She sat on the cliff watching the sunset as her hair continuously obstructed her view due to the wind. She had literally lived a life time or at least that's what it felt like. Nine years old and here she was overcoming a obstacle most would have abandoned a long time ago. Yet it wasn't over. She was announced the ambassador for monsters but she was just a child. She knew humans wouldn't take her seriously at first. It was easy to use determination against monsters but humans? Looking down she closed her eyes before sighing.
There was some guilt in her heart when it came to what she planned to do. After everything it was finally time. Finally it was all over. Now there was only one more messy end to clear up. She wished she could have said goodbye properly but she knew if she even mentioned what she planned to do they would never allow it.
So she merely watched on as the events as she knew them repeated.
Undyne and Alphys where running to catch up with Papyrus and Toriel held her close after she promised to stay with her. When she was done, she had returned with Asgore to make sure the monsters underground began preparations and Sans-
Was right behind her.
"You can't use that teleportation trick on me," She signed over her shoulder. "I'm too used to it." The sound of his grin widening was almost deafening. "I don't know what you mean." "Sure you don't." She signed nothing more as she looked out over the forest waiting for him to speak first. "So we made it huh?" She nodded. "Will it stay this time?" She shrugged but before he could get into it she signed.
"Chara isn't in me any more." He narrowed his eyes. "Is she out and about?" Frisk shook her head. "It doesn't work like that. She needed my body to move; she was just a spirit after all. Every reset I worked to end her the best way I knew how..." Grinning she cocked her head triumphantly and Sans couldn't help the slight pride that wield within. "With mercy."
For a bit he merely stared at her before sighing. "For one who doesn't talk you sure do speak a lot." She made a face at him. "It's a good thing I know sign language. It's pretty handy." He wasn't sure if he had succeeded in lightening the mood as Frisk reached over, grabbed his hood and pulled it over his face. But the soft giggle told him he had. "Really?" Pulling the hood from over his head he smirked. "What no more questions?" "You know that would be too easy. Besides I always like to enjoy this moment so take the small victories."
She said nothing more and instead closed her eyes. "It's a big victory, Sans." She finally signed after some time. "No more resets." The skeleton looked over at her and averted his eyes soon after. "Can't promise that kid." "...I can." Standing up, she stretched, a happy yet forlorn. "Flowey is the last one who should be able to use the power of reset. I don't need it any more, Sans. I got the best ending. I don't need to do this anymore. Chara is gone. Flowey is changing... Everyone is free and I know what will happen afterwards. I have no reason to reset any further. My place in this story is over. ...There is no other reason to be here."
He became on edge with her last words. "What are you talking about kid?" "You need to be ambassador when I'm gone, Sans. Despite everything I know there is no one more perfect for the job. You have something to hold on to now. And finally it will mean more than just living til the next reset." Grinning from ear to ear she emphasized each sign. "Don't mess it up. I'll be watching." She took a step back and that's when he knew. Reaching out, he snatched her arm and pulled her into his embrace. "Don't you dare. Don't you dare."
He tightened his grip upon her before looking down fiercely. Besides anger she could identify the panic and hurt that courses through him. "You can't make promises like that if it means your going to throw your life away! We need you here kid so don't you dare think everything will be ok. It wont."
Pulling back a bit, Frisk wiggled her arms free to speak. "If I remain alive there is always that risk Sans." He gave a worn smile. "Then I guess it's good you can't spell Frisk with out risk..." But his joke fell short and she shook her head. "It's not a risk I'm willing to take."
"If you die we will crumble."
She smiled. "No you won't. I have faith in you."
"In me or the others?"
Her smile grew and she signed confidently. "In you." "Your putting a lot of faith in one person kid."
"You understand where they can't. Despite everything I did you were still there for me. You can try not to care all you want Sans, but I know you do."
Placing one hand over her heart, she continued to sign though slower. "I'm tired. I can't do everything, Sans and I know you all will need someone stronger than me. I don't think I can do anything more than what I've already done..."
There were many of times that the group had taken her deeds for granted. Frisk was their savior, their ambassador and their friend. She would step up with Asgore stepped down and she would be the next in line.
But she was also a child.
A thin, scrawny child with scars and scratches.
A little girl who just barely came past his elbow...
Frisk was a child; a child who was old in spirit (for the lessons learned in the multiple resets sought to that) but a child none the less. And he wasn't about to let this little girl suffer any more than she had already. Not alone.
"For someone so selfless... Your incredibly selfish... You know that?" Her eyes locked on to his, clearly confused. "How do you know what will make us happy? Who are you to say that a world with out you is what we want? We want you, Frisk. We want you in our world. One with out you ain't worth treading, kid." He placed a hand on top of her head and she realized he was trembling.
"Sans..." He covered her hands with his to stop her from 'speaking'. "This world won't mean a thing if ya not there to guide us, kid. You're the hope of Asgore and Toriel. You're the reason Undyne is willing to be friends with humans, why Alphys has the courage to stand proud. You're the reason why Papyrus has the group he always wanted..." She was the reason why the flicker of hope that was one extinguished, began to thrive once more.
"Your so small but through everything we've completely forgotten that you are still a kid."
Pulling back he smiled. "So stop trying to be the hero, and let's go home." Frisk looked at him astounded before frowning and pushing him back. Shocked by the violent action, he began to question her only to stop as she signed.
"You lived in fear of resets... You can say what ever you want but I know, Sans... I know you will never be able to rest as long as I live." She took a step back as her hands moved.
"I want you to be happy."
"Even if it means I'm not there... Promise me something, Sans?" He took a cautious step towards her and smiled warily.
"You know... I hate making promises, kid..."
But she didn't respond to his remark knowing she had his full attention. Pointing to her mouth she smiled brightly and spoke for the first time.
"Be happy."
Little bells; that's what her voice reminded him of. Light but determined to be heard, weightless yet bold. So enthralled with it he was that he missed the final step backwards only coming too as she allowed herself to fall back freely.
She could hear the panicked steps rushing towards her.
She could feel the wind in her hand as his barely caught hers.
She could feel the sharpness of the air around her as she plummeted head first.
But as she lost consciousness she didn't feel the boney hand that caught her nor the arms attached that held her. She didn't feel the warmth of the blue magic that surrounded them.
They went from the air to back upon the cliff where she rested in his arms. Head tucked against his shirt, she rested as words passed her by.
"I will...kid."
Shifting her in his arms, he removed his hoodie and wrapped it around her. Making sure she was settled, he lifted her up and walked on.
"We both will."
I have no Idea what I'm doing with this or if I'm doing more with this.