The ginger apprentice came rushing in through the broken walls. Most of the ShadowClan, RiverClan and ThunderClan cats are dead. WindClan and SKyClan are lucky not to have been in this battle.

The kitting was much like last time, but Snowstar knew what to expect of it. In the end, at her belly was six healthy kits.

"Snowstar, I have some bad news." Mewed Mistystripe.

"What is it? Nothing can be worse than kitting during a battle."

"Well, Pebbleheart, Dustheart and Brackenlight are all with StarClan." Mistystripe mewed quiet and her voice was full of grief.

'No not them! I should be glad that I have new kits, but now two of my first kits are dead and my mate and Deputy! What will I do now?'

"Name the new deputy now and I he or she will get to work while you rest," Meowed Thorntail.

"Mistystripe is the new deputy. She'll have Darkkit." Meowed Snowstar as Crowscar was gathering moss for Snowstar.

This is the end of this story. There will be a story continuing this set of cats.