I couldn't just leave you hanging from the last chapter. I wanted to tell you guys some things, and this was the only way to let all of you receive the information. So, I made an epilogue. Thank you my 42 followers, 26 favoriters, and 7 people that reviewed so far. You guys were what kept this story even going. Love y'all! Enjoy peoples! Love you guys.



Today is the day. I've decided to put all of my romantic intentions into this day. After that Relatives Day at Beacon three months ago, I've decided to propose. The nerves and excitement is getting to me while I plan all of this. With a few helpful tips from Yang and Blake, I was able to put together one the most romantic things I've ever attempted. They're going to help me pull this off without a hitch.

I breathe deeply and push all of the anxiety to the back of my mind. I'm sitting in the living room, all decked out in a rented tux. It's white with black accents. I forego my cape, though I usually don't go anywhere without it. I want this to be perfect. I want this to be special, for her to feel special. I hear the click of heels down the hallway and turn my head in that direction. Winter steps out of the shadows wearing a beautiful, glacial blue dress that matches her eyes wonderfully. It's simple, with only a small amount of diamond like gems trailing down from her left shoulder, across the slightly low cut collar, and down to the bottom seam of her dress, which reached to just below her ankles. Her hair is adorned with a tiny tiara that sits at the base of a free flowing ponytail at the top center of her head. Her bangs are the same but for some tiny gems on the top of them. I wonder how she got them to stay.

I'm star struck at the sight of her. The only thing that I can babble out is, "Beautiful…"

A hint of a blush creeps onto her cheeks. :You don't look too bad yourself. So, why did you insist I dress up?"

I give a sly, lopsided grin. "Because it's my date night choice, and I wanna eat somewhere fancy."

She shakes her head, making her ponytail, and dress surprisingly, sway side to side. "Whatever. Come on, let's get this over with." She opens the door and makes her way to the car.

I sigh at her less than pleased tone. Maybe this was a bad idea. My nerves start to get to me, and I follow her out of the house and to the car before I can think enough to change my mind. The drive to the restaurant isn't all that bad. I picked a place on Patch so that we wouldn't have to take a bullhead to the mainland. I sigh, hoping I dodged a bullet there. My scroll rings, and I see that it's Blake. I transfer the call to my earpiece so that Winter can't overhear anything.

"The plan is a go. The restaurant is virtually empty." Blake is so into this. I smile at her mission vernacular.

"Understood. I'll be there. Count on it being soon." I try to make this conversation as short as possible. Winter's already looking at me suspiciously.

"Affirmative. Over and out."

The call is disconnected, and I turn to see Winter staring at me intensely. "What was that?"

I sweat drop. "Uh, that was the, um, owner of the restaurant. He wanted to know if we were still going to make our reservations." I hope she doesn't question it.

She still looks at me skeptically, but she dismisses it. "Fine." She looks out the window, and I see her expression in the reflection. She looks so confused and kind of, weirdly, pained. My heart breaks at the sight. She didn't even look like that when she was discharged. My anxiety skyrockets. Maybe I shouldn't have done this. I want to turn around now, but we arrive at the restaurant. I park on the street just across from the entrance.

I jump out of the car and run over to her side to hold the door open. I bow slightly. "M'lady." I beam at her, but she barely returns it. Just a small smile graces her lips. We, then, proceed to the entrance.

A waiter is there, prepared to seat us. "Right this way."

I hook her hand on my arm and follow behind the man. We stop in front of a table for two. I slide the seat out for Winter to sit, then promptly go to my own seat across from her. My foot is silently tapping under the table as I try to alleviate the build up of nerves I'm having. I have to wait until dessert until I can make my move. I breathe in quietly, calming myself before I look up at the waiter.

"What will you be having to drink?"

I look over at Winter, who has plastered a fake smile on for the occasion. My little bit of confidence fades. Winter addresses the waiter very stiffly. "I'll have the Chardonnay, please, and not the swill you'd pass it off as."

I clear my throat. This isn't going as I planned. She was supposed to be happy that I'm taking her to a fancy schmancy establishment for date night. "I'll have water, please." I'm just trying to keep my wits about me. The waiter leaves us.

Winter looks at me in surprise. "You usually get Scotch. What's wrong?" The concern leaks from her tone, capturing my attention.

I swallow hard. I hate lying to her. Plus, she always seems to know when I lie, anyway. "Nothing, love, absolutely nothing." I put on the best smile I can manage to try to make her concern dissipate, but I know that it only causes her to worry more.

Winter's expression flashes to anger and then back to concern so fast that I thought I imagined it. She shakes her head lightly. "No, it's not nothing, Qrow. Tell me." Her voice catches a bit at the last part, and I almost spill the surprise.

I look at her, the anxiety weighing down on me. "I can't, not yet." I plead with my eyes for her to understand. "Can we talk about it later? Please?"

She crosses her arms over her chest, giving me a very determined look. "Fine, but this isn't finished."

Thankfully, the waiter returns with our drinks. He takes the wine bottle out and shows her the label. The years of being force fed her high society education has paid off. She inspects the label and nods for him to pour it into the glass. He concentrates on the glass and pours it to her specifications then leaves the bottle on the table. He looks at us expectantly. "Would you desire an appetizer?"

I glance at Winter, silently asking her. She shakes her head at me. "No, I don't think so. We can go right to the entrée." I breathe a sigh of relief that I can rid myself of my anxiety and anticipation that much sooner.

I gesture for Winter to go first. "I believe I will have your Fettuccini Alfredo, and you, Qrow?"

"I'll have the steak, medium, please." I smile a little at the thought of food, but soon frown, thinking that I might not even be able to eat it if my stomach keeps churning like this. I clutch my stomach as the butterflies overtake me.

Winter's face still has that same concerned expression on it, but underneath, I can see the sadness. My heart clenches in my chest at just seeing that emotion in her eyes. It makes her eyes look duller instead of the usual vibrance that's shining through. I sigh at this. I didn't expect this reaction at all. I wish I can call Yang for a quick pep talk, but I can't just pull out my scroll in the middle of a date. So, I just imagine what she'd say. She'd say something like, 'Come on, Uncle Qrow! You can do this. Be a man,' or some other non-supportive words that will make me rethink making her my go-to peptalker. I sigh mentally while trying to keep a straight face.

The waiter comes back with our food. The steak looks delicious, as does Winter's Fettuccini. I lick my lips in anticipation of the flavor, temporarily forgetting the anxiety fluttering in my stomach. I thank the waiter and dig in. I slow my roll when I see Winter lift her eyebrow at my suddenly barbarous behavior. I start to eat slower, chewing completely before going for another bite. Winter nods her head, and a genuine smile graces her lips. Albeit, its small, but it's still a smile. I give a lopsided grin at this development.

Soon enough, we both finish our entrées. The waiter is quick with taking our plates away, leaving only a dessert menu and our drinks behind. He returns just as quickly. I stand and gesture for him to come here, and I pull him aside and whisper what I want into his ear. Winter lifts her eyebrow at my action but says nothing. I give her a reassuring smile as I retake my seat. A few minutes later, a cart is rolled up to our table. I smile as I see that my specifications were carried out to the T. He puts two champagne flutes on the table. They're not clear glass, but opaque and blurry. The dessert on the cart is chocolate cake, your favorite, and to tell the truth, mine as well. I pass Winter her flute filled with champagne, but not before I covertly slip the ring into her glass.

I sigh in relief as I finish the second to last step in my plan. This is almost done. All I have to do now is not choke when I ask. The waiter replaces the wine bottle with the champagne and bucket of ice and puts our slices of cake in front of us before leaving with the cart. Winter drink some of the champagne, and I see her confusion when she turns the glass up.

I see her pluck the ring out, and I get on one knee beside her. Winter looks down at me with tears in her eyes, and I take that as my queue to start. I take her hand. "Winter, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever met, inside and out. When you first sat across from me, I believed you to be an angel, sent from heaven to light up my world. And you have. You are the light that shined for me in the darkness I was falling into. You pulled me out of my horrible slump, whether you knew it or not. I find that I can't live without you and your brightness. Will you marry me?" I take a deep breath, awaiting her answer.

She throws her arms around me and whispers in my ear. "Yes, a thousand times yes."

I grab her shoulders and push her away from me a bit so that I can slide the ring onto her finger. "I can't believe you said yes."

She scoffs at me. "Of course I'd say yes. My only question is: why tonight?"

I give her a lopsided smile. "It's the first day of spring. Today is the day of new beginnings. I thought you'd appreciate my symbolism."

She gives me a genuine smile as I stand. "It was very thought out, wasn't it?"

I nod once. "This took more planning than I've ever had to concoct in all my life. But it was all worth it the moment you said yes." I extend my hand for her to take.

She swats my shoulder but continues to smile. "You're so cheesy."

"That's just how I am, babe, especially with you around." I waggle my eyebrows.

This is how I wanted my night to end, with her in my arms and her wearing my ring. I smile at this, knowing that this couldn't have been more perfect. Then, she pulls away and takes her seat again. I give her a questioning look. "What? There's chocolate cake. You don't expect me to waste it, do you?"

I chuckle at her excitement over cake. "Of course not, dear. How could u ever expect you to waste such a delicacy." I place the back of my hand to my forehead in a false swoon as I sit down.

As I eat and finish my cake, I replay tonight's events in my head, but mostly focus on when she said yes. My heart soars every time I imagine that little playback. I close my eyes and savor this exhilarating feeling, the feeling of success, the feeling of having everything, and everyone, I want. I sigh in happiness at long last. I look up to see Winter staring at me curiously. "What?"

She gives me a smile. "What's with that look?"

"What look?"

She points to my face. "That look, like you just got handed the world on a platinum platter."

I grunt. "Hey, I'll have you know that I'm just happy right now."

She lifts her eyebrow, something she seems to be doing a lot lately. "Whatever for?"

I just give her my trademark, lopsided grin. "Because I have you."

"You're so cheesy." She takes a sip of the champagne.

I shake my head. "You walked right into that one."

That night, the banter was spectacular. Nothing could possibly bring me down, not even the exorbitant cost of our meal, because it was all toward a much more fulfilling goal. I can't believe that I'm finally engaged, completing my life, and making my world whole. Winter Schnee is mine, and I am hers. What more could a man ask for?


A/N: Hmmm. I feel like I should have addressed some more things, but I find myself having spent more time than I wanted to on this story. Truthfully, it was supposed to be a one-shot, but I couldn't have fit all the stuff that I wanted to in just one little drabble. I hope this fulfilled whatever curiosity that you would have liked me to. I do take requests, so just PM me if you want a story. Anywho, this is the end, so review for, will ya? Love you guys, readers of my stories! *waves*