By LeelaStarsky.
Written in 1998. First published in Bloodstripe # 3 in 2002.
Set four months after A New Hope. A rebel operative, investigating the Empire's sudden interest in the planet Galadan has gone missing. Their assistance bought by the Rebellion, Han and Chewie find themselves guiding Luke and Leia through the jungle world, to discover not entirely welcome help in the most unexpected places.
NOTES: Any similarity to other 'genre' stuff is totally deliberate and no apologies are offered! This is, after all, simply fanfic and should be accorded the appropriate regard.
The 'G' in the name 'Gisela' in this story is pronounced as 'G' in 'give'. (NOT Jisela in other words)
In my version of this galaxy far, far away, the Galactic Standard Year consists of ten calendar months, each containing 40 days, or four ten-day weeks. A Galactic Standard Day consists of twenty fifty-minute hours. But this is usually deferred in preference to local time.
Inspirational music: "Medicine Man" soundtrack by Jerry Goldsmith, "Dinosaur" soundtrack by James Newton Howard, and "Journey" by Rivertribe.
The Millennium Falcon slipped into Galadan airspace undetected and flew in low over the jungle. A verdant planet that seemed to be wringing fertility for all it was worth, Galadan teemed and, as a result, landing sights for space going craft were limited to the spaceports provided. This certainly made the Port Authority's job easier, but smugglers were an ingenious bunch and landing spots were there if you knew what to look for. And the captain of this particular freighter had spotted just that.
"There," he said, pointing.
Behind him, Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa studied the landscape a little harder, trying to see any change in the green canopy below.
"What d'you reckon, Chewie?"
The Wookiee grunted his approval, and Luke and the princess looked at each other and shrugged. It all looked the same to them.
"Know anything about the local environment, kids?" Han Solo threw the question over his shoulder without looking at them.
Leia answered tightly, "As I understand, it's pretty hostile."
"That about sums it up," Solo agreed, nodding. "Flora, fauna and natives: hostile." He took the ship under the tree canopy and the tearing and ripping of dense plant matter against the hull assailed their ears.
Putting her hands over her ears, the princess tried to maintain confidence in the ship. In the five months since the destruction of the Death Star, the Millennium Falcon had gone from one systems failure to the next. Which was not all bad because it had kept the Corellian and his partner around a bit longer, and they'd been indispensable during the Rebel Alliance flight from the Yavin moon. But Leia seriously suspected the Millennium Falcon was held together by the will of its owner, and the fact that its current condition was a direct bribe from the Rebellion, did nothing to allay her fears.
Solo swerved the ship around a tree with a trunk wider than the diameter of the Falcon, then flipped the ship ninety degrees to fit between two more the same. Vines and foliage caught and draped all over the ship, but did not hamper its passage. A brilliantly coloured something hit the cockpit window, splattered red and was quickly swept away, leaving only a rapidly fading smudge as record of its existence.
A particularly loud, ripping sound had the pilot and co-pilot trading worried looks.
"What was that?!" Luke shouted over the cacophony, but Solo was too busy guiding his ship to answer.
They had passed through the middle layer of forest and a 'clearing' in the form of a thick stand of bushes had become evident. With a rapid and sudden decent, Solo brought them to rest in the middle of the bushes and, as if in a final act of defiance at its violation, the forest threw what sounded like a thousand stones at the ship. Luke and the princess both jumped and Leia couldn't stop herself from yelping involuntarily. She put her hand over her mouth, embarrassed, and Solo smiled. The quiet seemed doubly profound after the hellishness of only a moment before.
Solo undid his straps and pulled his gloves off. "Welcome to Galadan, people!"
Luke unbuckled himself from the navigator's seat behind Solo and stood. "That was some landing, Han."
Solo grinned, flicking switches as he shut down the ship. Chewbacca rumbled pointedly and Solo agreed, "Yeah, you should've been here last time."
"I gather this landing was better?"
Chewbacca chortled, leaving the cockpit, and Solo smiled.
Leia was peering out at the jungle. "How long will it take us to reach the city?"
"Barring unforseen circumstances... a day, maybe two."
Luke joined the princess frowning out at the jungle and asked, "Will the ship be alright?"
Solo leaned across the console and pointed at the flora outside. "See these bushes?" They nodded. "The natives have some ridiculously long name which has been shortened to quett or quetta. They fire poisonous darts. That's what hit the 'steel when we landed."
Leia regarded the bushes warily. "And we're in the middle of them."
"Well, hopefully we're close enough to one edge to be able to get out."
Now she looked at him. "Are they lethal?"
"No, but they'll knock you out for a day. Leave you feeling pretty sick."
Leia smiled. "Speaking from experience?"
Solo looked at her and one side of his mouth twitched up. "Not personal, no."
"So how do we get out?" Luke asked.
"Once they've fired, they take six minutes to rearm. We simply set them off-"
"And run like hell." Leia smiled, impressed.
Solo smiled at her. "Exactly."
Leia stood up straight. "Well then, let's get going."
They were heading out of the cockpit when the sound of rain on the hull became audible. They all turned and looked out the window. It was getting heavier as they watched.
Leia groaned, "Oh, no..."
"Welcome to Galadan," Solo growled, and left the cockpit.
Luke looked at the rain intently, dimly aware of Solo and the princess leaving the cockpit, fascinated by the moisture-rich world outside. Having spent all but the last five months of his life on a desert planet, he was still amazed by the sight of water falling from the sky. The fourth moon of Yavin had been like this. Hot, wet and teeming with life. Luke frowned at the quetta bushes surrounding them. Nothing moved in those. Maybe insects.
The rain became thunderous, setting off the quetta and a hail of poisonous darts hit the ship. One lodged in a corner where the hull met transparisteel, and Luke leaned forward to get a better look at it. Small, black and barbed, it was obviously designed not to come out easily. The torrential rain washed it away and he focussed beyond the bushes. He was still leaning, looking out, when Leia walked in. She was wearing a helmet and waterproof camouflage cloak, and smiled fondly at him as she handed him his own.
Luke smiled apologetically as he accepted the cloak and helmet. "Thanks. I was just-"
"Looking at the rain? I know. It's all right; I understand. Really."
He followed her out of the cockpit and into the forward hold, pulling on his cloak and helmet as he went.
Solo was busily loading a bag with necessities. "As I see it," he said, "we have two choices. We can either carry full packs, sleep reasonably comfortably and eat well, or carry light packs, rough it completely and halve our travelling time."
Luke and Leia looked at each other and nodded. "Rough it."
"Good." Solo settled the bag across his body and pulled on a waterproof coat. We'll be able to clean up when we get there." He surveyed them quickly, "Ready?"
They nodded, settling their packs under their cloaks, and trooped towards the airlock. Chewie was waiting by the door, See Threepio and Artoo Detoo nearby.
"You can't come," Solo growled at the droids as he passed.
The golden droid stopped in his tracks and protested, "But sir!"
Solo didn't even look at the droid as he responded succinctly, "No droids on Galadan." He opened the airlock and activated the lowering of the ramp, staying well clear of the opening itself. Thick humidity assailed them as Galadan air filled the ship and the descending ramp set off a localised explosion of darts, which hit the ramp and pinged against the metal bulkheads of the airlock.
Luke put a reassuring hand on Threepio's shoulder, and told the droid, "It's alright, Threepio. There's a ban on droids here. But we need you to look after the ship."
"Never get through the frakking jungle anyway," Solo muttered.
Luke shot the Corellian a look of irritation and Threepio considered the interplay between the two men for a moment then said, "Very well, Master Luke. If you're certain..."
"We'll be fine," Luke assured him.
"Put the ramp up as soon as we're through the quett bushes," Solo told the droid matter of factly. "Leave the comlink open. We'll contact you when we want it down."
Threepio nodded, "Very well, sir."
Solo waved them into a line-up behind himself and the Wookiee, along the inner-bulkhead wall and Luke asked, "How are you going to trigger them?"
Ignoring the question, Solo said, "Alright, remember- six minutes. I'll go first, Chewie last; you two can sort it out between you. Ready?" They nodded. "Okay, Chewie."
Chewbacca hefted his bowcaster with one arm and sighted loosely along it, keeping the rest of his body well out of the doorway. He fired three rapid bolts, minutely changing direction for each, then quickly pulled his arm and head in as well.
The projectiles cut through the bushes, setting them off. Darts tack, tack, tacked vainly against the hull, and up the ramp where they pinged madly against the droids and the floor. Solo waited a beat then ran, followed by Luke, Leia then Chewie. To Leia, it felt like trying to run through water. Branches kept slapping back at her from Luke's passing, grabbing the fabric of her cloak. And the ground kept changing underneath her - one moment it was firm, the next she'd sink almost to her knees.
Solo cleared the copse, closely followed by Luke, and shouted at her, "Come on! Come on!" He pulled her the last few metres and they watched, trying to catch their breath while they waited for Chewie to emerge. Leia was getting anxious; sure that time was running out. Finally the Wookiee lumbered out and they relaxed somewhat.
Luke smiled at the princess, breathing hard, and said, "I'm out of condition..."
Leia nodded, trying to get her own breathing under control. "Too much time... shipboard..." she agreed.
Solo grinned at her. "Should've taken me up on my offer, sweetheart," he said. He was breathing hard, but definitely had it under control.
Leia pursed her lips, peeved at the referral to his last practical joke and the fact that he had somehow found time to keep fit. "If I had time to exercise -" she said defensively, but Solo cut her off.
"Yeah, yeah..." He pulled out his comlink and spoke into it, "Alright, Threepio, close 'er up."
They could barely make out the Falcon through the bushes, but heard the faint whine as the ramp closed.
Solo turned to the princess. "Okay, Your Worship, which way?"
Leia unhooked the map from her belt and brought up their coordinates. The map trilled merrily for a moment while it considered then finally blipped. Leia pointed, "This way." And they headed off.