Disclaimer: I do not own any of the shows, of course.

Adventures of the secret trio (one-shots)

Chapter one: weaknesses

After a long time the trio saw each other at the attraction park

"Yo Randy!"

"Hey Jake, Danny."

"Didn't see you in a long while... Where were you?" Said Danny

"Ninja bussines. I had to do so much, it's gonna be boring"


"Well, I am really tired because I have to get up for Ninja bussines."

"Join the club", chuckled Jake

Randy looked angry at him, and turned back to Danny.

"Do you have a weakness?"

"Well, I can't... Are you sleeping?"

No answer.

"Are you kidding me?"

"He told you he was tired", Danny, "So, tell it to me."

"Well, Do you know blood blossoms?"

"Yes, I gave them to Rose at valentinesday"

"Well, that is my weakness."

"I have also something like that, Spinx hair."

"Spinx what?"

"Spinx hair"

"It takes all the power of dragons"

"I was thinking... Do you think Randy has one?"

"I don't think so", Danny said, " A ninja is still human"

"You're right"

1 hour later in the rollercoaster

"We left Randy sleeping behind that man who makes Sugarcandy!"

"Let's get back!"



5 minutes later

"He's gone!"

"No, really, Danny?" Jake said, "tell me something I don't know"

"OK, you're really short"



Suddenly they both heard a familiar voice.

"Why did you left me while I was sleeping?"

"Hey, Randy, how are you, why are you wet?"


"That's not our fault..."

"And I bought some honkin' bruce friendship bracelets for you!"

"Are you 8 years old?", jake said


"Just a question.."

"Put them on!"

"Only one minute", Danny and Jake said at the same time.

While they were putting them on, Jake went dizzy

"Are you OK?", Danny asked


Jake fainted

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" Danny screamed

"I bought him a, I told you, a honkin' bruce bracelet"


"That little magic shop over there"

When they went there, with Jake still unconscious in their arms, they asked the boy at the shop what that bracelet was.

"It is made of..." He watched the sticker at the bracelet. "Spinx hair, it's supposed to give damage to 'dragons ' "

Randy and Danny gasped

"What's wrong, of course this all is fake, you know? Don't tell my boss I said that to customers..."

"Of course we know. We're not stupid." Randy said

After they went out the attractionpark

"Here is you answer to you question: I'm clearly not. You? I'm not sure. Because I'm not the one who bought that stupid bracelet! Danny whispered to Randy

Then someone woke finally up

"What the heck is going on?"

"I have to run if I don't want burned hair, right?" Randy asked Danny

"You mean... He did... He never listens, eh?

"Yes you're right" Then Danny turned over to Randy "Randy... RUN!"

"Dragon up!"


I hope you like it. Chapter 2 will be up soon! I Promise! Bye!
