Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin

Chapter 3

Present time Merlin's P.O.V

I was walking when I finally got my first view of Camelot the place I will be staying while I learn to control my magic. To be honest I would really rather not come to a placed that hates magic to learn to control magic, but it was my mothers dyeing wish that I come and learn how to control magic under the tutelage of her elder brother Gaius who also happens to be the court physician. As I was walking through the city of Camelot I realized that it truly is a beautiful place but there was something wrong there were very few people out and a bought and most of the shopping stands were closed up. That's when I entered the castles court yard and noticed That almost every one from town was there, then I saw a man who I assumed to be king stand up and give a speech about the evils of magic and how he has no choice but to punish those with it. Right after he was done with the speech he raised his hand then brought it down signaling the executioners to bring down there swords on the man excused of magic. Once the swords came down there was an ear piercing scream that came from the center of the crowed. When people cleared away I saw I woman with thin gray hair that seams to falling out and then I got a view of her face and saw she was missing some teeth as well. Them I heard her say "magic is not the evil of this land you are and because of you I lost my son. A tooth for a tooth, a eye for a eye, and a son for a son."then all of a sudden she disappeared in a cloud of smoke. After that the crowd started to clear out so I figured I better go find the physicians chambers so I walked up to a young woman and asked if she knew where I could find the physicians chambers. After I got the directions I told her thank you and made my way to were I would find my uncle.

Uther's P.O.V

After I heard the scream my attention immediately when to an elderly woman in the crowd. I heard her say " magic is not the evil of this land you are and because of you I lost my son. A tooth for a tooth, a eye for a eye, and a son for a son." I immediately called for the guards but before they could do anything she disappeared in a cloud of smoke. I let my self fall back into a sitting position after a few moments the crowd started to clear out and I caught a glimpse of a young man with black hair and blue eyes. I don't know why this young man stood out to me but for some reason I could not get him out of head for the rest of the day.