Hello friends! If you enjoyed reading Goodbye, you might like Cats of the Rain, a story I am working on now, I am currently on my second chapter. Here's the summary:

In the rain a young, pregnant cat is abandoned in the forest. In the forest, this cat creates a family. In this family, trouble stirs. And trouble just leads to more trouble... "Only those who risk going too far can really find out how far one can go."

Well I hope you check it out! And here is a random waffle story not quite part of anything:

Greystripe looked in the cupboard. He looked in the fridge. He looked in the pantry.

"Where are the waffles?" His voice was close to a screech, his heart beat quickly, on the verge of panic as he frantically searched the kitchen for his beloved waffles. He spun around the check the fridge again. Where were the waffles? Where were the waffles? Where were the waffles?

"Uh Greystripe, are you okay?" Silverstream rubbed her beautiful blue eyes sleepily. "What's going on?"

"The waffles." He poked his head beneath the sofa, "Where are they?" He peered on top of the television.


"What?" He looked behind the bookshelf.

"They're on the-

"Of course, I forgot to check the light fixture!"

"Uh Greystripe…"

Greystripe pulled the chair away from the counter and leapt on top, standing on his tippy toes to reach the light fixture.

Stormfur stumbled downstairs, his tail dragging behind, with Feathertail just behind, her mouth parted in a wide yawn, just as Greystripe tumbled from the chair. His swag sunglasses fell to the floor, the lenses shattering.

"Greystripe!" Silverstream rushed forward, her blue eyes turning from tired amusement to concern. "Are you okay?"

Greystripe sat up, rubbing his leg, which was bent, twisted, and flipped around to the left side.

"I don't think it's supposed to look like that, Silverstream." He said, examining his leg curiously.

Silverstream sighed. "Come on, Greystripe. To the Emergency Room with you."

Greystripe stood beside his mate in the Emergency Room, as she explained to the receptionist what was going on. He watched as Millie came in, pushing Briarlight in her wheel-chair.

"Greystripe," She acknowledged her ex-husband coldly.

"Millie, get you and your daughter out of here, you're fine!" The receptionist screamed at them, "This is the eighth time this week, she's fine!"

"But she said her arm hurt a little bit, and I think-

"She. Is. Fine. Get out of here!"

Millie turned and with an exasperated sigh pushed her daughter out of the Emergency Room.

As Silverstream drove Greystripe home, his leg bandaged up, she laughed.

"What's so funny?" Greystripe turned, "There are no waffles and my swag sunglasses broke!" He broke out in tears yet again, grieving for his beloved sunglasses.

"We'll get you another pair." Silverstream murmured, patting her mate's back comfortingly, "But the waffles were on the counter the whole time."

Greystripe blinked, "Then why didn't you say so?"

"I tried, Greystripe, I tried."

Yep so there it is. Sorry to anyone that likes Millie but as you can tell… I am not a fan. XD Please check out my new story! :D