Hello everyone, welcome to yet another pokemon fanfiction story from a dreamer named seiji. yes I know I'm currently doing one now but decided to do another with a little different storyline and time frame. this is something I just recently thought up, and it will be a bit of a short story. hope you enjoy

in the pokemon world there are many trainers and just as many pokemon to catch. our little story focuses on ash ketchum, an aspiring 13 year old trainer fully engrossed in the world of pokemon. ash has traveled to many different regions in the pokemon world and been through many battles, trials and tribulations... but the young man has never quite experienced anything like what he is about to..

it has been a whole 6 months since ash challenged the kalos league, getting as close as he has ever gotten before, making the finals only to lose in a heartbreaking fashion. though he ended up not winning in the end ash quickly rebounded and decided to stay in kalos to do more training and encounter pokemon he has yet to encounter. traveling with him are companions clemont and bonnie as serena, who recently became kalos queen, has become busy with her queen obligations much to the others' dismay. enter klloude city where the gang is now visiting and ash has taken an interest in the battle maison.

"wow, this place looks awesome" says ash with an amazed look

"yes, this here is the battle maison where trainers from all over come to test their skill" says clemont

"oh wow! let's go, let's go!" says bonnie

"right! ok battle maison, ready or not here we-!"

before ash could finish his sentence a familiar voice is heard calling out to him


the others look in the direction of the voice and see serena's old rival miette standing and waving

"uh-oh, her again" says bonnie

"o-oh...er... h-hello again miette" says ash nervously

"hiya ashy poo. I haven't seen you in forever, you're looking as sexy as ever" says miette stepping towards him

"oh er uh...t-thank you" says ash slowly stepping back

"you know... since serena's out of the way... you're all mine!" says miette

"waaah!" says ash flinching

just then miette dashes towards ash as ash takes off in fear of the love stricken girl while clemont and bonnie look on

"hey ash! wait!" says clemont

"geez, that girl never gives up. she's been chasing after ash for the past 4 months" says bonnie

meanwhile miette continues to chase ash up and down the streets of kiloude city

what will happen next? will miette get a hold of our hero? and how will he escape? stay tuned!