Forgotten Hero

Takes place after the 4th Great Shinobi War. Naruto is feared thought the elemental nations he is considered the strongest Shinobi alive and that has ever existed dude to him being the jinjuriki of all tailed beast but with power comes fear and the very place where Naruto is born wants Naruto gone. Sasuke The power hungry fool wants to be the strongest Shinobi alive An Uchia Elite! Naruto and Sasuke fight and when the battle is over Naruto kills Sasuke but he never noticed the seal on his body as he took all of Sasukes valuables. Naruto is sent to an alternative dimension but not before hearing Sasuke Laugh as if had not been on his death bed. In the alternative dimension Naruto has a child named Annabeth Uzumaki. Watch as Naruto lives his live in an alternative universe where Gods Exists and Monsters?

Smart,Strongcold,caring Naruto



"Naruto"-Speaking humans

"Naruto"-Thoughts humans

"Naruto"-Speaking Demons

'Naruto'-Thoughts Demons

Dis clammier-I don't own Naruto nor Percy Jackson


"Sasuke Uchiha You know what to do correct?" a Civilian member of the Konohagakure village counsel asked.

"Hn of course I know what to do and when i'm done I will be this strongest shinobi alive!" he said with his Rinne Sharingan spinning wildly.

Hours Latter

There in the forest of death was a man no a God the strongest shinobi alive jinjuriki of all tailed beast. He was a nice olive tan and had a pair of horn-like protrusions extending form either side of his forehead,he wore a white ,full length kimono with a black trim with a pattern of the six blackmagatama around a high collar with 3 black mgatama on each side of his neck ,beneath witch he wore a necklace witch was also made up of six black the back of his kimono was a larger,black Rinnegan marking with a pattern of nine magatama arranged in three rows of thee beneath it and his weapon?well He typically wielded a completely black, dual-headed shakujō. One end has a ringed hoop, while the other end possesses a crescent shaped curve, representing the sun and moon respectively. And who was this man its non other than our favorite hyperactive knucklehead Naruto Uzumaki,he was resting after having trained with thousands of clones with his new abilities that he had gained once he had become the jinjuriki of all tailed beast and awakened the rinnegan that now one currently knows about. But Naruto had not only been training he has been thinking about his live that he had lived from a child to where he is now an 18 year old man that has gotten nothing but feared looks and no acknowledgement for his heroic acts in the 4th Great Shinobi War.

"Dammit why is my life so messed up,everyone looks at me like a some kind of monster they don't even acknowledged me!. After all I have been through after all the things I did to keep them save this is how they repay me dammit. Everyone has forgotten about me Sakura's with Sasuke, Hinata with Kiba, Shikimaru with Temari, Neji with TenTen, Choji with Ino and lee moved with Guy and Shino left the village to look for some new damn incest. And i'm just here nothing to do nothing to live for me name Naruto Uzumaki all but forgotten."

Sasuke Uchiha ran thought the tress of the forest of death with a mischievous smirk.

"Hahahahaha i'm finally going to be able to be the strongest shinobi alive! NO one will stand in my way and especially when I obtain the Tailed beasts that dobe has. He should be training right about now ill take him when hes least expecting it." He landed near the edge of the river watching like a cobra ready to strike Naruto down at any given time."Hmmm hes currently in the river taking a bath now's my chance."he thought with a massive grin as he charged forward with a cidori in hand sparkling with lighting charka at intense levels running forward he lunged himself towards a bathing Naruto.

Whaa Sasuke didn't under stand what had just occurred he just fazed right thought Naruto as if he was never there!It was all to confusing and that was a mistake as he was hit with a completely black, dual-headed shakujō with the force that he has not felt since the end of the 4th Great shinobi War. But luckily he was able to use a juts he has been practicing to perfection. Sasuke yelled Susanoo and giant ethereal warrior of compressed with Purple chakra surrounded Sasuke. But that was nearly not enough for the dual-headed shakujō covered with Nature charka as Susanoo was craked and hit Sasuke he was sent soaring thought the forest finally coming to a stop once he had hit the rushing water fall with such force it completely shattered and collapsed on Sasuke.

"Sasuke you better have a god dam good reason for attacking me i'm not in the mood and i will kill you if you don't answer "Naruto said with such cold words and lesser man would have ran fearing for their lives but Sasuke could not hear nor did her care,all he did was reactivate Susanoo bursting through the rubble of what used to be a waterfall Sasuke stood up breathing hard with blood coming aout the sides of his mouth but it was of no use as if his body was stiffening as if he was turning to stone. If only he looked down towards his legs he would have seen the slowly turning to grey where naruto had hit with his dual-headed shakujō covered with nature chakra.

"Dobe I an Uchia Elite deserve the power of the Rikudou Sennin not a clanless dobe like you! Have come for whats rightfully mine the tailed beast that resign in you, i'm not the only one either as everyone wants you gone they fear you they don't acknowledge you as they do me, they fear you you will never fit in i'm here to kill you and take whats mguuuhhh." Sasuke didn't get to finish his last words as Naruto shoved a rasengan into his chest.

"Have those eyes of yours really corrupted you this far Sasuke i'm disappointed your brother Itachi is the only one I will ever acknowledge of your clan. And about those that fear me,forgotten me deceived me dose not matter to me anymore as I have finally found the truth of this world it will never know peace as long as there is someone with power that you don't have the same beliefs as you and that is impossible. The dream of the Rikudou Sennin,Jiraiya,Nagato and many others will never exists. It will never become reality it is simply not to be."

"Those eyes Sauske will do nothing for this world in your hands all it will do will corrupted you end you make your life hell. You have fallen far Sauske your brother never fell this far but you are not your brother but you are you what you made your self to be, by the choices that you have made by the things you have done by the life you have lived." Naruto said as he walked to a Sauske that was slowly turning to grey stone from the nature chakra flowing through his body. He reached out for Sauske's eyes and began to do some thing all dojutsu users fear he began to remove them.

Sasuke felt like a fool hearing his words it was all true in his eyes that's why he wanted to have the power Naruto has so no one will suffer no pain no hate a better world was all he wanted and with his power that was not possible nor with the power Naruto has. In the after life would he never feel pain loss grieve a better life is what would come from death when you live in a corrupt world such as the one he was living now the life of a Shinobi. But that did not stop what Sasuke came to do he would kill Naruto for the better or worse. He activated a seal on his body as Naruto removed his eyes and went thought his things. He could do nothing but stay still because of the nature chakra that was flowing though his body that was slowly turning him to stone.

"It dose not matter Naruto you will die with me even if I cannot see our death with my very eyes. I have...Cough...activated a seal...Cough...that distributes the very fabric if" was said by Sauske with a massive grin that you could say that he was truly a fox.

Naruto was sealing all Sauske's valuables with his own such as the Kusanagi no Tsurugi and his Sharingan eyes. As Naruto was always ready at moments notice to leave ever since he was feared all over the Elemental Nations he would carry all his things on a scroll he has on his back as big as the Summoning contract for the Frogs that Jiriya had in his possession. HE was so engrossed in sealing that he never heard anything that Sasuke had just said.

"Kit! run the air around you is distributing its self its like kamui!oi Naruto! Run kit theirs know telling what will happen"Kurama hollered hoping to be heard

Naruto's eyes widened as he just went thought what Kurama just said he went in to sage mode as the air around him started to swirl as if he was being sucked in. But it was of no use he quickly activated his Biju cloak and turned around trying to run away before anything else could occur,it was to late as of now Sasuke was dead he was being sucked into some weird vacuuming hole in the air pulling him in as he never stopped releasing his chakra. He was fully absorbed into the swirl and his vision went black.

Kurama went thought all his life as did all the other biju that where within Naruto and all the kid has gone thought in life it was not meant to be for a child no man to have gone thought all that he had gone thought in such a short amount of time that he had lived. They all looked at each other Shukaku, Matatabi, Isobu, Son Gokū, Kokuō, Saiken, Chōmei, Gyūki, Kurama all noded to each other they all glowed and started to splatter all around Naruto's mind-scape their chakra went into narutos body and with one final farewell they all sanctimoniously said

"Good bye Naruto we have sent you all of our power live the life that you have never had before in this world the after life or in another you can think of Good bye Naruto Uzumaki." they said as they vanished from Naruto forever

That was the last thing he heard as Naruto went to, who in hell's name knows where.

Village Counsel Room

In the Village counsel room of Konohagakure there were civilians and shinobi alike all talking about a certain Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchia.

"Do you think Sasuke can defeat him he dose posse all of the Biju after all." a random shinobi said

"of course Sasuke can defeat that boy hes and Uchiha after all and that boy is useless he was dead last of his age group the only reason he did something useful during the war was that he had the nine tails in him what do you thing Shikimaru?"a cocky civilian said with a grin that could only be rivaled buy the very person they want dead.

"Sauske will die nothing will change that Naruto is the strongest shinobi alive jinjriki of all tailed beast. And he's not useless he saved us from certain death all of us during the war, hes done nothing but train in all shinobi arts in the forest of death." Shikimaru said with a shake of his head as he stood up and turned to leave but stopped when he heard a Boom towards the location of the forest of death where he knew Naruto and Sasuke where fighting it out. HE looked around the Room to see everyone up and running towards the forest. He did the same as he wanted to see if he was right about his old friend.


No smell no light no sound nothing, only pain and agony was set upon Naruto. His muscles where ripped to shreds bones shattered but it was all repaired As Naruto was in sage mode and had his recently tremendous amount of chakra flowing though him. But then it stopped as Naruto released all of his chakra and nature chakra then he felt nothing but tingling his body creaked and groaned under the pressure of the release of his nature chakra and demonic then it all stopped and the pain soared throughout his body his body once more. His Bones were Crushed and structured to be strong yet flexible, and his coils were destroyed and where reformed with traces of nature chakra and demonic chakra as well. Eventually the pain was too great, even for a seasoned shinobi, and then the world faded into darkness yet again.

Forest of Death

Shikimaru and all of Naruto's old friends and civilians all when into what used to be the forest of death as there was only a huge creator there ruble form what was the waterfall to the very ground itself to the trees and leaves and dead animals that were unfortunate to be close within in radius of the explosion they all looked shocked since the 4th great shinibi war had ended and they thought it was going to be peacefully that was what they thought an attacked but then someone screamed out "Sasuke-Kun!" Sakura went running with tears streaming down her olive shaped face into the creator.

"Dan that demon he killed Sasuke-kun." Sakura yelled everyone looked at her exepect Shikimaru as he knows what happened

"Who?" Tsunade asked Naruto's godmother

" That Demon Naruto Uzumaki killed the last Uchiha he was supposed to die not Sauske as well!" civilians yelled in agreement as did some shinobi

Tsunade Looked at them with a murderous glare as she went thought what they had just said"What!He was my grandson son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namakazi and hero of the 4th Great shinobi War!" with that Tsunade looked at them and that was the last of their lives as residents of Konohagakure. That was a day that the village hidden in the leaves lost its alliance with all the other villages of the Elemental Nations and Mourned for their fallen hero Naruto Uzumaki-Namakazi.