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She sat at her desk with her head hidden in her hands; her shoulders slumped. Directly in front of her was a small sample of urine and a pregnancy test. How on earth she would even begin to try and explain this situation to someone if they burst into the office with no warning she had no idea; but she was far too preoccupied to have to worry about that right now. She'd been sitting in this position for ten minutes now, she still couldn't bear to look at what the result was; she wasn't even sure what result she was hoping for. She knew that she would love to be a mum, but she was pretty sure that now was not the right time for it. It was definitely the right guy though she knew that for sure; but whether he would feel the same way about it she didn't know. There were just too many unanswered questions and concerns all to be confirmed or refuted by a few drops of her urine. There was a sharp knock at her door that brought her back to the present.

"Just a minute!" She cursed under her breath and jumped up and grabbed the offending items; accidently glancing at the result as she did. She paused; she couldn't believe it, she sank back down into her seat staring, still not entirely sure how she felt about it.

Robyn had obviously decided that she was being kept waiting for too long so let herself into the office. Rita managed to hastily shove the test into her pocket just in time. She pulled her jacket off the back of her chair and walked straight past Robyn, and out of the office, with no acknowledgement of her.

"Hey Rita! Wait up, I needed to talk to you!" She called after her but Rita didn't appear to hear and instead kept on walking straight out of the main doors and headed towards the ambulance station.

She spotted Dixie who was cleaning out the back of one of the ambulances. "Is he in there?" She gestured towards the common room.

"Who? Norman?" Dixie ribbed her. Rita glared at her and carried on walking. "Yeah course he is, no funny business though!"

"Oh har har, you're not funny" She called back over her shoulder.

Iain was lounging on the sofa reading a magazine and sipping on a cup of tea, a plate of Dixie's home baking sat untouched on the table. Now Rita was here she wasn't even sure what she was going to say, she had no idea where she was going to begin, how she was going to explain everything. Iain was completely engrossed in his magazine so didn't see her standing in the doorway for several moments giving her time to ponder, and second-guess herself. He glanced up as he turned the page and spotted her.

"Alright?" He checked out her expression; he was confused as to what she was doing here, her shift had only started half an hour ago, there was definitely no way she was due a break yet. She still didn't say anything choosing instead to narrow her eyes at him as if she was trying to work something complicated out. "Is something wrong? Has something happened?" His mind raced through all the potential disasters that had brought her here.

She shook her head at him and finally moved further into the room sitting on the other sofa so that she was facing him. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the test placing it firmly on the table in front of him waiting for his reaction.