I hope you're all happy... I made it a two shot because SOME PEOPLE (glares at one friend in particular) couldn't handle the fact it was a one shot that was left off on such a painful note.

As the soul shattered a ring of green Friendliness Pellets surrounded the shards and pushed them all back together, fixing the soul and healing Frisk back to one HP. As soon as it was fixed Frisk's eyes closed and light breathing could be heard from the child as they began to leave heavily against Sans. The skeleton's eye sockets still had small streams of red tinted tears rolling out of them.

"Let them go..." Flowey muttered, tears of his own being shed from his own eyes as he mustered up enough strength to send a glare as Sans. Sans however stood motionless, hands still on the child's shoulders and shock still clear on his features.

"LET THEM GO ALREADY!" Flowey shouted, snapping Sans out of his shocked stupor enough to have the red eyes focus on the damaged yellow flower.

"Haven't you done them enough damage to them already?!"

"... hey kid..." Sans started, ignoring the flower, who continued to shout at Sans. Flowey desperately wanted to get Frisk away from Sans, who they still saw as a danger and really wanted to attack the skeleton... but with Frisk in the way they didn't want to hurt their only friend.

"when you wake up i'll spare ya, got it. don't come looking for me after or try talking to me. i'll just tell ya to screw off and attack you again... but when you do wake up... keep going alright. go ahead and fix everything. remember your promise to never reset alright?" Sans finished, glancing down at the out cold human, whose lips seemed to curl into a small smile while they slept.

The skeleton carefully laid the child down onto the ground before stuffing his hands into the pockets on his jacket and casually started to walk off.

"oh by the way weed," Sans spoke up as he started passing by Flowey, who sat in his little make shift pot with a dumbfounded expression.

"enjoy your time with the kid while it lasts."

With that said Sans vanished, leaving behind a confused flower and a sleeping child. Flowey sat there for a short while before using a little more green magic on Frisk, healing them back up to 20 HP, while cautiously questioning what Sans meant... as well as if they actually saw a flash of blue in those red eyes.