Another installment already! Hope you enjoy!

Gomez walked slowly down the stone steps, his mind far away from his current location. He had spent most of the day searching for Morticia, but couldn't find her anywhere. He checked all her favorite places, the observatory, the graveyard, the abandon mine, the swamp, etc but she was nowhere to be found. He was becoming worried. Last night they had a very rare little spat. Over what, in Gomez's nearing panic he couldn't remember. Whatever it was he no longer cared and was sure he was in the wrong anyway. He just wanted to find her and beg her forgiveness. Sulkily, Gomez waked down the remaining steps and stood before the large, heavy wooden door. His mind drifted back to the many hours they spent on the other side of that door, hours of pleasure and pain, hours lost within each other. His eyes dropped to the floor, his shoulders drooped. He just wanted his love back. He took a deep breath and tried to quell his rising fear. Then the terrible 'what ifs' stole into his mind. What if she fell somewhere, maybe out deep in the woods? Morticia was known to roam when she was upset. What if she was hurt somewhere? He punch the door in a fit of uncharacteristic rage, his fear and frustration bubbling over. The wood splintered slightly and his knuckles throbbed but none of that matter to him. As quickly as the rage came it was gone, replaced by sadness. With a deep sigh, he reached for the door knob. He pulled the door open and stood still staring inside, allowing his eyes to adjust to the darkness. He had hoped that he might find her sitting here in the dark, though he knew the chances of that were slim. As he stared into the room, he could tell that not a soul, living or dead was in that room.

He could also tell that she hadn't been here either. His eyes drifted around the room, taking stock of the items within. On the wall hung some of their favorite things. Manacles, shackles, maces, riding crops, cat o'nine tails and other whips of various lengths and sizes. He walked inside and closed the door, his eyes now completely adjusted to the dimness of the room. He crossed the room to the chair sitting by the cold fireplace, his eyes drifting across the St. Andrews cross that leered at him from across the room. The many items within the room seemed to be mocking him, 'You fool!' they seemed to scream at him within the semi-darkness. Yes, he was a fool, he thought as he dropped wearily into the chair. He hated when Morticia was angry with him. Where was his love, he thought as a tear crept out of his eye and flowed down his cheek.

Suddenly the cold fireplace roared to life. He jumped startled at the sudden sound and brightness filling the room. Straps as if on the own accord slipped snuggly over his wrists and ankles, effectively pinning him in place. His brow furrowed in confusion as he tugged at the straps. Then from the corner of the room where the light of the fire did not quiet reach he heard it. Footsteps. Morticia's footsteps. He would know that gait anywhere. She slowly crept from the corner easing her way in to the firelight. He relaxed as goose bumps broke out upon his flesh. His eyes took in her still form as the shadows and light danced upon her. She stood there, not looking at him but staring into the fire. He allowed his gaze to climb her beautiful body. But wait, he thought. What is this? There in her tight grasp was a riding crop. Oh no, he thought. I'm in trouble. Wait, I'm in trouble! He grinned.

She turned her gaze upon him, one eye brow arching as she did so the rest of her face unreadable. She quickly crossed to where he sat and leaned down until her face was mere inches from his. She gripped his chin tightly.

"Don't be petulant." She growled at him, not raising her voice but the firmness in her tone was unmistakable.

Gomez tried unsuccessfully to remove the grin from his face and take on a more serious look but he failed miserably. He was just so relieved that he had found her, that she was ok and above all else here with him. She released his chin with a jerk and turned her back on him. Gomez watched as her hair fell in waves down her back. His hands flexed within his restrains. He was desperate to bury his hands within the silken lengths.

Abruptly, Morticia whirled on him bringing the riding crop down viscously across his hand. Gomez hissed through his teeth, the sudden sensation sizzling up his arm, into his chest and down into his member which was now at full attention.

"Don't….be….petulant." Morticia repeated this time punctuationing each word by tapping the riding crop on the reddening flesh on Gomez's hand.

His expression had sobered. He merely nodded.

Morticia tapped the riding crop into her hand as she spoke. "I hate fighting with you. Even more so when you are so sure that you are right, you won't even listen to what I have to say. Or that you insult me because you are speaking without thinking, something I am not used to you doing."

Gomez rested his head back against the chair letting out a slow breath. He didn't know how to tell Morticia that he didn't remember what they had argued about, especially considering his current state. He turned his attention back to Morticia as she began to speak.

"We don't always have to agree on everything and there are some things we don't but we normally take it in stride and treat each other with respect. However, last night things got quickly out of hand. I believe that it was due to the subject it was concerning." She turned her attention on to him, waiting for him to agree.

Gomez knew that he was now in seriously trouble. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't remember what they had fought about. And now he was going to have to admit it to Morticia.

"Well, my love I can't seem to remember what we had a disagreement about." He confessed sheepishly.

Morticia's eye brows rose, as a small smile graced her face. "Really?" She inquired quietly. She set the ridding crop on the floor and reached forward and slowly began to unbutton his shirt. "Remember, we went out to dinner last night?" He nodded. "And Pugsley was staying with a friend for the night?" Another nod. "And Fester was out with Dementia?"

"Ha! That old rascal!" Gomes proclaimed.

Morticia's hands still in their task, anger lept into her eyes. She quickly masked the emotion and resumed her task until his shirt stood wide open. Her eyes swept his now naked chest. She gently ranked his chest with her nails. Gomez groaned deep in his throat.

She drew to her full height and grabbed the riding crop off the floor. "And remember how we left Wednesday in charge of caring for Pubert?"

Suddenly the night before flashed before Gomez's eyes. Them arriving home early to find Wednesday and Joel on the couch together, wrapped around each other deep inside a make out session. Wednesday's quiet horror as Gomez chased Joel from the house with a fencing sword. Wednesday saying not a word but slowly and softly walking up to her room. Morticia's look of abject horror. Him continuing to rage, how Joel could try to take advantage of his beautiful daughter. How he didn't want Wednesday to get a soiled reputation. Morticia begging him be reasonable, to remember how it was for them when they were teenagers, hell how it was for them now. That all Wednesday and Joel were doing was making out and how they had done far more before they had gotten married. And that was when he said the worst thing he could have said of all. Exactly! He had shouted, he didn't want Wednesday to become a slut! Morticia had drawn back as if he had slapped her, but he was too deep within his self-righteous anger to see, to realize what he had done. He left his wife standing there, shocked and hurt as he stormed into the library and slammed the door. Then he did the unthinkable. He locked the door, locking her and the whole world out. The rest of the night he paced and drank, drank and paced until he passed out in a stupor on the couch that had just been privy to their love-making a mere two days before. When he awoke he could remember that they fought, but he couldn't remember the fight. He went in search of her and eventually ended up where he was now.

He hung his head in shame. "Tish, I am so sorry that my words and acti-". He heard the whistle of the riding crop a split second before it landed on his chest in a savage blow. He curved his chest up to the riding crop, a scream of pain and pleasure tearing from his lips.

"Be still!" She growled. "I will tell you when to speak." Her face contoured in rage.

Gomez drew his head back, his eyes widening. He had never seen Morticia this angry before. Never. And it frightened him a bit. That fear just furthered his excitement, his member straining painfully against his pants, eager to get out.

"First, you chased our daughter's love out of the house with a fencing sword. Normally I wouldn't have a problem with this if you were actually teaching him how to fence but that was not the case." Crack, the riding crop came down upon him again, creating a crisscross pattern across his chest. "In which case caused an alienation of your daughter during. Which you didn't even notice!" Crack. "Then you proceed to insult me, hurt me, storm off, and then lock the door!" Crack! This blow landing on his shoulder.

The pain, pleasure and fear quickly gave away to a primal lust. Gomez strained against the restraints, sure at any moment the leather straps would break and he would grab her and pull her to the floor.

She planted the end of the riding crop into his chest and gave a small chuckle. "You're not going anywhere." She said giving him a small push back with the riding crop.

He growled at her, his chest heaving with each breath. Her smile widened. She gently set the riding crop on the floor then arose to her full height. With an evil grin she reached behind her and unzipped her dress, dropping it to pool around her feet on the floor. Her corset, bra and panties quickly joining it.

She stood before him nude, her arms akimbo.

"Morticia!" He snarled at her.

"Gomez!" She returned in a mocking tone, a grin still on her face.

He struggled so hard that he moved the chair a few inches across the floor. Once again Morticia laughed at his efforts. She stepped forward lightly dragging her nails down his chest making him groan loudly as she crossed the red swollen marks left by the riding crop. Her hands slipped down to grip the waist band of his pants. Achingly slowly she undid the button and zipper on his pants, reached in and pulled him free. Gomez drew in a wild breath at her touch. She abruptly released him, rose and walked away.

"Wait!" He groaned. "Where are you going?"

He heard her laugh from the dark corner of the room but could no longer see her.

"Tish, please!" He practically sobbed.

"Patience, my dearest." She called back to him.

He could hear her shuffling around with something in the corner as he tried to wait patiently.

She soon returned with her hands behind her back.

"What do you have there?" He asked relieved to realize that she no longer looked angry at him.

Without a word she pulled a flowerless rose stem from behind her back. The thorns glinted menacingly in the light of the fire.

"Oh my…." He sighed knowing that she wasn't quite done with him yet.

She leaned over him, her lips, tongue and teeth exploring one side of his neck while she raked the rose thorns across the other side of his neck leaving a trail of light red scratches.

The gentle pain-pleasure combination seemed worse than any whipping he had ever received. His body trembled, he was near tears, his desire and frustration curling into one. Morticia sensing that he had had enough tossed the rose stem from them and in one quick movement leapt onto his lap and plunged her body down upon his engorged member bringing a primal scream from him. He rocked his hips as much as he could to fully encase himself within her body. She wrapped her arms around him as she rocked fervently against his body. She tossed back her head and released a loud, throaty moan as he felt her tighten around him. Her orgasm caused her to body to throb and sent him crashing into his own pleasure peak. His voice blended with hers as his body jerked as pleasure surged over him.

Once both their heart rates and breathing had calmed, Gomez lifted his head from her.

"Release me." He said, his eyes half lidded as he looked at her.

She went to get up, but his hand made a grab for her hip trying to keep her in place.

"No, just my hands. Stay where you are."

Morticia reached around and freed his left, then his right hand. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him.

"I am so sorry Mortica. For everything." He said into her chest. "I wasn't thinking clearly and my words weren't meant to hurt you. When I saw Joel with Wednesday I lost my head and good sense. I know Joel is a good lad. I just snapped last night. Had I been more prepared, I think I might have had a different opinion."

Morticia gently stroked Gomez's hair back from his brow. "I know that it is hard to see that your little girl is growing up, but she is. You are right, Joel is a good boy and I really think that they are made for each other. Just as we were made for one another. I know your words weren't directed at me, but you simply mis-spoke in the heat of the moment. All that I can forgive….but don't EVER lock me out again."

"I was so enraged, so crazed last night I knew that I had hurt you, but I was so afraid that I couldn't get a hold of myself and would say more things to hurt you, which is why I locked the door. I know." He said raising his hand to stop Morticia's protest. "I promise I will never, EVER lock you out again, no matter what."

Satisfied Morticia smiled and nodded. There in the warmth of the fire, Gomez still partially restrained in the chair, the couple cuddle and talked well into the night.