"Don't you think that Petra would make the perfect wife?"

The corporal swallowed too much of his coffee too quickly and felt the liquid burn as it went down his throat. "What?" he spluttered.

The scientist leaned back in her chair to observe the ginger soldier currently standing across the room and laughing at something that the newest recruit Jaeger had said. "She knows how to make everyone's coffee just right. She's a decent cook. She's so good at cleaning that even you don't complain after she's done with a room." Hanji looked over Petra lovingly. "She's wife material, don't you think so?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Four-Eyes," he grumbled. He'd be lying if he said the thought didn't cross his mind once or twice but to hear Hanji bring it up so casually still made him want to throttle the goggle-eyed goon of a friend.

Hanji grinned and elbowed the corporal. "Of course you do! Everyone does. You should marry her, Levi. Or I will." She wiggled her eyebrows mischievously at him and he only glared. Despite being one of his few friends, she always seemed to constantly be on his nerves. He wondered how they managed to get along for this long. Hanji slammed her hand down on the table, attracting the attention of both Jaeger and Petra. "Oi, Petra, how would you feel about getting married to me?"

"Eh?" Petra's eyebrows were raised in confusion.

"Don't be shy! You'd probably make anyone happy if you agreed to marry them!" Hange looked over at Eren. "What about you, Eren? Don't you think getting married to Petra would be wonderful?"

"Eh?" The kid nearly dropped his cup of tea and a hot flush began to creep across his cheeks. It took a few moments before he could stutter out a response. "I suppose. Miss Petra is a very wonderful person after all."

Petra hid her mouth behind her hand to stifle a laugh. "That's very sweet, Eren."

"Careful, Heichou," Hanji whispered teasingly. "You look like you're about to knock out another one of Eren's teeth."

"Shut up, Hanji," Levi replied through gritted teeth. "I'm fine."


"Is Eren still running?" Hanji asked Levi, who was idly watching the brat run around the castle ground for what must have been the hundredth time that morning. "I don't remember your training ever being this rigorous."

"He needs extra training if he doesn't want to drag us down during the upcoming expedition."

"But we'll be on horseback."

Levi smirked. "A few more laps won't hurt him."