A/N: I can't do POV...unless I should? Also my sentences now may be a bit choppier and duller than before because of atrophy. :(

Erza's eyes flung wide open and she blinked a few times before examining the situation. The redhead lifted her right hand and touched her cheeks. It felt warm which was very odd in the chill evening. Her attention however shifted to Racer who laid on the grass with his mouth wide open and tongue drooping beside his lips.

"I'm not finished with you RIVAL!" Erza turned her head once again towards the roaring voice only to be met with a pink head who seemed perfectly fine. "Natsu stop this childness right now!" Erza yelled as she now stood in front of Natsu blocking his path to the unconscious Racer. The redhead however actually felt a bit afraid of the enraged dragonslayer.

"Me?! Childish?! I think you're the childish one!" Natsu stared down at thescarlet knight in front of him. He was beyond pissed when his Erza was protecting the Pinnochio bastard who beat him up rather than the one who was beaten up! Although Natsu actually wasn't that beat up thanks to his 'playing dead' skills, the jerk still needed a 'little' more punishment.

Erza on the other hand could feel her anger flare up as well. 'How dare he call me childish!'. She was about to speak back but for some reason she couldn't open her mouth. She tried to move her limbs but ended in failure. It felt as if her whole body had a mind of its own and decided to be selfish to not share with her own conscious.

"Silence Natsu! You dare call me childish?!" Erza was shocked to hear her own voice! It sounded much too demeneted compared to her own. She didn't mean to say that heck she didn't even think about it. Her arm unconsciously requipped Benizakura no matter how much she tried to resist. "You will regret the day you stepped in Fairy Tail's property. Ever since then I have always hated you especially because you pushed Gray away from me from your pestering fights! Keeping me alive from the Tower of Heaven was your biggest mistake and your life will pay for it!"

Beads of sweat began to trickle down the fire dragonslayer's skin and dampen his clothes from Erza's... well...speech. Yes Natsu has gotten into many situations where Erza would pull out a sword pretending to slash him with it but only ending with a hard butt from the hilt but this time it was different because she never pulls out that sword. But besides all that...Erza hated him! Sorrow, remorse, and betrayal began to all sink in to the pinkette as he dropped to his knees with tears threatening to drop.

"I-I'm sorry Erza...*sniff...I didn't know you hated me that much...*sniff...WELL I HATE YOU TOO ERZA!" By now, Natsu's whole face was streaming with burning tears. However, 'Erza' didn't seem too fazed and proceeded to lift her sword to meet Natsu's head. "Such a shame that I used to believe a being like you could surpass me. Now off with your-"

"Not today Titania!" Along with these words a certain iron dragon slayer finally lunged out from wherever and grabbed hold of the redhead's arms and body and hugged her tightly making any sort of movement almost impossible adding on to the fact that Gajeel's arms were now iron.

"Release me this instance or I can't promise you a quick dea-" BANG! 'Erza' was silenced with a crashing pain on her forehead. Forcing herself to open her eyelids she was met with another bash to the forehead! Although Erza had no control over her body it still felt very painful and she was beginning to feel dizzy. After a few more smacks on the head which was Gajeel's iron skull, her vision became blurry and felt herself able to move her body for a second before passing out into the abyss.

Next morning...

Natsu was examining a sleeping Erza who was currently on a worn-out mattress. She looked so cute when she was sleeping! He just wanted to hug her tight and gobble her up but he calmed himself down and resisted the urge.

The pinkette and redhead were currently resting in an inn which seemed to be located not too far from a bustling town. Natsu was just staring at Erza from the couch with both hands under his chin ever since they arrived. Erza on the other hand was knocked out and in Gajeel's protective arms the entire trip. However when they reached the inn Gajeel began to press down on her stomach eliciting black liquid to seep out of her mouth onto a bowl. Natsu of course had to go and punch Gajeel in protest but later was told it was harmful and every single drop had to leave her body.

The iron dragonslayer told Natsu he will explain what happened with Erza but first he had to drop off Racer back at Fairytail. Natsu actually felt a bit guilty after hearing that Racer only came here because he was worried for his Erza's safety. He was also told to not let Erza go out of the inn until he came back which earned Gajeel a few fire dragonslayer tantrums but later obliged.

Erza turned her head back and forth from her dream then slowly opened her eyes. She could see Natsu staring directly towards her which creeped her out a bit. Then the memories of last night flooded her and she quickly turned her body to the other direction and covered herself with a blanket in shame. She could feel hot tears forming in her eyes once again when she remembered she was about to kill Natsu.

Natsu was overjoyed when he saw his princess awaking from her cryptic dream but as soon as she turned away from him his emotions were replaced with clear anger and betrayal. How could the person he looked up to so much and loved backstab him and cower away from the situation?!

"Erza..." Natsu said sternly. No reply. "Erza stop ignoring me and we can talk this over!" Natsu didn't want to yell but he felt Erza was being too selfish and stubborn! Fortunately, the redhead turned around to meet face to face with the dragonslayer. Her face expressed vulnerability and threatened a breakdown at any moment.

"I-I'm so s-sorry Natsu...I promise I didn't mean to say anything or kill you last night! My body was moving on its own! And... I'm so sorry I didnt't believe you rather than Racer! I was being delusional! Please believe me Natsu I can't bear for anyone especially you to look at me as a heartless killer or liar!" By this point, Erza was just constantly letting out her tears unable to control her emotions anymore. She didn't think Natsu would believe her when she would tell him but she also couldn't keep quiet.

"No please don't cry again Erza! I understand and forgive you! I didn't mean to be so harsh!" Natsu yelped in terror. His eyes glanced around the room looking for something to cheer her up. Lucky for him he spotted the cake box from the bakery which he somehow still had with him. The pinkette swiftly grabbed the box and shook Erza's shoulders.

"Erza look! Here is your favorite cake!" Natsu cheered while forcing a smile.

Erza lifted her head to be met with a slightly crumpled cake box presented by a grinning Natsu. She coudldn't believe what she just heard. Natsu forgives her?! If she were Natsu then she would have shunned him for at least a decade! It was hard to not smile at such generosity and trust.

Erza took in a deep breathe. It smells so good! Her arms instinctively were reaching out towards the cake box with her tears now replaced with glistening sparkles. As soon as she put her needy hands on the box, the next thing she saw was a running Natsu with her cake!

"You gotta catch me if you want it Erza!" Natsu taunted holding the cake box between his fingers. Before the dragonslayer was about to run away for his life he noticed something sweeter than the cake he was holding. Erza was smiling!

"You better run Natsu or I will eat my cake and you!" Erza yelled as she stood up to chase the pink idiot. Her idiot.

The next thing you know both mage were chasing each other outside to keep the prize. Last night's fiasco turned into merely a fragment of their memory. Yes it was terrible but only one thing mattered to the both of them. They were happy.

Meanwhile at a motel...


Furniture were turned over... Antiques were shattered to mini shards... Pictures of a certain requip mage were shredded and scattered everywhere...

Lucy Heartfilia was beyond angry! How the heck did Gajeel find out about her plots?! She picked up the letter which was signed by a certain iron dragonslayer and stomped on it repeatedly until there was no more of it. The landlady however was watching Lucy not too far and was practically sobbing and pleading her to stop.

"Lady Lucy-Sama please calm down! I'm sure there is another way! Just lie down in bed and I'll fetch you some tea and-" SLAP! An open hand flew from the enraged blonde and hit the poor landlady right on the cheek and her body hit a wall rendering her unconscious.

"Shut up you old hag! Just because you're my grandmother doesn't mean you can boss me around like how that Erza bitch does!" Lucy picked up a picture of Erza and her posing with a Fairy Tail sign after completing their first mission.

Sympathy and regret flooded the celestial mage and she began to sob uncontrollably. But, not soon after she grabbed one of her keys and pinned the picture to a wall, puncturing any remains of Erza.

She grabbed her communication lacrima and punched some numbers in.

"Why hello little Lu-"

"SHUT UP ROGUE! You got caught by your role model and now we both won't get what we want! ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!" Lucy yelled into the lacrima.

"I heard and I plead forgiveness but don't worry! I have another plan that just might be better than yours..."

"Nothing is better than mine you hear me! Now explain!"

Soft chatters were heard and after a few minutes, the blonde had an evil smirk plastered on her lips. She tossed the lacrima onto the floor crushing it in the process and started waltzing towards the closet. Taking out a broom and vacuum did she then throw it on top of the land lady's body.

"Erza Scarlet... You will face the pain of betrayal far worse than you have done to me. Hehehe I can't contain myself!" Lucy hopped onto her expensive bed and soon fell into a deep and cryptic sleep.

A/N: I hope this LONG chapter is enough as a forgiving token for not updating for so long. And I promise this time my terrible version of a fluff will be out in the next update. I do have a rough updating schedule now that I can only write when I'm on the bus or something. Anyways, Iwas planning to put a little sneak peak for the next chapter but thought that there will be too much confusion. Anyhow thanksfor reading and please review~! I might really need reviews :')