
Just a one shot inspired by a very random idea.

The akuma infused girl shot another blast of fire at Ladybug. Jumping back to avoid it, she realized too late that she was out of roof. Her eyes widened as she began to fall, fear clouding her mind. She desperately swung her yo-yo, trying to stop her fall. But it missed her intended target by inches. Everything seemed to slow down around her, her body slowly rotating as she continued her fall until she was directed like an arrow toward the ground. Where was Chat? He normally would've been around to help her. He would've swooped in and caught her, making some cat related joke or flirtatious comment. But there was no sign of her black clad friend. Just her, the akuma possessed girl, and the rapidly approaching ground. As she fell her life seemed to flash by her eyes. Her parents, always loving and supporting, Alya, her best friend, her friends at school, and Adrian. Oh how she wished she'd worked up the courage to tell him how she felt. Just the thought of never seeing him again brought tears to her eyes. And finally Chat Noir, her trusted partner in the fight against evil. She had to admit that the feline hero had grown on her. Sure he could be annoying, but he was always there to help her. Well almost always. It seemed that her luck had run out on her, just when she would've needed it the most. The ground was super close now. Looks like this would be the end, Hawkmoth would finally get her miraculous and she would die. Ladybug closed her eyes, ready to accept her fate. She felt her head barely brush the concrete before she was lifted up in a pair of strong arms.

"I've got you." A deep voice said. Ladybug opened her eyes to see Chat grinning his usual grin down at her.

"Chat! It's about time." She laughed in relief.

"Let's finish this fire breather." He said, setting her on her feet. Together they defeated the akuma and returned the girl to her family. As they walked away Ladybug punched Chat's arm.

"Hey what was that for?" He asked.

"For not being there at the beginning of the fight." She then stepped up into her toes and kissed him on the cheek. He looked at her in delighted confusion.

"And that?" He asked.

"For being there when I needed you." She smiled. Her ratings giving a beep signaling she was near the end of her transformation.

"I will always be there to catch you, my lady." Chat said. Ladybug's smile grew and she quickly gave him another kiss on the cheek before running off to de-transform. Behind her she could hear Chat give a whoop of delight. She may have been saved from falling to her death, but she was definitely not safe from falling in love.