(TOBY, DINA, RUSS and SASHA in the school corridor, walking purposefully towards the holographic entrance to ELIZABETH's lab. They pass through the hologram and ride the lift to the lab, entering with the key. 'ELIZABETH' is waiting for them inside, sitting proudly at her table.)

'ELIZABETH': Hi everyone! (Sees the equipment) Toby, if you wanted to use my lab for a science experiment, you only had to ask!

TOBY: Very funny. (He steps forward). So what do you have to say for yourself? How can you justify what you've done?

'ELIZABETH': Why should I justify myself? It's a bit annoying that you already worked out that I framed Dina, but it doesn't matter. It means we just get to the end a bit sooner.

TOBY: How can you be this sick? I really thought you had changed!

'ELIZABETH': Sorry Toby. I really did think about it, but it turned out I couldn't change after all.

TOBY: Well, just so we're clear on one thing, you and I are finished. I'm never going to speak to you again.

'ELIZABETH' (unconcerned): You know, you may be right.

TOBY: What do you mean?

'ELIZABETH' (laughing): Well, you remember how 'Dina' (makes parenthetic gesture) said she called some government research lab and reported me? Well, get this: in fact I called the lab and reported you, Toby.

TOBY: What?

'ELIZABETH': I had plenty of evidence to show them too: all those little bits of equipment that you lent me to try and impress me! They were very interested, I must say. So don't be too surprised if sometime today somebody shoves you into the back of a van.

DINA (fuming): Right, that's enough. You're going to get what's coming to you right now. (She runs at 'ELIZABETH'.)

'ELIZABETH' (standing up quickly and reaching for the shrink ray): Get back!

(DINA lunges for her, but she glides out of the way. DINA is only able to catch hold of her cardigan. She pulls on the cardigan, ripping the buttons off and enabling 'ELIZABETH' to slip out of it. DINA's momentum carries her onto the floor, the cardigan still in her hands. 'ELIZABETH' turns to fire the ray on DINA, but SASHA quickly uses the anti-friction spray on her, making her drop the shrink ray. At that moment, we see TOBY hyperfunction. He lifts his head, smiling to himself, then leaps into the fray.)

RUSS: Toby! Watch out for Elizabeth!

'ELIZABETH' reaches to pick up the shrink ray, but TOBY steps on her hand.


(TOBY smiles and shows 'ELIZABETH' the truth serum.)

TOBY: Know what this is?

RUSS: She probably does, Toby, she invented it.

TOBY: I don't think so. This isn't Elizabeth.


TOBY (to 'ELIZABETH'): This is truth serum. A very handy invention. And invented by the real Elizabeth.

('ELIZABETH' says nothing.)

DINA: What makes you think this isn't Elizabeth?

TOBY (points to 'ELIZABETH's arm): The real Elizabeth has a mark right there.

DINA: Does she? Since when?

TOBY: Since I put it there last night.

'ELIZABETH': I removed it.

TOBY: No you didn't. You don't have the formula and you didn't have time to work it out. Now, let's get this over with. (to RUSS) Russ, you know how to remove the polymer suit.

RUSS: The what?

TOBY: You know, that suit you used to pretend to be me.

RUSS: Oh right! (He kneels down and takes the suit off. We see EVA sitting on the floor.)

DINA (shocked): You!

TOBY: You know her?

DINA: Yes, this is Eva, Raul's sister.

TOBY: Raul your boyfriend?

DINA (horrified): Yeah. (hopeful) But maybe he isn't involved?

SASHA: I don't know. But where's Elizabeth?

TOBY (to EVA): Yeah, where is Elizabeth? (He sprays her with the truth serum)

EVA (coughing): Raul took her.

DINA (angry): I'm going to kill the both of you.

EVA (smiles grimly): As if you could.

TOBY (to EVA): Hey. Keep talking. Took her where?

EVA (disconsolate): To the house.

TOBY (to DINA): You know where it is, right?

DINA: Yeah, I know where it is all right.

TOBY (to EVA): What do you want with Elizabeth? And how do you know we're geniuses?

EVA: An associate of ours happened to intercept some footage of Elizabeth's press conference with the dinosaur before it all got erased. He knew we were looking for recruits for our organisation and thought she showed promise. Then Raul met Dina by chance in Hong Kong. When we found out Dina was from the same school as Elizabeth, it was too good a chance to miss.

TOBY: And you wanted to use Elizabeth for what exactly?

EVA: You know, computer hacking, sabotage, weaponry.

SASHA: Weaponry?

TOBY (spraying her again with the serum): Why?

EVA: To create chaos, stuff like that.

DINA: I can see why they wanted Elizabeth.

TOBY: She won't join them, I'm sure.

EVA (laughs): Why not? Because she's got you? But you broke up with her this morning.

TOBY: What? (realises) Oh no. Your brother has the other polymer suit.

EVA: He's not my brother.

DINA: He's not even your brother?

EVA: No, he's my boyfriend, ok? We've been together since high school.

DINA: So all that stuff about…

TOBY: Never mind that now. If Elizabeth thinks I broke up with her, she's going to be…

EVA (gleefully): Probably psycho again.

TOBY: We have to get out of here. (To RUSS and DINA): Grab her. And take as much stuff as you can carry. Let's get going.

(They leave, dragging EVA with them).

(Scene: the living room of RAUL and EVA's house. The blinds are drawn, leaving the room in semi-darkness. ELIZABETH is sprawled on the sofa, unconscious. Slowly she wakes up and looks around drowsily. RAUL enters the room from the kitchen.)

RAUL: You're awake.

ELIZABETH (looking around): Where am I?

RAUL: Doesn't matter at the moment. By the way, sorry for kidnapping you. I don't normally do things like that. But as you can see, you're not tied up or anything. You can walk out of here, as long as we reach an understanding.

ELIZABETH (not showing any fear): Who are you?

RAUL: An admirer of your work.

ELIZABETH: What do you mean?

RAUL: Your genius. Your ability to invent amazing things. That and your lack of any scruples.

ELIZABETH (scowling): You don't know anything about me.

RAUL: Oh but we do.


RAUL: The organisation I represent.

ELIZABETH: You're not from the government.

RAUL: No. Certainly not. We're more like the anti-government.

ELIZABETH: And why would that be of interest to me?

RAUL: We want to make you a job offer. One where your talents could be put to the use they deserve.

(Cut to TOBY, DINA, RUSS and SASHA, dragging EVA along with them in the street.)

DINA (pointing to the house): We've arrived.

TOBY (spraying EVA once again with the serum): They're here, are they?

EVA (in spite of herself): I don't know where else they would be.

TOBY (to RUSS and SASHA): Stay here and keep her under control. (Gives SASHA the shrink ray.) Any trouble from her and she gets it. Right?

SASHA: Right.

TOBY (to DINA): We're going up there.

(Back in the house)

ELIZABETH: So you've kidnapped me in order to offer me a job. (sarcastic) I wonder if I'll accept it?

RAUL: I hope you will. And anyway, from what I hear you're no stranger to kidnapping.

ELIZABETH: That was in the past. I wasn't in my right mind then.

RAUL: Oh, you've changed, is that it?


RAUL: So tell me, what was it you were doing in your lab today? Making a present for your boyfriend?

ELIZABETH (uncomfortable): None of your business.

RAUL: You were preparing something particularly nasty for poor Dina. And you seemed to be enjoying yourself too. I bet it was a relief, wasn't it, not having to try and make an effort to be good anymore. You could finally go back to doing what you do best. Hurting and controlling people.

ELIZABETH (in a low voice): Is that what you do best?

RAUL: What I really like doing is making people wake up to themselves. Snapping them out of their complacency. Making them realise that they aren't 'all right'. That it takes less than they think to drop the mask of civilisation. Experience life as it really is. Harsh, violent, exhilarating. (coming closer) You're closer than most to throwing off the shackles, Elizabeth. Not only are you smarter, but you also have a power that few of us have. You should use it to its full extent. I promise that it will blow your mind.

(ELIZABETH says nothing, but looks intently at RAUL. In the meantime we see that TOBY and DINA have crept up to the windows of the house.)

DINA (whispering): The living room's through there.

TOBY (setting up the listening/x-ray vision device): Good thing we brought this.

(They are now able to see and hear what's going on inside. They see ELIZABETH sitting on the sofa, listening to RAUL speak.)

ELIZABETH: So basically you want me to come and work for you as your technical support?

RAUL: I wouldn't put it in such mundane terms.

ELIZABETH: Ok. You want me to build weapons you can use to bring down society, is that it?

RAUL: That sounds a little more exciting.

ELIZABETH: And destroying society will give me a sense of fulfilment, right?

RAUL: I reckon so. Listen, Elizabeth, I'm not trying to corrupt the innocent here.

ELIZABETH (soberly): No, you're not.

RAUL: And what have you got to lose? Toby? As far as I can see you already lost him. And he was the last thing standing between you and… and your destiny.

ELIZABETH: You're right. I have lost Toby. And it's true: I did reprogramme the chip to inflict pain when you do good rather than when you do bad. But there's one thing you're forgetting. I threw it away. Because I really don't want to hurt people any more. Not even people who try to hurt me. I don't need that chip any more because my real conscience finally woke up. I felt the pain that the chip would make me feel. So I'm of no use to you.

RAUL: I'm sorry to hear that. Like I said earlier, you walking out of here depends on us reaching a deal. So if your conscience really has woken up, I foresee a lot of pain for you. That can be fixed. (takes the conscience chip out of his pocket). It's all ready to go. Install it and you can be free of your conscience. Wouldn't that be great? The other possibility is this: (puts the chip in his pocket and takes out a gun). Surely you're not going to choose this? What have you really got to gain by trying to be good? Do you think you're ever going to win Toby back? You've got nothing to lose.

ELIZABETH: You're right. I have nothing to live for. So kill me.

RAUL (taken aback): Really? You're sure?

ELIZABETH: Just make it quick.

RAUL: Ok, I can do that.

(He points the gun at her. She closes her eyes.)

TOBY (at the front door. DINA has the anti-friction spray): Now!

(TOBY kicks down the door and DINA fires the anti-friction spray at RAUL. He swings around but the gun drops out of his hands and lands on the floor. TOBY and DINA rush at him and knock him to the floor. The three of them struggle for a few moments. ELIZABETH gets up quickly, grabs the gun and points it at RAUL. He stops fighting. TOBY, meanwhile, takes a small tube out of his pocket and empties the contents over RAUL. He is immobilised. TOBY gets up and hugs ELIZABETH, who puts down the gun. DINA stands over RAUL, looking at him with contempt.)

TOBY (to ELIZABETH): You ok?

ELIZABETH (serious): Yes. I can't believe you came after me what you said on the beach.

TOBY: Elizabeth, I wasn't on the beach.

ELIZABETH: So you didn't…?

TOBY (stroking her cheek): No.

(ELIZABETH sighs in relief and lays her head on TOBY's shoulder. After a couple of moments she lifts her head.)

ELIZABETH: Then who? (realises and turns angrily towards RAUL). You!

TOBY (to ELIZABETH, restraining her): Forget him. He's nothing.

TOBY: (to DINA): Go and get the others. Don't worry about him. He's not going anywhere for the time being.

(DINA nods. She heads for the door, making sure to step on RAUL's leg as she goes.)

DINA (brightly): Oops!

(TOBY turns back to ELIZABETH and kisses her.)

RAUL (disgusted): Don't tell me: love has won the day.

TOBY (turns to look at him): Will you shut up?

(Scene: inside the house: TOBY, ELIZABETH, DINA, RUSS and SASHA standing over RAUL and EVA, who are both immobilised on the floor)

SASHA: So what are we going to do with them?

ELIZABETH: I can think of a few things. (glances at TOBY and smiles) But I'm not going to do them.

DINA: I say we call the police.

RAUL: Call the police and we'll tell them everything. We have plenty of evidence that you two are geniuses.

TOBY: No problem, we'll destroy it.

EVA: You'll never find it all. We already passed some of it on to our associates.

ELIZABETH: That could be a problem.

TOBY: Ok, we won't call the police. But we can't let them go either.

RUSS: Not without finding some way of making sure they behave themselves.

(TOBY and ELIZABETH hyperfunction simultaneously.)

ELIZABETH (smiling at TOBY): Did we just have the same idea?

TOBY (smiling back at her): Let's see. (reaches into RAUL's pocket and takes out the conscience chip). Is this what you had in mind?

ELIZABETH (laughs): Exactly. How amazing is that?

RUSS: What's that?

DINA: It's a microchip that controls your conscience.

RUSS: No way!

TOBY: But it's going to need readjusting, isn't that right, Elizabeth?

ELIZABETH: Yes. We'll need to reset it to its original function. (looks at EVA) We'll also have to make another one.

RAUL: Oh you're kidding me.

ELIZABETH (mocking): What, is it going to be so bad to be good?

RAUL: Yes, it is.

TOBY (to ELIZABETH): We'd better get to work.

ELIZABETH (to TOBY): Your place or mine?

(Scene: we see TOBY and ELIZABETH working in ELIZABETH's lab. There are now two microchips connected up to ELIZABETH's laptop. The others are also in the lab, guiding the prisoners. Finally TOBY and ELIZABETH come forward with the finished chips.)

ELIZABETH: Here we are. (to RAUL and EVA, with a rather malicious smile) Meet the voice of your conscience.

DINA: Who's going to put it in them?

ELIZABETH (smiling): I'll do it. By the way, since you two are even worse than me, I had to boost the signal a bit.

EVA: If you've suddenly got a conscience, how can you justify putting that thing in us?

ELIZABETH: Morally speaking it is a bit complicated, but then again if I'm not morally complicated I don't know who is. Anyway, the installation won't hurt. (brightly) After that... it's up to you.

(She approaches them with the microchips in her hands.)

(Scene: in front of the school. RAUL and EVA get sadly into their car and drive away. TOBY, ELIZABETH, DINA, RUSS and SASHA watch them go.)

SASHA: Do you think they'll behave themselves?

TOBY: I don't know. Maybe they will. They sort of have consciences now.

DINA: Well, I reckon they got off lightly. (turns to TOBY and ELIZABETH). I'm really sorry about everything. I feel like such an idiot.

TOBY: It's ok. How could you know? They were pretty smart operators. They nearly outsmarted all of us.

DINA (shivering): I know. (turns to ELIZABETH) Elizabeth, I'm really sorry for not believing you.


DINA: I actually kind of wanted to believe you. Seeing you and Toby together nearly convinced me. But all along I had someone whispering in my ear, making me believe what was easiest to believe.

ELIZABETH: It's ok. If I were you I wouldn't have believed me either.

DINA: So are we cool? (sticks out hand)

ELIZABETH: Yeah. (They shake hands.)

SASHA: So what now?

RUSS: I don't know about you but I'm starving. Elizabeth, I don't suppose you've got any more… never mind.

DINA (to RUSS and SASHA): Why don't we go and get something to eat? It's on me. I've already caused enough trouble since I got back.

(DINA links arms with RUSS and SASHA and they start to head off.)

DINA: Maybe we can all have a quiet year now. (She looks significantly at TOBY and ELIZABETH as she leaves.)

TOBY (smiles at ELIZABETH and takes her by the hand): A quiet year would be good.

ELIZABETH: You know, maybe it actually will be.

TOBY: We nearly got caught again.

ELIZABETH (puts her arms round his neck): I know. From now on you and I are going to have to be much more discreet.

TOBY (smiles): What did you have in mind?

ELIZABETH: I'm shutting my lab down for one thing. And I'm going to destroy all my mischief-making devices.

TOBY: It's probably a good idea. I should do the same for a lot of my stuff as well. But when you get an idea you're welcome to use my place.

ELIZABETH (smiling): I'd love to. We could work together at my place too sometimes, if you'd like.


ELIZABETH: After all, Toby, we're still geniuses.

TOBY: We are.

ELIZABETH: But maybe we need to try and focus our genius a bit better.

TOBY: Such as?

ELIZABETH: Well… shouldn't we try to work on finding cures for diseases or something like that?

TOBY: That sounds like a very good idea.

ELIZABETH (more serious): You know I really did come this close to slipping back into my old ways.

TOBY: I know. But it's ok. You don't have to be completely good. And I have to admit, I always liked you, even when you were bad.

ELIZABETH (pretending to be cross): Now you tell me! (smiles) Toby Johnson, I'm going to have you make you pay for that.

(They laugh, kiss and then walk away from the school, hand in hand).

(The end)