Hinata cussed Sasuke out in her head as she dropped off her children at her father's house. How dare he book them all a weekend at a hot springs five star resort?! Sure, it was luxurious to say the least, and if it were only she and Naruto going on such a vacation it would be a lusciously sexy type of getaway… but the inclusion of Sasuke and Kushina meant that the four would constantly be around each other, which nauseated Hinata to no end. Not only were their constant displays of affection- which implied tongues down throats and groping random body parts- disgusting, but the constant stress of Sasuke exposing her made her feel as though she was ten years older than she was. She was starting to feel that Naruto had been getting an eyeful as well lately, because she had noticed him making faces when he thought no one was looking. As bad as she felt inside, she felt even worse for her husband, who had to watch his mother and his best friend- excuse me, Hinata thought- Naruto's new stepfather make out on a daily basis, spit flying and passion blatant.

But being the man he was, Naruto wouldn't talk to Hinata about it. Thus, she didn't try to push him to confess how he felt about it. She knew that, over time, he would suppress such feelings and eventually they might come to light. She would give him time and simply ignore what was happening. When Hinata seemed ignorant to the affection displayed by Sasuke and Kushina, Naruto became worse- he felt as though he was the only one who saw it, and thus he felt as though he were being jealous and grossed out for no reason. This wasn't the case, but Hinata had given up talking to him about it, as he was cagey and unwilling to accept his feelings out loud.

As Hinata returned from dropping off their children, Naruto met her at the door with their suitcases. He seemed none too eager to leave- in fact, a weekend at home with his wife and he alone would be highly preferable- but he didn't really have a choice. His mother had given him the pouty face, and he had given in immediately, to Sasuke's sniggering glee. "Oh, what time is it?" Hinata asked innocently. She had hoped they would miss the train, but Naruto's grim face made it clear that she hadn't taken as long a time as she had intended.

"We have ten minutes. We'll just make it." Naruto sighed, obviously not happy, but unable to say anything, because at that moment Kushina honked the horn of the car, implying her impatience. Sasuke, at her command, bounded back up the pathway to help Naruto with the bags. "She's telling you to hurry up." Sasuke chuckled, as if Naruto couldn't see what his mother was obviously saying with her flailing hands. He nodded firmly, not meeting Sasuke's eyes, and Hinata also avoided contact with Sasuke as if her life depended on it. It did, in a way. If she set him off, he'd reveal their little trysts, and though Hinata couldn't say she'd ever enjoyed it, it would still impact her relationship with Naruto very deeply. She wanted to avoid scandal at all costs… but luckily, since Sasuke was now married to Kushina, she couldn't see how it would benefit him to tell Naruto anything. If anything at all, it would harm him- Kushina's age made her very vulnerable to shock and, if something as shocking as that happened to her, then she might suffer a heart attack. Hinata climbed into the car and sat in the back silently with Kushina while Sasuke and Naruto bickered jauntily. It was a guy thing to do, Hinata realized, and Naruto could easily ignore Kushina in the back and act as though this was just like good old times.

When they reached the train station Naruto and Sasuke once more helped with the bags while Kushina tried unsuccessfully to chat with Hinata, who was in no mood for idle chit chat. 'This is going to be a long ass two hour train ride,' Hinata mumbled in her mind, knowing that this was an understatement.

And she was right. As soon as the four of them got to their private reserved compartment, Sasuke was all over Kushina. He cooed in her ear as she giggled, and though Naruto shifted uncomfortably, his wife simply put in headphones. She had expected such drama and now gazed vacantly out the window. Naruto was forced to continually try to ignore the lovey dovey act going on directly across from him. It was hard, however, because of the tiny space provided in the train compartment. It was like trying NOT to watch a fifty inch TV screen in a four by four room- it was unavoidable. He kept clearing his throat, louder and louder as they didn't get the hint, and eventually Naruto made a trip to the bathroom. He thought that maybe his absence would make them realize he was sick of such displays, but as soon as he got back from the uneventful trip they were still going at it. If anything they were more aggressive than before- Kushina's short dress (much too short for her rapidly climbing age) was hitched up practically to her frail hips, exposing her grandma underwear for Naruto to see. He looked away tactfully, disgusted to say the least, but he couldn't exactly say anything. His mother was her own person, and he couldn't control how she acted.

Still, it was annoying him more and more as time went on. Sasuke kept ramming his tongue down Kushina's throat with reckless abandon, obviously ignoring his stepson gawking at them angrily from about three feet across the seat. His mother he could accept as being an ignorant woman- her happiness gave her a veil that made it hard for her to realize what was happening- but Sasuke? He had always been a practical man, Naruto had thought, but now he didn't seem to notice Naruto's grunts and shifts and noises of discomfort.

Naruto winced as his mother, at the tender age of fifty two, practically straddled Sasuke's lap. 'I'm right here!' He wanted to scream at them, but he refrained. Above all Naruto was polite, but his annoyance was quickly catching up to his manners. He was just about ready to pry their heads apart and yell at them. This surprised him and he looked away, realizing that this angered him more than perhaps anything he had ever experienced. But honestly, it was barbaric and gross. Luckily, though, the train ride eventually did come to pass. Though it felt like Naruto was stuck in a time warp, with an endless loop of tongue and groans, he found himself ecstatic as the train chugged slower and slower. Eventually it grinded to a halt, and Naruto had never been faster to stand up. Hinata, whom Naruto had brushed with his elbow on accident, was slow to open her eyes. Eventually, though, she did so, to see Naruto hurriedly unpacking their suitcases from the overhead compartments. She sighed and plucked the earbuds from her ears. She had been listening to music at excessively loud volumes to drown out the kisses.

As the four filed out slowly onto the platform, Sasuke seized his chance. "Perhaps Hinata and I should look for a map. Kushina, you and your son can talk." His wife obviously didn't suspect a thing, even as Hinata's face subtly clouded with horror.

"B-but, we shouldn't split up-" Hinata protested with a sputter. "We could get lost, a-and-"

"Ah, yes, that's actually a good idea, though, Hinata." Naruto broke in. "I actually looked up a few shops that I wanted to show you, mother." He hurried to say, though he had, of course, done no such thing. He was desperate to get Sasuke away from his mother, even if it meant making his wife go off with him.

Hinata felt a rage bubble up from within her. It was rare she was mad at someone as innocently gorgeous as Naruto, but this was unacceptable. She too had suffered through the train ride, and yet she was being led to slaughter like a big boobed sacrificial lamb. Sasuke, grinning triumphantly, took Hinata's arm delicately, gentlemanly, and led her off into the crowds.

She felt as though her arm burned where Sasuke was gripping onto her, and she fought the urge to punch him. "I can't believe you." Hinata yanked her arm from Sasuke as soon as they were out of sight. "How dare you-"

"Cool off, Hinata. You're overreacting. Naruto was obviously about to blow." Sasuke said nonchalantly, shaking his head and making a tsk noise at her, as if she were the one being rude or unreasonable. Hinata fell silent- she didn't want to provoke him while they were alone. Well, they weren't quite alone- the station was quite crowded, in fact- but Sasuke could find a secluded place anywhere to fuck her. And she didn't want that, so she shut her mouth and acted as though he wasn't right beside her. They eventually found a kiosk with free maps, and Hinata grabbed five of them in relief. She didn't want him to have any excuses for them to make another trip together, alone.

The crowds began to thin, however, as they began to walk the length back to where Naruto and Kushina inevitably waited. Less people meant more power for Sasuke, and Hinata as such was extremely wary. As if noticing her tenseness, Sasuke chuckled. "Kushina was never that tense on our wedding night. Then again, she is a woman of experience, whereas you are constantly on your toes, yes?" Hinata bristled but chose not to say anything to spur him on further. She prayed he would just shut up, but it was not in the cards for her that day.

"In fact, she knows how to ride me." Sasuke said, his tone as innocent as if he were debating a national issue or arguing over which item of food to buy. "Extremely well. She likes how long I am, how thick… we cracked her headboard in multiple places, in fact, but I'm sure you could assume that from the noises we made. Don't pretend you didn't hear those, I made her scream throughout the night. I'm sure you and Naruto had perhaps two minutes maximum of sleep. That was my intention." Sasuke slowed his pace, and Hinata kept her pace. Still, though, he would only talk louder if she did that, so he forced her to walk alongside him if she wanted him to be discreet in such a public place.

"God, I love this woman." Sasuke said, as if he were doing her a favor by telling her this. He glanced left to right, as if to make sure no one else heard such a secret. "She's very skilled at sex. Especially blowjobs, and she looks so adorable in the lingerie I pick out for her. It's all very slutty, as you could imagine, and she's more than happy to wear it. She especially likes when I tear it from her." He laughed, as if Hinata had just told him a joke, and a few young women looked towards him with lustful eyes. He ignored them and talked to Hinata as they strolled along, his posture relaxed and hers irritated.

"Don't worry, Hinata. I haven't forgotten you. Our fun times together are long from over." As Sasuke said this, Hinata's stomach dropped from its usual position down to her manicured toes. She had somehow known he wouldn't give up the side sex, but she had prayed and hoped he would. She had made bargains with herself, told herself that she would give up anything, if only he would stop doing this to her. But alas, it seemed as though her praying had been in vain.

"We'll be together very, very soon." He finished, and though he knew she wanted to retort and cuss at him, he had timed this very well- they were just now approaching Kushina and Naruto, who were sitting exactly where they had been an hour or so ago. He watched Hinata out of the corner of his eye as she opened her mouth to cuss him out but spotted the mother and son. She then clamped her mouth shut and angrily strutted to the sitting pair, falling into her seat in a huff. Naruto looked concerned for a brief moment, but then Sasuke distracted Kushina and he by announcing that they'd found a map and a bus schedule.

From there they took a bus to the hot springs, and luckily for Naruto, Kushina and Sasuke didn't have the opportunity to make out this time. The bus was crowded with tourists and the four could barely keep close to each other. Of course, Sasuke managed to slyly brush his hand by Hinata's ass quite a few times, to her chagrin and extreme annoyance. Naruto, however, was in a blissed out relieved state because of the sudden lack of tongue fights between his mother and Sasuke.

They checked in without further issue and were given room numbers. Luckily they did not share rooms, and Naruto felt his mood rising as he and Hinata settled down. Perhaps this would be a good trip after all.

Such an optimistic position, however, was quickly spoiled by the knock on their door. It was Sasuke and Kushina, naturally. "They double booked."

"What does that-" Naruto started.

"They booked too many people. They have to share with us." Hinata said, with gritted teeth. She should have known such a nice turn of events would be ruined by some unforeseen factor. She had a guess that Sasuke had even bribed the hotel to come up with the lame double-booking excuse. It was exactly the kind of thing such a narcissistic, oily type of man would do to further flaunt his dominance of Kushina in Naruto's (and by extension Hinata's) face. Hinata turned and flounced to her suitcase agitatedly and slammed it shut. The cute lingerie she had packed especially for Naruto would have to remain in the deepest depths of her travel case.

Naruto valiantly helped Sasuke set all of the suitcases aside. Luckily the room was big enough for all of them, but though the room was luxurious it was also only meant for two people. As a result they were quite cramped when they all laid down. They didn't rub shoulders or anything, but one could scarcely breathe without one of the others hearing it right in their ear. Any movement, a rustle or a rumble, was magnified in the small space.

Hinata settled down to sleep, Naruto right next to her. Their journey had been a long and exhausting one, made even more stressful for Naruto by Sasuke's constant and undying flirtations with his own mother. It was disgusting to say the least, but Naruto couldn't do much about it. His mother was happy, for once, and he wanted her to be happy… he just wished that Sasuke had more tact. He wished Sasuke wouldn't joke about his new status as Naruto's stepfather. He wished that Sasuke would stop slathering his tongue all over Kushina's face.

It was highly disrespectful of Sasuke, Naruto thought, but Naruto didn't say a word as they all started to bed down for the night. The hotel staff and graciously brought more bedding in, but that didn't make up for the fact that there were four of them crammed into this one room. They changed out in the open- they were adults, there was no reason to be shy, after all- but Sasuke made a point of stripping down all the way to change into his loungewear. It was unnecessary and had Naruto fuming as his mother blushed and fluttered her eyelashes, admiring the exposed cock. Hinata and Naruto huddled close together to change and ignored the tittering going on behind them. Even if the other couple had to act like animals in heat, there was no reason they had to, Naruto reasoned. He was thankful that his wife also looked annoyed by the obvious displays of sexual affection.

"It's getting very late, and I'm tired." Hinata said loudly, gesturing to the window without looking at Kushina or Sasuke. Naruto almost smiled at her irritation, and he would have if he didn't relate to his wife so much at the moment. Outside the sun was setting, and the sky was painted with beautiful pastels and vivid red and pink tones. It would have been beautiful, if Sasuke's erection wasn't on display for all in the room to see.

Kushina frowned at the impertinent tone in Hinata's voice- she and Sasuke were married now, and they could behave as they liked- but Sasuke only chuckled at his wife's sudden sour expression. "Shhh, love." Sasuke beckoned, kissing his wife on the cheek. His erection brushed her thigh and she blushed profusely. If only they had the room to themselves. A small part of Kushina remembered to be ashamed of this obnoxious love display, but a larger part of her was so enchanted by her husband that she completely forgot there were other people in the room… much less her son and daughter in law.

Sasuke obediently put his pants on, putting on a mockingly shameful face to make fun of Hinata. His wife giggled at the humor, but Hinata wasn't looking at Sasuke. She was staring out the window, her mind racing. She was trying to formulate a plan. Beg the front desk for another room? Sleep in the springs? No, they were closed by this time. Hinata sighed. It seemed there was no way out, unless she wanted to take the train back… which wasn't an option, thanks to Naruto's gung-ho attitude about this damn trip. Now that she thought about it, though, Hinata realized Naruto was a lot less cheerful about it and more snappy than usual. It took a lot to break through Naruto's sunny attitude, but Sasuke and Kushina were making progress on chipping away at his cheeriness even as she watched.

Sasuke finally settled down and laid next to his wife, nuzzling her neck with his nose cutely. Hinata didn't find it cute, and nor did Naruto. Hinata popped a few sleeping pills- they were her go to for dealing with the pair of Kushina and Sasuke- and quickly fell asleep. Naruto took longer, as he was focused on Sasuke and Kushina's childish giggling. Eventually, though, he entered a light dozing state.

The night was calm and his sleep was refreshing… for about an hour or less.

Sasuke, horny and impatient, didn't care who was in the room. He wanted his wife now, and he had every right to do it. She was still mostly awake, though her eyelids were fluttering. He chuckled to himself. He knew how to wake her up.

Sasuke, not sly in the slightest, pulled down Kushina's bottoms and panties in one fell swoop and easily mounted her like a dog. She made a tiny noise of surprise, but she didn't reject him. If anything her pussy slickened further and swallowed his erection further. Naruto, a light sleeper, immediately woke up. His head lifted very slightly, and he looked around dazedly. It always took him a moment to realize where he was. It all came rushing back to him- the awkward trip, the gross displays of affection… but what had woken him up?

That's when he fully processed the noises coming from behind his back. The yipping sounds were easily identifiable as his mother's high-pitched voice. But these weren't noises of a nightmare, oh, no…

Naruto didn't dare look.

Hinata woke next as the noises rose in volume. She was cuddled into Naruto's side and gradually awakened, as opposed to his sudden exposure. Her sleeping pills couldn't save her this time- there was no thin wall to separate her from the godawful noises. There was no thick pillow to pull over her head- just a thin hotel one that was not worth anything to her at the moment.

Hinata made a noise of disgust that only Naruto heard. If the other two had heard it they gave no indication. Kushina was making yipping noises that were rapidly escalating in pitch and volume. Naruto only prayed that none of the other hotel patrons would report them to the front desk. How mortifying that would be…. He prayed no one else could hear this awful act. Naruto could practically feel the floor shaking, so small was the room. He heard the hardwood creak as Sasuke masterfully pounded into Kushina, who had started, at this point, to beg.

"Give me your children." She cried softly, her statement ending with a noise of pleasure. Naruto felt oddly removed- this couldn't be happening. No self respecting person would ever do this, much less a dignified woman like his respectable mother. This had to be a dream. It just had to be.

Yet it wasn't, as was evident by the physicality of Hinata pushing against him for safety. He curled his arm around his wife, who seemed just as shaken and disturbed by this as he did, and huddled into her for comfort. They both, however, couldn't exactly find such comfort when the moaning behind them kept mounting in level. It was one thing in a house, Hinata thought irritably, but in a hotel with paper thin walls? They would be kicked out for sure! Was that Sasuke's plan? It would be just like him to do something so… so… reputation tarnishing. But Hinata was through with it. She would have stood up right there and then and said something to them if she thought it would make them stop. As it was, she knew in her heart that even if a bulldozer had plowed into the room the two would not stop acting like two animals in heat.

It was a fact of life, and Hinata was forced to accept it. That did not, however, mean that she was ok with it. Far from it. Hinata felt rage bubbling inside of her like a lava ebbing at the sides of a volcano. Naruto's anger was a bit more tame but none the weaker for it.

Completely blind to the couple right against them, Sasuke and Kushina continued their playful round of sex like it was their last night together on earth. "You're… so… HUGE." Kushina screamed the last word so loudly that Naruto instinctively jumped, his spine stiffening. Hinata rolled her eyes and sighed, praying for this ordeal to be over. You'd think Kushina would be used to his cock by now, Hinata thought with spite. With an appetite like Sasuke's, they surely had sex at least once a day… at the very least.

Hinata was accurate in assuming that their sexual habits ran rampant. Sasuke would accost Kushina (though it was hardly unwilling on her part, or gracious) at night or in daytime- it didn't matter- at any time of day. If a sexual urge overcame him, he didn't even have to seek out Hinata or a random partner. He just strode down the hall or, sometimes, he rolled over and started. It was so much easier than fucking Hinata, and also easier than sleeping with random women… a lot of the latter became obsessed with him, unfortunately, which became a hassle when he tried to find other women to sleep with. Such women loved to spread rumors, and though he wouldn't otherwise care, it made some women less likely to get in bed with him.

But Kushina was available to him at all hours. She didn't work, as her age prohibited it and Sasuke's salary meant she could live comfortably without working. That meant that she was at the house all day, save for a few hours where she might dash out for groceries or shopping, but Hinata was the main shopper of the family and as such Kushina was almost always available for Sasuke to dominate.

Because of such unlimited access, being in a hotel didn't make Sasuke think twice, not even when he heard Naruto shift away from them. He was used to being able to take whatever he wanted when he wanted, and Kushina seemed perfectly fine with it. At the moment she lay underneath him, sheets all in a tangle, her breasts mashed against the hard floor. He was riding her doggy style, except she needed not do any work- Sasuke was the sole pleasure bringer at the moment, and Kushina obviously couldn't get enough of it, as evidenced by her cries of, "You're going to rip me apart! Ungh!" and "I want your son inside of me, now! Ahhh! Sasuke!"

In response Sasuke came, his groan guttural and loud enough to make Naruto cover his exposed ear. He seethed, but didn't want to turn around to see his mother being pounded by his former best friend. Sasuke, not skipping a beat, turned instantly hard inside of Kushina, who was dangerously close to climax. She had gotten better at holding in her orgasm, as Sasuke had showed her, but his hot cum inside of her nearly drove her over the edge. The thought that a son or daughter- sired by Sasuke- was forming inside of her at that very moment turned her on enormously. Sasuke let out a stream of cuss words as he quickly flipped her over, making her spine lay flat against the hard floor. Luckily there were blankets, so she wasn't totally uncomfortable, not that Kushina worried about comfort at a time like this. She'd been taken by Sasuke in the bath, in the shower, in the bed, while she was getting dressed, on the floor, against the wall, in the kitchen, in the backyard… it was all fair game for him.

Kushina blinked in surprise but grinned up at him in the dim light provided by the full moon. It barely peeped through the gauzy curtains, but to Naruto and Hinata it provided an awful source for the humping shadows on the wall. Now, however, the shadows shifted. Neither of them wanted to watch, really, but they were arranged so that it was hard not to. The curve of a muscular but trim man lifting a woman's legs to his shoulders was outlined on the thin wall.

Kushina's hair spilled across the floor as she laid back in bliss, simply allowing the climax to build. Sasuke grunted, his erection burrowing deeper into her as he stiffened further. As they shifted in position, Naruto scrunched his eyes up. He could hardly bear any more. If Sasuke and Kushina hadn't been ignorantly fucking in front of the door he would have left, dragging Hinata behind him, and slept in the hotel lobby. As it was, that wasn't a possibility. But Naruto wished, so fervently, that he could escape this.

Sasuke strategically tilted his wife's hips, halting the hip thrusts for just a moment to get her into position. He knew the one position that made her- all women, really, but especially Kushina- go crazy with lust and fever. She whined impatiently, as she was prone to do when he teased her. "Sasuke, I need you now. More." She begged, wiggling her hips in invitation. The gesture sent ripples down her spine that made her bite her lip. When Sasuke was inside of her, the slightest movement made her scream with pleasure. The myth about small cock being just as good as big cock was obviously spread by men with tiny ones, because Kushina never wanted anything but Sasuke's huge cock inside of her ever again. He was absolutely enormous. And she wanted him to know it, too. She put on a raspy seductive voice and spoke in an erotic whisper. "God, you're so… big…" She panted, hoping to turn him on enough to get him going again. "You're going to tear me apart…. Oooooh." She tittered.

It worked. Sasuke, completely forgetting his plan to make her orgasm violently, started fucking her again with more determination than ever. It wasn't that he was trying to make her come- he knew he could do that. But to raise the stakes, he was making her wait. That way when she did come, her screams would fill the ears of every single person in the hotel, awake or asleep. That was his primary goal, of course- to raise hell. It always had been and always would be, whether it was war or sex.

Kushina was a perfect woman for him, because even if she ever got tired she didn't complain. Then again, maybe that was due to Sasuke's extreme skill at love making. If she ever felt tired he just aroused her, and that woke her up in an immensely satisfying way. Sasuke smacked her ass and she giggled, though Kushina suddenly sobered up as he started ramming his cock into her again at a rapid speed. Her pussy tightened around him, making him moan. Already she was driving him crazy, and he had just came!

"I want… your… children…" Kushina said jerkily, her voice shaken by the intense waves of pleasure. "Mmmm… let me… bear your… child…." Her voice rumbled as Sasuke continued to pound into her, his grin expanding with every time she begged him for his cock or his children. She was about ready, Sasuke knew, from the way she was desperately jamming her hips against his cock.

He chuckled, more than willing to get her to that peak. He slammed into her, pulling out to just the tip and finally slamming himself back in with surprising force. She screamed aloud, with no regard to the couple next to them or their neighbors in the hotel. Her toes curled inwards so much that it hurt, but she didn't even notice. Her back rubbed against the floor as he rocked them towards the climax. Her toes twitched and her eyes rolled back into her head as she came, letting out a scream that was undeniably hot.