It took a while before Yuzu fully processed her sister's words. Her mouth formed a circle as a suspired "Oh" left her lips. Soon enough she remembered that she had to cook food and, shaking her head, she grabbed her clothes, putting them on much more quickly than she had taken them off. A shiver ran down her spine as flashbacks of what had just happened crossed her mind. She felt her temperature rise again and wondered if Mei's fever was starting to affect her as well. With a shrug of her shoulders she nonchalantly thought, Oh well, as long as both of us want this its fine isn't it? Even if we are sisters…

She went out of the room with her eyes fixed on the floor, her head unusually full of thoughts. When she reached the kitchen, she found Mei sitting on the sofa looking at some papers. Yuzu sighed, it didn't matter if she was at school or not, work would always follow Mei wherever she would go, even in places where Yuzu couldn't join her. Upon hearing her sigh, Mei lifted her head, her gaze searching for her. She smiled, 'Anything troubling you?'

'I had thought,' Yuzu started, crossing her arms on her chest, 'That you were going to rest today. You should try to relax and enjoy a free day instead of working'. She stopped near the edge of the sofa, prepared to hear the usual "It's my duty to take care of these things as the student council president and future school's owner" which didn't come.

Instead, Mei surprised her with her reply, 'Why don't you help me relax then?' Her eyes focused on Yuzu; apparently, she had just completely forgotten about the papers laying in front of her.

Yuzu cleared her throat 'Uh…how do you want me to help you?'

'Mmm,' Mei put her index finger on her lips, seemingly trying to think about the right answer to Yuzu's innocent question. She lifted her back getting on her knees so that she could look at Yuzu directly in her eyes. 'What about,' she said in a low voice, 'you prepare me breakfast, since I have been waiting for hours now'.

'Ah, you are right,' Yuzu tried not to appear disappointed by her sister's response. 'But it was you the one who decided to postpone it earlier this morning. Actually I had thought that you intended to substitute your meal with me'.

'True…I'm afraid that what I had earlier wasn't enough, so could you be so kind to provide me some more?' her eyes were glittering as she said so.

Yuzu felt her face blush but held the eye-contact. 'Sure'. A smile found its way on her lips, she leaned forward turning her head so that she was talking to Mei's ear now 'Just wait a little bit more, will you?' she whispered.

Mei breathed in as the hot air reached her sensible ear, her tone was calm though, 'I expect you to efficiently repay me with aplenty of your…delicious food'.

Yuzu nodded in assent, her throat too dry to reply anything. She got near the kitchen appliances, taking a good look at the various ingredients. 'Mei, what should I cook you?' she turned to look at her sister who silently stared at her, her eyebrows risen.

'You decide, surprise me'. She resumed her work and appeared so absorbed by it that Yuzu didn't dare talk to her again. She turned her attention back to her main issue now, preparing the perfect meal for Mei. Wondering what her sister might like to eat more than anything else, she started gathering some milk and fruit on the table. Eggs and flour, soon followed by sugar and vanilla, were added to the already crowded place. She glanced at Mei who hadn't moved the slightest from her position. A sudden inspiration flashed through her mind, making Yuzu smile. She knew what her sister would have loved to have that morning; happily, she started mixing the foods. After a bit of thought she went back to the drawer and carefully picked a bottle of alcohol, it was spiced rum. Just a little bit to spice things up. She thought giggling. Mei heard her and raised her eyes to look at what she was doing.

Yuzu froze, bottle in hand and eyes fixed on her sister. Mei stared at what she was holding, her expression impenetrable. After a very long embarrassed silence Yuzu said 'Mei…?'

'Yuzu, I thought you had a better judgement'. Yuzu's heart halted. 'I prefer chocolate liquor…'

'Aah…' Yuzu felt relieved. 'But Mei, this works better with what I'm cooking…' she gestured towards the table.

'Are you making a cake for breakfast…? Or maybe I should say lunch, since it's getting pretty late. If you don't hurry up mum will be here before I have the chance to taste anything'.

'Don't worry, Mei. I'll make sure to finish it in time so that you will be able to slowly enjoy it,' Yuzu said in a hurried tone before rushing back to her work.

Mei sighed, her empty stomach was growling due to her hunger. Time flowed by and after no more than a couple of hours later Yuzu finally announced, 'It's ready, Mei'.

'Finally'. The younger sister rose from her seat, now totally famished.

Yuzu stopped her before she could reach the table, placing her body between Mei and her creation, 'Wait a minute,' she said gaining a murderous look from Mei.

'I'm hungry'.

'Yes, I know,' Yuzu softly laughed, 'I have a request, though'.

'What is it?'

'Well, you see…the other day you said, "Next time"…' Mei looked at her, not understanding why Yuzu was stopping her from reaching the food. 'I'm talking about the crepe, you know'.

'Ah'. Mei's eye widened, she wasn't sure what to expect from Yuzu now. 'Did you make a crepe?'

'N-no…I just thought…' she cleared her voice 'I thought that if you want to eat my food, they you are going to do it at my own conditions'. Geez, please don't kill me, please Mei-sama…

'Fine. Let's hear your conditions then'.

Yuzu looked at Mei, startled by her answer.

'Quick, I'm starving'.

'Oh, yes. Then, first you are not allowed to refuse to eat. It tastes good I promise.

Second, I want to know how it feels hearing directly from you, and no lies. Third, you have to follow all of my instructions'.

'Is that all?'

'Y-yes'. Yuzu's heart was beating so strong that she was almost 100% sure the other could hear it.

'It's not such a big deal, I had expected worse. But then again, it's you Yuzu, not me setting the rules this time. Sometimes I almost forget how innocent and oblivious you can be'.

'Ah…what would have you asked in my position?'

'Would you really like to know?' Mei's eyes darkened.

'Mmm…Maybe another time'. Yuzu grabbed her hand and guided her sister to the table, letting her sit on the chair. 'So, should I list what I just prepared for you?'

'If you wish'. Mei clasped her hands tight, hunger taking over her as she looked at the food. On one plate there was a fluffy yellow cream, topping a small sponge of rectangular form. Next to it, there was a tray full of strawberries and cherries. Further to the left, she could see two bowls, one containing a mild white cream and another one with a darker and denser liquid. A single fork was placed next to the sponge, a clear sign that it was only for her, unless Yuzu had some darker plan in mind.

'On a second thought, it would be funnier to let you guess'.

'Mmm' Mei looked at her, waiting for instructions.

Yuzu, who was still standing beside her, took a chair and carefully placed it next to Mei's. She then took the fork in her right hand, she slid it through the sponge and then, raising her elbow, she softly said, 'Now close your eyes…'

Mei obliged her command and Yuzu neared the food to her mouth, grazing her lips. 'Open your mouth,' she commanded, her own mouth growing dry. Mei did as she was asked, keeping her eyes closed. The scene that followed made Yuzu's heart utterly melt. Mei's face was contracted as she was trying to focus on the taste, then she relaxed when a pleasurable feeling filled her body. Tensed about the effect the food was having on her, Yuzu asked, 'How does it feel?'

'It's bittersweet, did you put the rum into it?'

'Yes, I did'. Yuzu nodded, happy that her sister had enjoyed it.

'And the cream…eggs, vanilla, flour and milk, right?'


'Seems like I got it, don't I deserve a prize,' she jokingly said.

'Well you can have one, you choose,' Yuzu replied.

'Mmm…give me the fork,' she said, her eyes shining with desire despite her efforts to keep cool. Yuzu handed over the fork and Mei swiftly inserted it into the little cake. She took a bigger portion, especially focusing on the cream. 'Open up,' she said.

Yuzu obediently abided her request, while her younger sister fed her the sweet pastry. Unavoidably, part of the cream got struck on Yuzu's face, mostly around her lips. 'Look at you, what a mess…I shall clean you properly,' Mei said with a smirk before leaning forward to lick the yellow cream from her sister face. The sweet taste mixed with Yuzu's one caused her desire to grow stronger, she was still hungry not for food though.

The blonde's lips responded to her kiss, pressing against her mouth and she knew Yuzu was longing for her as well. The older sister's hand reached Mei's to take possess of the fork before interrupting the kiss. 'We need to finish this,' Yuzu said, licking the fork. She then took the last piece of cake and offered it to Mei who didn't wait for her command to take it into her mouth, her tongue sensually moving on the tip of the fork to enjoy the taste of Yuzu's saliva as well.

The blonde's eyes widened as her gaze focused on Mei's tongue's movements. Without her realising it, Yuzu's mouth had fallen open and she was breathing heavily due to her increasing desire. 'Yuzu…'

Mei's voice brought her back to reality and Yuzu gulped, 'Yes, I know…' She turned to her side placing the fork back into the plate. Mei wondered what was going to come next. Yuzu didn't leave her enough time to wonder though, as she quite hurriedly took one strawberry and again offered it to Mei, holding it by the stem.

'Don't you want me to close my eyes and guess this time?' Mei said, the tip of her tongue bruising her upper lip.

'I don't think you need to,' Yuzu nervously giggled. Why is it always so difficult to keep my head cool near her? I should learn from Mei. She placed the fruit on Mei's lips, gently pushing to get her sister to open her mouth and eat it. Mei reacted slowly, staring directly into Yuzu's eyes as she took the food that she was offered in, her eyes seemed to tell Yuzu that which the other girl really wanted to eat at that moment was her. Yuzu shivered, lust filling her limbs. 'What are those bowls for?' Mei asked looking over the table.

'Let me show you'. Here comes the delicate part. Yuzu's heart was racing fast, but the older girl didn't let it take over her this time. She took another strawberry and nearing one of the bowels to her, she said, 'You should close your eyes now'.

Mei smiled, complying to her request. She had still the shadow of a smile when the food reached her mouth. She automatically parted her lips and was startled when Yuzu retreated her hand. 'Wait for me to tell you," the older girl replied.

'Mmm…you are slow'.

'Careful now, open your lips'. The blonde let the creamy fruit softly brush the raven-haired lips before the other avidly took it into her mouth. She tasted it, her eyes still closed. When she finally opened them, Yuzu could see a strange look on her face. 'What is it?'

'I was just wondering where the rum had gone to'.

'Oh'. Yuzu gently stroked Mei's lips taking away what was left of the white cream before licking her own fingers. Her younger sister stared at her, her eyes darkened.

'So you got the rum, what about the rest?'

'Mmm, strawberry?' Mei grinned.

'Yes,' Yuzu hot breath reached Mei as the older girl had gotten closer 'What else?'

Mei hesitated, she didn't want to make a mistake. 'Milk?'

'You are almost there'. Yuzu nodded.

'Then…sugar?' It was a dangerous guess, it hadn't tasted so sweet.

'Correct'. Yuzu placed a quick kiss on her lips before saying, 'Claim your prize then'.

Mei took a deep breath, the little alcohol already starting to affect her. She glanced at the bowl. Then, skimming the content with her finger she took a fair amount of the light cream on her index. Slowly, she approached Yuzu's mouth, resting her finger on her lips. 'Lick it,' her husky voice commanded. Yuzu's tongue timidly came out, grazing her skin as the older girl followed her command. Unhurriedly, Mei took her hand back and inserted her finger into her mouth, wiping it clean from what Yuzu had left. All the while, her eyes had never left Yuzu's keeping the other locked into a suspense. 'Were you going to let me taste something else?' she reminded her.

'Oh, yes…' Yuzu grabbed a cherry, her mind still not completely clear. If that wasn't an indirect kiss then I am a model student. Still, she wanted to show Mei that she too was able to maintain her cool; therefore, when she turned to her, her face was back to a normal colour, her breath almost regular. Mei looked at her in anticipation. This time Yuzu didn't ask her to close her eyes, instead she neared her head to her ear, grabbing her back with the left arm and pulling her closer. She placed the red fruit on her sister's lips, which the younger girl kept locked, as she didn't try to eat without permission.

Yuzu pushed a little bit more insistently before saying 'Open your mouth…keep it like this, between your teeth'. She then licked Mei's neck, moving upwards to her chin and finally to her mouth. Using her teeth, she took hold of the fruit, causing it to split in a half. A part of it feel inside Mei's mouth while the other part was in Yuzu's. It didn't matter though as soon they were one single thing, melting into each other's taste. She rolled her tongue making the other shiver as she did so. Mei on her part grabbed her shirt, pulling her closed and deepening the kiss at the same time. Yuzu moaned against her, making her heartbeat change rhythm in a crazy way, her hands frenetically searching her body. Before they could go too far Mei pulled away. 'Yuzu…if there is anything else you want me to eat, otherwise we could just…'

'Wait, Mei,' the other girl said despite her visible panting. 'I have something else for you. I'm sure you'd love this one especially'.

Mei cocked her head to the side. 'Now I'm intrigued'.

Yuzu bushed, then took the last strawberry and mingled it into the darker fluid. In her excitement, she pushed it too deep, accidentally dirtying her fingers. Nevertheless, she brought it to Mei's lips, 'Just lick it, before eating it as a whole'.

Mei accomplished and her eyes went wide open as she recognized the taste. Quickly taking the fruit into her mouth, she closed her eyes while savouring it. Then she looked back at Yuzu who was carefully watching her expression, the raven-haired girl noticed the dark liquid on her sister's hand and moving it closer to her mouth she sensually sucked on her fingertips. Yuzu's breath shortened again, her blood rushing through her veins, her sight was starting to fade due to the intense hotness. 'Mei…'

'It was delicious, thank you. I like chocolate'.

Yuzu felt like her heart was going to explode so strong was the joy she felt.

'May I claim my prize now?'

Yuzu nodded, unable to utter a single word, her hands gripping the edge of the chair she was seated on as she tried to control her inner instincts. 'I think I'll have a little bit more of this,' Mei said referring to the liquor.

Yuzu chuckled, her heat growing minute by minute. Mei used her thumb to gather a bit of the dense yet smooth cream. Then, she offered it to Yuzu, placing it on her mouth. Her lustful eyes locked into her sister's as she spoke, 'Suck it'. Yuzu couldn't help but obey her younger sister, she had a demanding look which accepted no refusal. 'Slower,' Mei added coming nearer. The tip of her nose brushed Yuzu's as she finally remover her finger to place a kiss on Yuzu's lips. Her tongue darted into Yuzu's mouth, looking for that heavenly taste only she had. She licked and sucked the bottom lip, her right hand slid through the blonde hair and soon Yuzu found herself pinned against the back of her chair, Mei's hands working with her shirt.

'Mei…' She shivered as a moan was all she received as a response. Mei didn't stop, from the shirt she went to her bra, then to her bottom clothes. 'Mmm it really tasted good…' she said as she kissed her way down to Yuzu's chest. The blonde girl was struck by an idea but before she could act Mei's teeth bit her nipple making her scream out. Pleasure and pain intertwined as her body started to shake, her back arched in an unnatural curve.


The younger girl sucked, sending shivers of pleasure running through her body. Then she interrupted, raising her head she looked straight into Yuzu enchanted eyes. She took part of the cream on her finger, licking it as she enjoyed the taste. The blonde stared at her, desire filling her veins. 'Do you want to share?' Mei passed her finger on Yuzu's lips, teasing her. Then, she kissed her and Yuzu could feel the alcohol and chocolate tastes blending into each other's. 'It's supposed to be an indirect kiss,' she reminded the other girl.

'I am sorry, it just slipped out of my mind'. Mei retreated a bit, starting to unbutton her shirt. 'I'll make up for my mistake,' she added letting her bra follow the shirt on the floor. She guided Yuzu's hands on her exposed breasts, making her squeeze them.

The older girl wasted no more time and went for her neck, kissing her and sucking her skin. 'Mmm…you have such a good taste'.

Mei grinned in response and let one hand slide between Yuzu's legs, while with the other she took another mouthful of liquor. She rubbed the blonde's clit, pressing quite hard in order to get the other girl to scream again. Recalling how Yuzu had claimed to enjoy the sound of her voice before, Mei stated, 'I am going to thoroughly enjoy every single inch of your body, as well as your screams'. That alone was enough for Yuzu to climax, she moved faster against Mei's hand coming hard, her whole body shaking.


'Y-yes Mei…'

'Did I tell you to come yet?'

'No, Mei'.

'You are being reckless again'.

'I'm sor…'

Mei put a finger inside Yuzu, sliding it up and down quite fast, 'Never mind, you are going to come again'.


'Yes?' Mei tuned to look at her. 'What do you need?'

'I wanted…' Yuzu was interrupted by a rush of heat through her body. She was dangerously close to coming again, the feeling of her past orgasm not yet settled.

'What did you want?' Mei asked curiously.

'…You…the chocolate…' she couldn't articulate her thoughts anymore, so she just moved her hand to the table taking the liquor as her sister had previously done. With her dirty fingers, she pointed at Mei, urging her to lick on them. The younger girl removed her hand from Yuzu, using it to pick chocolate as well. 'Do you want to share?' Yuzu parted her lips as a response and Mei sunk her fingers deep into her mouth, receiving hers at the same time. Yuzu felt the other's hips brush against hers, which automatically reacted moving on their own. They were still licking the chocolate off each other's hands when they bodies came at the same time. Waves of pleasure travelled all the way up to their chests, making them shake and breathe faster as if they had been running for hours. Yuzu's lips looked for Mei's as the last jolt went through her spine.

When she finally pulled away, she asked, a bit hesitantly, 'So how did it feel?'

'It tasted like…' Mei paused looking for the right words. 'Pure bliss,' she finally concluded before claiming Yuzu's lips again.