This is my first complete story! Though short I had a ton of fun writing it! ENJOY!

I don't own anything

Roy closed the front door with a huff. He then began to haphazardly untie his boots and throw off his military coat. He was mumbling as he did so.

"Stupid paperwork... Assembly can't make up their own minds... Stupid uniforms.."

Roy then made his way into the den. Riza was sitting on the couch reading a book. Hayate was laying beside her with his head in her lap. Roy then picked up Hayate and put him on the floor, much to Hayate's annoyance. He proceeded to lay down on the couch with his eyes closed, his head in his wife's lap. She then began to run her fingers through his dark hair, never once looking up from her book.

"Tough day at work?"

"How'd you guess?"

"Just a hunch."


They both sat in silence for a few minutes before Riza spoke.

"Judging by the time I would say that you got swamped at work after your surprise meeting."

"Swamped is putting it lightly. The Assembly kept on asking on my input for such minor things. Then I got paperwork regarding the next line-up of state alchemists which took forever to decode, considering the people who wrote them had the penmanship of a three year old! What time is it anyway?"

"21:00" Riza responded as she took a sip from her tea.

"21:00... So Riley-Mae is already in bed..." Roy spoke through a yawn.

All of a sudden his eyes popped open and he bolted upright.

"I missed Riley's bedtime!" Roy practically shouted as he bolted from the couch and made a bee-line for the stairs.

Riza just shook her head.

"Riley I know you're there. Come on out." Riza spoke as she put her book down and looked to the opposite end of the couch. Riley emerged from behind the arm rest, her gaze following her father up the stairs.

"Let me guess, his loud entrance woke you up?"

Riley nodded as she continued to watch her father barrel down the hallway towards her room.

"Come here, we'll wait till he notices." Riza gestured to her lap.

Riley happily obliged as she got up on to the couch and nestled into her mom's lap. Riza mentally counted down from 5 as she smoothed down her daughter's bed hair.

"3...2... and.."

"RIZA! Riley's not in her room!"

"And there it is." Riza mentally laughed at how oblivious her husband can be. She then heard Roy come thundering down the stairs.

"I can't find her anywhere! She's too sick to be out there on her..." Roy slowly trailed off as he came to a skidding stop in front of his wife. His eyes immediately focused on his daughter. He face palmed.

"I'm an idiot aren't I."

"In this particular case, yes you are." Riza spoke with a slight smile played on her features.

Roy gave her a slightly agitated look, which immediately melted when he looked back down at his daughter.

"And how's my little Riley feeling?" Roy questioned as he sat beside his wife and daughter on the couch.

Riley immediately removed herself from her mother's lap and situated herself onto her father's. Like everyone beforehand Roy also noticed Riley's shivering.

"Oh Riley, your shaking like a leaf." Roy spoke as he clutched his daughter closer to his chest.

Riza watched as Roy rested his cheek on their daughters head, his eyes slowly closing as he rubbed her back soothingly.

"Would you like a cup of tea?"

"Yeah that would be great thanks." Roy spoke, never taking his cheek off Riley's head.

Riza smiled as she bent down and kissed her husband and daughters heads before picking up her tea cup and heading for the kitchen.

As Roy sat on the couch with his daughter he was thinking on some way to help warm her up. He immediately face palmed again.

"You're the Flame Alchemist! Idiot." Roy stood up from his spot on the couch and placed Riley down gently, before wrapping her in a nice warm blanket.

"Can you wait here for a moment Riley. I've got an idea that I believe will help warm you up."

Riley nodded her head before a small coughing fit erupted. Roy waited until it ceased before putting his plan into action.

Riley watched as her father pushed the coffee table back away from the grand fire place. He left the room before returning shortly after, arms full of blankets. He laid one out in front of the fireplace. Then he grabbed some pillows from the couch and placed them on the blanket before reaching into his pocket and pulling on his ignition gloves. He clapped his hands before snapping his fingers together, igniting the fireplace. He then turned around and scooped Riley back into his arms and sitting down on his makeshift bed.

"There isn't that better?" Roy questioned.

A small, scratchy "Yep." was her response as Riley nuzzled further into the crook of her father's neck.

As Roy sat in front of the fire he felt Riley slowly stop shivering. He mentally applauded himself at his ingenuity. As he sat he didn't even hear Riza approach behind him with a steaming cup of tea until it was placed in front of his face.


Riza then sat down next to her family and leaned into Roy's side. Hayate trotted over and rested his head on Roy's stretched out legs.

"You know everyone from the office came by during their lunch break."

"I was wondering why they were in a better mood when I came back from that meeting. I just assumed they won a bet of some sort." Roy spoke over his tea.

"Yes and while they were here they played hot potato with Riley."

This received a raised eyebrow from Roy as he clutched Riley tighter when she started to shiver again.

"They passed her around as they talked, because she was so cold."

"I see. I feel terrible that work interfered with me coming home. I'm a horrible father for choosing work over family."

All of a sudden Roy was met with a firm slap to the back of the head.

"OW! Riza what the heck?!" Roy turned his head and was met with the infamous glare from the 'Hawk's Eye'.

"How dare you even consider something like that!" Riza spoke in a harsh whisper. "You knew that there were going to be moments were you won't be there for her because of work and you accepted that."

"Why are you whispering?" Roy spoke.

Riza just rolled her eyes then gestured down to their daughter. When Roy followed her gaze he saw that Riley had fallen asleep on his chest. She subconsciously clutched at his shirt and her head was turned so she was facing her mom.

"This was the first time you missed something, and it was only a little bug. Don't go beating yourself up over it. Besides everyone from the office came to make sure she was alright. So even if you aren't there for something in her life, it doesn't mean she'll be alone." As Riza finished Roy noticed how her eyes began to soften and her tone became less harsh.

"Your right, I never really thought about it that way. I guess I just want to be better than our parents that's all. I almost forgot that we have other people in our lives that are willing to be there for her if she needs it." Roy gave his wife an apologetic smile.

Riza happily returned it before gesturing back down to Riley.

"We should put her back to bed. And we should probably go to bed as well. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Roy reluctantly said as he gently nudged Hayate off his legs before carefully standing up, making sure not to jostle Riley too much. Riza followed Roy as he carefully walked up the stairs to their rooms. Instead of going further down the hall to Riley's room, Roy stopped in front of their own and turned to Riza, giving her his biggest puppy eyes.

"Fine." Riza spoke in a whisper as she rolled her eyes.

A huge smirk spread across Roy's face as he opened their door and entered the bedroom. He gently placed Riley down in the middle of the bed lingering to brush her bangs out of her eye's before heading to the bathroom. Riza just rolled her eyes as she got under the covers on the other side of Riley, resting her head near her daughter's. Hayate jumped up soon after and curled up at her feet. A few moments later Roy re-emerged wearing a pair of dark blue plaid pajama bottoms and a white t-shirt. He then got nestled on the opposite side of the bed and pulled the covers over his family. He turned on his side and stretched his arm across to encompass both his wife and daughter.

"Goodnight." Roy managed through a yawn.

"Goodnight." Riza responded.

Roy clutched his family tighter before finally drifting off to sleep. Knowing his family was safe within his reach.

I hope you enjoyed my interpretation on the Mustang Family dynamic. I have a feeling that if Roy and Riza did have a kid they would be extremely affectionate and protective. I also liked the idea of Team Mustang being the extended family and being involved in raising their child as well. Until next time! :D