A/N: I've always wanted to post a story but was too afraid to do so. I've read some amazing stories on here and was too intimidated I suppose..but here I am! Posting my first Merlin story! It is AU and also a Royal Merlin story. Also, the kingdom Delinsar is made up as well as a good bunch of characters that will later be mentioned.


Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin or any of the Characters, except the ones I made up and all that jazz. Although, I wouldn't mind owning Collin and Bradley. Those boys are just...no words.


Fires spread across the kingdom.

"Father, no!"

Screams echoed the citadel.

"Get him out now!"

Bodies covered the ground.


Blood stained the once pure white stone.

"I'm sorry."

Merlin woke with a start, panting as he sat up straight in his bed. He glanced out his window to notice that it was still dark, the sun was barely even starting to peek from over the mountains in the far distance. He closed his eyes, running his clammy hands over his face for a moment before moving to get out of bed. He was glad he slept without his night shirt on, knowing it would be soaked in sweat like his sheets now where. Groaning, he threw on his usual black pants, leaving his tunic and red neckerchief on the small table beside his bed for later. As he figured, Gaius was already awake and preparing his medicine bag for the day.

"My boy, you're up early. Is Arthur making you go another hunt so soon?" Gaius watched as his surrogate son walked down the small steps from his room and sat on the bench, placing his elbows on the wooden table and allowing his face to fall into his hands. Worry spread across the old man's face and he quickly stopped what he was doing and went over to his ward.

Merlin groaned as Gaius pulled his face away from his hands and pressed his own, cold hands on his face and neck, checking for a fever. Merlin glared as he gently pushed his mentor's hands away and ran a hand through his hair.

"I had a dream of Delinsar." Merlin spoke, quietly. Gaius sighed softly and placed a hand on his shoulder, softly patting the young man. He watched as Merlin's eyes welled up with tears.

"It's been 2 years, Gaius." Merlin's voice broke as he looked up at his uncle. "It's been 2 years and for all I know, everyone is dead." A tear escaped and fell down his face as the young man reached up and clutched the pendant that dangled from his neck.

"You know what your father said, my boy. When it is safe, you will come home." Gaius reassured the upset boy. Merlin only let out a choked laugh. "When will that be, Gaius? Lord Terrison planned this attack out for months. He has a powerful ally that my father couldn't even find, we were betrayed and slaughtered and I don't even know if my father lives. Will it ever be safe for me to go home? Will I even have a home to go back too?" Merlin allowed a few more tears fall before wiping them away, anger filling him up as the grief left. Gaius only sighed and sat heavily on the bench beside him.

"I know it's been 2 years. But your safety means a great deal to the kingdom. You are their Prince, the heir to the throne. Your father or someone will contact you when the time is right. If Balinor was dead, you'd feel it in your soul. As he is a Dragonlord and his power would be passed to you in his death." Merlin could only nod as he let his Uncles words sink in.

"You're right, uncle. It's just today marks 2 years and I just miss home. I miss my father and my people." Merlin whispered. Gaius smiled sadly at the young prince and stood up, gesturing to the fireplace. "I'm making breakfast, you should eat before you wake up the King." Merlin nodded and stood to put on his shirt and his neckerchief to hide away his necklace. Gaius watched as Merlin closed his bedroom door and could only sigh, feeling powerless to help.

"Who knew you could actually prove to be useful and have breakfast here when I wake." The king chuckled as he stood up out of bed.

Merlin only gave a small smile and collected the sheets, piling them in the nearby basket with the other dirty clothes. Arthur moved towards his chair, noticing how quiet his manservant seemed to be. Guinevere was already out and about in the lower town, visiting with the people, so Arthur was left to figure out what was wrong with Merlin all by himself.

"Are you alright, Merlin?" Arthur normally wasn't one to be straightforward with his feelings, but he also wasn't used to Merlin being so withdrawn.

"I'm fine, my Lord. Is there anything you need?" Merlin's voice was soft, only a slight hitch of emotion could be detected in his tone. Arthur only gave a shake of his head. "No, you can go ahead and just sharpen my sword for training later this afternoon. Be sure you are present in case I need your assistance." Merlin nodded and left with a small bow.

Arthur walked onto the training fields in deep concentration. He had went by Gaius's chambers, but the Court Physician only said that Merlin was missing home. It had gotten Arthur thinking. He always forgot that Merlin wasn't from Camelot. Merlin seemed to just fit here. It was almost as if he belonged here. Arthur felt guilt rise in him as he realized he never really allowed the boy to take time off to go visit his village. It's not like he couldn't survive without his servant for a few days while he see's his mother. Or even Arthur himself could take time off, leave the kingdom in his wife's hands for a few days and travel with Merlin to Ealdor. After all, Hunith was just as much a mother figure to him as he was a mother to Merlin. She always treated Arthur as one of her own, rather than a Prince, now King. He had to think of a way to surprise Merlin with a visit.

"Princess! There you are. Beginning to think you got lost in your own castle." Sir Gwaine grinned from his position in the middle of the field. He was laying on the grass, his feet propped up on a wooden weapons box and hands under his head. The other Round Table Knights stood nearby, all leaning on their swords that were pushed into ground.

"I didn't get lost, I was thinking." Arthur started to explain, getting interrupted by no other than Gwaine.

"Thinking? Oh, that is no good, sire." The rouge knight chuckled and sat up from the ground, only to be cuffed in the back of the head by Sir Percival. Arthur nodded his thanks at the huge knight and continued.

"Merlin has been seeming down lately, I think a nice visit to Ealdor should perk him up."

The knights stared at their king for a moment, surprised at first, then allowing small smiles of fondness to show on their faces.

"It is nice of you to want to do that for him, my Lord." Sir Leon smiled admirably at his king. Arthur nodded once to his first knight and coughed to clear the awkwardness he felt. "Okay, enough lazing around, we've got training to do."

Short for now...but thank you for reading! All errors and mistakes are all mine!

Till next time.