Disclaimer: I own nothing! Except Eileen Lily!


Harry walked towards the head mistresses office, looking around nothing had really changed in the last 12 years, Hogwarts had been fully repaired after the final battle, it was hard for her to believe that she had finally rid the world of Voldemort, but too many lives were lost, even one was too many the most devastating loss was Severus, watching as Voldemorts snake struck him down was something that she would never forget, the memory of his blood spilling through her fingers as she tried to stem the flow was a constant feeling on her hand.

The words he told her a week before he died still rang in her ears;

"Never, we never lose our loved ones, they accompany us, they don't disappear from our lives. We are merely in different rooms" (1)

Those words had saved her and allowed her to carry on, that and she found out 3 months after the battle that she was pregnant, she had a little piece of Severus to carry on for.

As she approached the gargoyle guarding the entrance to the office it jumped to the side allowing her access to the spiral staircase. Standing outside the inner office was Minerva McGonagall who gathered her into a hug.

"I see you arrived safely" Harry pulled back and smiled "Of course, besides trouble finds me" Minerva released a small laugh "his portrait is in the office, I'll give you some privacy, did you want me to get E-"

"Give me a half hour please, and then..." Harry trailed off and Minerva nodded before descending the stairs. Taking a deep breath Harry pulled open the office door and heard a voice that made her heart stop with its silky drawl.

"You daft woman did you forget something again? I didn't even have that issue" Harry walked into the view of the portrait and could only breathlessly say one thing.


The portrait froze and did not move until she was in front of it.

Black eyes lit up and thin lips pulled up into a smile "My Brat". Green eyes filled with tears "Always yours"

"Where have you been?" Harry leaned against the desk behind her "trying to live low key out of the spot light, I accepted the DADA position this year "

Twenty minutes went by before Harry looked to the clock and bit her lip "What's wrong?" Harry took a deep breath.

"There is something important I have to tell you" a black eyebrow rose "within a year after you died...I had a daughter" Severus stumbled to the chair in his frame before the word "Mine" was whispered, not a question but a statement, a confirmation.

" Yes she started this year, even got sorted into Slytherin, she's like a mini you" Emerald green eyes were bright as they watched the pale painting " a mini me?" Harry laughed " she's all about potions, just like her father, merlin knows she didn't get it from me" Severus snorted an 'of course not' " could I mee-" his words were cut off by a knock at the door, Harry vanished from view only to return with a black haired student.

"Severus, meet your daughter, Eileen Lily Potter - Snape" painted black eyes started to tear.

"Hi daddy" wide green eyes danced with joy from a face much like his own, thank Merlin she had Harry's nose "mom told me all about you!" Fifteen minutes flew past before Eileen's head went down and she became quiet

"Eileen? Sweetheart what's wrong? " Harry moved to stand beside her daughter

"Mom does daddy love me? He doesn't even know me"

"I will always love you Eileen Lily, you are a part of your mother and I, you were made by two people who love each other" Harry moved over to the portrait, green and black eyes watched as Eileen lifted her head and looked at her parents in awe "Truly? "

Both mother and father smiled.

One word was said


(1) Is a quote by Paulo Coelho.

A/N: Thanks for reading there will be a second chapter added sometime tomorrow R&R please