

Meeting Steve Rogers was the best thing to have ever had happen to Sam. First off, his platonic soul mate was fucking Captain America, the poster boy for the United States. Of course Steve was more than just that, but still, sometimes Sam's inner fan boy couldn't help be do a happy dance every no and then. Second, his was now a part of the Avengers team. The fucking Avengers. Sure the VA was nice to do on the side, but Sam had to admit that he was getting a bit bored there before he met Steve. And now he got plenty of action. Some of it was just guard work, but even that was fun sometimes too. But he will never ever tell Steve that he got his ass handed to him by a dude named Ant man.


Never Ever.


But the greatest things about this soulmate thing were the fucking parties! Tony Stark was a mad genius when it came to parties. He had apparently toned down from his college days, so Pepper tells him, but still. These events were great. Great Company, great entertainment (Stark once had an entire circus in his penthouse) and of course, great great booze. But, Starks greatest success were the after parties, when at three in the morning, after all the other guest left or had passed out for the night, the team just crashed together on the couch and laughed and talked their way into the morning.

It was at one of these after events, that Sam met Darcy. He had seen her around the tower before, but always in passing and he never actually spoke to her. During the main party, he saw her around, always chatting with someone and always laughing.

Finally after a long night of schmoozing and dancing, Sam headed to the bar for a rest. Once he sat down, he noticed Darcy and Thor chatting at the end of the bar. It was easy to tell that she was a little tipsy, due to the fact that her cheeks were rosy red and half of the words coming out of her mouth was slurred gibberish. Poor Thor, he looked more lost than usual.

Sam watched in amusement for a moment before stepping in to save Thor.

"Miss, you sure talk a lot, you know that?"

Darcy, who had been mid rant about some scientific thing that went way over Sam's head, stopped mid sentence and gapped at him like a dying fish.

After few seconds of awkward silence, Darcy retorted with:

"It's part of my charm"

Now it was turn for Sam to gap at Darcy like a dead fish. After some more awkward silence, the two of them burst out into laughter. Every time that they tried to compose themselves, the other would take one look at the red and twitchy cheeks before bursting out into laughter again. Soon the two of them were leaning against each other, clutching their sides with tears streaming down their face.

Finally, when the two of them could no longer breathe properly, the laughter subsided.

Sam chuckled slightly at the state of them before sticking out his hand.

"Hi, Sam Wilson"

Darcy smiled and shook his hand.

"Darcy Lewis"

They two of them were then quickly oblivious from the world around them, and were instead totally immersed in each other. If they had looked up though, they would have noticed this:

Thor looking on in bewilderment before Jane came over and explained that Sam and Darcy were soul mates. Once informed of this, Thor threw his head back and laughed, happy that his fellow teammate found his true love like he had. On the couch, Nat was draped on Clint's lap, with the two of them quietly conversing in Russian. Pepper was sitting next to them, with her feet in Tony's lap, trying really hard to fall asleep from Tony's foot massage. By the doorway, Fury and Hill were discussing work and mission progresses. If anyone bothered to look hard enough, you could see a small gleam of pride in Fury's eye, only for Hill to see. Bruce had left for his room sometime ago, having received a letter from Betty, that he wished to read in privacy. He was sad that this was the only form of communication that the two of them could have, but it was at least better than nothing. Steve had taken up position by the windows, watching the sun slowly rise. Ever since the fight on the bridge, Steve had been in a melancholy mood, unable to believe fully that his Bucky was back from the grave. But that didn't stop him from hoping. He had a lead and come sunrise, he was going to follow it till the end of the line.

"Throughout life, you will meet that one person that is unlike any other. You could talk to this person for hours and never get bored. You can tell them things and never get judged. This person is your best friend, your soul mate. Never let them go."


The End