Pure Cookies: Thanks!

Guest: Cheers

CajunBear73: Yup, things are going to get busy in a bit. I look forward to when we get the Vikings in Arendelle again. Term bull in a china shop comes to mind.

reclusiarch grumaldus: You have made me consider a great deal, and rewrite this chapter if I am honest, (Partially why this has been delayed) but I don't plan on GOT having a big role in this at all, I am using it more to force Hiccup back into role, while also allowing myself to have a little geek out. As for Toothless's shot power, it varies so much in the films and series that I'm going off my own scale really because in the first film it can knock a red death over and blow up installations, then in the second Stoick is only killed. Cheers for taking your time to express your thoughts though!

Kark22: Ah, you pre-empted Hiccups plans. Hope your still here reading this.

OenchsnerC Cheers

Dragondave: I dont think in this universe Hiccup would readily hand over the book of dragons. Your more close with your first suggestion as to how things will be smoothed over, but as this chapter explores a little, I think Hiccup just needs to be in the right frame of mind.

Steelrain66: I'm going to probably shy away from including genies in anything other than reference for the same reason I'm avoiding the trolls. Cheers for the thought though.

dirtd12: Cheers, hopefully, your still here.

Safeguy1995: Lets hope I have the time to finish this one first ha. Haven't even thought of plots for a sequel, but I suppose we could consider this arc the sequel to the first arc.

An hour before the sun sets, Hiccup bids Eric the blacksmith a goodbye, and sets off to meet with Toothless for a sunset flight. The duo takes a quick trip over the nearby mountains, enjoying the sights and smells they provide, before heading out to the sea and they take no time at all to catch a few fish, enough to feed one hungry Night Fury plus some. Eventually, when the sun begins to set Hiccup lands Toothless in the courtyard of the palace, and since the guards now recognise the Cheif and the Night Fury, they do not bother them.

Seeing the new Queen a small distance away, yet watching him with an apparent curiosity Hiccup decides it best to ignore her. After jumping down from his dragon, the Viking begins to scratch Toothless in a few places the chief knows the dragon likes it, the action is a small reward for the Night Fury and acts to say thank you for the flight.

"I have heard," A voice speaks from behind, and Hiccup recognises it as belonging to the new Queen, "... that this species is regarded as one of the most dangerous."

Hiccup breathes in deeply before nodding, "It is true." Nightfuries are still one of the most feared dragons to those unacquainted with Toothless, and many of Umea's men still have nightmares over the blood-curdling screech Toothless releases when firing his plasma - hell, even some Vikings who know Toothless still shudder at the sound.

"Does he grow much larger?" He hears the voice ask with unmistakable curiosity, but he knows what the Queen's real thoughts are at this moment in time.

"Size does not determine how dangerous a dragon is," He tells her, his eyes are still looking to where he is scratching the dragon. Hiccup would have loved to give her an answer, however, but the truth is he does not know the answer to how big Toothless will grow as he is the only known Night Fury.

The new Queen takes a moment to consider the dragon before telling Hiccup, "He cannot hold much flame being so small."

Hiccup nods, it is true, if Toothless breathed fire like a Monstrous Nightmare or an Inferno, he would be a poor dragon, his scales are not the most resistant to heat and his small size would give him a very limited shot. "Not all dragons spit fire," He tells her before patting Toothless in a certain way that tells the Dragon his scratching is over. With the Dragon expanding his wings to take off Hiccup turns to view the new Queen, "And not all dragons should be interfered with."

"Like Inferno's?" The Queen replies, following his line of thought.

"Yes." The Chief tells her, "You came to find my people for that very reason."

"I have one other dragon," Daenerys tells him, "Same species, yet it does not have the same issues. I do not believe what you are saying is true."

Hiccup chuckles at this, "Your second dragon is submissive, should Drogo die, Odin forbid it, then I assure you that your second submissive dragon will begin to assert its dominance just as much." Without wanting to say much else Hiccup begins to walk past the Queen, and the Queen is not used to someone treating her as an equal.

"Turning your back on a Queen is bad manners."

Hiccup speaks over his shoulder as he walks away, "If you are looking for manners, you will struggle to find them in a Viking." Especially if that Viking has a dislike or disinterest in the person they are speaking too.


An hour later Elsa walks into a room and finds Hiccup scrutinising a large map that has been hung up on the wall for who knows how many years. Without even turning to see who has entered the room Hiccup asks, "To what scale is this?"

"1cm is 1 km," She tells him with some uncertainty - just because the map is old and has been hung up in the room for who knows how long, it does not mean the Queen is familiar with it.

"How accurate is it?"

"Accurate enough that Royal expeditions have been planned from this map," Granted, this was a long time ago, but, it is not a lie, "What are you thinking?"

Hiccup pulls out some string and a pencil from somewhere, and ties the string around the pencil, leaving around 1 metre of string dangling from the pencil. "So, this string is 100km yes? This is how far Toothless can fly on a favourable day." Hiccup places the free end of the string on the map over Arendelle city, "If I draw a circle around our current location, I know on a good day I can reach all these locations," Hiccup draws a very faint pencil mark on the map, "And on a bad day against strong headwinds, I can expect no more than 25km." Hiccup draws a second faint line on the map.

"With this information, If I was going travelling I can now plan on where I can take rest and shelter, and what is in reach and out of reach. I can also use this to track other dragons or Dragon Riders, to know their most likely heading. When flying over land this isn't too important, but if we are at sea with nowhere for rest, this is very important."

Elsa nods along, she is sure this is useful, but she is also sure there must be more to it, this method of marking a map with a pencil and bit of string seems way to simple to determine how far one can travel on a given day. "I see, but I have a question, how did you know it was me entering the room, and not a servant or anyone else?"

Hiccup turns away from the map to look at her, "Your servants wear loud shoes, your mother pushes doors before opening them properly, making her a loud door opener. Your sister is way too active not to hear a mile off, which leaves only yourself or your guests, and considering this other Queen is unknowledgeable of your palace, I doubt she would be walking around it with such a carefree attitude."

Elsa accepts the reasoning, "I see." The Queen gives a small pause before going on, "You are not a fan of this new Queen, are you?" Elsa is surprised by this fact, but secretly thankful at the same time, a Queen who also rides Dragons would surely be of interest to Hiccup.

Hiccup shrugs, "She is arrogant, and I can spot it from a mile away. She will ignore what I tell her about the Infernos and it will only result in tears. Those dragons are no laughing matter."

"I concur," Elsa begins, "But she represents a powerful nation, you need to be more diplomatic with her."

Hiccup places the string and pencil down on a table before leaning against the said table, "My people were fine long before I knew of her existence."

Elsa shakes her head slowly, "That is not an excuse Hiccup. You wish not to represent your people, yet whether you like it or not, you are here doing so right now because you are still the Chief of the Barbaric North till you officially abdicate. It is unfair to your successor and your people to chase off a potential relationship between your nations because of your own personal reasons. And this is not the Hiccup I know, so why the indifference to her, is it the fact she is also a dragon rider?"

"No." Hiccup immediately shoots back, "Its..."

"It's what, Hiccup?" The Queen also needs to know this if she is to get closer to the Viking.

Hiccup seems to clench his jaw for a second as if debating about telling her, but something must win him over. "I come back out of the fray, and on my first day, well, technically my second day, but on my first full day back during an Odin important conversation I get this just drop into my lap." Hiccup pauses for a moment before putting on a mock accent of Tuffnut, "Like, 'Surprise', you've had a few easy weeks so here's a gleaming mess for you to sort."

Elsa thinks for a moment before shaking her head at him and saying, "Your mad because you couldn't show me this Snow Wraith, aren't you?"

"We were discussing..."

"No," Elsa says with a small smirk, she has him figured out, "You were about to show me the dragon." Elsa allows the accusation to sink in before saying, "But I can make time now, our guests seem to be tired from their long journey."

Hiccup breathes out as he thinks before shaking his head, "Let them sleep." He says, referring to the dragons, "For now, I can show you some thoughts and designs which are relevant to yourself though."

"Oh?" This gains Elsa's interest.

Hiccup brings her attention to his sketchbook, "So, you may be immune to the cold, but you will still need a flight suit for various reasons. I was thinking something like this."

The drawing Hiccup shows Elsa is that of an all white flight suit, comprising of white boots, leggings, torso and helmet. It has optional extras such as false wings for gliding and hooks to fasten a cloak to. "Does it have to be all white?" Elsa asks him. "And what can possibly require a flight suit made from stiff armour like leather?"

Hiccup raises a brow, saying, "To answer your first question, it needs to be white to blend in with your dragons natural camouflage. To answer your second question, trust me when I say your typical clothes don't last long when living with and travelling on a dragon." Hiccup found this out the hard way.

Elsa can accept the second answer, but, "How often do you plan on visiting the arctic?"

"Not very often, but if you need to, you know, use your snow powers and all."

Elsa nods in understanding, "I see, but I don't intend on having a flight suit designed with the worst conditions in mind. Could you add some light blue?"

Hiccup thinks for a moment, "The leather pieces will need to be all one colour, but between joints, it can be done." He does not truly understand why Elsa wants to lose some functionality of her armour, to himself it is mind-boggling, madness even.

Elsa gives a nod, confirming the details, "And lose the gliding wings. I do not intend on doing such a reckless act."

Hiccup is now really confused, "Your losing functionality." He complains, "It is better to have and not need, then need and not have."

"Not everything is about functionality," Elsa tells him, "Some times a lady just wants to look as well as she can."

"And is that why you want the blue?... Really." Hiccup scratches his jaw before shrugging, "Well it's your flight suit I guess. All I figure I need now is your measurements."

Elsa is about to refer Hiccup to the manager of her wardrobe before a cheeky idea enters her mind, a one she would get a good telling off for from her mother if found out. With a smirk, she says, "You have every you need to make your measurements here."

Hiccup takes a moment in thought before grabbing the string and saying, "May I?" Gesturing to the string and Elsa nods after a second to ask if she is really allowing this to happen. Hiccup first measures her legs, and he takes a fair few measurements, "Sorry," He begins to apologise for all the measurements, "This needs to be right or the suit will flap in the wind, and trust me, that's the last thing you want."

"It is perfectly understandable; however, you may want to work fast," Elsa tells him with a small smirk. "Most men would be slain on the spot for touching my legs like so."

"Good job I'm not most men then," Hiccup replies with some mirth while looking up from her leg.

"Indeed you are not."

Getting to her waist he asks, "Is this your natural waist?" With some interest to her answer.

Elsa takes a moment to reply, knowing she is wearing a corset, "No, however, this is fashionable, so it is what you must design too." To this Hiccup just shakes his head, he will never understand women and their mad fashion crazes, just like how most women will never understand men and their weird affiliation with flatulence.

After Hiccup is finished and has all his measurements, Elsa asks, "How long will this take you to make?"

"Two weeks, at least." Hiccup tells her while closing the book, thinking of the other projects he must also complete.

"Then I look forward to seeing the completed product." Me too, thinks Hiccup, as if an afterthought hits Elsa she asks Hiccup "Did we not have a meeting set up with the Blacksmith."

Hiccup's face drops as if he has just remembered himself, "How did I forget?"


Hiccup eyes Elsa out the corner of his eye as he walks through the darkened city streets, "So, how come you are now visiting drinking establishments with the common man?" The duo have a small guard with them, mostly for Elsa's sake then Hiccups.

"If the proposal is to work," Elsa says, referring back to the conversation earlier in the day, "Then we need to start engaging with one another's hobbies and.."

"Hey," Hiccup interrupts, "Drinking is not a hobby."

"Well, if you had let me finish and not so impatiently and rudely interrupted," Elsa hits back but not in a hostile way, "You would have heard me say pastimes."

"Pastime?" Hiccup asks, the word new to him. "What 'tha mean?" As Hiccup speaks, he can't help but notice how much he just sounded like his father.

"What we do for enjoyment, fun even, but still not a hobby."

Hiccup looks like he has been struck by the fountain of knowledge, "Ah, what I used to do before becoming chief." It is undoubtedly true that becoming chief removed many of his pastimes.

"Yes," Elsa says, knowing that a role of true power takes up most if not all your free time, it makes you feel like a day is numerous hours shorter than it should be. "Royalty and Chiefdom certainly get in the way of pastimes. Sometimes I have wondered what my pastimes even are or if I even have them."

"Well, if you could have a pastime, hobbies even, what would it be?"

Elsa thinks for a while on this, allowing them to progress a fair way through the city before telling him, "For hobbies, I would like to try my hand at surfing again, or even downhill Skiing."

"Going to have to tell me what both of those are." Hiccup admits to her.

"One is riding a small flat wooden board across waves, capturing their speed, the other is going down large snowy hills on wooden boards. Both are relatively dangerous, and it surprises me that you have not heard of them."

Hiccup shrugs, "I am still not too sure on the surfing, our oceans are cold enough we try to keep out of them when it comes to fun, but this downhill skiing sounds like it could be of interest. I also know you have a mountain with snow on not too far from here..."

"There is," Elsa nods, "And yes, I know of a few places on it we could use."

"Then it should be a date," Hiccups tells her, liking this idea, "Just say a day and a time. Now then, pastimes."

"You are on for that date, now for pastimes, cheese sampling," The Queen begins to tell him, "...Reading, banquets, wine testing, and horse riding."

"You mean trotting along on those..."

"Yes." Elsa cuts him off, "I know what you think of them.." Elsa clears her throat to do the best impression of Hiccup that she can, "'Loki cursed demon horses'." It still makes the Queen chuckle a bit that Hiccup has no bother jumping on the back of a fire breathing dragon that could tear him in half with little to no effort, yet he is most resistant to getting on the back of a horse. "But for most of the world, horses are our primary means of transportation after our feet. I am open, however, to change horse riding with dragon riding."

"Excellent, excellent," Hiccup comments as he held the door to the public house Eric should be in open for Elsa to walk through. When the dynamic duo are in the building all conversations quickly stop, and all eyes are drawn onto them, after all, it is not every day your monarch walks into your pub.

Eventually, Hiccup says, "Beer turned to Yaknog?" As he projects his voice a little, his deep Viking accent comes out, to anyone who is not acquainted with the dialect they may feel a little intimidated, "No? then let us not spoil yer brew." Quickly, but almost reluctantly, chatter, albeit much quieter than before came back into the room. Finding his way through the establishment Hiccup quickly found Eric, and a quick hard look makes a few people sat near but not acquainted with the blacksmith move on.

"Didn't have to guess twice as to when you arrived." The Blacksmith tells Hiccup after showing Elsa the expected show of respect, "And to be honest, didn't think you would show up."

"Not going to turn my nose up to a beer," Hiccup tells him before asking, "Your apprentice not fancy it?"

"He's still a bit spooked by having you in the workshop, when he found out yourself was coming," He gestures to Elsa, "Well, his tail shot between his legs quicker than a fly to shit and he scampered." This comment causes Hiccup to chuckle some.


The next morning, just before sunrise.

Hiccup drops two large wolves down the moment he walks in through the gate of the castle and takes a few deep breaths - he carried the wolves a fair distance and they are not light.

"Nice wolves," He hears a voice say with a foreign accent belonging to neither Arendelle or the Barbaric North, "But I have seen bigger."

Turning to the voice Hiccup finds a not too small of a man in black armour looking over his morning kill. "We have bigger on Berk, but not too much bigger."

"Where I am from, these are small." The man in black kneels down to inspect the wolves, checking to see if they are fully grown or not, and upon seeing they are fully grown he says, "Much smaller,"

"Do you know your wolves well?" Hiccup asks, curious as to what the man knows.

The man looks up, "Aye, my family have a special relationship with the wolf. What do you plan on doing with these?"

"Their fur is excellent insulation." Hiccup tells the man, "But I think you know that yourself."

The man brings a hand to his cloak that is made from Dire Wolf fur, "I do." Standing the man then says, "I'm Jon." The Northman holds a hand out in wait.

Hiccup inspects the man for a moment before taking his hand, "Hiccup." The two talk for a while, agreeing to go hunting at some point before Hiccup takes his leave and dumps the wolves in a spot given to him by palace staff for any kill he brings in.

With an hour to go before breakfast is served Hiccup goes down to the beach from the previous day to exercise and wash in the fjord

Getting to breakfast just after the first plate is served Hiccup finds Queen Elsa and Jon are sat alone, with no second queen in sight. Taking a seat next to Elsa he apologises for being late before Jon says, "I didn't think you were just a hunter. Who are you, really that is?"

"Nor you just a foreigner. I'm Hiccup..."

"Chief," Elsa interrupts Hiccup.

Hiccup takes a moment before going on, "Chief Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third of the Barbaric North. You?"

"Jon Snow, Leader of the North."

"You here with Daenerys?"

"By request."

Hiccup eyes the man for a bit, considering him, he wants to say, 'We will see,' thinking that there is more to it than a simple request. Instead, Hiccup asks him, "Where is the Queen?"

"Making sure that dragon of hers is well." Hiccup nods in understanding, to him it means that the Queen is checking to see if the dragon is terrorising the local populace or not because he has no doubt it can look after itself.

After breakfast Hiccup and Elsa find themselves walking down one of the palaces many corridors, and Elsa says to him, "I enjoyed last night." The Queen did not get overly intoxicated, not wanting to make an ass out of herself in public. Hiccup had a fair share, however, has already made an ass out of himself enough on Berk not to care what others think.

"Then we must do it again," He tells her, "But first, what are your plans for today," Elsa told him this last night in the public house, however, for one reason or another, no substances mentioned, he has forgotten.

"I have managed to convince my council to take over this mornings duties, so I am free till mid-day."

"Then I have just the thing in mind for us today."

Cheers all!