A little bit of overview for the readers who I hope don't get too cross with me. This is obviously a Fic derived from Fallout 4 (IF YOU HAVEN'T COMPLETED IT YET, SPOILERS ARE WITHIN, SO HALT!) I was dying to write some Sole Survivor/Danse romance. He's an amazing character with, what I felt, tons of layers of angst. But if you've ever gallivanted the Commonwealth, you'll find there isn't a lot of dialogue to work with, so some of his lines may be a tad out of character, bear with me.

On another note, this is my first piece I've written since I had my son two years ago, so the flow will seem a bit choppy and for that I apologize. This is also my first time experimenting with first person (which generally I'm really opposed to) for any errors, I again, apologize! With that being said, I hope you enjoy!

This story is M and is suggested for only those 16+

This story has adult themes throughout, I'll tag incoming bits with an M. Feel free to skim over it if you'd like!


I don't remember, what brought me to the Brotherhood. Guts and glory isn't exactly my forte, but as I came to find out, I made a pretty damn good soldier. I chock it up to being stubborn, but my husband had always tried to convince me I had a glorious sense of justice. I think, ultimately, I was lost... and these men and women seemed to know what they were doing. A chance at just a wisp, a taste, of the life I once had. Order and goals, something to keep my mind busy. Something to clean up all the clutter, dust it off, get all the cogs working again. Waking up 200 years into the future is frustratingly jarring.

I often sat and reflected on that. The question was like a constant gnaw in me. But getting lost in your thoughts around Rhys was never advised. Unfortunately for me, it was a frequent occurrence.

"Aren't you supposed to be doing something?"

My body jerked back, stiffening under his gaze.

"Uhh, yes. Er, sorry." I blinked quietly at him. The snarl forming on his face was unnerving. Although we were of equal rank, Rhys always intimidated me.

I continued cleaning my weapon with precise fingers trying to pretend he wasn't looming over me like a gargoyle. After a moment of him watching me I paused and looked up at him with a breathy sigh. "Rhys, I think I can clean a pipe rifle without supervision." Oh. That was like lighting a short fuse on a mortar.

"If that were the case Delta, there wouldn't be dirt and ghoul brain jammed up in your scope!" he jerked the gun from my hand and put the end of the scope under my nose. I grimaced and put my hand between my face and the shoddy, raider favored weapon.

"You know, I could have cleaned that if you weren't badgering me," I quipped with a furrowed brow. I could see the anger boiling in the corners of his mouth and the weird creases in his forehead.

"You're a fail-" He was cut short by a figure in the doorway. We were both silent as Paladin Danse strode into the center of the room. He picked up the pipe rifle and turned it over in his hands.

"What is going on in here? Are you trying to attract every ghoul from here to the Capital Wasteland?" Rhys opened his mouth to speak, looking like a gargoyle faced goldfish. I just stood there with that submissive look Danse always seemed to make me give. "You two are getting on my last nerve. We're soldiers, not bickering children. Now I want every weapon cleaned, loaded and ready in one hour." I looked up with a sour look of a petulant child. He sternly set his jaw and raised a brow. "Understood Knight Delta?"

"Without question," I said flatly, shooting Rhys and venomous glare. Haylen walked in and looked at our trio and pursed her lips cautiously before leaving through the door she came in. A wise decision. No one wanted to be around when Danse was on the war path.

Danse nodded. "Good. Delta, when you've finished here, please come see." Why were the military types so cryptic? I gave him a brushed yessir and started the daunting task of cleaning ten incredibly grimy weapons. One of which happened to fire miniature nuclear bombs. There was no other activity I could possibly want to do with my day.

I was standing in front of Danse's quarters. His door was closed but I could hear him busily typing on a terminal inside. I was a little worried why he wanted to see me. Danse had been incredibly hard on me since he accepted me into the fold. Given my clumsy nature and itchy trigger-finger, I was also surprised to hear he had field promoted me to Knight. But what could he want now? I fiddled with my uniform until I heard him stand up and approach the door. He flung it open, paperwork in his hands and ran into me.

I could feel his collarbone make contact with the ridge above my eye and I immediately cursed. Much like the distress call of a wounded cow.

"Fuck." Red flushed my face like a ink to paper. I stood there, half bent over, cradling the side of my face, looking like an utter fool, like usual. I wasn't very graceful, which was very apparent to my superior officer by now.

"Delta?" he said hitching a brow and drawing back a corner of his mouth.

"Oh, I'm so- shit- sorry, I was just, waiting- I mean, getting ready. You asked for me sir?"

"Oh, yes. Get your things together, I'm bringing to aboard the Prydwen."

"The who?"

"The ship. It's... it's a ship. Just, get your gear Knight. You have five minutes."

"Permission to ask why, sir?"

"I want you to meet the Elder. We have business to discuss."

"Oh... oh! Okay. I mean, swell. Awesome. Five minutes." I smiled enthusiastically. Danse sighed and gave me a one over. The usual response. I would never understand why he disliked me so much. He promoted me, so it was obvious I was doing well. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was a disappointment. Despite these things, I kept trying. Danse's approval meant more to me than I cared to admit.

Hurriedly I gathered my gear, happily said goodbye to Rhys and the only person he liked, Haylen. As I followed Danse out the door and into the sunlight I could feel that familiar burn of Commonwealth air. Ah, nothing like radiation to start the day. I hadn't, really, been out of Vault 111 long enough to adjust to the radiation. It was different than what I'd been used to. I looked up to see Danse ahead of me and quickly skip stepped beside him. His power armor rumbled and groaned with each movement. I quietly kept up with him, as he led me to a Vertibird. I marveled at it for a moment and eagerly climbed inside.

He must have noticed the smug grin on my face and I thought I saw him crack a smile. "You haven't seen anything yet, kid." I excitedly sat back as we took off. I watched through the door hatch as we passed over the Commonwealth. Up that high it didn't seem so ugly, so torn and desperate. It seemed serene, almost beautiful. Somewhere you could raise your children, settle down and die of old age. But that wasn't our reality anymore. Super mutants, radiation, raiders, death, murder - that was the reality I had to live now. I slept for two hundred years and woke up in hell. I'd seen things I never want to see again and met people who seemed to be demons in this twisted little world. Like the man who stole my baby. I'd seen his past. The pain and misery, yet I still feel no pity on that man. I fit into this new world just right I guess. I had killed my fair share of people. Men and women. It was the way this world worked. Kill or be killed. Live to fight another day. Two hundred years ago I was a house wife. I had a law degree. I lived down the lane, made pies, listened to the Silver Shroud with my son. I didn't kill people. I didn't fight.

"Delta?" Danse noticed the look on my face. Despair, to put it simply. He knew I was from Vault 111, but nothing more. I turned around and smiled at him weakly. He pointed above us. "There she is. Beautiful." I looked up to see the beautiful air ship in all her steely glory. My mouth gaped a bit, eyes glazing over.

"She's... breathtaking," I whispered. He nodded silently at my amazement.

We boarded the Prydwen just as radiation storm hit. The guards ushered us inside the Command Deck. The inside smelled like hot metal and bleach. It was something I wasn't used to. Danse led me to the room directly across from us. A large set of windows, Brotherhood flags lining each side. Inside, stood a man I could assume was Elder Maxson.

A tall fellow with a lumberjack beard, chiseled features and two beady brown eyes. I felt oppression the moment I stood in front of him. Danse introduced me cordially and went about explaining my field promotion. Watching him talk to someone else like he was walking on glass was interesting. I could tell he idolized Maxson. A solider would have as well, without question. But I had my reservations. I judged based on actions, not rumors or blind love.

"Knight Delta," Maxson said with a gruff voice like his was swallowing flannel. My eyes perked, my hands resting behind my back.

"Yes Elder?" I said firmly.

"I want to formally welcome you to the Brotherhood. Based on Paladin Danse's praise, we are happy to have you among the ranks."

"Thank you sir. I appreciate it." Danse looked at me sideways. Disappointed I'm sure. "It's an... honor to meet you," your holiness. I wasn't about to treat this king of the wasteland like he was the Pope. A ragtag king on a ragtag hill. I shook his hand firmly and followed Danse to the ladder leading to the Main Deck. He stopped briefly and glanced at the Elder.

"I want you to get acquainted with everyone here. I'll meet you at your quarters as soon as you're finished."

"Yes sir."

"And Delta. Please, watch your sarcasm. You're among ranking officers here. Remember that."

"Of course."

The meet and greet with the dwellers of the Prydwen was extremely dull. It's like no one in that rust bucket had a sense of humor. A few of them could have stood a good leave or to get laid. It was like being frozen all over again. Cade, the medical officer looked at me like I was going to be a great cadaver. Ingram, who oversaw matience, looked and smelled like a mole rat. She was nice enough, assigning me power armor and some advice, but very standoffish. Teagan was probably the only soul with some semblance of humanity. We talked a bit about weapons and traded and few things. But other than that it was a complete bust.

I met Danse in the barracks where I would be staying. He was out of power armor again, which was always odd to see. It was like seeing a really hairy dog shaved down.

He pointed to a bed and a footlocker. "This'll be you," he motioned to the raggedy bed. "And I'm just over there. Apparently there was a busted valve over my quarters, so I'm in here for the night." He seemed like he wanted me to know he was watching me. I sighed deeply and sat down on the edge of my bed. "Head is down the hall. Get some rest Knight, we have work to do first light."

After settling in for the night, I found myself unable to sleep. The constant rumblings of the ship kept my bloodshot eyes from closing. When sleep finally graced me, it was plagued with nightmares.

I dreamt of Shaun and Nate. I dreamt of our lives before the fallout, of picnics, barbecues and Christmas. Of Shaun being born, holding him for the first time. Sleepless nights, lazy Sundays and the taste of fresh coffee. But I could only hold onto those airy thoughts for so long. Suddenly everything was red. I watched my husband die, over and over again, as I gazed on helplessly. I screamed with everything inside of me. I listened as my only son, my Shaun was taken from me. I pounded on the glass and begged them to bring him back. Without warning, Nate was alive again. His skin mutated, eyes sunken, his humanity rotted away. He was a ghoul, clawing from his tube and coming towards mine. The glass broke and splintered. An ear shattering alarm sounded, red lights flashed. I could feel his cold, dead fingers grabbing at me, peeling at my flesh. I screamed so loud my throat seized up. Tears and blood running down my cheeks. Suddenly I could taste it in my mouth.

"Damn it Delta, WAKE UP!" My body jarred, my head snapped forward. I was soaked in sweat, my heart beating so hard I thought I was on the cusp of death. Danse had my shoulders in his hands, shaking me so violently I was sure I would have permanent damage. It felt like a hot iron had sliced through the skin on my cheek. It registered then, that he had slapped me so hard my lip had begun to bleed. I gave a dry sob and spit out a mouthful of blood. "You're dreaming, you were only dreaming." I sputtered at him and pulled the sheets close to my body. "Calm down Delta," he said, his voice somewhat less demanding than usual.

"I can't- they took him," I took a sharp breath and blinked the tears from my eyes. "I'm sorry." I tried to bottle it up, control it. I hadn't really cried since the Vault. It was only a matter of time. I let a small sob slip and wiped my eyes roughly. "I'm fine, I'm fine," I chanted until he let me go. He sat there on the edge of my bed, shirtless, a pair of dog-tags swaying back and fourth. "Everything is fine," I whispered. He wasn't convinced.

"You woke up half the damn ship," he said scratching the back of his head. "Is... there something you want to... talk about?"

"No," I snapped at him, pushing the heels of my hands against my temples, trying to contain the pounding. I hadn't noticed his kindness in that moment. All I could think of was Nate, my husband, how he wore dog-tags, how he would wake up much the same, in fits of rage or fear. How I would be comforting him. In Danse's silhouette I saw my dead husband. "Just... I'm fine. It was a nightmare."

"Who did they take?" he asked, staring at me.

"No one. It was a dream."

"If this is going to be a problem Knight, I need to know about it. I've staked my reputation, my credibility on you."

"It wont be. It doesn't matter."

"Fox." He used my first name, an extremely rare occurrence. My head snapped up, rage filled eyes. It was like I was staring at my husband. That tone, concerned, angry, it was like I was being dragged back into that dream.

"I said, I'm fine." I was firm, mean. Danse narrowed his eyes at me. He stood up and walked back to his bunk. He paused in the dark.

"You kept yelling the name Shaun," he stated, almost goading. That was all he said, before getting back into bed.

I immediately felt ashamed. I pulled the covers over my head and didn't get another wink of sleep the rest of the night.

The morning was tedious. My head was pulsating like a minefield. Danse was being particularly crotchedy. I assume he didn't get much sleep either. Everyone looked at me like I was a glowing mirelurk walking around. I think they were all pretty miffed over my nocturnal outburst. I kept my head down and followed orders.

After breakfast, Danse briefed me on our mission. We were pushing a siege on a super mutant base. We needed a stockpile of mini nukes that they were guarding.

I always hated fighting greenskins. They were terrifying large, fearless with awful tempers. Often they sent out suicide bombers, which had exploded all over me more than once. It was never enjoyable. The heat of battle could be exciting, unless you were covered in irradiated intestines.

We loaded into the Vertibird, neither of us saying a word. I manned the mini-gun attached to her side as Danse was on overlook.

En route to the location, he broke the silence between us. "I didn't sponsor you no reason, Delta," he said gruffly over the whir of the bird. "Keep secrets from me, that's fine, but if that secret ends up killing one of our brothers, I will not let you remain with us. Not in good conscious."

In an agitated, annoying mood, I rolled my eyes and gripped the gun tightly. "You watch my back, I'll watch yours," I stated. A fuck off you wretched troll, in not so many colorful words.

"Ad Victoriam," he said nodding at me. Bite me. Oh, I was not in the mood today.

As we neared the base, I could see the mutants springing to life. There were plenty to target, but my eyes snapped to the Behemoth. With the mini-gun primed, I opened fire on it with the rage seething inside me. It was only a matter of seconds until it was green swiss cheese, falling to the blood soaked pavement. I took out a few of them gathering around to clear a landing spot for our pilot.

We were on the ground in no time. Danse took point, leading the way to a caved in building. We cleared it quickly and he took a knee beside me. "There's at least four by the entrance. I'll smoke them out, your way." I nodded in response and took position.

Danse rushed them, full power armor, shattering the air with his rifle. Two of them fell into two glowing piles of soot. Two headed my way, avoiding Danse like frightened cockroaches. I pulled a grenade from my chest rig, pulled the pin and threw it over their heads. It comically hit the third in the face and clattered to his feet. He shouted something before being engulfed in the shrapnel of pavement and steel.

I immediately opened fire on them. My assault rifle was an extension of my body. All I could see was red, rushing and eddying around me like a river of blood. I couldn't stop as a I screamed and gunned them down mercilessly. All that rage the night before exploded inside of me like a ticking time bomb. If I had stopped to see Danse, he was watching, mouth agape. I ignored him shouting at me as I kicked in the front door, lobbing another grenade in with heady excitement. The interior exploded into splinters and shrapnel. I don't know how many there were or how far I went until he stopped me.

"I said stand down soldier!" Danse shouted, slamming me against a wall and pulling the gun from my clenched fingers with ease. "Are you fucking insane?" he shouted at me, his face inches from mine.

"Oh, so it's okay when you or Rhys go full on Rambo, but not me, right? Not Delta because she's weak, because she's damaged, because she's the house wife from Boston Commons and she'll die? Right?" I couldn't stop. It was like I was spiraling out of control and I was losing my grip on that rope that kept me tethered. "I get it, Danse, you're the soldier, I'm the feeble-minded woman. I don't get to be the hero. I get to polish boots and bring you fucking coffee, I get-" I was cut short as he slammed his armored fist into the concrete wall next to my head, leaving a small fist-sized crater.

"Damn it Delta, you will get yourself killed! Or worse, someone else!" I'd never seen him so angry. His eyes were burning holes into my head.

"I know what I'm doing! I don't need help. And I definitely don't need a blind, obsessed, self-righteous, militant sheepdog!"

"This isn't about me. This isn't even about you," he said through gritted teeth. "This is about Shaun," he added. "Isn't it?" I refused to answer. So he got louder. "Isn't it?"

"You don't know what you're talking about," I seethed, shaking my head and lowering my eyes.

"Who is Shaun?"

"Don't you fucking do this to me," I shouted at him, trying to shove him off of me. Which is pretty difficult when your assailant is in power armor.

"You will tell me, right now Knight or so help me I will drag you back to the air force base and have you forcefully thrown in the brigg until you're ninety years old and irradiated so badly you have no nose on your smug little face"

"He was my son!" I shouted at him. The words were like bile on my tongue. I felt my stomach heave, my eyes burn. My throat tightened, my chest heaved like I was under a rock. Danse blinked, his grip loosened and I felt my feet touch the ground. My shoulder screamed where he was holding me. I crumpled to the floor like I was made of glass and just shattered at his feet. "He was my baby," I sobbed through tears. "He was my baby and they just took him," I whispered into my hands. Danse stood there, awkwardly.

"I had... I had no idea," he said unsteadily.

"No, but you just had to push it didn't you? You had to push me. You always do." I said regaining the strength in my legs. "You're all the same. You use people, you use them up until there is nothing left. Everyone in this fucked up piece of shit world just uses everyone up. Especially you Brotherhood pricks." I was seething.

"I'm not using you, Delta."

"Oh no? Then why do you make me feel worthless? Is it too much to ask for a thank you?"

"I am thankful."

"Then why don't you say it. I saved your life and you act like you're doing me the favor!"

"That's not fair, I did thank you." He was getting mad again. People like Danse were easy to upset when it all came down to it.

"Do me a favor and go fuck yourself with your thank you. I'm done."

"No. No you're not, Knight. You have a mission to finish."

"Bite me. Last time I checked this anarchist piece of shit world we live in hasn't changed. Fuck you, fuck Maxson and fuck the Brotherhood," I steamed. With every word I spoke I watched him tighten like a wire. And that last comment snapped the wire into a million pieces. "Ya know what, why does it matter what I do? I could go join a raider gang tomorrow and it wouldn't affect you in the least."

"Because I care about you," he shouted, hoisting me up and planting me on my feet like I was merely a toddler having a tantrum. He picked up my rifle and shoved it into my hands. "You go blow yourself in the name of self-pity. Drink yourself into oblivion, shoot up with Jet until your head spins," he growled, "But don't you dare, make me and what I love a part of it. I will not watch you destroy yourself. Not while I have a say in it godammit." He shut me up with ease.

I felt like a complete ass. The rifle almost fell from my hands I was so flabbergasted. "I'm... I'm sorry Danse. I just..."

"I'm going to pretend this conversation never happened. Let's finish the job. Fortunately, in your blaze of self-loathing bloodlust, you managed to not only kill every one of these monsters, but blew out a wall eliminating the need for that terminal over there. Which is... also blown to kingdom come," he said, reloading his weapon and walking away as if it never happened.

"Oh... oh." I still couldn't wrap my head around the situation.

"So, despite your blatant disregard for your own safety, and mine, I might add, mission accomplished. Good job."

"Thank you, sir."

"Let's get the hell out of here and bring the Elder the good news."


We arrived at the Prywen like decorated heroes. Danse, told everyone I was heroic, brave, tactical and amazing. Which, we both knew was a complete lie. I looked at him differently after that. He wasn't just a military lapdog run by duty and honor. The stockpile of mini nukes was a great asset to the Brotherhood, so the Initiates celebrated on the base with some hooch (which tasted and smelled a lot like mole rat) that night. I wasn't very interested in partying, but found a cold shower and bed infinitely more appealing.

I guess Danse shared my hatred for partying, because I found him in the barracks. With nothing but fatigue pants, dog-tags and a book on military tactics. I was glad to not think of Nate upon seeing him. Instead I saw a man I respected. A man I would follow into battle. I sat down quietly on the edge of my bed and watched him, giving him the peace and quiet. I took him in, brown eyes, brown hair, that weird scar over his eye that mirrored mine, only a bit more crooked. He didn't share my pale complexion or freckles. Oh yeah, I'd been cut off from light and the outside world for two-hundred years. Still working on that tan.

I finally broke the silence, "Danse," I said quietly. He didn't look up, just flipped the page in his book. "Your quarters still under maintenance?" He sighed and flicked his eyes up briefly.

"It's flooded, actually." I held in a laugh and gave my blue eyes a slight roll. "So looks like I'm in here for a few more nights, unfortunately."

"Well, looks like it's just us tonight," I said looking around at the empty beds.

"Bunch of drunken fools," he sighed, eyes on his book.

"What you don't drink? Like, ever?"

"On rare, rare occasions. I don't like being off guard."

"Ah." I answered, laying down on my stomach and propping my chin on my hands. "So, that incident..."

"I don't know what you're referring to, soldier," he said, looking up to meet my eyes. He raised a brow and made a notion with his finger, along his nose. Mum's the word. I chuckled and decided to end the conversation there. I wasn't trying to push my luck. "Delta," he said, catching me off guard. "I really am sorry. About your son." I didn't answer, just nodded and gave him a weak smile.

"We can't rewind the past, Danse," I sighed, rubbing my eyes. "But, I hope I see him again one day."

"I hope you do too." Now I understood why he didn't want secrets between the two of us. To be one on the battlefield, he needed to know my weaknesses. He was my family now. The Brotherhood was all I had. Just like him. He took it so seriously I thought he was obsessed. He wasn't, I was... Chasing the past like a madwoman. Chasing a family that was gone.

I wanted to crawl under my covers and sleep, but I didn't want to stop talking to him. I wanted to know his secrets too. I wanted to be one of the front-line with him. So, I pushed it, just a little. "I care about you too," I breathed, feeling uneasy. He looked up again, this time, his eyes soft. He didn't say anything, just gave me a grin.

"In spite of decorum," he began, standing up and rummaging through his footlocker, "I think we deserve to celebrate too." He presented a bottle of whiskey. I couldn't remember the last time I drank and my throat nervously exposed a laugh. "Just a glass."

"Paladin Danse, I think you're trying to ply me with liquor so I'll tell you all my secrets." Oh god, did I just say that? To my surprise, the man actually blushed. This six-foot-something lumberjack, G.I Joe blushed and nervously smiled. I chuckled and sat up, accepting a cup of whiskey. I took a small smell and I swear my nose screamed at me.

Two hours later, the party down on the base was still in full swing. In the barracks, Danse was describing hand-to-hand combat to me. I sat on the edge of my bed listening intently as he showed me a move that pinned your assailant to the ground on their belly.

"Wait. Wait, so you, like- Danse. Danse. I think I might be a lightweight. I'm only guessing here, but... there's two of yous, currently." Oh, I was three sheets to the wind.

"Knight, if two cups of whiskey go to your head, I'm extremely disappointed in you."

"That's not," I hiccuped and shook my head vigorously, "That's not fair. I spent two hundred years in cryo. My body is not acquainted. Wait. Hold on. Accccclimated to alcohol anymore. I don't even know, Danses. You two just show me that move again."

He sighed, "Come here, I'll demonstrate it on you." I stood to my feet and gracelessly tiptoed up to him. "Alright. Point your gun at me." I raised my hand to his head and pointed my middle finger and pointer finger in faux pistol fashion. "Alright, you take this arm-"

"Wait, what if I had two guns. Akimbo style," I pointed my other hand at him. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my right arm, spinning me around and pinning it behind my back. With my back flush to him, he grabbed my other hand and pinned it down to my side. He then easily removed the "gun" from my right hand and as he stepped backwards, tripped over his footlocker. In a poor effort to avoid falling over, I tried to grab onto the shelf next to his bunk and ended up body slamming the poor man. Laying there silently on top of him he sighed.

"You smell like a saloon."

"Well you smell like gun polish and mothballs." We both immediately started laughing. I sat up, now straddling him. I think I lost all conscious thought in that moment, because before I could stop my intoxicated self, I was pushing my lips against his. For a brief moment he just laid there and let me. I knew I liked him, in a twisted way I always had, but not in a million years, had I ever entertained making any bold moves.

He sat up and grabbed my shoulders, pushing me gently backwards. He took a shallow breath and gave his head a stern, single shake.

"Why... if I misled you in any way, Delta, that was not my intention." Now it was my turn to blush. I felt like a fool.

"I-I, hey this is your fault." Fox 101: When embarrassed blame the opposite person. Immediately.

"My fault? I think you need to have your head checked." He roughly stood me up and walked away.

"Yeah, you can't just say 'Oooh, I care about you,' liquor me up, flirt with me-"

"Flirt? You think this was flirting?"

"Of course it was. I might have been born two-hundred years ago, but I'm not completely inept."

"I beg to differ."

"So you don't care about me then?"

"Don't be so thick headed, of course I do. I said it, didn't I?"

"So what's the problem?"

"I'm your superior officer and it's against-"

"Shove the rulebook up your ass, Danse. I was an idiot to think you were different. You really are a lapdog. Was that care crap just part of getting me back into Maxson's Dream Team?"


"If this all your life is, I feel so sorry for you. I really do. Don't you have dreams? What if none of this existed? You couldn't be a mindless drone."

"You don't know anything about me," he snapped.

"Well gee, no one does."

"You want to know my dreams? THIS was my dream. Not living on the street was my dream. Not scuffling for food, selling junk in Rivet City was MY dream. I'm sorry we can't all live in a vault our whole lives and judge everyone around us because things are different. I grew up in this world, Delta, I know what it's like. You don't."

"Fuck you, I had everything ripped away from me. Don't tell me I'm naive. You're making excuses so you don't have to feel anything. It's easier to just take orders than be a human being."

I jumped as he crossed the room swiftly, grabbing my wrists in his hands and pulling me closer to him. His eyes met mine and winced at the flicker inside them.

"Why isn't it good enough for you? Why can't this be good enough for you? Why do I have to tell you what I'm thinking!"

"Because I want to feel something!" I yelled at him, "I want to stop thinking about them! And you are my one good possibility. You are my one chance. Just tell me what you want to say. Tell me I'm not what you want. Tell me."

Without a word he was kissing me. He hoisted me up onto his waist and pushed me up against the wall. One would think he had a thing for walls at this point. I couldn't even breathe it happened so fast. His mouth was on my jaw, down the side of my neck. All I could do was gasp and try to keep up. He lingered on my throat and worked a hand inside of my fatigue shirt. With a little moan I let my head fall back and his mouth made it's way down to my collarbone. I pushed my hips against him and elicited a gruff moan.

He picked me up, impatiently and threw me down on the bed. He went to work like he was an expert. He ripped my shirt from shoulder to shoulder and put his mouth to work on my chest. My toes curled and my hands clutched the edge of his pants. Two hundred years without feeling skin was too much.

Eagerly, I slipped my hands down his pants and rubbed the palm of my hands on his briefs. He groaned hotly against my skin. I gave a small gasp, and worked on him feverishly. He couldn't wait anymore, and pulled down my pants, exposing me. With ease, he flipped me over to my stomach. He hiked up my leg with his arm and placed me without missing a beat. He leaned forward and in a heady voice said, "This is what I want." Slowly but firmly, he pushed himself inside of me. I whimpered, scared, excited, hotly I gasped.

"Oh god." He moved slow but hard, making sure to let me adjust. My hands grasped the bars of the bed so hard my knuckles were white. I tried so stifle my moans out of fear of being found but he made me feel like nothing else mattered. He thrusted hard, on purpose, and I barely contained a very loud, guttural moan. He did it again, and I whimpered with pleasure. He did it once more, this time, grabbing the bars, his hands beside mine.

"Is that what you want?" he said so coyly, I almost passed out... I nodded weakly. He didn't let up. Slowly, hard, with purposeful force he brought me back against him. "I can't hear what you said, soldier."

"Yes," I moaned in a hot whisper. Everything inside of me was screaming. His hands moved to my hips, putting more pressure inside of me.

"I want to hear you say it," he picked up speed, slipping a hand down between my legs. I had no idea Danse was capable of being so merciless. I couldn't even think. I didn't know where I was, who I was or what year it was. "Fucking say it," he said, moaning, his hot breath on the nape of my neck. His movements had me at his mercy.

"I want it," I moaned loudly.

"Good girl," he rewarded me with a rhythmic movement on his fingertips between my legs. My breathing picked up as I felt the room spin, everything turning into colors. I was on the cusp as he guided me with his thrusts. As I neared the end, he flipped me over, gently, but hard. I thudded onto my back and met his glossy brown eyes. I could tell it had been a long time for him too. The look in eyes was totally carnal. I'd seen that look before, briefly, when I had lost myself on the battlefield. I think this was some sort of revenge for him. He wanted me to listen to him. Good thing I can follow orders when I want to.

"Oh yes," I moaned, closing the gap between reality and desire. "Don't stop, please, don't stop." I thought I saw a grin on his face before he leaned down and kissed me, biting my lip and breathing against me. I wanted to just lose myself right there. Exist in that moment for the rest of my life. I would spend 200 years frozen there any day.

The air seemed to spark, as we both glided down that edge together, heaving. His teeth found their way to my collarbone again, as he muffled the last groan into bone and skin. A sinewy mess of heat, lust and alcohol.

After we had finished the one thing he would risk discharge for, he picked me up and set me atop of him and just looked at me like I was something to behold. In that dusky, wasteland light, I couldn't see him, nor the smile of his face. But I knew that with him by my side, I might be okay. I might make it through this life destiny had hurled me into.

"There she is. Beautiful."