Disclaimer: I own nothing! Just this crazy idea and the longing for Dominion to be renewed for another season! Well that and a love of angels anyway...

Summary: Let's just say Gabriel brings Michael a present...and like so far in this war...it's not a good thing...or is it? This idea got the most votes when I asked my readers in my other story (The End of The Angels) so here it is! Read and Review Please!

Chapter One

Psalm 27:11


"He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies."


October 11, 2039



Gabriel sighed in frustration as he stood in front of Vega's gates, staring up at the soldiers holding him, Furiad, and another Power named Raquel at gun point. The archangel was too tired to deal with this right now, he needed to get to Michael before it was too late.

"Vega! I do not come in means of violence! I am in need of holding immediate counsel with my brother!"

The soldiers didn't move, but even with the flood lights nearly blinding the angels, Gabriel could see he had their attention.

Someone called back to him, likely a commanding officer, judging by the blatant sarcasm and overconfidence, "And what makes you think the Archangel wants to see you?"

Gabriel snorted, moving slowly to not get shot as he pulled a gold chain from his pocket. The chain hung heavily, the tarnished ring looped on the metal strand swinging gently in the open air. Holding it up for the humans to see, he bit back a smirk as they instinctively flinched.

"Tell my brother I brought him a present that is long overdue, our wager is up."


Michael groaned softly as he blinked awake, mind still groggy from sleep after having spent several hours working with Alex to try to read the tattoos. The soldier was slowly getting the hang of meditating, not that it was leading to anything, but he was maintaining a clearer head when working with his mentor.

The archangel sighed, already irritated before his hand even closed around the beeping ear piece on his head board. Once he clicked the device on, he regretted ever agreeing to using the comm. links, especially since the yelling on the other end was making the tiny speaker squawk in protest.


"Yes. What do you want?" He snapped.

Captain Mason audibly winced, "Sorry Archangel, but you need to see this."

"And what is 'this'?" Michael growled angrily, rubbing at his face in exhaustion, as must as he wished to go back to sleep, having been up for close to three days straight, he knew Mason had to be desperate. Of all the captains, Mason was the most logical and didn't cling to Michael for help, nor did he blow off the archangel's support. That didn't help at the moment though as the shouting got to the point it overpowered the comm. link and became unintelligible. Vega's archangel was already on his feet and getting dressed when the voices died down enough finally for the captain to speak again.

"I'm currently the unlucky referee in a standoff between Rodriguez and Gabriel."

Michael jumped out the open window less than a second later, forgetting his ear piece where he dropped it as he dove to the streets far below.


Mason wasn't joking.

Captain Rodriguez was in the middle of a heated argument with the archangel Gabriel. Standing right in the center of the Archangel Corps control room and yelling at each other loud enough Michael was positive neither was hearing a word the first was saying.

Michael took half a second...just half a second to let out a nearly inaudible sigh of frustration before he stepped into the fray, shooting a sharp glare at the pissed off Raquel balancing on a desk surrounded by soldiers, what the hell was his younger sister doing here? Turning, he saw Furiad was standing in a separate corner, watching Michael with such hatred he might as well be stabbing the archangel yet again.

The eldest celestial ignored the two Powers, walking past Mason with a quick nod before his hand shot out to grab Gabriel's collar, yanking him back several feet from Rodriguez before either of them could take a swing. Gabriel snarled, cursing in the ancient language Michael wasn't used to hearing any longer, but he did calm down and straighten up once he saw who had pulled him from his target.

"About time you got here!" Gabriel snapped, shrugging off his brother's hand angrily as he stepped back, "What were you doing Michael? Napping?"

Michael ignored the sharp demand, waving off Rodriguez as he kept his gaze locked on his brother, by the looks of it, all three angels had been disarmed upon arrival, at least he didn't have a rib sticking to look forward to.

"What on Earth are you doing here Gabriel?"

The former Messenger snorted, crossing his arms defiantly as he looked his brother over for the first time. Michael knew what he saw, and he didn't like it anymore than Gabriel did. Michael looked like crap, paler than usual, dark circles trying to form under his eyes, and stiff joints not allowing him to fully project that air of controlled confidence the former Messenger was familiar with. Gabriel's brother was utterly exhausted…

"Oh father not you too…"

Michael's brow furrowed as Gabriel backed away from another step, actually looking a little nervous, "Not me what?"

Gabriel snorted, turning completely and picking something up off the table that held all the angelic weapons. Mason didn't even blink as he did so, nodding to Michael briefly as Gabriel tossed the object at his brother faster than a human could see.

Luckily, Michael wasn't so out of it that he missed, hand snapping up to snag the necklace in a flash. The result was instantaneous, Rodriguez snarled and lunged to attack Gabriel at the same moment a wave of rage flooded Michael's blood, making him heave for air without even moving. His other arm flashed up in time to clothesline the captain, the sudden stop allowing others to grab Rodriguez and remove him from the command center as the archangel examined the object in his hand.

The tarnished ring was scratched, dull, and definitely worse for wear, but the bright red gemstone mounted on the top was what caught Michael's attention, and he quickly dropped the chain enough so the ring no longer came in contact with his skin.

He growled as he looked back to Gabriel, eyes flashing dangerously, "Have you lost your mind? You cannot bring this into Vega!"

"I didn't have a choice! I obviously couldn't leave it in my Aerie. Besides, you never would have believed me without it. Let alone these bloody soldiers would not have let me in."

Michael made to snap at him, but Mason beat him to it, "He's right sir, the second he got that damn thing out, half the guards on duty started snapping and going nuts, figured it was safer in here under supervision than out where it could do some real damage."

"You have no idea captain." Gabriel murmured softly, watching Michael stare at the ring pensively.


"Yes sir?"

"Are the containment cells operational?"

"All but one sir, seeing as we don't need it I figure we're good for now...at least for the night."

Michael nodded, not looking away from the ring as his jaw twitched marginally in thought. "Sgt. Nelson."


"Escort my sister to Cell Three, Sgt. Dimaro-my brother to Cell Two." Michael didn't turn around as the sounds of the soldiers leading the two Powers further into the building went on behind him, at least the two Powers were complying, figuring it was better to listen to Michael since they were unarmed. Gabriel chuckled a bit dryly, leaning back on a table as he smirked.

"Now that the children are out of the way, shall we actually talk now brother? This isn't something we can ignore and if you're planning on holding our siblings captive-"



Michael growled softly, but the tone was enough for his brother to straighten up and pay attention properly, the edge of Heaven's finest Commander coming back again. "Shut up."

Gabriel nodded once, eyes narrowing as he watched Michael move to another table, picking up a set of handcuffs with a foot long chain between them. Needless to say he certainly wasn't expecting Michael to spin around and snap the metal cuffs on his wrists, the shock was enough to keep him speechless as Michael stepped back and met his stare with cool impassiveness.

"Are you out of your mind?"

Gabriel would later realize his brother was well and truly exhausted by the next words that came out of his mouth, a simple shrug proceeding them as Michael motioned for another pair of shoulders to grab Gabriel.

"Very possibly, enjoy the rest of the night in a cell Gabriel."

The former Messenger squawked in protect, trying to struggle in the soldiers grips and realizing the metal of the handcuffs wasn't normal, it was celestial.

"Michael! And just what the hell are you going to do?!"

Michael turned around to glare at him, having been heading to the door after whispering something to Captain Mason. With obviously exaggerated movements, he stuck the chain and ring in his pocket, and the room notable relaxed, "I am going back to bed Gabriel, seeing as you deem it fit to disturb everyone's night, you can remain in custody until I see fit to 'bother' you. Alert me captain if he attempts anything."

Mason sounded a little too happy as he snapped out a quick "Yes Sir" Gabriel scowled as his brother walked away. But, on a side thought, he did hope Michael truly went back to bed, he looked terrible.

He would need his strength soon...they all would….




Alex groaned softly, shoulders twitching as someone shook him slightly. When his jerk didn't make them quit he growled, shrugging their hand off his shoulder and burying his head in his pillow further. All he wanted to do was sleep, was that too much to ask?

The person shaking him didn't think so, shoving harder before he flailed with one hand, growling again as he slammed his pillow over his head to hide. It was after three in the morning and he had no reason to be awake unless the barracks were on fire.

A low sigh was the only warning Alex got before his pillow was ripped from his tight grip faster than he could comprehend, the hand that had been shaking him flipped him over completely so he was lying flat on his back, staring up at Ethan's bunk above him as a hand slammed over his mouth to muffle his shout.

It took Alex's sleep fogged mind several minutes to figure out how to look at the person still covering his mouth, eyes going wide in recognition before he nodded. The hand retracted only to shove Alex's coat and boots closer, earning a soft huff from the soldier.

Michael didn't seem to like how slow he was being, but Alex was too tired to care, shoving his feet in his boots without tying them and yanking his coat on, following the silent archangel out of the barracks without disturbing anyone else sleeping soundly. How Alex envied them…

The archangel didn't say a word, even once they were out on the streets of Vega, walking back to the Stratosphere judging by the direction Michael was leading them. Alex let the lack of talking continue for a few blocks, finally sighing and outright stopping in the middle of the vacant street. He crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for Michael to stop and look to him before growling outright.

"Wanna tell me why the hell you're dragging me out of bed? I know I was an asshole earlier but this is ridiculous even from you."

Michael didn't respond, stalking back to the soldier and grabbing the collar of his jacket. Before Alex could even take a breath he was being yanked into the sky, getting wind burn and whip lash during the few short seconds it took for Michael to fly them to the penthouse of the Stratosphere.

Alex managed to stay on his feet when they landed, staggering a bit as he caught his breath. He did however turn just in time to see Michael try and fail to land gracefully, full out stumbling to a stop as his wings retracted in a flash to keep from smacking into the window or walls.

"What the hell was that?"


The soldier scoffed, stalking closer as he realized Michael was actually struggling to breathe properly, panting for air. "I mean the fact that you obviously can't breathe right and you almost face planted coming in the window. Care to explain that? Sides, why the hell am I up here at three in the fuckin' morning?"

A low growl slid from the archangel's throat, staggering slightly as he moved to lean against a pillar to remain upright; Alex took that short minute to fully observe his mentor, seeing the obvious fatigue now showing as Michael sighed once able to take some of his weight off his feet.


That was all the warning the human got before Michael tossed something at him, remaining leaning on the pillar as Alex snatched the object out of the air reflexively.

And instantly dropped it on contact.

...kill him...


Michael's brow furrowed as he stood fully, putting Alex even more on edge as the soldier backed away when the archangel picked up the ring on the chain.

...kill him...


...kill him! Kill Him!...

"Don't! Keep that thing away from me!" Why he was suddenly so pissed off, Alex didn't have a clue. What he did know was Michael wasn't listening as the soldier snapped at him again to stay away, scrambling backwards when the archangel advanced while holding the chain and ring. The voice was only getting louder, droning, hissing, screaming, anything to convince Alex to reach for a weapon and end the archangel in front of him. The scary thing...Alex wanted to listen...wanted to give in...

...Kill Him!...

"Alex, wh-"

The soldier shook violently, trying to shake off the rage invading his body, the tattoos swirled on his skin, burning him as the anger and hate threatened to boil over.

...Now! Kill Him Now!...

Michael got close enough to almost touch him, hand reaching out slowly, Alex flinched back from it, hand scrambling at his hip for gun or knife or sword or something…


"No!" He finally got to his feet, tripping on the stairs as he climbed up and backed away, keeping a hand up as if to block the ring from him. Michael finally stopped moving, letting his arm fall to his side as he watched the soldier carefully.

Kill Him! Kill Him! Kill Him!...

"...Michael stop!"

...Now...Kill...Kill...Now...Kill Now!...

The archangel moved again, and this time Alex wasn't fast enough to get away, backing against the wall and sliding to the floor, he instinctively curled in on himself, not knowing why he felt suddenly attacking his mentor.

Michael didn't let him dwell on that long, walking past the soldier and opening up a section of the wall, judging by the sounds Alex was hearing as he covered his head with his arms, trying everything in his power to drown out the noise in his skull.

...kill kill kill kill kill-

A pair of hands were suddenly on his shoulders, strong and steady as a low voice broke the droning that had invaded Alex's hearing.

"...lex...Listen to me...you are alright, just breathe...Alex, you're alright…"

At first, he couldn't distinguish who was talking, just focus on the words and slow down his frantic heaving. It took Alex several minutes to breathe normally, finally realizing who was holding his shoulders and speaking softly the entire time.

"Alex," Michael repeated, having probably being saying the same thing for awhile now, "Can you hear me?"


The archangel sighed, in relief apparently as he finally pulled away and dropped to sit on the floor instead of remaining crouched on his heels. Now that they both were calm, Alex could see Michael was well and truly exhausted, looking as bad as the soldier now felt.

"What the...what was that thing?" Alex asked, speaking first before he lost his nerve. Still shaking, he shifted to sit a bit more comfortably, watching Michael move slowly and stiffly to sit cross legged on the floor, head dropping to his hands with a low sigh.

"What did you hear?" Michael questioned instead of replying, seeming to already know the answer as Alex inhaled sharply, the soldier's mentor sounded as awful as he looked, worn out and bordering on hoarse.

"Some...droning...buzzing...made the tattoos burn."

"That is not what I asked Alex. What did you hear?" This time the archangel's tone was firmer, leaving no room to argue.

"It...this voice…it...I almost gave in...it kept telling me...wanting me to…"


Alex sighed, looking away as Michael turned his silver eyes towards the human, watching with the impassive gaze Alex had known for years.

"It wanted me to kill you…"

Michael stiffened, legitimately freezing in front of the soldier, eyes widened slightly as Alex finally met his gaze.

"You...you could hear it? Clear enough for a direct order?"


Michael lunged to his feet, beginning to pace and rubbing at his face in frustration, Alex flinched when he started muttering under his breath in a different language, sounding frantic.

"Michael….Michael what's wrong?!"

The archangel didn't seem to hear him, only stopping in his pacing when Alex stood up and physically stopped his movements.

"Answer me! What's going on?! What is that thing?"

A low sigh slid from Michael's throat as he stared at Alex in front of him, looking truly worried now, Alex hadn't ever seen him like this, only once showing any emotion other than impassiveness, when the archangel had shown Alex his former childhood home only to be stabbed almost lethally an hour later.


"A ring-"

"No shit-"

Michael growled, grabbing Alex's shoulders to keep him still, "Listen to me, the fact that you can hear the voice-the power-trapped within that ring is bad enough. Let alone the fact that Gabriel brought it to me an hour ago-"

"Gabriel? In Vega? What the hell Michael!?"

"That's exactly it."

Alex froze, confused to no end, but he did remain in one place as Michael moved away long enough to pull an old book from a compartment on the headboard of his bed, turning the well worn and much abused pages to a spot that had obviously been looked at often.

Michael handed him the book instead of speaking, pointing at one line in particular.

The soldier read it automatically, still confused as to why the archangel had handed him the Bible in the first place.

As if reading his mind, Michael spoke what Alex was reading from memory, voice steady and quiet, but Alex could heard the faint edge to it that wasn't strength, it was fear.

"... When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, "Come!" Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword.…"

The following silence was more Michael's doing than Alex's, the soldier had no idea what to day, just look up from the yellowed pages and stare at his mentor.

"Revelations…" The archangel admitted quietly, crossing his arms over his chest as if to keep still.

"That doesn't...Michael," Alex was seriously lost now, bordering on pissed off if he didn't get some answers. "What is going on?"

"Just like you said."


Michael inhaled loudly, staring at the Bible in Alex's hand as if it held all and none of the answers to the questions swimming in the archangel's steel gaze.

"Gabriel is in Vega, in a containment cell for the night, along with Furiad and another Power named Raquel, my brother brought that ring to me as proof."

"Proof of what?"

The archangel didn't answer right away, sighing as if the weight of the world was being dropped on his shoulders, "That ring belongs to...or I should say used to belong to Chaos, the second of the Four Horsemen. If Gabriel and now I am in possession of the ring, and you are able to hear power within it, protected as you are by the tattoos-"

Alex snorted, "Some protection-"

Michael ignored him, "Can hear it protected as you are, then it can mean only one thing."


"A gate to Hell was been reopened."

Dun dun duuuun!


Review please!

I have not abandoned "The End", just had to get this idea out before it drove me nuts...and now have about a dozen more in my head too...