Summary: Tales of temptation. Various pairings. All incest. All prompts.

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns the characters.


For organisational purposes, I will be uploading all prompts here.

For mobile viewers and as a general reference, this first chapter will be a fic and pairing guide.

For those of you who are confused, head over to my bio.

2. Yearning

Summary: She knows he watches her. Lily Evans Potter/Harry. Drabble: 332 words.

Prompt: Harry/Lily Evans Potter only. Voyeurism.

3. Fool Me Twice

Summary: Arthur knows his daughter and he knows that her smiles and laughter are all part of her little game. Arthur/Ginny. Drabble: 674 words.

Prompt: Arthur blames adult Ginny for wanting her. Ginny has to be manipulative. No outward or obvious seduction. Sex is optional.

4. Nargles

Summary: Luna's head feels fuzzy. Luna/Xeno. One-shot: 961 words.

Prompt: A similar plot to Rosebud Kisses with Luna and Xeno Lovegood as the main characters. A connection to RK is a plus.

5. Red Hair and Pale Skin, Different Coloured Eyes

Summary: Ginny knows the difference in their eyes. Ginny/All the Weasley boys. Incest. Chan-17. One-shot: 2,299 words.

Prompt: Ginny with one or a few of her brothers. Fred must play a prominent role or be her favorite lover.