Disclamer: You know... not mine if it was would I be writing this??
Parings: 2x1 (my first time maybe a lemon later 1x2?) 3x4, 5xH
Story: From a first person perspective, Duo is on a secrect mission ro protect the queen of the
world... as a girl. Head over heels for the geourage Heero, he stuggles to stay undercover. Along
with the whole Gundam gang and a stuffed pink rabbit named Shou-chan. Came Duo survive?

Author's note: No I can't start anther story! But this one was really bothering me so I had to
write. I have a feeling it is going to be a long story ~sigh~ but hey well you know. Oh, and this is
not following the actual plot line of Gundum I just manipulated it to suit me ^_^ I'm soooooo
evil... *smash* yes T there will be a lemon ^_^ @_@

Fate of Peace

Act 1 ~ Purple, Pink and Blue

Hey there... pleased to meet ya, names Duo, and at this particular moment in time I'm in a bit of a
tight spot. You see I happen to be facing the most evil creature in the universe wearing a skirt
with the person I love most in the world in danger, wearing a skirt... while a stuffed pink rabbit
whispers instructions in my ear... and I'm waring a skirt. Confused yet? Well I sure as hell am,
but maybe I should start from the beginning ne?

Names Duo Maxwell and I guess I should really go back to my childhood, I grew up on the
colony of L2. As an orphan I lived mostly on the streets till I was taken in my the Maxwell
church, were incidently is where I got my last name. Anyway I was a definite punk back them,
hehe.... still am....but the thing is I'm a genius punk ass kid. Don't believe me? Try being the
only 15 at medical university on a full fledge scholarship, eh?

I lost a dear friend to me when I was younger due to an illness... and I swore that I would never
let that happen again. So there I was on top of the world... top of the class as a would be doctor,
when the war broke out. It seems the space colonies were joining in the war to help the Earth to
regain peace. Being who I was, a gutter rat from the streets I was 'forced volunteered' to join the
ground forces. I was supposed to be a foot solider che... but since I had advanced medical
training I was actually in the First Aid division.

As you can imagine I was there in those first days of war, when all the 'undesirables' from the
colonies were sent to die on the terra firma of Earth. The rich brats were allowed to remain
behind... at least at first. The war, as wars will lasted for two years. I guess you could say that,
those years really made me into who I was. I saw the side of the war few witness... the
casualties... I'll never forget as the end came nearer more and more brilliant doctors broke under
the strain. Kids barely 13 were comming in with missing legs, stomaches blown open. Kids that
should have been home playing a school kickball game.

Yeah, those years changed me, I'm still a punk but now I'm one hell of a cynical punk. The war
ended and I tried to return home, back to L2 to the only semblance of a life I knew. But I had lost
my scholarship, the church was gone a mini-mall in it's place. No were to go... it was hard for
me. I love healing people making them feel better. With no license and odd appearance... few
trusted their lives to me. Not only had I gown mentally, but physically as well, pushing 6 feet I
had long chestnut hair... really long to my hips and I always wore it in a braid. It reminded me of
the friend I lost so long ago, perhaps it was my eyes that got people large deep violet eyes that
look at the world jaded by the evils of man.

That well I had a few distinguishing marks as well hehehe... earings three in one ear two in the
other, few tattoo's a the Japanese symbols of love, hate, life, and death on my right side alone my
ribs. Just under my colour bone I have the Japanese characters of 'Shingimi' the God of Death...
and my favourite... my lower back I have two dragons twined together one violet the other a deep
blue. Other then that all I had was scars some worse then others. So there I was alone and
depressed with humanity in general, at night reliving the every agonized scream, the frustrations
of not beginning able to save those kids... that's when about the time I meet Shou-chan [1].

People may have found it odd that a stuffed pink rabbit had the ability to talk, me hell I didn't
have much of a mind to start with. So anyway I saved Shou from so rather unsavoury characters
and ended up in this rather odd situation. Shou took me to this dude called Dr. G, I frankly don't
think he's a real doctor. What happened in the next year though I'll never forget... I was part of
an elite team dedicated to maintaining the peace I had fought so hard for. Once more I was
fighting, this time though I refused to carry a gun. I am a master of swords, I'm a doctor or at
least I hope to be so shooting really went against my moral code. But cutting was a whole other
kettle of fish, for when I kill a man I'm going to be looking them in the face.

This is were my tale really starts though, I was to go undercover on one of my hardest missions
yet, along with Shou I was about to undertake the most dangerous mission going... I was to
protect the Queen of the World....


"NANI!" Dr. G stared at me through the vid screen, Shou-chan perched on my shoulder as
always was suddenly thrown across the room by the sheer force of my bellow. "I have to do
what?" the older man on the screen winced and repeated, " You are going undercover to protect
Miss. Relena Peacecraft at her school... as a girl". To say I was shocked was an under statement...
I was floored. "Why as a girl, there's guys there right?" hopefully I wouldn't have to go through
this ordeal. "Yes, but easier if you're a girl to get closer, that and we can't risk someone
recognizing you".

Dr. G took one look at my face and decided to get while the getting was good. Still mad I stared
at the blank screen trying to calm my fury, "Duo... what are we gonna do?" I looked a Shou, once
more perched on my shoulder. "Shou-man were going shopping..."


Yes, I was going to take the mission. Like I had a choice... so a few hours later found the Shou-
mister and myself at the mall. At first I thought this was going to be a breeze, I mean when I was
in high school I was the epitome of cool, of course a slacker... ahem. Hell if I was going to do
this it was going to be done in style, that and it would make me feel slightly better to run up a
huge bill for G.

My initial thought of smugness were shot to hell upon entering the closet female apparel store.
Gaping Shou and I made out way down the massive aisles of lacy pink stuff, I guess we really
must have looked lost for an attend soon showed up. "Can I help you?" turning to look at her I
gave her the old patented innocent little boy smile... she looked at me oddly. Her eyes scanning
me from feet to face, taking my baggy black jeans, tight black tank top that not only showed off
my Shingim tattoo, but also defined every muscle in my upper body. I think it was my long hair
that got her... or the pink stuffed rabbit on my shoulder.

Still putting up the front I was shopping from my twin sister I got her help and her number. After
the clothes were taken care of I had to tackle the shoes... it's impossible to walk in high heels.
The makeup thing was damn impossible as well, I had to get the nice lady to help... she stared at
my rabbit to. Stupid people it's getting so a man can't even take his stuffed pink rabbit out in
public any more...

After that rather depressing day, I went back to my current hotel room pink bunny and all. G sent
the tickets and also my new identity... the sadistic bastard gave me the name Daisy Rutherford...
Daisy... I nearly stabbed Shou-chan when he refused to stop laughing.

A week later found us heading to Earth for our new school and my first ever appearance as


My first impression of the school was something along the lines of big... really big. A private
school with one of those stupid little uniform with a skirt and plaid sweater vest. That and I was
there all the time, living in the girls dorm... all I can say is thank god I was gay. Did I mention
that before? Well I am.

It was a definite relief to find out that I was to have my own room, all to myself... at least I didn't
have to wear girly things all the time. 'This is were you'll be staying Daisy. Lights out at 10.
Lessons start at 8 in the morning we expect you to be prompt to class. Also the boys dormitory is
off limits". The rather stern looking lady waved her finger in front of my face, "Were expecting
good results from you Miss. Rutherford, your grades are very impressive from pervious schools".
Turning on her high heels the drill Sargent marched off once more, I made a mental note to kill G
when I got back.

Wasting time I settled into my new residence, setting up mu laptop and various other nifty little
gadgets to do surveillance work with hehehe... I love new toys... around sixish I decided it was
time to scope out the local eateries, I'm a growing male...erm ahh... female? Anyway I stuffed
Shou-chan in a little blue backpack thing and waring some girly type clothing I bounced out of
my room.

Frankly the entire school was dead, nobody... I saw no one around. At least not till I got to the
local Mom and Pop dinner. The place was literately overflowing with students. What a mess. I
managed to snag a booth by myself, with the pretense of reading the menu I scoped out the
people. Four boys caught my attention quickly, oh man... if these were going to be the hotties
attending the school I was in major trouble. The one on the far outside of the booth was a blonde,
small, pale he looked rather delicate...ummm wonder if he's gay? Then an arm snaked around the
small one and I caught a glimpse of some weird ass hair, well that answered that question, the
guy with the unibang was defiantly involved with blonde. The third had to be Chinese he had
coal black hair pulled back in a tight ponytail, beautifully bronze skin... umm wonder if h- my
thought cut off as I saw a girl with short blue hair give him a big kiss... damn all the good ones
were taken or straight.

The last of the boys though really caught my attention, even though some physco blonde chick
was hanging off his arm he remained cool and aloof. Just-out-of-bed hair, beautiful defined
muscles tone that filled out his green tank beautifully... man he was one for my wet dreams.
Leaning forward giving up on the menu thing I tried to see the colour of his eyes, "Duo your
drooling..." swiping my sleeve across my open mouth a muttered a "Not good..." before I heard a
rather amused chuckle. "Shut up Shou-chan!" I grabbed the stuffed evil beast by the neck and
shook hard.

"Umm are you ok?" dropping the now limp pink animal I managed a "Ahhh!" before I tumbled
put of my booth and onto the floor. Braid falling over my eyes I heard an amused laugh before
the hair was removed from my line of sight, "Hmm... you're the new girl right?" jumping to my
feet I quickly adjusted my long skirt and blouse before replying in a falsely high soprano, "Yes
I'm Daisy", reaching out she shook my hand happily while peering up at me. Ok my height was
going to present a problem... "Hiya I'm Hilde! I saw you over here all alone and I though oh
there's a girl who could use a few friends... but I see you brought you own?" she gestured to my
supposed 'comrade' "Yeah, can't take the bastard any ware..." I replied with a cheeky grin.

"Well why don't you come and sit with us? I'll introduce you to the guys..." following the blue
haired girl, I was having a hard time breathing oh man... I got to sit with the hot boys... easy Duo.
Somehow I ended up seated next to the messy haired one... wow his eyes are blue... "Ok Daisy,
this is Quatre Winner..." she gestured to the blonde while I hid my surprise, the Winner heir
here? Man G never told me this... "Trowa Barton..." the teen with the gravity defying hair
covering one eye nodded. "My Wuffie baby..." she pointed at the Chinese youth beside her,
"Injustice onna! Wufei Chang, that is my name!" giggling she continued her introductions, " This
is Heero Yuy..." the blue eyed hottie glared at me... so romantic. "Finally that's Relena," she
gestured to the blonde on Heero, none to happy. I did a double take, "Relena Peacecraft?" I
looked at the blonde as she nodded.

I was happy. Smiling she continued to rub against my Heero... ok so I was getting to attached.
"Guys this is Daisy Rutherford!" I shuddered damn G... he must die... soon after Quarte, Hilde,
Relena and occasionally Wufei were deep in conversation about the latest this or that. "Oh! I sure
saw the b-atch today! She's all like hello, and I'm so totally sketch on the whole thing!" Ever
heard the expression up the creek without a paddle? I was lost... I didn't think I was that out of
the loop. I suppose war does that to a guy though eh?

"So Daisy were are you from?" blinking I almost forgot my cover... silly me. "Actually I'm from
L2..." there was a silence then... "Really? Oh my god! That so cool I've never been off Earth it's
like the only place we know..." Hilde was doing so serious chatting. Relena decided to join in,
"I've been to L2, and just about every ware else". The atmosphere grew suddenly chilly..."Well
excuse us Miss. Princess..." defiantly sarcastic mmm... I was beginning to think no one liked
Relena all that well. Nodding absentmindly she turned to me, "I know what your thinking", she
stated calmly. "You do?"
"Yes, I do.."
"What then?" the girl was beginning to rub me the wrong way.
"Your awed by my presence I can tell", she buffed her nails while I clenched my fists. "I brought
about world peace, so I know you think I'm some untouchable... but really I'm an ordinary girl
under it all". That did it, "Really? You brought about world peace all by your self?" she nodded
with fake humility, "Yes I did". "So all those thousands of people killed had nothing to with
peace? They died for no reason? All those children the civilians, peoples families devastated for
a cause they thought was true?" I went a little over board, for there was absolute silence as
Relena stared at me unblinkingly.

"I umm... I have to go now..." standing quickly I pushed past Wufei and Hilde still speechless,
leaving the store I caught a glimpse of Heero, giving me the oddest look.


"Baka, baka, baka..." I muttered to my self as I paced my new dorm room. Making sure the lock
was firmly in place I stripped to my briefs for I refuse to wear women's underwear. "Shou I'm an
idiot I just about blew my cover!" frustrated I decided best plan of action was some good
physical exercise. I hit the floor and started my push ups, Shou-chan settled on my back. I liked
doing physical things, cleared my mind... all I could hear was my own breathing and the soft
metallic clinks of my dog tags. I still had to ware them...

"Relax Duo, just say you had a brother or something in the war and that's what bothering you..."
stopping in mid air I suddenly felt better. "Thanks Shou-chan..." the pink ball of fluff jumped to
the bed. "No problem I'm sleeping, goodnight!" I have to say it, my best friend in this world is a
stuffed pink rabbit that talks. But, no time to waste, I had to get back into the world of teens!
Pulling out the trusty old laptop I called achieves of the latest popular shows. After the first for
episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer I was hooked, man that Angel was a hottie! [2]

Ginning to myself I stared anther episode, if this was what teenage life was like today, I was so
missing out...


[1] I made it up yes I did...

[2] Come on I've always wanted to hear Duo say that ^_^


Wilson: Well guys...
Katie: Yup
Jay: Mmm...
Cas: What's with you guys...
All but Cas: EXAMS!!!
Cas: Soooo....
Casey: no more story till after January...
D: Mmmmm... more popcorn
All: *sweatdrop*
Wilson: Well let me know what ya all think kk?
T: ^_^
Wilson: T I don't like th- *ping, ping, crack* @_@