Kitsune of the Park


Naruto x small harem (6-8)


Disclaimer: We are not bashing any characters. Any odd traits they may display are how they are in canon, only a bit more presented clearly. Please keep that in mind while reading.

Summary: Naruto, a simple fox, in need of a way to make a living since he has nowhere to go ends up wandering to the Park just as they are in need of another worker. Naruto quickly accepts, not knowing the adventures and girls he finds along the way


Beta/Collaborator: Kami-no-Yami-666, Jebest4781 and PhoenixLord42


Caffeinated Concert Tickets

Currently Naruto was leaning back on his chair in the coffee shop with his eyes closed while listening to Mordecai and Rigby conversations, but all of sudden something caught his attention on the wall mounted TV It was a concert of Fist Pump's coming back. He didn't know what Fist Pump was but he heard it was a really great band and that many fans would go see them make their return. He was pretty interested himself and was planning on getting a ticket as well before they were sold out.

Out of the corner of his red eye he saw his two friends expressing their excitement for Fist Pump by literally doing a series of fist throws. They kept on doing it until some announcer said something after the song ended.

"Listen up punks! Fist Pump is coming to Slammers! They just got out of jail and rehab, and now they're back and ready to rock your 11 to 15 year old pants off! Yeah that's our demographic but get over it. That's right! Fist Pump Live! At Slammers this Friday! Be there or be a loser!" The announcer all but screamed through the T.V repeating some words more than once.

"Ha-ha there's going to be so many losers there." Mordecai said with a laugh while sipping his coffee making Naruto roll his eyes with a smile.

"So I'll be considered a loser Mordecai?" Naruto said with a chuckle making the bluebird slightly widen his eyes.

"No no no I was just joking." The feathered man said frantically before Naruto waved him off.

"Mah mah it's alright man. I take no offence really. Never really heard of their music before so I don't feel offended at all on it." The vulpine said offhandedly as he went back to his breakfast.

"What?! You're telling me Naruto you haven't seen Fist Pump before?! Now we definitely got to go see it ASAP!" Rigby said with his mind already made up.

"Seriously? Dude they were cool when we were in the 3rd Grade, but now?" Mordecai said with a shrug.

"Correction….They're cool in any grade, but you wouldn't know that probably because you hate yourself or something."

"Dude, we don't even have the money for those tickets."

Naruto was about to speak up saying he could cover them easily with all the money's he's been saving from his job, money he got from family. He was about to tell them but they started arguing.

"It doesn't even matter. We could figure out a way, but you're too busy figuring out a way to hate yourself." Rigby said with an irritated expression on his face.

"Why do you want to go so badly? Mordecai asked with a shrug.

"Going to this concert could be the biggest moment of my life." Rigby said as he started to shake for some odd reason.

"Wow. Sounds like your life sucks man." Mordecai chuckled

"Shut up!" Rigby said with an exasperated shout.

"Guys calm down it's not that big of a deal." Naruto finally getting off his chair to show each of them he wasn't playing around, but while he was reprimanding the two, Margaret decided to show up.

"Hey guys. Were you talking about the concert they just announced?" Margaret asked as she came up to them interrupting the two older friend's argument.

"Is the concert you're talking about Fist Pump?" Rigby said as he stood on the table and did some arm gestures in the air.

"Rigby, get off the table please. People eat here and don't want to taste feet." Naruto said to his furry pal who complied with a small chuckle and apology.

"Yeah cool." The redbird said with her own set of chuckles as she poured coffee into their empty mugs.

"Wait you're going to?" Naruto asked with a tilt to his head.

"Yeah I am. I know they're kind of old, but I remember them when I was a kid and wanted to have that nostalgic feeling again. Besides, everyone is going to be there actually. It's going to be fun, you guys going to go?"

"I'm was already planning on going so was Rigby don't know about-" Naruto said with a chuckle but Mordecai to speak up.

"I'm totally going to go to." Mordecai said with a sharp nod.

"So now you're going to-" Rigby said with a small frown before being punched in the shoulder making him cringe in pain, seeing this Naruto decided to punch Mordecai in the shoulder also making him wince in slight pain before Mordecai retaliated with his own punch making Naruto only feel like a small pinch on his arm, making both laugh afterwards.

"Can't believe you only want to go to that concert only for some lady pecs." Rigby said with his eyes narrowed.

"The wonders a women will make a man do for some loving, you'll understand one day Rigs." Naruto said with a smile making Rigby sit back down with a grumble making Mordecai agree with his explanation.

Feeling not that full from finishing his meal, he got up and decided to go to Margaret to order some more due to his metabolism.

"Hey guy's I'll be back, going to get some more food." Naruto said to them as they just waved him off before getting into some other random conversation.

"Hey Margaret real excited that you're going to Fist Pump also it'll be fun to see you there ya' know? Anyway can I perhaps get a couple of Grown up Grilled Cheeses?" Naruto said with a chuckle making Margaret blush on who it was before she grew a big smile on her face.

"You bet I am. They were one of the first bands I got into when I was little and would be good to see them one more time before who knows what happens to them. As for your meal, sure I'll get that ordered up." The female avian said as she rung him up and then went to the cook to tell him the next order.

"To tell ya the truth Margaret, never really heard of the band before so don't know what they are like." He admittedly said getting the redbird to look at him oddly.

"What? You have to see them they're like totally awesome!" Margaret said with her voice sounding surprised with her voice getting higher than usual.

"Well I was out of the states when I was younger so I wouldn't really know of them. I only came here like some years ago so I have a different taste of music." Naruto said with a chuckle thinking about all the music he liked

"Ah ok then sorry on that. Jumped to that conclusion hehe. But have you gotten your ticket yet Naruto." Margaret said with a raised eyebrow.

"Haha its fine happens to everyone, and no I have not I was planning on getting it today before it sold out. Thankfully the money is not an issue at the moment." Naruto said with a grin as he smelled the cheese being melted which with his enhanced noise smelt all the better.

"Actually from what I heard they were already sold out through people buying them in advance prior to the announcement. Now the only seats available are like $200 or $300 each." She said as she pulled her button up a bit to give her neck some breathing room due to his infectious grin.

"Damn that sucks. Wish I could've known that but meh I could just get some of their albums and listen to them." Naruto said with no hurt to his voice since it was no big deal in his opinion if he missed out on one concert.

"Well my friend Eileen had gotten me and my other friend tickets some weeks back during the secret sale of the tickets and both of us were planning to go. But she had a family reunion that she forgot about when buying them so she had to leave me the extra ticket with her not coming back until Saturday." Margaret said hoping he'd catch on to her hint she was giving out.

"Really. So you have an extra ticket?" Naruto said with some excitement in his voice.

"Yeah, Eileen said to give someone else the ticket so I could have some fun with them but don't know anyone who would like to go with me." The redbird said with some hope to her voice since she would like it very much if her growing crush could join her.

"Well at the moment I have no plans this weekend so I'm pretty much open to it so far asides from work but I get that stuff done quick." The Kyuubi said getting Margaret to smile brightly at her chance.

"Really! *cough* I mean really. W-Well if you want, would you like to come with me to the show?" Margaret asked with some shyness showing through her voice as she even fiddled around like one of those cute schoolgirls when they're nervous.

"Sure why not. I think it could be fun to come with ya to see what the hype with the show is.

"Yes! *Ding ding* Oh, your order is ready Naruto." Margaret said while covering up her excitement quickly as she handed him a plate with a bunch of grilled cheese sandwiches stacked onto of each other.

"Thanks Margaret, how much?" Naruto said juggling the plate on of his tails easily while pulling out his wallet.

"On the house think of it as thanks for going to the concert with me." Margaret said with a giggle as she pushed the wallet away.

"You sure? I wouldn't want to oppose at all." Naruto asked with worry in his voice thinking she might get in trouble for this.

"No I'm sure. Here's my number so we can keep in contact just in case and maybe for other stuff as well." She said while grabbing the pen beside her and writing her number on a piece of paper and handing it to him.

"Cool." The Vulpine said as he once again pulled out his wallet to put the number slip in there while also pulling out money.

"Naruto I said your meal was on the house." Margaret said in a slight complain before she saw him put the money in the tip jar.

"Well I would still want to pay for your tip since not only you're a great friend Margaret but think I should also pay for Eileen's ticket as well." Naruto said as he grabbed his meal to go back where he was sitting. As for Margaret she looked back at the tip jar and couldn't help but smile on the nice gesture and blush on how sincere her crush is.

"Talk to you later Margaret!" Naruto waving over his shoulder while tossing a grilled cheese into his mouth swallowing it whole making the red avian giggle.


Back at the park Naruto was lifting the cart up with his tails while Pops sat in the front seat while some may think the added weight might make the lifting harder but it was no big deal for the Vulpine. Still Skips appreciated the lifting due to the car jack needing to be replaced, was beside him underneath the cart fixing it after another one of Muscle Man's little episodes.

"So let me get this straight, you and Rigby want me to give you overtime? Even though you two can't get the regular amount of work finished you normally have, you want me to add on even more of it?" Benson said with utter disbelief in his voice at the request the bird and raccoon was proposing him.

"Yes" Mordecai said bluntly

"No" Benson said immediately after having a sarcastic chuckle.

"Benson please, Fist Pump is playing at the slammers tonight and we don't have enough money for tickets." Rigby begged while hopping in Benson face.

"Are you serious? Fist Pump? You know what kind of people go to those concerts?" The Gumball man said before music blared a bit of a distance away getting the others to look towards it.

"Whoo-hooo! That's right ladies! We got two tickets to Fist Pump! See you later grandmas!" Muscle Man yelled out on top of a cart with High Five Ghost driving it.

"Haha see you there Muscle Man!" Naruto said poking his head out from behind the cart with a shout receiving another loud Whoop from the green skinned man.

"Aw what?! Even you're going Naruto?" Rigby said with a noticeable deflation to his body.

"A friend had an extra ticket due to their friend going out of town so first friend gave me the other one so it wouldn't be a waste. I did pay the friend for the amount so it wouldn't be much of a waste." The vulpine said as he didn't want to say it was from Margaret since he could tell it would deflate Mordecai more.

"UGH! Benson you listen and you listen well, Please Benson, please give us overtime! Pleassseee…" Rigby said resorting to getting on his knees and graveling.

"What's the big deal anyways? They are just some talentless band." Benson said as he was being creeped out by the raccoon's begging.

"Actually they aren't that bad….not that I'm into that stuff. Honestly, I only listen to it whenever they are on the radio." Skips said as he rolled out from under the cart as he grabbed more tools before rolling back in. "We are pretty backed up though so I think you should give them the work if they are demanding it."

"I agree, I say if they want to see Pump Fist then let them see Pump Fist" Pops said with a laugh

"I also agree be cool to see Rigby and Mordo at the concert" Naruto said with a chuckled while turning the cart sideways for Skips.

"Ugh….Fine you two can work overtime." Benson said as he rubbed his eyes in the headache coming his way. This got Rigby and Mordecai to cry out in joy as Benson pulled out a blank sheet and started writing of what needs to be done.

"Here's a list of things we need done. When you finish them you'll get your money. Not before they are done, after." The gumball man said as the two bros cried out and started dancing around.

"Ugh Idiots." Benson said with a shake of the head. "Thank god you're not slackers like them Naruto or I'd go insane." Benson grumbled out.

"True I like getting things done and over with rather than dragging it out. Plus my Kaa-san did beat the laziness out of me when I was younger, she was really scary." Naruto shuddered at the image of his mother angry, it was the most terrifying thing in the world.

"Smart woman." Benson said with a slight laugh before heading to his office to get some paperwork taken care of.

A few hours later Naruto was sitting on the porch of the parks house studying for an exam next week and enjoying the cool night's air before he noticed Rigby and Mordecai rapidly moving back and forth in quick succession doing the jobs assigned to them. He raised an eyebrow at their dedication in wanting those tickets but he shrugged and went back to his studies. The fox soon heard his phone got off in his pocket, pulling it out he plastered on a small fanged grin, it was from Margaret.

M: 'Hey Naruto, how's it going? Can't wait for the concert tomorrow. :)'

N: 'Doing well. Just studying for an exam next week.'

M: Aw that sounds like it sucks lol'

N: Haha I know right xD'

They texted back and forth for a long while, not keeping track of time. Before they knew it the sunlight was already breaking through signaling the end of night and rise of morning.

Realizing of what went on of him not only staying up all night texting Margaret and studying that he started to get pretty tired. He picked up his books and headed to his apartment so he could get a decent sleep until he could get up at a good time for the concert.

For some reason as he was walking from the Park House, he saw Mordecai and Rigby asking Benson for some more work for some odd reason. Naruto realized they realized they didn't have enough money for tickets. With his tiredness getting the best of him he just ignored it saying that it was those guys' problem. He got to his car in the parking lot before literally falling before slamming his head on the steering wheel for a second before lifting it up with a groan and starting it and driving off.

-Naruto Apartment-

Walking in Naruto surveyed his apartment for quick moment, his apartment was clean and spotless but it contained some interesting stuff he received from his godparents. They had personally bought and customized his apartment.

A flat screen TV, a king sized bed, kitchen with an island in the middle while the kitchen was packed with almost every kind of food and spice imaginable. Some of the softest couches possible, a gaming system with some of his personal favorites. They went so far as to add a small mini bar in the corner of the room which ranged from drinks, beer and alcohol courtesy of his godfather Jiraiya, a bookcase from his godmother and some medical essentials also from her. Not having time to finish the rest of his inspection he quickly hurried to his bedroom.

'Need sleep badly.' He thought as he was walking to his bedroom. Naruto started taking off his clothes as he went to his alarm to set for roughly seven hours from now so he could get a good lunch and shower after getting back up. Before getting close to his bed, he went to his closet and pulled out clothes for the concert, ironically Margaret gave him a fist pump muscle shirt while also putting down some black shorts to match the attire. Finally meeting the soft pillows after almost jumping on his bed, he was out like a light.

-Six Hours Later-

He woke up with a slight groan and realized he had woken up early if his alarm didn't go off given with him seeing the alarm showing it had an hour left before its scheduled time. Shrugging he got up to go take a 30 minute shower before going to make a small lunch.

After cleaning himself up and getting rid of his drowsiness he went to go make lunch and watch the afternoon news which was all over the subject of Fist Pump. After that Naruto got ready for the concert and hopped into his car to go and pick up Margaret then head to the concert. On the outside he was happy but on the inside he was nervous about the concert and Margaret. He didn't mind her at all, it is just this is technically his first date, of course not counting the movie date since Rigby was also there, not including the occasional flings he used to have with the opposite sex.

Since it was real cool outside lately Naruto decided to have the windows down and he had some nice music playing quietly to soothe his nerves. Reaching his destination, he soon walked up to Margaret's apartment door and knocked before hearing someone opening the door. Surprisingly it wasn't Margaret at the door but the person he saw with her on the news. He didn't get a good look at her when viewing it but now he got a better detail on her.

He first thought she was blonde with her hair curled up but he was mistaken with her hair being curled up yellow snakes. She had pink eyeshadow on to help pop out her dark eyes which also matched her light pink lip-gloss and her sleeveless pink 'Fist Pump' shirt which was ripped on the sides that helped show a black sports bra underneath to hold her C-cup breasts. She was wearing a black skirt which went to her upper thighs and wore knee high brown boots

"Can I help you?" The woman asked with a smile making Naruto have a loss of words for a quick moment before catching his silence.

"Uh yes I'm here to pick up Margaret for the Fist Pump concert, she didn't tell me about her friend though." Naruto said with a chuckle while rubbing the back of his head making his ears slightly twitch.

"Oh so you're the guy that she can't stop talking about. She didn't mention on how cute you were or that she is practically hogging you all to herself." She said with a smirk that help heighten her high cheekbones as she also crossed her arms under her breasts to push them up more. She smirked more at the reaction she wanted with Naruto blushing and looking towards the side.

"Didn't know she thought about me that way, I see you're also going to go to the Fist Pump concert, who's taking you?" Naruto said in an effort to change the subject.

"You silly." she said putting her hand over mouth and giggling in a cute way.

"Mind repeating that?" The vulpine questioned as he blinked a few times.

"I don't have a date and I was originally planning on going with Margaret and Eileen but with her visiting family it changed things up. When I heard of Margaret getting a replacement I thought it would be fun to maybe tag along with her date." The blonde snake haired woman said with a lingering gaze that made Naruto to end up fiddling around a little.

"Tracy, leave Naruto alone! You're making him uncomfortable." Margaret said rounding around the corner of her apartment with a small glare directed at the now named Tracy.

"Fine I'll leave your boyfriend alone." Tracy giggled once again.

Margaret for a lack of words was stunning. She wore a similar outfit Tracy had with a black sleeveless 'Fist Pump' shirt ripped on the sides that instead of the red bird wearing a sports bra it was a regular black one that helped show her low B-cup breasts. She wore a white short skirt that reached just above her knees and wore white sport shoes

"He's not my boyfriend Tracy." 'At least not yet.' The red bird said at her friend's teasing nature.

"Hey Margaret." Naruto said getting said girl to look towards him and couldn't help but blush when taking in his appearance.

He was wearing a red Fist Pump muscle shirt with the letters in black and the sleeves ripped off showing his red fur and toned muscles, he was wearing a green gem necklace around his neck and wore black shorts which had a hole in the back for his nine tails and he decided to go barefoot because he felt like it wasn't too fancy to being shoes. All in all Naruto looked very handsome.

"H-Hey Naruto." Margaret stuttered shyly with a small blush easily matching her fur color.

"H-Hey Margaret ready to go?" Naruto asked shyly as well.

"Yeah." The red bird said before her friend interrupted her.

"Don't forget about me." Tracy walking beside Margaret with a suggestive smirk.

'Tracy better not try anything I plan on making my move on Naruto.' Margaret thought as she got closer to Naruto and ended up hugging his arm. As the snake haired woman saw this, she went to Naruto's other arm and did the same action the bird girl did. Forcing a smile Margaret was kind of ticked off at the action her friend decided to do but decided to put that behind her for now, Naruto looked surprised by their action but hid it well and hurried them both to his car.

When Naruto brought the two to his car, the two girls realized they would need to let go and the two looked at each other to see who would get the front seat while the other sits in the back. They decided to do it the old fashioned and fairly way, rock-paper-scissors while Naruto went to the driver's seat.

Margaret won so she got into the other front seat while Tracey got into the back seat who gave a reluctant grumble.

When Naruto started the car Margaret started a conversation to pass the time.

"So Naruto where are you from? I've been meaning to ask you that question for a while." Margaret asked with a black eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"Well I come from a village that resides in an underdeveloped area in Japan. It's pretty small so it wouldn't show up on any map very well so you would just need to know where it is to find it well." Naruto said while focusing on the road. They continued to talk until they reach the concert's parking lot. They could see practically thousands of people ranging from humans, birds, and several other species. He knew Fist Pump was popular but to see this many crowded in one area was an utter surprise.

"Wow look at all these people, glad we were lucky to get tickets early feel sorry for any unlucky chap that had I pay for the premium tickets or didn't get one at all." Tracy said with a whistle at all the people.

"Yeah no kidding that is a lot of people." Naruto said with a surprised look on his face. They went to the ticket person and handed over their tickets and they were let in before finding a place to be when the music starts. When they found a spot they went to sit down and waited for the band. He could see hundreds of people crowded into the seats, some were standing up and shouting their lungs off in excitement he could even see his friends Muscle Man and High Five ghost two rows behind him making him grin.

"Yo Muscle-Man, High-Five what's up bros!?" Naruto shouted over the roars and cheers of countless fans catching their attention. The two were barely able to hear Naruto addressing them and turned towards it seeing their vulpine friend.

"Yo Naruto! Aren't you pumped or what?!" Muscle-Man said as he kept pumping his arm before he eventually took off his shirt and threw it.

Naruto couldn't help but cringe a little seeing the shirt being thrown since it looked sweaty and gross and felt bad for the person it lands on. His eyes trailed towards the direction of the shirt before it landed on Mordecai's face at the front row.

"Hey Margaret, Mordecai and Rigby made it." Naruto said to her after gaining her attention. She looked towards where her crush was pointing and waved in that direction while trying to call out to her male friends but with the level of noise it was hard for the two to hear them.

"Hey Margaret! Margaret!" Mordecai said from the front row premium line, which was pretty difficult to hear because Margaret was in the fourth row. He soon saw Naruto next to his love interest with another girl with blonde curled hair who was chatting it up with his vulpine friend. The blue bird guessed she was the friend Naruto was talking about and seemed the two were having a good time with each other so he'll have to ask him about her later.

"Hey Mordecai, so glad you could make it! Naruto's here to!" Margaret said with a wave while pointing towards Naruto with a smile. It was hard for her to hear on what Mordecai was trying to say as the crowd started getting louder especially when the concert started up when seeing the band's bus actually pulling up on stage.

"Look it's starting!" Tracy said to her groupies as the lights started going down and the band got out of their ride before said ride went who knows where.

"Hey you people! We are Fist Pump! One two three four!" the drummer of the band yelled out before starting the opening song of the event.

Halfway throughout the concert the music was actually pretty nice in Naruto's opinion he was bobbing his head and cheering along the music too, everything was going perfectly until someone had to ruin it.

One minute they were enjoying themselves because the music was relaxing and exciting to hear the next Margaret's arm was roughly grabbed by someone almost basically pulling her making her gasp in shock and pain making Naruto's eyes widened before they darkened considerably real quick.

"Hey what do you think you're doing?!" Naruto yelled towards the guy while quickly standing up the first thing everyone noticed was that Naruto easily towered over this guy. The guy wasn't a sight to look at, his appearance was thuggish/punkish with a blonde Mohawk and was pretty fit with thick muscles.

"Back off fucker, this is between me and this bitch who decided to dump me. Now we're going to go out back and have a few choice words got that Margaret?!" The punk said with a growl whole forcefully pulling her from her seat with his strength.

"I told you over and over Slasher that things are over with us you jerk. I knew it was a mistake dating you even my mom warned me about you. So leave now will were still in a pleasant mood!" Margaret growled out with narrowed eyes.

"I took take no for an option, don't make me hurt you in front of all these people!" Slasher said baring his yellow teeth.

"The lady said leave her alone!" Naruto said with anger clear in his voice.

"You know what motherfucker? I'm getting sick of your stupid fox face am I going to have to beat your face in?!" He threatened while flexing his muscles making Naruto scoff.

"All talk and no bark. If you want to prove it then do it you musclebound idiot." The vulpine said provoking the ex-boyfriend.

"That does it! You're fucking dead!" Slasher yelled out as he punched Naruto across the face. This got Margaret and Tracy to gasp a little on Naruto's safety.

"Seriously? Was that supposed to hurt? My godmother hits harder than that." The fox replied back being unimpressed, he was literally punched through a building before so this was nothing to him.

Throwing another savage and wild punch this time aimed for the temple all Naruto did was slightly lean back which made Slasher slightly stumble at the lack of contact. The fox had to do little evasion due to how crowded the room is and Naruto didn't want to have this asshole accidentally hit Tracy or Margaret.

"Hey douche, leave my bro alone!" Muscle Man said noticing his friend in a fight with some dude making him whoop while hopping in the air and landing on the guys back who was considerably less weight than Muscle Man and the sudden weight increase almost buckled his legs from underneath.

"Get off me you fat slob of green shit!" Slasher growled while pulling on Muscle man's face. After a minute of struggle, he was finally able to pull Muscle Man off but only barely basically draining him almost all of his strength just from the effort.

Taking this opportunity Muscle Man provided, Naruto grabbed Slasher by his throat and easily picking him up making some people widen their eyes at his strength, he quickly walked out of the aisle and towards the exit that would lead to an alleyway, the perfect place to finish off the macho man with limited casualties. After getting outside he roughly threw Slasher into a dumpster making it cave in on itself causing the man growl in pain and get up for a another fight.

He swung wildly at Naruto having no form whatsoever, Naruto easily evaded most but caught the last one in his furred hand and twisting it painfully making the Mohawk wielder howl in pain. Kicking his leg out from underneath brought him to one knee while Naruto started to break each finger on his hand slowly. With a last ditch effort he pushed Naruto off him which he allowed and stood back up after stifling a few tears before glaring in anger and rage.

"That's it I'm going to fucking kill you! I was going to let you live but that's out the door!" He screamed and rushed towards Naruto making him smirk.

Naruto decided to do something he saw on a racist TV show he saw when he was a teenager. Prepping his legs, he jumped up easily having his feet reaching Slasher chest before literally bucking them out with the force of a train hitting him straight in the chest making him gasp and clench his chest heavily after he hit the ground.

"Oh yeah you were talking all that good shit a second ago inside, until you got kicked in your chest!" Naruto said trying to sound serious but was obviously failing at finally having an opportunity to do that.

After saying that Slasher passed out from the shock at having so many broken bones and injuries making a little fume spew out of his mouth. Chuckling Naruto pulled out his phone and called the cops for violence, promise to kill, most likely domestic abuse and most likely many other horrible stuff.

Once that was done he looked to the side and saw Margaret, Tracy, High Five Ghost and Muscle-Man there with different reactions. Muscle-Man and High Five Ghost were impressed seeing Naruto taking no shit from anyone along with Muscle-Man mumbling of the fox kicking ass in such a cool way. When Naruto saw the two girls however were a little different respectively from Tracy having an odd look on her face of being very pleased for some reason while Margaret had a mixed look with some tears in her eyes and a look of relief.

"Sorry if you guys had to see all that. Had to take care of him so he wouldn't end up harming anyone in there." Naruto said as he scratched his cheek since he could tell they wanted a bit of an explanation on his action.

"Oh it's quite alright, I'm glad you were able to handle him before things got out of hand." Tracy smiled finding it noble of Naruto to step up for her friend. "When I knew the guy, I had to hold myself back from slugging him due to him being with Margaret at the time. God he was such an asshole."

"Yeah thanks Naruto you don't know how much this means, I've been trying to get rid of that jerk for months." Margaret sighed happily like a weight was just lifted from her shoulders.

They soon saw a police car pull up to the alleyway and Naruto went up to them and explained the situation getting them to nod and properly put Slasher into restraints and into the back of their car before heading to the station, who at that point was already up again spitting out a string of curses and threats.

"So with that all taken care of, want to head back in for what's left of the show?" The vulpine asked getting the group to nod. Muscle-Man and High Five were more pumped from the fight a bit ago so wanted that little high to continue with the concert. As for the two girls they just wanted to forget the crap that happened so hopefully the show could make things feel better.

When they got back inside the concert was still going strong showing that the band got to the climax of their song so showing they still had plenty of time to listen to the rest of it. One noticeable funny fact was that Mordecai and Rigby were utterly passed out, snoring loudly with the music not getting them to wake up. It's was funny because they were as stoked to see the band just as much as Muscle-Man and High-Five even.

Margaret and Tracy kept a hold of Naruto's arms as they kept on enjoying the rest of the concert. During one point on one song with the audience jumping to the beat, the two girls jumped with Naruto's arms in their breasts getting him to blush on the contact and the girls feeling slight pleasure from it.

The concert ended a few hours later and the people were dispersing from the concert hall, while chatting excitedly about the concert and when another one will come. Unbeknownst to Naruto, Tracy and Margaret when they were heading to the fox's car, Mordecai and Rigby were still asleep in their seats with a janitor sweeping around them not bothering to wake them up. During the ride back to the girl's apartment, the red bird kept on thanking him every several minutes or so. Naruto didn't mind at all on the constant thanking but with Tracy she was getting an eyebrow tick on her friend's action and it wasn't long before reaching their destination.

"Well, here we are. Had a fun time with you two despite the slight hiccup." Naruto said referring to the moment with Slasher as he opened their doors.

"Yes it sure was Naruto. I know I keep on thanking you but still you don't know how much it meant to me having Slasher out of my feathers for now on." Margaret said as she tightened her grip in Naruto's hand.

"Same here. He's finally in jail will make me sleep better for quite a while. So I'm very grateful on doing us that favor long overdue." Tracy said with a pleasant smile.

"It was my pleasure, one less sicko to worry about on the streets." Naruto said with a chuckle closing the doors behind the girls.

"Well I can't wait to do this again Naruto. Let me know when you're available next time." The red bird said with a bright smile.

"I'll let you know Margaret." The fox said as Margaret came up to him and kissed him on the cheek. Once pulling back from the action, she blushed before rushing to her door and opened it quickly before entering inside.

"Well it was good meeting you foxy. We should hang out sometime, I like your style so call me." Tracy smirked as she handed a slip of paper with her number on it and a purple kiss mark on it, she leaned in and kissed him on the other cheek before walking inside swaying her hips the entire time.

Naruto was shocked on the recent actions and placed his hands on his cheeks since he could still feel their kisses which were surprisingly warm. He shook out of his musings and looked at the slip of paper with a smile before slipping it into his pocket.

He hopped into his car while some old 90's music was playing making his ride home relatively peaceful. Life was surely looking up to him at the moment.

-Chapter End-

Pairing List:



Daphne Gonzalez

Denise Smith




Rigby x Eileen

Mordecai X OC or alone

R&R ^_^