her outstretched hand is apparent above the throng.

"This looked so much better on paper," Ian muses.

"Ow!" Gideon cries. "You stepped on my foot!"

"I did not," Dani argues.

"Can everybody just stop moving!" YOSO orders. She clears her throat, straightening to take on a serious demeanour. "I suppose you're all wondering why I've gathered you here today," she starts.

"Whatever it was," Eris pipes up, "Beck did it."

"I didn't do anything!" Beck claims. He seems to rethink his statement when he receives a glare from everyone in his immediate vicinity. "Well, I didn't do anything recently..."

YOSO puts a hand over her face. "This isn't about anyone getting in trouble," she explains, holding her hands out in front of her. The collective "Oh" makes her purse her lips.

"Back to the matter at hand," Millie interrupts, gesturing for YOSO to keep going.

"Right," YOSO continues. She pulls a rolled-up sheet of paper out of her pocket. She unrolls part of it carefully—the rest falls and continues to roll away from her, unfurling as it stretches across the floor, around the stage, and loops around so that the end returns to sit at the bottom of the soap box. "'In all the time we've had the show running'," YOSO reads. "Wait, that part was supposed to be scratched out." She moves the page up. "'The show has been a bigger success than ever thought before, and while it has been nice to have you all here, you can no longer stay.'"

"Excuse me?" Gabs asks flatly.

"Hey, what's this about new guest stars?" Eris wonders, picking up the patch of paper closest to her and pointing at it. Carol looks over her shoulder, brow furrowing as she scans the page.

YOSO moves the paper up, even as some of crowd leans to look over the rest covering the floor. "'The studio has been home to you for well over a year,'" YOSO reads on, "'but—'"

"'You're mooches who need to leave'?" Carol looks up from the bunch of paper Eris holds, incredulous.

"Whoops, thought I scratched that out," YOSO squeaks quickly. She collects her "speech" into a roll before the others can read through any more of it. She sighs tiredly. "Guys, look: we've run out of time in the studio and I've gotta get the place cleared out by the end of the month. So, it would be a real help if you could pack your things and go as soon as possible."

"Us too?" Dipper asks, shouting to be heard among the grumbling.

"No. You lot still have one episode left to get through."

"You can't just do the last episode without us," Beck snaps.

"We could help you," Leela offers.

"This isn't up for discussion," YOSO grumbles, glaring at them both in turn.

"You can't clean out the storage rooms on your own, you know," Dani drawls.

"I perfectly well could," YOSO insists.

"There's a lot of stuff in there," Gabs adds. "Surely you'd need some help with all that."

"I have Ian and Millie," YOSO states.

"Please don't drag us into this," Ian mumbles.

"What about returning all the characters?" Beck questions.

"Making sure they're all returned safe and sound?" Leela continues for him.

"Oh, I'm sure you're going to need help organising those new guest stars," Laina adds, nodding empathetically.

"New kids really do tend to be a problem," Eris muses. "If you need an example, just look at Beck."

"Yeah— Hey!" Beck glares at Eris, receiving an innocent shrug in response.

"I..." YOSO falters.

"Don't worry about it," Nick assures her. "We'll do everything for you."

"But wait," Gabs reminds them, putting a note of mock sorrow in her voice. "We're supposed to be leaving soon."

"If only we could stay," AJ sniffs, glancing at YOSO to check for her reaction.

"Such a shame," Dani mopes. She perks and begins her march towards her room. "Oh well, if that's what the lady wants." The others follow her lead, stopping only when YOSO speaks up behind them.

"I guess you could stay," she says hesitantly. "B-but only until after the first episode, then you have to go."

"Sold! We're staying," AJ cheers.

The group disperses, leaving Bill, Ian, Millie, and YOSO on the stage by themselves. YOSO steps down from the box and puts a hand to the back of her neck. "What just happened?" she asks.

"You're spineless?" Bill offers.

"Oh, shove off." YOSO makes a grab for him, missing when he flies higher. She keeps walking, pointing two fingers at her eyes then at him as she goes.

"Hello and welcome back to 'What Do Ya Think?'," YOSO greets the camera, hands clasped together. "Hopefully you've found some of our other antics entertaining, but it's time to get back to what we built this show on." She takes off her hat, rifles through it, and presents the AU device. "Showing our beloved characters what we as a fandom have made of their lives." YOSO tugs the hat over her hair, pulling the remnants of her bangs over her face when they get tucked inside. "Before we begin, there is someone that would like to join us on the show."

"Who?" Dipper asks, camera panning to the right to accommodate him.

"I'm about to tell you, but..." YOSO hesitates. "You may want to move, Dipper."

He takes a step to his left. "Is here good?"

"Eh... sure." YOSO clears her throat exaggeratedly, then bellows, "Introducing... a girl known across FanFiction as DianaHuntressPines..." She holds her arms to her left with a flourish. "Jessica!"

A 13-year-old girl, with her brown hair tied up into a ponytail, walks onto the stage. Her hair swishes against her back as she walks, covering part of the grey flannel shirt. She wears jeans along with a pair of sneakers. She smiles broadly, holding her hands under her chin as she strikes a quick pose for the camera. "I'm cool with just 'Jess'," she tells YOSO.

"Dipper, meet—"

"Ohmigosh, DIPPER!" Jess tackles Dipper to the floor in a huge hug.

"Jess!" YOSO says, rushing to the two. "Jess, let go!"

"Help," Dipper wheezes. "Losing... air."

"Jess! You're choking him!"

"Someone get a crowbar!" YOSO calls over her shoulder, pulling at Jessica's arms to no avail.

Please stand by, we are experiencing technical difficulties

"Stay," YOSO commands, holding a hand out to Jess as if she is more ferocious lioness than girl.

"Can I just hug him again?" the younger girl asks, pouting. "I won't hurt him." She takes a step forward.

"Stay," YOSO says sternly. She stands in front of Dipper, who is hunched over and gasping for air.

"I'm okay," he assures them both, still gasping.

"See?" Jess points out. "He's fine."

YOSO purses her lips disapprovingly. "Of course he is. Moving on—What's that sound?" She quirks her head to listen to the faint scratching sound.

"What sound?" Jess asks, looking around.

"Shh, shh—listen."

YOSO continues to mull over the sound while Jess, having found the source, gawks at the 12-year-old girl dragging a trash bag across the floor. She stops upon reaching the edge of the stage and lets out a breath. YOSO raises her eyebrow at the display.

"Hi!" the girl greets, dressed in a denim play suit over an orange t-shirt, and stripy socks over her feet. Annoyed with her hair, she brushes back the dark, flower-laced braid with her fingers, flipping it over her shoulder so it falls down her back.

"Who are you?" Jess asks.

"More importantly, how did you get in?" YOSO asks, eyeing the girl warily.

The girl puts a hand on her chest, the other never leaving the garbage bag. "I'm Elizabeth—call me Lizzie—and"—she points in the direction of the front door—"the door was unlocked."

YOSO slaps a hand to her forehead at the same time Jess points to the bag. "What's in there?" she wonders.

"A ghoul from the netherworld," Lizzie announces darkly. Just then, the bag starts to shift. What look like hands tug desperately at the plastic, eventually tearing through and eliciting a shriek from Jessica.

She jumps behind YOSO just as a boy's head emerges from the bag. He gasps for breath, putting a hand to his chest as he takes grateful gulps of air. The curls on his head match Lizzie's, as does his dark complexion. It contrasts with the orange-and-white striped shirt, but ties him even more to the girl who now has her hands on her waist.

"Is he a ghoul?" Jess questions nervously. "Are we all gonna die now?"

"What ghoul?" The boy looks around, panicked. "Where?" He scrambles to get himself out of the bag—unfortunately, that only serves to trap him in a tangled mess.

"He's not a ghoul," YOSO states, quirking her head.

"Who ever said I was?" he asks incredulously.

YOSO nods to Lizzie, who grins when the boy glares at her. "Sorry, Travis," Lizzie chirps with a shrug.

Travis stands, pulling at the plastic around his arms. "What kind of sister"—he rips the layer covering his chest—"puts her twin brother in a plastic bag"—he tears off another section that is wrapped around his arm—"while he's asleep"—he pushes the rest down his blue-jeans-covered legs and hops on one foot as he tries to shake the bag off—"and drags him halfway across the world without air holes?"

YOSO groans. "More twelve-year-old twins?"

"More twins?" Millie chirps, popping onto the stage. Ian follows close behind, happily asking, "Where?"

"I heard something about twins," Mabel sings. She hops on each foot, as if each tile was part of a huge hopscotch game. Dipper holds Journal 3 protectively as he scrutinises the new twins alongside Ian.

Mabel takes Lizzie's hand and shakes it fervently. The latter nearly loses balance with the wrenching motion. "Hi, I'm Mabel," the brunette introduces herself.

"Lizzie," the girl manages as a burbled greeting. When Mabel finally lets go, she moves on to the boy twin, who shakes his head and takes a step back with his hands up. "I'm Travis," he says. "No need to shake hands."

Mabel shrugs off the refusal. "Suit yourself."

"Great," YOSO mutters sarcastically. "Now there's 3 set of twelve-year-old twins. How 'bout we just have a party."

5 minutes later...

Ian and Millie, Lizzie and Travis, and Dipper and Mabel stand around a table with noise makers in their hands and party blowers in their mouths. The stick six sparklers in a three-tier cake, celebrating when they take turns lighting one each. Sneakily, Travis pokes Journal 3 towards the sparks. Dipper yelps and saves the book before it can set fire. He glares at the other boy, who tucks the party blower behind his ear. Travis spins the noisemaker and whistles innocently, as if he had not just tried to destroy one of Dipper's most valuable possessions.

YOSO scans the scene, taking a moment to push a lock of stray hair under her hat. "I didn't mean it literally!"

Mabel pipes up, "But you said—"

"I know what I said," YOSO cuts him off, holding up a finger for quiet. "Do not remind me, I regret I ever said it—pack all this up; we still have to finish the episode."

Millie, slowly stretching out her arms, offers YOSO a slice of cake.

YOSO gives her a flat look.

Millie mumbles a meek "Mmkay" and takes the cake back.

"I need all of this"—YOSO gestures to the small party—"cleaned up in ten minutes, alright?"

"Fine," Ian agrees begrudgingly.

15 minutes later...

"Are we good?" YOSO calls to someone offstage. "No more distractions?"

A voice shouts something, but the noise is incoherent to the camera. However, whatever was said is confirmation enough for YOSO to nod surely and give her attention to the camera. She opens her mouth to speak, stops short, walks offstage, and returns with her head bowed over the portal-making device. "So," she declares distractedly, "there's some AUs that we haven't introduced the characters to, and I figured instead of getting a ton of pictures and having to cite them in some way—which is a real pain in the neck, mind you—how about we just show them in person? It'd certainly be easier, wouldn't it?"

YOSO quirks her head to the side in thought. "Though I suppose deciding which method is easier really depends on the sort of person you are," she muses.

"Psst," Mabel whispers loudly. The camera pans to where she stands stage left. "Pssssst!"

"What?" YOSO asks, mimicking the tone.

"Is it our cue yet?"

"You missed it, actually."

"Aw, really?" Mabel mopes, voice taking on its usual boisterous volume.

"Where'd all the others go?"


The camera view switches to the hall where Jess stands with Dipper, standing on her toes to look over his head at the journal. Dipper takes a step away, eyeing her distrustfully before he slowly goes back to the book. Jess sidesteps and resumes reading over his hat. "Hey, what's that over there?" Dipper asks, nodding to something behind her.

She turns her head to look. "I don't get. What am I looking for?" When she looks back, Dipper has disappeared. She tilts her head in confusion. The camera view switches back to the stage just as Dipper finishes his sprint to it.

YOSO regards him warily. "Dude, what happened?"

"Doesn't matter," he wheezes. "What did you want to show us?"

"I can't show you until Stan and Ford and— You know, all of you really need to be here."

"I got this," Mabel reassures, puffing out her chest and putting a hand to it with pride. She clears her throat. "Oh my," she enunciates in an over-the-top announcer voice, "who's bag of money is that? Maybe it's Stan's. I heard he was looking for—"

"It's mine!" Stan's gruff voice proclaims as he dashes to the stage. "Nobody touch it!"

Mabel grins wide when the old man gives her a questioning look. He sighs in defeat. "Well played, kid," he admits. "Well played."

"That's all well and good, Mabel," YOSO pipes up, "but there are seven more people that are still missing." She checks her watch anxiously and scratches the back of her head.

"You got lice or something?" Stan asks her, wrinkling his nose.

"No—I-I don't."

"Then what's with the..." He mimics her scratching, raising his eyebrows pointedly.

"I'm not used to the shorter hair, is all," YOSO admits, shifting from foot to foot. "It keeps tickling my neck." She stops herself from putting a hand to her neck again, crossing her arms instead. "Stupid Bill."

"I heard that," Bill deadpans. Bill the Floating Scarf hovers near YOSO. Stan grits his teeth when he sees the triangle's flickering form.

"I know you did." YOSO smiles. "And now you're here to see the AUs."

"Not happening. Bye!" Before Bill can float away, YOSO snatches the end of the scarf. He makes an exaggerated strangling sound when it tighten over his eye. YOSO hands the scarf off to Stan, who takes the garment with a scowl.

"Alright, we have..." YOSO counts off people on her fingers. "Stan, Mabel, Dipper, Bill... and we need Ford, McGucket, Wendy, Soos, and Gideon."

"Waddles!" Mabel shouts.

"Excuse me?"

Mabel puts a hand to either side of her face, dismayed. "I almost forgot about Waddles! I'll be right back." She runs off in a rush.

"Bring Ford and McGucket back with you," YOSO calls after her.

Ian arrives at the stage with Wendy, Soos, and Gabs in tow. "I found these three using a magnifying glass to burn the floor tiles," he explains.

"We were simply expressing our artistic style," Gabs states professionally.

"That floor looks great now," Wendy adds in the same manner. "Much better than when we found it."

"I'd agree with you," Ian mutters, "but that floor was right next to a very flammable door."

"I wouldn't have let that happen," Soos assures them with a wave of his hand. "I'm a pro when it comes to handling fire."

Ian rolls his eyes. Looking at YOSO, he twirls a finger around his head and points to the trio, making it clear what he thinks of their mental state.

Unfortunately for him, Gabs notices as much. "We're not blind, you know," she snaps.

"No, just crazy," he confirms.

The ensuing bickering is loud enough for YOSO to cover her ears. It continues until Waddles charges the stage, squealing a battle cry and bowling most of the group over. Mabel skips behind him with Ford, McGucket, and Gideon walking behind her.

"Good pig," Mabel commends, patting her pet on the head affectionately.

"Bad pig," Stan grumbles, stretching his back and making the bones crack as he stands.

YOSO rights herself and does a quick head count. "Oh, good, you're all here. Gabs, are you staying?"

"Psh, yeah," she says, as if it's obvious.

"Can you all just move..." She points to the left of the stage with both arms, making a grand sweeping motion as she does.

They oblige. While YOSO sets up the machine, a guy dressed in all black sneaks up behind the group. He straightens out his leather jacket and stands for a moment with his thumbs in his jeans' pockets. He taps Gabs on the shoulder and asks, "What's going on?"

"Oh, we're just setting up this portal thingy that may or may not send us a monster that will kill everyone here," Gabs explains, nodding after she's done.

"That was one time," YOSO calls over her shoulder. "And we got that fixed already."

"Leela almost died," Gabs points out.

"Technical difficulty," YOSO dismisses, facing Gabs with a hand on her hip. She notices the newcomer. "Who are you and how did you get in?"

He flicks his dark brown hair back so the dark blue of his eyes is clearly visible. "Name's Siege Black, I came through that door over there"—he points behind himself—"and a girl with glasses let me in."

"Girl with glasses...?" YOSO stomps her foot. "Dani!"

"What?" the small brunette asks in annoyance. Her sudden appearance makes YOSO flinch.

"Why'd you let him in?"

Dani shrugs. "Why not?"

"Why not? Why not? We can't just let whoever in—the place is already crowded enough as is."

Dani blinks boredly, making it clear what she thinks of the admonishment.

YOSO grits her teeth. "You know what? Since you let him in, he's your responsibility."

Another shrug from Dani. "I have no problems with that."

"I do," Siege interrupts.

"Quiet down, Siege, we're talking here," YOSO snubs.

"About me. I should have a say in my own fate."

"Fine." Dani crosses her arms. "What would you want, Siege?"

"One: to stop being treated like a kid—especially by an actual kid."

Dani and YOSO both give him flat looks. "Age doesn't much matter to us," YOSO murmurs.

"We'll still find a way to make you suffer," Dani adds.

Siege blanks for a moment, not saying anything. He seems to regret what he said, then he clears his throat and the regret disappears. "Okay, two: whatever it is you're doing here, I want in."

"Alright, deal." YOSO offers her hand to him. The Pines family tenses, glancing between her and Bill. YOSO breathes sharply and tucks her hand in her pocket. "Sorry," she tells them. To Siege: "We agree to one of your terms, but if you step out of line, well... I'll leave that to Dani."

Siege can only watch as Dani punches the palm of one hand with the other and makes an exaggerated cracking sound.

"Back to the matter at hand," YOSO announces, turning on her heel and facing the empty area again. "The first AU we have on our list is one called the Hivemind AU." She presses the button the machine and the portal appears with a zap.

"By Barbacar," Millie adds, jumping up to be heard from behind the characters.

"We have to say who they're by now?" YOSO asks, alarmed.

Millie pushes through to stand next to Mabel. "Nah, just Barbacar's."

"Phew." YOSO runs a hand over her forehead and flicks it to the side. "So, in this AU, Mabel spent a touch too much time in her prison and became like the fake Wendy."

Dipper shudders and Wendy raises an eyebrow. YOSO steps through the portal, returning with a second Dipper and Mabel in tow. The originals inspect their counterparts and vice versa. "Go on," YOSO encourages. "Introduce yourselves, shake hands."

"No!" Nick shouts. He runs to the stage and jumps between both pairs of Pines twins. "Are you crazy?" he asks YOSO, frantic. "You can't have them so close to each other."

"Why not?" YOSO says defensively.

"They're from two different dimensions. Alternates from different dimensions can't make contact!"

YOSO looks away and grumbles something about there being "too many rules for this sort of rubbish". Hivemind!Mabel leans around Nick, seeing Dipper on the other side. She grins. "You're not my alternate," she points out.

"I guess I'm not," he agrees.

"Great!" She disintegrates into a pile of bugs, making Dipper shriek and step back. The bugs maneuver around Nick, who flinches a little at the bugs crawling about his feet. Hivemind!Mabel reassembles herself in front of the panicked brunet. Still grinning, she offers a hand in greeting.

"She does that," Hivemind!Dipper calls from where he is.

"How do manage to live with her?" Dipper wonders, staring at the girl's hand.

Hivemind!Dipper shrugs. "You get used to it."

Mabel, however, is in unabashed awe. "Awesome!" she says to her counterpart. "What else can you do?"

Hivemind!Mabel thinks for a moment, looking up at the ceiling as she considers the question. "I can shapeshift into stuff." She breaks apart and the bugs shift until, standing in her place, is another Dipper.

Dipper himself is starting to look a little faint.

"Are you sure I can't help him?" Hivemind!Dipper asks Nick. "He's not looking so good."

"I'm positive," Nick confirms. "You can't make contact with your counterpart—there's no way around that."

Hivemind!Mabel shifts back to her original state. She beams at the disgusted Stan with pride. He manages a wan smile. "Looking good, sweetie," Stan offers with a weak thumbs-up.

"Thanks, Grunkle Stan!"

"Fascinating," Ford murmurs, leaning to get a closer look at this version of his niece. "Can you still eat like a normal person? Or do you feed each of the bugs individually?"

Hivemind!Mabel shrugs. "It depends on what I feel like doing. Usually though, I eat like the rest of you."

"Dinner's pretty weird otherwise," Hivemind!Dipper adds.

"Alright, say your goodbyes, guys," YOSO says, ushering the Hivemind AU's twins back to the portal. "Your grunkles must be looking for you."

"Bye!" Hivemind!Mabel chirps as her brother waves. Dipper smiles nervously and returns the wave while his sister offers a more enthusiastic farewell consisting of loud cheering for their counterparts.

The portal closes. YOSO hops to Nick and nudges him towards the edge of the stage. "Okay, they're gone, you can go now," she mumbles quickly.

"I can't," Nick argues, digging his feet into the stage. "It's clear you can't open these portals without risking something bad happening."

"I can take care of this on my own," YOSO counters, trying to match his height.

"You have no regard for the rules of AUs. I'll stay here and make sure you don't accidentally break one."

YOSO scowls, but doesn't say anything. She goes back to the clearing on the stage and opens the next portal. "This next AU is another of Barbacar's," she explains. "It's called the Circus AU, and in it, most of you are part of a travelling circus. Though I'm not sure about you, Pacifica." YOSO looks over the blonde.

"Like I'd ever join the circus," Pacifica sneers.

YOSO rolls her eyes. Suddenly, the portal spews a pink ball of glitter onto the floor. Circus!Dipper peeks around the edge of the portal. He spies the immobile lump and rushes forward. "Mabel? Mabel!"

She doesn't respond.

He leans forward to put an ear to her chest as he searches for a pulse...

...and gets a handful of glitter thrown in his face. Circus!Mabel sits up and shouts, "I am Mabel Pines, the Unkillable! Bask in my feats of wonder! Be in awe as I cheat death itself!" She turns at the sound of clapping from Mabel. Dipper watches on in amusement.

"Who are you?" Circus!Dipper demands.

YOSO steps in. "Dipper and Mabel, this is Mabel and Dipper. Mabel and Dipper, Dipper and Mabel. Everything clear?"

Mabel dashes to Circus!Mabel's side, fawning over the latter's cape. "I love your outfit. How much glitter did this thing take?"

Circus!Mabel smiles toothily. "Girl, if I knew I'd tell you, but I lost count after the 37th jar of sparkles."

"You're too close to each other," Nick interrupts. He nudges Mabel back a bit.

"Buzzkill," Mabel accuses and sticks out her tongue.

"Rules are rules," he counters.

"Rules are stupid," Circus!Mabel argues. "If I followed all of them, my show wouldn't be such a success."

"Yeah! Up top!" Mabel holds up a hand for a high-five and Circus!Mabel does the same.

"Stop!" Nick shouts.

They freeze, hands mere inches from touching.

"Back up. Now."

Both Mabels mutter their indignation as they separate.

"It's for the best, Mabel," Dipper assures her.


"If we're done here," Circus!Dipper pipes up, "we need to get going. The show starts in about ten minutes and we were supposed to be setting up until..." He gives his sister a pointed look.

She gives him an embarrassed smile. "Oops."

The Circus twins gather themselves and disappear into the portal after a quick show of theatrics to mark their departure.

"I think we have time for one more AU," YOSO muses. Another portal is opened and is explained like so: "This portal here goes to the Vampire & Hunter AU. I don't remember if we did this one already..." YOSO takes a bit of paper out of her pocket and looks it over. "Pretty sure we didn't. So—"

"Dipper makes a contract with Bill which allows him to live for thousands of years so he can search for his sister who's a witch. She was taken a long time ago by a witch named Giffany. Pacifica is a vampire whose lover was named Johnny. Johnny and Dipper were friends, kind of, and when Johnny died he told Dipper to watch out for Pacifica, but she thought that he was Johnny because Johnny and Dipper looked similar."

Everyone sits in stunned silence, staring at Nick, who grins happily after his little speech of an explanation for the AU.

"Easy there, Nick," YOSO says, using a hand to gesture for him to calm down.

He becomes sheepish. "Sorry. I just really like the AU."

"No duh," Millie says.

"Hey," Gabs calls out. "Maybe taking people from this AU is a bad idea."

"Why's that?" YOSO asks.

"From where I'm standing, they look kinda violent."

As if to support Gabs' statement, a blinding flash of light is emitted from the moment, making them all cover their eyes.

When it dies down, YOSO nods slowly. "You may have a point."

Alas, it is too late to go back. V&H!Dipper is thrown out of the portal, sliding across the floor and using one hand to stop himself. He tenses at the change of environment. He snaps to a defensive stance and summons a bit of blue magic to his hand, eyeing the others distrustfully.

"Yup, this was a bad idea," Millie affirms.

"Whoa," Mabel gasps.

"Get behind me," Dipper whispers.

V&H!Dipper notices the twins, and his eyes widen. "M-Mabel? Is that you?"

Mabel tilts her head to the side. "Um, no? I mean, yes?"

V&H!Dipper stands, relaxing a little and putting out the magic. He takes a step forward, but seems to think better of it and relights the fire. "How do I know this isn't some trick?"


Dipper looks to Ford and says a silent, Help us.

I'm thinking, I'm thinking, Ford mouths back.

Out of the portal falls V&H!Mabel. She sees the V&H!Dipper and scowls. "Prepare to die, hunter," she threatens, preparing her magic.

"Ohh, no," YOSO interrupts. "You are not doing this in my studio."

"YOSO, don't," Nick hisses, holding her sleeve.

"Stow that, I'm not letting them destroy my studio. Oi! Go back where you came from! Shoo!"

Nick buries his face in his hands, preparing for the worst. Considering he and YOSO are standing so close together, if either V&H!Dipper or Mabel decided to take a shot at her, they'd hit him, too.

Fortunately for him, the outcry confuses them more than it angers them.

"Who's she?" V&H!Mabel asks.

"I dunno," V&H!Dipper replies.

"I'll be your freaking worst nightmare if you don't go back to that portal! If you're gonna fight, do it in your own blasted universe!"

Taken aback as they are, they oblige, giving YOSO a final skeptical look before they leave.

"Well, that happened," Stan says, breaking the ensuing silence.

"You are so lucky they didn't make you prove it," Millie tells YOSO.

"Yeah," YOSO agrees, pursing her lips. "Well, I guess that's it for today's episode." She scans the crowd of characters. "You lot can get ready to go home now."

Lizzie and Travis sneak onto the stage, chalk in hand. They start to draw something on the stage, but are interrupted by Jessica. "What are you doing?" she asks.

"Summoning Alcor," Lizzie chirps.

"Oh, that's nice— Excuse me? You're what?"

"Summoning Alcor," Travis repeats. "What part of that wasn't clear?"

"You can't summon Alcor!" Jess argues.

"Ooh, you're right." Travis straightens. "It won't probably won't work in this dimension. Hang on." He runs off, returning with the portal device. He presses a few buttons as opens a portal. "Now it'll work."

Before Jess can protest further, they finish off the circle and start chanting. When the girl tries to stop them, both twins slap a hand over her mouth and continue. Soon, Alcor appears and floats in the centre of the circle.

"Who dares summon Alcor the Dreambender?" he bellows.

"I do!" Travis says, holding up his hand.

"So do I!" Lizzie adds.

Alcor stares at them. "Haven't your parents ever told you not to summon demons?"

"Not really, no."

Alcor clasps his hands under his nose. "You're lucky you summoned me and not anyone else."

Mabel zips to the stage. "Hey, Dipper? I heard your voice over here— Whoa."

"Mizar? What are you doing here?"

"I'm not Mizar; I'm Mabel."

"Same thing," Alcor says flippantly.

Dipper walks by, reading the journal distractedly.

"Hey, Dipper," Mabel calls. "Meet yourself!"

"Huh?" The boy looks up and sees his demonic counterpart. He blanches. "A-Alcor?"

"What is going on here?" Alcor demands.

"It's Alcor!" Laina squeals. She runs to edge of the summoning circle and gawks up at him. "Wow, it is so nice to meet you."

"Um, thank you?"

"Why's he here?" YOSO asks, joining Laina in her inspection of the demon. "Who summoned him?"

"Those two," Alcor says, pointing to Lizzie and Travis.

"Snitch," Travis accuses.

"You both seemed so proud of it before," he mumbles.

"Sorry for bothering you, Alcor," YOS pipes up, "but we don't have much time left here and you really should go home now."

"But you haven't made a deal yet," he huffs.

"Oh, um..." YOSO takes off her hat and digs through it, eventually pulling out a chocolate bar. "Chocolate bar for your troubles?"

"Deal." Alcor takes the candy and is about to disappear when YOSO stops him.


"What is it now?"

"You have to go through there first," she says, pointing at the portal. Alcor regards her curiously, but obliges nonetheless. The portal closes behind him.

YOSO looks back to the camera, quirking her head as she realises it's still on. "Oops." She takes the camera off its stand and holds it up to face her. "Sorry about the rush, but due to our very limited amount of time, this is about as good a finale as you're getting, folks. Thank you for watching the show, whether you've joined us recently or been here from the beginning." She calls out, "Everyone, come over here!"

The rest of the cast and characters gather behind her. She tilts the camera up a bit so that everyone is visible with their packed bags. "Inadequate though this may be, I'll just say it: Goodbye!"

"We need a big send-off though!" Beck protests from the back.

Murmurs of agreement ripple through the crowd.

"We don't have time," YOSO retorts.

"But I had a big speech planned," Ian complains. "Y'know, talking about how this has been a magnificent journey to take with you all, a-and how it has been a marvelous two years—"

"One and a half," Millie corrects him.

"Whatever," he dismisses. "Point is, this was nice while it lasted but..."

"It's time to go," his twin finishes.

"Everybody say your goodbyes," YOSO shouts.

The loud combinations of "Bye!" and "So long!" make YOSO flinch and nearly drop the camera. She switches it off and the screen goes black.