Hey guys!

My hiatus is over, and as said, I've re-done this story from the beginning, just to fix up plot holes and loose ends. It's posted as a new story called "Katie and the man out of time", which was the original title of this story. If you were enjoying this read, I recommend reading up that re-upload, it follows the same plot with the same characters, except the writing is much better in my opinion.

In saying all of this, I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has followed, favorited and reviewed this story. It's what kept me going, knowing that there were people who were interested to know what was going to happen next. I never thought my writing would accumulate so much interest, but I'm grateful that it did. Special shout outs to SCARLETCOIN2012 and CrazyCountryGirl12 for the consistent feedback and the constructive criticism they gave me every time I uploaded a new chapter, they really helped me become a better and more confident writer.

So again, if you really like this story, just visit my profile and it'll be the story titled KATIE AND THE MAN OUT OF TIME. Please, please do read it; I know so much of you were enjoying the story, and I promise that the re-upload is miles better than this one. And finally, I know already said it, but THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH, I really mean it. – Angel ^_^