Author's Note: I'm still broke and own nothing associated with WWE, but I'm no longer a student!

If It All Ended Tomorrow

Chapter Seven:

"Come in."

John walked into the room, not entirely dropping his usual swagger but definitely muting it in the face of his boss. The man was terrifying even when he was in a good mood, let alone when he was in a bad one and by the stormy look on his face, John could tell currently it was bad. Given his summons, he had to wonder if he had somehow done something to draw the man's ire.

"What's this I'm hearing about your lady friend, John?"

He wished he could say he was confused. Mark was talking about Dina, which meant he'd obviously found out that the target of John's affections was seeing someone else. The fact he cared and was pissed off right now was a testament to the fact that he'd learned that the other Jon was a former gang member himself.

"She's harmless Mark, you know that."

"But is he?"

John bit his lip. It was a good question, surely Dina didn't know about the man's past or she wouldn't be with him. After all, no matter how hard he tried, in all the years he'd been attempting to woo her, she'd never given him the time of day. She loathed his gang connections and the fact he was a criminal.

"She has no information to give him, there's nothing he could use." John pleaded.

"You care about her!" Mark's booming voice made him jump. "He could use her. I don't mind you caring about her John but he has to go. Get rid of the problem, or I will."

He was numb as he left, hoping that when the man said he would get rid of the problem that he only meant Jon. He couldn't trust that, so he'd have to deal with it himself. First he would have to separate Dina and Jon. That would get Mark off her tracks and then, since he didn't doubt that Jon would be a stubborn bastard, he'd have to take him out. Former gang member. John scoffed at the thought – no one was a former gang member.

The drive to the salon that Dina worked at with tense, frying pan hands clutching the steering wheel so tight that it groaned under the pressure. Pulling up, he didn't wait for her outside like he usually did, instead he walked right in with a stormy look of his own dwelling on his face. Eve took one look at him and backed up a few steps.


He was grateful for the woman not beating around the bush, even though Dina looked surprised to see him when she emerged from the back room. John tried to school his face and hide his anger. Yes, he was also somewhat angry at Dina for picking someone else over him, but he had to remind himself that she didn't know and thought she was picking what she assumed was a safe life. Jon was the one to blame here.

"We need to talk." John muttered, striding through the salon and leading Dina towards the back door he usually waited at for her. He could hear the low heels of her boots clicking on the floor as she followed him. The door clicked shut behind them and John stopped a few paces away before he turned to look at her. Instinctively, Dina crossed her arms over her chest and John tried not to look her up and down too obviously. Even the dye stains on her shirt were attractive to him - Mark was wrong, he didn't just care about her, he was head over heels for her.

"What is it, John?" Dina asked wearily.

"I have some information about your new beau." She looked surprised by his revelation - whether it was just that he knew about him at all, or if it was because he had information he couldn't tell. "I don't know what Jon Good told you about himself, but he isn't who he says he is. Dean Ambrose. Member of the only gang to rival us! Dina, he's fucking deadly."

For a long few moments she just stared at him and it seemed like she might burst with something. On her part, Dina wasn't sure if she wanted to laugh in his face or get mad. She figured if John was telling her this, there was a reason and the last thing she wanted was to jeopardise her Jon right now. Dina had seen for herself what it was like when a gang member took exception to a member of an opposing gang – and Jon wasn't part of that life.

With no idea what else to do, she decided that feigning ignorance and anger was the best way to go. It wasn't hard to make her eyes light up with that molten silver anger when she really was angry that John was trying to meddle with her relationship. "Are you serious right now Cena?" For a split second, he was hopeful she was mad that her boyfriend had lied to her, but he found out quickly that that was not the case. "How dare you pull this crap on me! Just because I didn't choose you doesn't mean you can come here and try to fuck with my relationship."

"Di, I'm just tellin' you the truth!" He said hotly, unable to see the lie. There was no way she knew, so clearly Dean just had her falling for his lies.

"Oh, fuck off!" John was sure the woman had never been this heated with him before. He grit his teeth, reminding himself that she wasn't supposed to be the target of his anger. Dean Ambrose would just have to be dealt with. But then Dina was talking again, "You have to let me go John. I've always been upfront with you. This life isn't what I want, so let go and just walk away. I'm happy. Be happy for me and find someone else to make you happy. That's what I want."

Clearly, she felt the conversation was over, since she turned around to walk away and John let her. He'd show her how wrong she was and dispose of her lying boyfriend. Even if she still didn't want him when he proved he'd do anything for her, at least her life wouldn't be at risk anymore.

A/N: Okay, this time I haven't taken absolutely forever to update. Fingers crossed that real life stays reasonable enough for me to continue like this!