Star and Marco were standing in Toffee's throne room ready for a fight but as they saw no one was here they looked around Star was then trapped in the same crystal case that Marco was in when he was captured Star was then banged on the glass while Marco was trying to find a way to opened it but couldn't do it till he heard his voice.

"Yeah that not going to work." Toffee said as he entered the room in his trademark suit, Marco then gave him a stare of complete hatred and murderous intent.

"Let her go." Marco commanded

"I will, but for something in return." Toffee said

"What?" Marco asked

"Your severed arm, that you left with that annoying pony head." Toffee said, Marco knew something bad will happen if he did give to him, but he looked at Star who was trying to break out.

"If I do this will you let Star go?" Marco asked

"I promised but I better hurry." Toffee said as he pushed a button and a vacuum-like tube came down and started sucking up the air Star had in the box

"Tick tock Mr. Diaz." Toffee said Marco then pulled out the dimensional scissors and tried to cut a hole, but it didn't work.

"Oh yeah you need to go outside those scissors won't work in here." Toffee said "A little something I got from St. Olga's." Just then Star screamed, Marco then placed a hand on the glass

"Star try not to suck up too much air I'll be right back." Marco said as he ran out the castle tore opened a portal to his room at Pony head's castle and saw the arm asleep he then grabbed it and went back

"Marco, Marco you don't have to do this, just reattach me and we can stop him." Monster arm said, but Marco ignored him as he rushed in he then tossed the arm near Tom's feet

"There now let Star go." Marco asked

"Okay." Toffee then pushed a button and the case raised up and started taking a deep breath and coughed

"It okay take deep breaths." Marco said as he held her in his arm they then saw Toffee using the Star necklace to absorb the magic from the Monster Arm it the screamed in agony as it turned back into Marco's old arm but as it did it turned to ashes and Toffee smiled menacingly as the star started to glow it then shot into Toffee chest he then fell back on his back he then started floating up his body then glowed his body then sat up and opened his eyes

"Yes, this is what ludo was failing to see this is the true power of our stolen magic." Toffee said

"Stolen magic?" Star asked

"Oh yeah they never told you I was the original ruler of mewi but somehow your people took away my magic and invade my home 50 years ago and ran the place It was a mistake letting ludo be king while I was healing, but now that I received my power back it's time to find my people a new home." Toffee said as he opened a portal of all his monster brethren Marco and Star watched in horror as they saw the monster but Marco got an idea he grabbed the dimensional scissors and created a tear to Mewni which created sucked in the monster into the void that was Mewni killing all the monster except Toffee he then looked at the two and started to get angry he started down on Marco

"You fool you killed the only way to rebuild my home and now I'm going to destroy yours but first." he the flash stepped in front of Marco and punched him which sent him flying back Marco tried to stop himself, but couldn't move because of the force Toffee then appeared above him and with his tail he slammed him to the ground creating a crater Toffee then stood at the foot of the crater looking down he was then uppercut by Marco then kicked him a good distance away from him Marco then fell to his knees and was breathing heavily

"Man if it wasn't for Pony Head's enhancements I would have been dead." He said to himself he then took a running start pose and took off in the direction of Toffee who was still flying he then got close to him and slammed him down with a dropkick making a small crater under him Marco then jumped up tried to do another dropkick but Toffee moved as Marco landed smoked fill the area Marco was taking caution as he moved not knowing where Toffee might strike but as soon as the air cleared he saw him sitting on a car

"What no surprise attack?" Marco asked Toffee shook his head no

"I prefer to see my enemies while I crush them and a surprise attack do I look like ludo?" He said as he ripped his arm off making Marco shocked at his action

"I must say you have improved since the last time I saw you did some damage to my arm but I can just get rid of it and make this an "even" fight." Toffee said as Marco took a battle stance he then rushed towards Toffee and their fists clashed creating a shockwave that destroyed any building around them giving them space to go all out Marco then took a deep breath and everything around him started floating even the tail of his cloak and in one step he charged towards him but Toffee just stopped him with his palm and threw him into the sky Marco was able to gain control again and stop himself from flying any further he flew down and punch Toffee with his momentum back to the ground as they reached the ground A toffee shape hole in the ground, Marco then looked in the hole and got punched in the face and sent flying a few feet as Toffee then jumped out the hole and went towards Marco who was gone he then saw a dimensional rift

"Oh running away I see." Toffee then jumped in after him, he then looked around to see shattered chunks of rocks floating around he then jump on the separate rocks

"Really You brought me back to Mew-" he said till he was then tackled by Marco he grabbed his hair and tossed him off luckily he hits a piece of wall debris that was floating by he then pushes off it and grabs him with legs and repeatedly punches him Toffee then unwrapped his legs from his body and punched his gut

"Enough of this it's time to end this once and for all." Toffee yelled as he began to regrow his arm the star embedded in his chest then started glowing and a dark ball of pure energy and rage formed in his palm but it only grew bigger as it Marco then tried to jump away from it, but he knew it was pointless, he knew he would die, but one thing in his mind was keeping his will to live strong but as Toffee threw the ball Marco saw his life flash before his eyes he then closed his eyes and waited for his death but it didn't happen but instead he was feeling slightly hot he opened his eyes to see a firewall protecting him he then saw the person who protected him as was shocked to see him

"T-TOM?!" Marco said in surprise

"Hello Marco." Tom said as he puts down the wall and turns towards him his third eye was missing and had scars all over his face and arms and he only had on a tattered robe

"Tom I thought you died, how are you here?" Marco asked

"Don't see all this debris, chunks of Mewni survived I was just lucky that my had enough parts to salvage my body." Tom explained

"So what are you going to help him kill me now?" Marco asked as he took a battle stance

"No I'm her for Toffee he left me here to die and his needs to pay, why don't you just leave." Tom said as he stared at Toffee

"No way this guy invaded my home and I need to stop him." Marco said

"Fine don't blame me if you die in a crossfire." Tom said as he used his flames to launch him towards Toffee he then blasts him with a million degrees of heat on his face but Toffee grabbed his face and tossed him at Marco who steps to the side as he crashed into the ground.

"Nice." Marco said sarcastically

"Oh you got a better plan?" Tom asked

"I do, but I need to get behind him."

"Okay I think I can manage that." Tom said Marco then pulled out his (Star's) dimensional scissors and stood up, Tom then grabbed his arm and used his fire to fly towards Toffee he then started shooting black balls of energy at them

"Tom, fire shield!" Marco commanded he then covered them in a dome of fire, Toffee's blasts were just incinerated as they moved towards him Tom then threw a giant fireball, but Toffee dodged it, but what he didn't know was that Marco was in it he then pushed himself from debris and stabs Toffee on his back he then opened a portal splitting him in half Marco sending his bottom half to an inferno hellhole(Tom's Dimension) Toffee watched as he saw his bottom half went to hell

"You know I can't grow those back." He said calmly his face then got tense and angry till he coughed up too much of his blood he then looked at the two

"Well since I'm going to die anyway I might as well take you with me." He said as he started whispering something Tom was confused but Marco was in shocked he grab Tom arm and jumped away from Toffee but he also cast a spell to make him the center of gravity and everything was being dragged towards him Tom the fired his jets and flew away from Toffee at fast speed Marco then pulled out the dimensional scissors, but saw that they were damaged as he opened a portal a huge explosion was happening the spell was now going off Tom then let's go of Marco and creates his firewall trying to block the explosion allowing Marco to opened a portal

"Tom come on." Marco yelled

"It's no use Marco I someone has to keep this explosion at bay." Tom said

"It should be done by now." Marco said

"Diaz this is a type of spell that won't stop till it destroys everything. I'm sorry but only one of us is getting out of here alive." He said as a beam of light poured through his shield and vaporized his arm he then puts his remaining strength to enforce it. "You don't have a lot of time get out of here now!" Tom said with strain in his voice

"Tom I'm not leaving you." Marco said

"Marco it's fine I'm better off dead anyway, plus I owe it to Star I hurt her and this is my punishment why do you want to help me?" Tom asked

"Because Star would have helped you as well." Marco said which surprised him "Don't get me wrong I hate you I would like to kill you myself but this is Star's will and I would do anything to keep her happy even if it means saving you." Marco said as Tom's shield breaks Marco then closes his eyes and waited for death but Tom stood in front of him turning himself into fire protecting Marco

"Go back to her Marco and tell her I'm sorry." Tom's voice said as the flame pushes him into the portal and closing it but before Tom's flame went out he had one last thought "Did I do Good Star?"

Back On Earth

Star, Jackie and Janna were at Marco and Toffee's Battlefield looking for any sign of anyone

"Anything Jackie?" Star yelled to her she just made a big "X" with her arm she then screamed down a hole to Janna

"Anything Janna?" Star yelled down the hole

"Not a single skeleton." Janna yelled as she began to climb back up just then a Dimensional tear came from the sky and an explosion cloud came from it and from the cloud was something humanoid Janna grabbed her binoculars to see what it was and was smiling at what it was

"It's Marco!" She said as she ran towards where Marco would fall and tried to catch him Jackie then followed but they knew that they wouldn't make it in time till a blur blew past them at the same speed as Marco as they collided a ring of smoke covered them. As it cleared Janna and Jackie saw giant purple wings as they got closer to see that it is Star hugging Marco with a smile and tears on her face

"Welcome home, Marco." Star said to his unconscious body as she rubbed his cheek with hers

Few Months Later

Construction of the city was in full effect everyone was trying to go on with their lives of their were many casualties during this so the people built a memorial to never forget those who have lost their lives during this whole ordeal.


a certain blonde queen was sitting in her apartment listening to music and reading a magazine as she lifted it up she saw her gut and started poking at it till a knock on her door came which got her attention she got up and walked towards the door to see Jackie and Janna holding presents.

"Hey Star these are for you, sorry we couldn't make they wanted help rebuilding the town, have you heard anything from Marco?" Janna asked Star then sighed and shook her head no, It's actually been almost 9 months since he left Pony head told him a rumor about a roaming warlock traveling from dimension to dimension trying to improve his magic. Marco saw this as a chance to get his arm back since Star's Magic is forever gone, but Marco promised that he would come back to see his child arm or no arm

"Man, what a jerk leaving a smoking hot girl to get an arm back." Janna joked Star then decided to play along

"Yeah well his lost, I even bought new lingerie for him I was going to wear it when the baby came out but now I'm not so sure." She said with a smirk the girls then began to laugh but just then Star moaned in pain and grabbed her stomach

"Star are you okay?" Jackie asked

"Yeah this little monster is just kicking too hard again." She explained with a smile but soon turned to a frown as she felt a wetness on her legs Janna then saw the stain on the couch

"Star either you peed yourself or…"

"I'm going into labor!" She then began to panic Jackie then ran to her side and tried to calm her down

"Janna called the hospital!" Jackie commanded

"I can't it still under construction." Janna explained

"What do we do then!?" Star yelled at the girls

"We'll have to do it here, then Janna help me get her to the bedroom." Jackie commanded

"Fine but don't tell me what to do." Janna said as she and Jackie helped her to the bedroom and sat her on the bed Jackie then tied her hair up in a messy bun to keep her hair from sticking to her face she then went to the bathroom to retrieve a wet rag to cool Star down

"Janna your dad's a doctor do something?" Jackie said in a panic

"What do you want me to do I never gave or saw childbirth!" Janna yelled at her

"You have seen movies that had childbirth right?" Jackie asked

"Yeah, but they aren't very detailed!" Janna yelled

"Would you two shut up!" She yelled at the two

"Fine." Janna then pulled out her phone and called her dad

"Hello Dad...Yes it's good to hear you again, listen I need to know how to give childbirth." she then nods her head and says uh-uh she then hangs-up

"Okay Jackie I need some ice and more towels." Janna asked Jackie then left to get the items but as she did there was a knock on the door Jackie then answered it and gasped at who it was

With Star

She was breathing heavily, hands on her stomaching as she was getting ready to see her child Jackie then walked back in with the stuff Janna asked her to get

"What took you so long?" She asked Jackie then whispered in her ear which surprised her

"Okay we can begin." Janna said as she pulled on rubber gloves and a shower cap as she did that she lifted up the blanket to see the baby crowning

"Okay Star give me a push." Star then pushed with all her might, Jackie then took her hand and Star squeezed it Jackie didn't mind the pain she then lets out yell he eyes shut tight as she was giving in to the pain she then stopped for a second and continued pushing

"C'mon Star almost there just a couple more pushes." Janna said

"I can't it's too much." Star said

"Yes you can!" Janna said

"I can't!" Star replied

"Yes you can Estrella." A voice said Star recognized the voice and saw Marco standing next to her he crouched down and grabbed her other hand "Come on Star I want to see my child." Marco said as Star began to push again it was long and painful two hours but Star was nearly finished as she gave one last big push and screamed she then fell back on the pillow and almost passed out till she heard crying

"It's a girl." Janna said as she walked over to Marco and tried to hand her to him but Marco didn't move his hands from the cloak he looked ashamed and sacred Star then grab his hand from under the cloak and gave him a reassuring smile he then removed his cloak to reveal a bandaged arm to substituted that empty space he then grabbed his child and brought her over to Star her face then lit up in joy as she saw her, her hair was blonde like hers and she had this cute little mole just like her father

"Well what should we name her?" Star asked

"Well it has to be something easy for you to remember hmm… That's it!" Marco said out loud he then looked at Star and smiled

"Her name will be Estrella River Diaz" Marco said, Star then smiled at Marco's use if her father's name and her nickname

"I love it Marco." Star said as she snuggled with her baby just then Janna father came in with medical equipment

"Dad what are you doing here?" Janna asked

"Why I'm here to check on the baby." He said "May I?" He asked Star she then handed him her child and he then the usual newborn check up and said that she is healthy Marco was then handed a birth certificate to him and began signing it he then looked at his family he then grabbed Star's hand and kissed it

"I love you Star and you too Estrella." Marco said

"We love you too." Star said as they shared a kiss