Chapter 14

When Hiro and Akari walked through the portal, they were immediately aware that they were back where they were supposed to be. They smiled wide as Baymax stood in front of them, and called Tadashi. Though, calling his name caught everyone's attention.

"What is it Baymax?" Tadashi asked.

"We have returned," Baymax stated.

"What do you mean you've returned? Where did you go? Who did you bring back with you?" Tadashi questioned.

"Hiro and Akari," Baymax replied.

"Baymax, we already went over this," Tadashi sighed as he walked over to his creation, "Hiro and Akari are gone."

"Are we?" Hiro asked, and the both of them stepped out from behind Baymax into everyone's view.

Everyone from the alternate dimension smiled, while everyone else stared wide-eyed and mouths agape.

"H-Hiro? A-Akari?" Tadashi asked, his voice wavering. The both of them nodded. They ran towards their older brother, and Akari then burst into tears.

"T-Tadashi!" Akari cried, "D-Dashi! Onii-chan gomen'nasai! We're so sorry! Please forgive us!" she sobbed into his shoulder. (Dashi! I'm so sorry (big) brother!)

"Akari, calm down… It's ok. We're all ok. It's going to be ok. I forgive you both. Watashitachi wa futatabi subete issho ni imasu," Tadashi said reassuringly. (We're all together again.)

"But Tadashi I was so scared! We didn't know where we were, or how to get back here! I was scared we'd never see you, or Aunt Cass, or anyone else again!" Akari cried.

"We missed you so much Dashi. We missed you so, so much," Hiro said quietly, trying not to let his emotions get the best of him.

"I missed you too Hiro and Akari… I missed you too," Tadashi replied. The three of them fell to the floor, not caring about anyone else around them, just each other. They just hugged. They had all missed the feeling of having each other near, and now they had each other back, and they didn't want to let go, in fear they would lose each other again.

Little did the three of them know that they were being recorded and translated by none other than Honey Lemon… and Baymax.

Baymax noticed that they were crying, and due to his programming, he's supposed to calm people down, and stop them from crying. He knows that crying is because of physical pain, but he now knows after being within the Hamada family for a year that there is more than one kind of pain, and the pain the Hamadas showed the most was emotional pain. He wrapped his large vinyl arms around the Hamadas and said, "You will be alright. There, there."

Akari chuckled lightly, though it was muffled the way she was nuzzled into Tadashi's side. They broke from the hug and wiped their tears away, noticing that their opposite selves looked as if they had been crying too.

"That's pretty much what we'd do if we were in your situation," Tomoko sniffed, "I can't… I can't imagine how you must've felt in the 3 months you didn't have them with you. How did you do it?"

"My friends helped me. They told me that Hiro and Akari had felt the same way when I was thought to be dead, but they moved on, and so did I. You know when you have true friends if they support you through everything," Tadashi explained.

"We're all glad to have you guys back Hiro and Akari," Lanie smiled. Everyone filed into a group hug with Hiro and Akari in the middle, but eventually, they heard Akari gasp, "Can't… breathe… Ow… my arm…"

So the hug disbanded.

Tadashi looked at Akari's arm to see it in a cast, "What happened to your arm?!"

"I… broke it when I fell out of a 14 story out of a building…" Akari trailed off.

"How did you fall out of a 14 story building?! When did this happen?" Tadashi asked frantically.

"I fell out when the building started to collapse… and it happened about a month and a half ago?" Akari offered.

"You knucklehead. You're so lucky you're ok," Tadashi sighed, then he smiled, "We've got to show the both of you to Aunt Cass. She's going to freak when she sees you."

At mention of Aunt Cass, Hiro and Akari's eyes widened and they grinned. They missed Aunt Cass so much. They couldn't wait to be back in her arms. Everyone huddled around Hiro and Akari, hiding them from anyone's view, and they all walked into the café. When Aunt Cass came out of the kitchen, her eyes widened at the amount of people that just entered.

"Tadashi…" Aunt Cass warned, "Please tell me you weren't using the copier and the gender swap machine again."

"No Aunt Cass. These are us… from an alternate dimension," Tadashi explained.

"We all came to get Hiromi and Aki back… and to give you something that belongs to you," Tomoko explained.

"What do you mean?" Aunt Cass asked.

They filed out of the way to show Aunt Cass Hiro and Akari, and when she got sight of them, she dropped the plates in her hands, not caring if they just shattered all over the place. She ran over to them, and she placed one of her hands on their cheeks.

"Hiro? Akari?" Aunt Cass asked. They nodded, and smiled brightly at her, beginning to cry once again. She pulled them into a hug, "I missed you so much! I didn't think I'd ever see you again! Are you ok?"

"We're fine now Aunt Cass," Akari sniffled, "Everything's fine now."

"We missed you so much," Hiro sniffled.

"Thank goodness you're alright…" Aunt Cass said happily, but that didn't last very long, "Akari?! What happened to your arm?!"

"I fell out of a 14 story building…" Akari squeaked.

"Why… I need food…" Aunt Cass muttered as she grabbed a pastry from the display case, "Why would you do that?!"

"It was collapsing, and I was in it…" Akari replied.

"WHAT WERE YOU TWO KNUCKLEHEADS THINKING?!" Aunt Cass shouted, taking a bite of her doughnut afterwards.

"We weren't…" Hiro squeaked.

Aunt Cass sighed, "Don't ever do that to me again."

"We won't," Hiro and Akari promised, and they definitely meant it.

Aunt Cass closed the café for the rest of the day, and the opposites from both dimensions celebrated the return of Hiro and Akari. When it was dark, they had to return to their dimension, and they said goodbye to everyone before disappearing into the portal forever.

Hiro and Akari were punished for going on a top secret mission without telling anyone, but neither of them thought they'd be grounded for long considering all the hugs they've gotten from their friends and family. The both of them were so relieved to be back home. They honestly never thought they'd get there, but thanks to Akari, it was made possible.

They sat with Tadashi on the fire escape outside his window, and they listened to what he had to say.

"I really missed you guys," Tadashi told them.

"We missed you too," Hiro replied, "Honestly though, if it wasn't for Akari figuring out why the portal kept exploding, then we wouldn't be here. Not yet anyway."

Tadashi ruffled Akari's hair, "Little genius."

"Hey! We're both geniuses! We have the same amount of intelligence," Hiro protested.

The three of them laughed. Tadashi sighed after the laughter died down, "I was so close to losing you. I don't know if I would've kept going if I knew you weren't alive."

"Face it big brother," Akari smirked, "You can't get rid of us that easily."

"And why's that?" Tadashi asked with a hint of amusement in his voice at sister's sudden statement.

"We're immortal," Akari said jokingly, "Nothing will take us down that easily!"

The three of them laughed again.

"I don't doubt it at all," Tadashi sighed, and they continued to look up at the stars.

Ok then... Sorry for the wait... and this is the end. Just so you know, I will NOT be revising this story. Thanks for reading, and check out my other stories.

See you next time.
